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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:26 am
by Datisi
In post 5093, the worst wrote:How much value is there in reading the stuff I missed today
convince me that ur a townie duck

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:28 am
by skitter30
also don't think tw would set up a lylo with me conftown town, if that helps

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:29 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 5098, skitter30 wrote:
In post 5089, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:If you really take the time to read that game I linked, you will know the level of effort I put into winning as town when I am invested into a game.
i'm not reading an 80-page game for a game taht's already 200 pages. sorry
ok fair but given that I was the highest post count player in that game and I pushed both exec'd scum out including the scum-ledger holder - correctly IDing him:
In post 1942, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 1920, ambic wrote:And this is very interesting. Because, up and until the Mathcam posts where I asked Pooky point-blank what he would do about Rosso if Mathcam flipped Scum or Town and he would not answer. I tried again and took the line that Mathcam was out and out scum (and in the process Mathcam even suggested I go ahead and vote him for it) and asked Pooky what happens regarding Rosso. Pooky's answers make me worry that he is scum, and unconcerned about Mathcam (either as scum buddy or as town), and in that situation Pooky is the flagbearer without question. Or he is protecting Rosso. There would be a big degree of irony if my Shield strategy that I suggested in the middle of melting down turned out to be correct. But occams razor says that its not correct, and I don't want to become guilty of spiralling again.

I have 3 scenarios in my head and these are the probabilities I am assigning to them.

A(70%) - Mathcam is flagbearer - game over town wins

B(28%) - Mathcam is scum and he vengekills me - You guys figure out the rest - I caught 2 scum and I think it's fair to say I did my part.

C(2%) - Mathcam flips town, I'll take a backseat and follow along with whatever I think the best case is, you and farside can drive the bus. I doubt this is the case.
That kind of implies I put a ton of effort into this game and was very interested in winning it as town right?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:30 am
by Raven Branwen
In post 4989, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 4983, skitter30 wrote:
In post 4979, Datisi wrote:sorry i had to get the pagetop. anway i've been rereading around page 126 where mod confirmed pooky's claim was fake and idk raven's reaction seemed a biiiiit... tmi? in like "i still want to execute dsjstr, but let's see what pooky claims now" and like idk?

pooky claims () that he first asked to get executed in and that it was risky but shorty after the vig/bomb fiasco but before that post the tides were pretty turned around against dsjstr...

theoretically i could mabye see an s_s/raven team deciding "oh shit pooky's gonna be a great misexecture tomorrow let's get dsjstr today and pooky in lylo" but like... is this s_s/raven??? i don't think it is?????
don't think raven in ss/raven decides to align with pooky to push ss in lylo
and agree with u on raven around the bomb/vig thing, i quoted that a few pages back
yes but there is just no way raven as my partner decides to not bus me there instead of pushing dsj instead - it's just unfathomably bad play if she and I were scum together.
In post 4990, skitter30 wrote:i mean scum don't always play optimally
So why does scum!me draw that kind of attention to myself and risk putting a huge target on my back to save a doomed buddy? And while I’m not surprised you and Dats would think this but I find it very shocking that SS would.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:31 am
by skitter30
can i just like bop you at this point?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:31 am
by skitter30
In post 5102, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:That kind of implies I put a ton of effort into this game and was very interested in winning it as town right?
k, i was wrong, you were very interested in winning it as town

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:31 am
by the worst
In post 5096, skitter30 wrote:
In post 5093, the worst wrote:How much value is there in reading the stuff I missed today
look at my big mood on the previous page
the big mood is the best post by a mile :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:31 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
what's a bop?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:33 am
by skitter30
Burden of Prociency - you're apparently capable of leading two scum lynches so why haven't you (provably) found scum here yet?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:33 am
by the worst
In post 5100, Datisi wrote:
In post 5093, the worst wrote:How much value is there in reading the stuff I missed today
convince me that ur a townie duck
I can town case myself a bit later if you want. I'd like to wake up first

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:34 am
by Datisi
it's ok i won't read too far into it atm anyway am a bit drunkish

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:36 am
by skitter30
now i'm starting to doubt ss again but that's probably, like, the point of this whole convo

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:37 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 5108, skitter30 wrote:Burden of Prociency - you're apparently capable of leading two scum lynches so why haven't you (provably) found scum here yet?
i did... it's TW/SS

I literally said to lynch me yesterday and go after them D3/D4.

That's the most weight any town player can put into a scum-read. Offering his own death to certify his suspicion.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:41 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
oh you're talking about actually leading the lynch of them? well that's because the people in that fogey game have been my friends and played with me for long enough to be convinced when I am in ranting raving pooky mode and you guys clearly do not believe me.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:42 am
by Raven Branwen
In post 2536, Something_Smart wrote:dsjstr is in this game !! what.

let's kill dsjstr, when someone disappears from my radar THAT much I think they're > rand scum.
In post 2547, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 2506, skitter30 wrote:not if you're scum with aldu ...
Hard disagree?
If Raven is scum with Alduskkel surely she ends his misery now before they give up more associatives?
So what changed then @SS? Why wouldn’t you think I’d do that with Pooky?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:43 am
by the worst
I am currently returning and solemnly swore to try and actually have fun playing mafia. If I was scum here I would have made the shonkiest fakeclaim of all time out of the blue while spending the entire game either trying to die or trying to make this game as hilariously difficult as possible when I'm pretty sure my modus operandi of {shade hard, ""accidentally"" lolhammer asap, kill skitter n1} would have worked fine.

I definitely have strengths as scum but I'm not ~great~ at scum and I do not trust myself to scum in f5-6 against conftown!skitter who I know will reread the game with a fairly broad knowledge of my meta. Like she has misread me before but she has a strong baseline for my tricks.

I can rant more about this if you want but this is not a scumduck.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:43 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
Like what chance did I have to get TW/SS lynched?

You weren't going to listen to me on D2 - so I offered myself as sacrifice in the hope that you would listen to me on D3 but that didn't work out - you didn't listen to me about DSJ and he bit the bullet instead.

Now it's D3 and I think I'm trying my hardest to get TW/SS lynched but you guys still aren't listening to me.

So it's really unfair I think for you to BoP me and ask me "why haven't you gotten TW/SS lynched yet then?"

I haven't gotten them lynched because you and datisi do not believe me.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:44 am
by Raven Branwen
In post 5114, Raven Branwen wrote:
In post 2536, Something_Smart wrote:dsjstr is in this game !! what.

let's kill dsjstr, when someone disappears from my radar THAT much I think they're > rand scum.
In post 2547, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 2506, skitter30 wrote:not if you're scum with aldu ...
Hard disagree?
If Raven is scum with Alduskkel surely she ends his misery now before they give up more associatives?
So what changed then @SS? Why wouldn’t you think I’d do that with Pooky?
2536 wasn’t supposed to be included, so please ignore that.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:44 am
by the worst
In post 5111, skitter30 wrote:now i'm starting to doubt ss again but that's probably, like, the point of this whole convo
is it weird that I'm getting *less* worried about town!ss?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:47 am
by Datisi
what do you mean you're getting *less* worried?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:49 am
by skitter30
i need to not think about this rn

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:49 am
by Raven Branwen
In post 5119, Datisi wrote:what do you mean you're getting *less* worried?

I would love to know that too.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:50 am
by the worst
if SS is scum with Pooky his endgame is pocketing people who will be alive in f3-4 which he is Not doing

if SS is scum with raven I'm not sure raven bothers spending this much time trying to save Pooky?

I don't feel like SS is playing to an endgaming agenda rn?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:51 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
yea cuz SS wins right now when pooky flips green

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:54 am
by the worst