Page 210 of 226

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:52 am
by VP Baltar
Well, essentially there is leeway for one insanity to be chosen differently with how hito made the list. I took mutilation as my sixth insanity, as prescribed by the list. It was an executive decision that I still feel is protown. I think me having access to equipment is more important in late game than people checking me with forensics tools.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:41 am
by Benmage
I was passed a fetish last night for what its worth.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:42 am
by Benmage
Ooo Timewarp

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:42 am
by xvart
Username: xvart
Did you Hear Noise? No
Did you Ward? If so, who? No.
Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions? 2x Rob Grave: Paranoia and Distraction
List all of the insanities you currently have: Twitchy, Solist, Obsession, Suicidal, Compulsion, Necrophilia, Mutilation, Paranoia, Distraction
Did you successfully resuscitate? If so, who? No.
Were you murdered? No.
Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result? No
Are you bloody? No.
Did you Stalk? No
Twitch? *twitch*
Vote: xvart
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: xvart
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: xvart

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:48 am
by Trilobite
Username: Trilobite
Did you Hear Noise? Yes.
Did you Ward? If so, who? No.
Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions? Yes, we were also was passed a fetish. On top of that we Stalked Feysal
List all of the insanities you currently have: 4 - Twitchy, Taboo (commune), compulsion and obession
Did you successfully resuscitate? If so, who? No.
Were you murdered? No.
Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result? No
Are you bloody? No.
Did you Stalk? Yes. Feysal. It was a success.
Twitch? *twitch*
Vote: Trilobite
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart

Several big things have happened already. One of them being that we currently have four people who have all claimed having a fetish passed to them. This is impossible.
The Mod wrote:
Pass Fetish

Up to three (different) non-Cultists.

: The targets acquire a
of themselves, causing them to gain an
cannot gain more than one
per night as a result of this action. The Cultists lose any Fetishes they successfully pass.
: You must be a
to choose this action. The Cult must also possess
of each of your targets.
Side Effects
: Your targets hear
This means there is at least one cult in:


Iec, VP, Nico. Please list all your night actions.

Also, Iec, why didn't you kill Benmage?

Our actions:

Night 0: Searched for a rezz kit
Night 1: Rezzed Hito
Night 2: Rezzed Hito
Night 3: Searched for books, Robbed Furpants (Twitchy)
Night 4: Communed Trig. Failed. (Taboo)
Night 5: Rezzed xvart
Night 6: Rezzed Vas
Night 7: Rezzed xvart
Night 8: Stalked Feysal. Success. (Compulsion, Obsession)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:49 am
by Feysal
Did you Hear Noise?
Did you Ward? If so, who?
Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions?
Hallucination and Marked, from stalking and being passed a fetish
List all of the insanities you currently have:
Twitchy, Solist, Compulsion, Obsession, Hallucination, Marked
Did you successfully resuscitate? If so, who?
Were you murdered?
Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result?
Are you bloody?
Did you Stalk?
Yes, VP Baltar, success
Vote: Feysal
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart

So, Trilobite claims to have stalked me. And I already heard noise from being passed a fetish. If the stalk was real, I'm actually upset about that. The only case they've made against me is about one post from days ago when I did not explain my case on Baby Spice. They did not even object to the case when I explained later. Somehow, they consider it scummy that I did not write that case
at 6 AM, after already pulling an all-nighter to ISO read and sort out my views on three other players
. I wanted to get at least some sleep that night. I explained that long ago, would it be too much for you to even acknowledge that?

Reason I stalked VP Baltar was because I've given up on getting a confirmation that way, I just wanted to assure that the kill would work. The cult has had time to restock their res kits now after resuscitating Andrius and VP, so it was unlikely for VasudeVa's murder to work. If both me and VasudeVa had murdered, resuscitation would not have saved VP any more.

I took Marked rather than Mutilation, since it seems rather unlikely I would be resuscitated in this game, and it is more likely I'd be investigated.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:53 pm
by Nicodemus
Mod: do the rules regarding passing fetishes to 3 non-cultists mean that a maximum of 3 non-cultists can gain an insanity per night, or that 3 non-cultists
per cult member
can gain an insanity?

This is obviously a necessary question, given the number of fetishes claimed today.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:56 pm
by Benmage
Looks like the timewarp is fixed. posts 5226-5228 should be after post 5230.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:10 pm
by Iecerint
I didn't kill Benmage because I thought that was the consensus.

My actions:

N0: Search: Forensic Kit (manho did this)
N1: Search: Resuscitation Kit (manho did this)
N2: Resuscitate: Furpants_Tom (he also rezzed, so this didn't work)
N3: Resuscitate: NoPointInActingUp (= Nacho, he's still OK)
N4: Stalk: BabySpice (but it failed, so we lynched her)
N5: Stalk: AV (but Seacore did, too, and he got to go through with it)
N6: Stalk: kunkstar (but it failed)
N7: Stalk: Benmage (SUCCESS...but then we got nervous about numbers, so I couldn't go through with it)
N8: Forensic Kit: VP Baltar (first instance of non-cosmic tragedy) + got fetish

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:17 pm
by Benmage
Iecerint wrote:I didn't kill Benmage because I thought that was the consensus.
Who gives a fuck about the consensus. Town benmage told you not to.

Whatever scum Trilo says is irrelevant.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:18 pm
by Iecerint
I think it's technically possible that more than 3 dudes can get a fetish in a given night. It's that any ONE cult member can only target up to 3 players.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:18 pm
by Iecerint
Am not saying someone's not lying. Am just saying that it's possible.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:27 pm
by Nachomamma8
Username: Nachomamma8
Did you Hear Noise? Yes.
Did you Ward? If so, who? No.
Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions? Yes, I was passed a fetish. I tabooed my occult books.
List all of the insanities you currently have: 3 - Twitchy, Obsession, Taboo: Occult Books
Did you successfully resuscitate? If so, who? No.
Were you murdered? No.
Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result? No
Are you bloody? No.
Did you Stalk? No
Twitch? *twitch*
Vote: Nachomamma8
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart
Unvote, Vote: Benmage
Unvote, Vote: Xvart

N0: Search: Res Kit
N1: Res: Wicked
N2: Launder
N3: Search: Occult Books
N4: Search: Res Kit
N5: Res: VPB
N6: Cower
N7: Stalk: xvart
N8: Res: Iec

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the cult just decided to give everyone an insanity and kill the person with the lowest amount of them. I don't know what Trilo is talking about, Pass Fetish is an individual action just like everything else. Meaning an individual can pass up to three fetishes.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:15 am
by VP Baltar
Ben, can we get your full start of the day post please?

Seems to me like the cult carpet bombed the town with fetishes. We'll see what Percy says, but that's by guess judging by the fact pretty much everyone has claimed to have gotten one so far.

Feysal, on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that I'm scum?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:41 am
by Trilobite
We forgot that cult could pass to multiple people.

The mechanics of this game are too complicated...

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:28 am
by Trilobite
VP still hasn't claimed his actions.

I can't see any downside to it, so I'd like everyone else to at this point as well.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:50 am
by VP Baltar
I didn't have time to go through all my PMs this morning. :P

Night actions:

N0: Search: Rezz Kit
N1: Search: Occult Books
N2: Graverob: ReaperCharlie, Commune: Trilobite
N3: Search: Forensics Tools
N4: Graverob: Wickedestjr, Stalk: Nicodemous
N5: Stalk: Andrius
N6: Ward: Seacore
N7: Launder
N8: Search: Rezz Kit

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:53 am
by xvart
VP Baltar wrote:N7: Launder
Why did you Launder N7?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:55 am
by VP Baltar
Because I had compulsion and had to launder

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:55 am
by VP Baltar
I took it with the intention of never being bloody, but then I was rezzed so it bit me in the ass.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:44 am
by Nicodemus
Where are Triglav and TNM?

Here are my night actions:

Night 0: Searched for Res Kit (Bowser did this)
Night 1: Res hito
Night 2: Res hito
Night 3: Cowered (took twitchy)
Night 4: Res Seacore
Night 5: Res Seacore, passed a fetish (took solist)
Night 6: Launder
Night 7: Cowered (took Compulsion)
Night 8: Searched for Forensic Tools, passed a fetish (took Obsession)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:21 am
by VP Baltar
Second Nico's question. Let's get these claims out here so we can move ahead here people.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:18 am
by Nicodemus
VP is lying. He said that the reason he didn't take taboo as an insanity was because he thought res kits and occult books were useful, and he couldn't pick up forensic tools because of assigned night actions. But in his night action post, he claims that he picked up Forensic Tools N3, far before he deviated from the insanities list and took Mutilation over Taboo N6. Therefore, his reason for taking Mutilation over Taboo is made up, which means that he really took it to evade damning tests for blood.

Vote: VP Baltar

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:43 am
by VP Baltar
You make a lot of leaps in logic, but I will fully admit that I remembered incorrectly as to when I picked up the FT. I hadn't read through my PMs when you asked me and I thought I had picked them up closer to when I took mutilation.

I took Mutilation as my sixth insanity because it was sixth on hito's list. Maybe I should have taken Taboo, but having equipment is better than being investigated for blood I never planned on picking up. The only reason I got bloody was because of that rezzing, which I certainly did not expect to happen. So, I think you should check what the definition of lying is.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:35 pm
by Percy
Vote Count

*whisper whisper*

VP Baltar - 1
VP Baltar
, Nicodemus)
Iecerint - 0 (
Benmage - 0 (
VP Baltar
VP Baltar
xvart - 0 (
VP Baltar
VP Baltar
Nicodemus - 0 (
Trilobite - 0 (
Feysal - 0 (
Nachomamma8 - (

Not Voting (9) - (Benmage, Feysal, Iecerint, Nachomamma8,
, totallynotmafia, Triglav, Trilobite, VP Baltar, xvart)

A maximum of three players can be targeted per Night per
Pass Fetish

With 10 alive, 6 votes secures a lynch.