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Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:34 am
by buldermar
orcinus_theoriginal wrote:
buldermar wrote:Messed up that last post. "Alright you're probably town for that." is my response to his vote.

Thoughts on his t/s list?

I probably missed it because I was getting sick of his complaining. I'll find it now.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:38 am
by buldermar
SafetyDance wrote:Scum in: buldermar, fferyllt, orcinus_theoriginal
Possible scum in: nero, Lurker
No idea: pitoli, Deltabacon, Syryana

It looks as if he listed the players according to level of activity, lol. Idk, I've gotten into a shitty mood and I'm probably not of much help for tonight. Imma head off to bed and have a fresh look at things tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:38 am
by fferyllt
I don't like SD's no idea list. His probable scum list is wrong IMO but he's consistent with most of the players given my placement in that group.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:39 am
by buldermar
fferyllt wrote:yeah that. (re SD)
Could you just clarify exactly what this means?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:39 am
by fferyllt
buldermar wrote:
fferyllt wrote:yeah that. (re SD)
Could you just clarify exactly what this means?

At the time I tried to post it, you'd said probable town and I was agreeing. Then a shitton of posts happened.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:41 am
by buldermar
Alright, thanks and goodnight.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:43 am
by orcinus_theoriginal
Idk I read his list as tongue in cheek

But if its serious I'm considering voting him

The aggression towards pitoli looks fake and completely unfounded

That and the joke of a list has me wondering

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:44 am
by fferyllt
orcinus_theoriginal wrote:Buldermar, fery, help me out

Go ISO yourself and pick a few posts that you think are representative of important landmarks in the game. Just a few.

We're not doing this, right?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:46 am
by orcinus_theoriginal
fferyllt wrote:
orcinus_theoriginal wrote:Buldermar, fery, help me out

Go ISO yourself and pick a few posts that you think are representative of important landmarks in the game. Just a few.

We're not doing this, right?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:56 am
by fferyllt
SD I can't tell if you want some sort of summary from me or not.

But here goes. It's more or less chronological.

Trust begets paranoia - fferyllt trusts orcinus, orcinus is paranoid about it

Trust begets paranoia - buldermar / fferyllt, not sure trust is the right word for buldermar's starting point, but the wking eventually made me paranoid

paranoia begets paranoia - fferyllt / buldermar, my paranoia about buldermar was reciprocated in spades

paranoia begets trust - buldermar / fferyllt buldermar's reactions to my going after him finally give me something resembling a town read

no fucking idea how orcinus got from paranoia about me to let's the three of us decide who the lynch is. But I still trust he's town.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:43 pm
by Syryana
Back. Catching up now. Have an update soonish.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:32 pm
by Syryana
Alright, the orc/buld/ff spam has me a bit winded, but I got through most of it.

Thoughts: Lurker and deltabacon have posted nothing, so I got nothing. Lurker's vote on buldermar was totally random. Justification?

Vote on buldermar: After reading ff's claim and thinking about it, I decided that it's unlikely to be made up. Bulder's probably gonna shit on me for this, but I don't see scumFF dropping a name like Kara when pretending to be a VT. My first thought was "Kara Thrace, VT, lolnowai". Kat, Dualla, Callie, hell even Tori or Ellen Tigh would be a better name drop for a VT. She goes with Kara though, and the more I thought about it the less sense a scum VT claim would use Kara makes. Claim a PR or claim an obvious VT role, but claiming a great possible PR name and claiming VT makes zero sense from a scum perspective.

This led into my Buldermar vote. The guy went from WKing FF hardcore to now (if I'm getting info from his quotewalls correctly) wanting to have her lynched most of all. What most prompted my vote was his apparent obtuseness in dealing with her claim; he seemed to be twisting it to get her lynched at any cost. That and the 180 from WKer to guy with the rope was what prompted my vote at the time.

However, after leading the latest pages, I found FF's latest post to be most illuminating; detailing the paranoia/trust circle that's been going on between her, buldermar and orcinus. It seems to me that these three players know each other well enough (and have been spamming the thread enough) to be paranoid about being fooled by each other. Looking at these interactions from the outside, it's looking TvTvT.

Working under that assumption, I have: Lurker, Nero, deltabacon, pitoli, SafetyDance. Lurker voted Buld with no reasoning, love to hear justification. Nero's still trolling his ass off, with occasional not-anti-town posts peppered in for good measure. Delta hasn't said a word in 15ish pages. SafetyDance is null leaning town.

@Safety: Was that list of reads you gave serious?

I liked pitoli's responses to her initial wagon and I was leaning towards town, but I really don't like her #517. She calls me opportunistic scum for "voting buldermar as soon as available so it wouldn't look like I was backing off FF". That's an awful case. Opportunistic scum would have left FF at L-1 and waited for a hammer. Not only that, but scum backing off a case
to side with the person he made the case against
to lynch someone else with no votes on them is madness. Also, even though she says I'm a good idea for a day lynch, she doesn't vote for me. Feels like she's testing the waters with her case before she dives in and votes me.

In short, Pitoli, Nero or Lurker.
VOTE: pitoli

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:05 pm
by fferyllt
Thank god somebody got it re Kara and the stupidity of a VT fake claim.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:17 pm
by Syryana
fferyllt wrote:Thank god somebody got it re Kara and the stupidity of a VT fake claim.

I don't think it's the VT claim so much as the combination of Kara and VT. I think as scum you'd be more interested in blending back in by presenting a more reasonable claim than that.

Of course on the flip side you could have done just that to make me think you're town knowing that it makes no sense to claim such as scum, but I'm trying not to let my paranoia get ahead of me.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:17 pm
by Syryana
What do you think of my points about you/orc/buldermar, FF? Also about my points on pitoli.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:31 pm
by fferyllt
You have described it as I see it re buldermar and orc. described it based on my post 534 so that wasn't too hard to nail.

I see your logic re pitoli. I thought her post sounded an off note. Was surprised that orcinus jumped as hard as he did over SD FoSing her for the post.

I'm p much damaged goods as far as bandwagon building goes, but I'd seriously consider her for a vote. Based on their posts about/to SD over his FoS, I don't think buldermar or orcinus would agree at this time.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:44 pm
by Syryana
I like pitoli for a lynch today, or Nero. Pitoli's keeps saying these scummy things and Nero's one of the most anti-town players I've ever come across.

I'm not as sold on Lurker yet. I played a game with him before and he played a lot like he's doing right now. Want to see his justification on buldermar before deciding.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:46 pm
by fferyllt
kinda un-FoSing syryana here.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:49 pm
by Syryana
That's awful nice of you <3

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by fferyllt
SD do you have any comment on Nero's intimations about you?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:46 pm
by fferyllt
I came here to post something...I don't remember what after reading the last page again.

I'm probably around for another hour max and then off to sleep. Hope to pass someone in the night.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:03 pm
by orcinus_theoriginal
I hate people calling out pitoli for 517, she said it was a quick note before she went to bed and I think calling her out for it is opportunistic as fuck

Syryana is probably the same alignment as fery

Honestly speaking fery: how much is the interest of self preservation screwing with your reads right now?

VOTE: Lurker

I feel like we want to policy lynch today and maybe tomorrow will be more productive because I have no freaking clue who anyone is anymore.

I have buldermar town, fery as DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT, Syryana completely dependent on Fery's alignment, the rest all varying levels of lean scum

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:10 pm
by fferyllt
orcinus_theoriginal wrote:I hate people calling out pitoli for 517, she said it was a quick note before she went to bed and I think calling her out for it is opportunistic as fuck

Syryana is probably the same alignment as fery

Honestly speaking fery: how much is the interest of self preservation screwing with your reads right now?

VOTE: Lurker

I feel like we want to policy lynch today and maybe tomorrow will be more productive because I have no freaking clue who anyone is anymore.

I have buldermar town, fery as DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT, Syryana completely dependent on Fery's alignment, the rest all varying levels of lean scum

I think the fact that I was considering a syryana lynch on your say-so is an indicator that my read was a little coerced.

I've gotten some distance, though. I'm not going to do what you tell me to do vote-wise under penalty of lynch if I don't comply. I'm town. My reads are town-motivated and I've stopped worrying about my lynch. I can be persuaded you are right about stuff. I do respect your reads after that abortion of a nightless game. But, this gun to your head shit won't work on me again.

This could be the wine speaking, but I don't think so. It's not the first time in my mafia career that I've told someone that I'm not their bitch.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:11 pm
by orcinus_theoriginal
When have I ever put a gun to your head and told you to vote somewhere or be lynched?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:13 pm
by fferyllt
orcinus_theoriginal wrote:gun to

Oh...I don't know.