Now, I see nothing about refuting the flavor, style, or description of DoS's false townie claim. YByellowbounder wrote:I'm posting.Worship me.
Why is Glork quoting this? Is he putting it in context?Glork wrote:Frozen Atlantic wrote:Seriously, town.Stop letting this dude think for you.It's embarrassing.
DragonsofSummer wrote:*Sigh* well at least you have a power role to claim... being a normal townie sucks in these situations.Vanilla townie is a bad thing to claim you could argue, since it rarely saves you from lynch, and if you survive the wagon, then arugeably scum will not pick you for a random night kill, in order to increase the likelyhood of hitting a power role.DragonsofSummer wrote:I didn't really even have one. It just said that I was a scared customer.pete d wrote:a flavor might help?
Scum also tend to claim townie, since there is no legitimate counterclaim, (unless the game is open, the number of vanillas are known, and that number have already claimed, or something like that), but that doesn't automatically make DoS scum, it just raises an eyebrow on my part.
Let's look, like Amb has done for himself, at what happens if we lynch DoS.
If DoS is town (assuming he is telling the truth, since if he is town, why would he lie?*), then we shouldn't lynch him,since we kill a townie, decreasing the town, and increasing the chance of a power role being hit by a random nightkill. **
Although I am suspisious of anyone making a townie claim, for my above mentioned reasons, DoS seems fairly protown ish to me.
If some one disagrees, then my all means quote the suspicious postsin context. Nothing sucks more than your posts being taken out of context.
* If he had some sort of you-claim-you-lose power role, or some sort of thing, like a cop who doesn't want to be nightkilled, then possibly he could be lying. But I'm discounting this.
** Amb may have claimed, so if he isn't scum, doctors are generally targeted. Or he could be purposefully not targetted by scum, which causes us to lynch him since the scum didn't kill him. ***
*** Yes, this is WIFOM. That's why I didn't mention it directly.
It seems to me that based on StallingChamp's response, all of the townies have some similar/identical flavor or characteristics, which DoS failed to acknowledge. It also seems as though the discrepancy SC found between his own role and DoS's claim should be pretty obvious. That begs the question: Why didn't YB mention the flavor at all? He says that he's suspicious of DoS for claiming to be a Townie, but not for the way in which he described his Townie role.
This leads me to believe that YB is probably lying... but I'll let somebody with a bit more knowledge/experience (such as SC himself, perhaps) weigh in on that subject.