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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:43 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 517, Yeet wrote:No, we don't "all" know that it's bullshit... why would you say that?
Do you think the readlist was genuine at the time it was made and do you think the response when I asked her to elaborate her reads were unsuspicious? I read it as dodging questions with an OMGUS. Check that part of the thread again.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:44 pm
by VP Baltar
VOTE: monkey for now as my first serious vote.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:44 pm
by DeasVail
In post 515, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 288, Nero Cain wrote:I am tentatively at


so the other 2 scum are in

Save The Dragons
Eyes without a face
This sounds more like the town nero I know. Nothing solid yet but a town lean. :lol:
So a readslist on Page 12 is a lot different from a readslist on Page 8?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:44 pm
by Aristeia
In post 513, Yeet wrote:Aristeia, why do you think Datisi is town?
His reactions and thread presence feels unscripted and off the cuff. I expect scum him to be more planned out and careful in how he engages with the thread.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:44 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 521, Aristeia wrote:I don't think this is an excuse to go "lol" and thread ghost
Still no elaboration from you. What's up with that?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:46 pm
by Yeet
In post 528, Aristeia wrote:
In post 513, Yeet wrote:Aristeia, why do you think Datisi is town?
His reactions and thread presence feels unscripted and off the cuff. I expect scum him to be more planned out and careful in how he engages with the thread.
Thank you. I will reconsider on Datisi.

@Human I will take a look at that readslist again.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:46 pm
by Aristeia
In post 525, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 517, Yeet wrote:No, we don't "all" know that it's bullshit... why would you say that?
Do you think the readlist was genuine at the time it was made and do you think the response when I asked her to elaborate her reads were unsuspicious? I read it as dodging questions with an OMGUS. Check that part of the thread again.
I asked you which read you wanted me to elaborate on because I don't feel like answering busy work questions.

I expect you as town to have your own reads and be asking me for clarification on reads that you find to be likely to be fake or made up based on comparison to your own reads.

Instead of doing that - you continued to dodge as if you had no reads of your own to compare to mine.

Furthermore when called out on this, you said "lol" and then decided to leave the thread.

I find the last part particularly unlikely for you to do if you're town and you think scum!me is fabricating reads.

This latest accusation about how I'm "omgusing" you is pretty strange since afair you never really voted me? weren't you literally just yesterday telling me you just wanted to understand my thought process?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:47 pm
by tenebrousluminary
In post 524, fireisredsir wrote:have kind of a hard time believing that monkey really thinks there's no way ari and datisi can be town here. this aggressive posturing feels a bit bluff-y to me
overblown, but I think monkey is making a better argument than Ari right now.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:47 pm
by Eyes without a face
In post 307, VP Baltar wrote:Oh hello 13 pages. Is this game serious already?
Lucky you. I came on to 20 pages and flirted with the idea I should not mention in the open (as the rules state not to) then decided to stick around and see what happens.

Nero townread solidified. That's aggressive enough and careless enough for him to be much more likely town than scum.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:47 pm
by Aristeia
In post 529, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 521, Aristeia wrote:I don't think this is an excuse to go "lol" and thread ghost
Still no elaboration from you. What's up with that?
Which read do you disagree with and why?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:48 pm
by Yeet
In post 523, VP Baltar wrote:Yeet - wild noob read after wild noob read. Somewhat question if Yeet is not an alt though, in which case maybe this means nothing.
I am not sure what this entire sentence means.

I am alt of an account that I would prefer not to disclose. I have played a few games on this site. I don't believe I've played with anyone here, unless I one of them is/has an alt that I played with.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:48 pm
by Aristeia
In post 532, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 524, fireisredsir wrote:have kind of a hard time believing that monkey really thinks there's no way ari and datisi can be town here. this aggressive posturing feels a bit bluff-y to me
overblown, but I think monkey is making a better argument than Ari right now.
Would you like to explain your thought process ? : )

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:49 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 525, humaneatingmonkey wrote:Do you think the readlist was genuine at the time it was made and do you think the response when I asked her to elaborate her reads were unsuspicious? I read it as dodging questions with an OMGUS. Check that part of the thread again.
how is dodging the question?

"sure which one are you interested in?"

that sounds like directly engaging with your question

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:49 pm
by Yeet
In post 524, fireisredsir wrote:have kind of a hard time believing that monkey really thinks there's no way ari and datisi can be town here. this aggressive posturing feels a bit bluff-y to me
Bluffy in a scum way or a town way or equally likely to be either?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:50 pm
by Nordom
I'm not reading Monkey as scum. He's been pretty abrasive and loose, but I don't think get a maf vibe from.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:51 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 531, Aristeia wrote:This latest accusation about how I'm "omgusing" you is pretty strange since afair you never really voted me? weren't you literally just yesterday telling me you just wanted to understand my thought process?
no i thought you were bullshitting your readslist and i want to understand if there's a glimmer of town in there to sort your slot better. there is none, or you would have responded differently.

if it's not clear, i mainly don't believe any of those reads were real. specifying which read was unproductive, because i do not believe all of it. however, it would have been nice to hear you explain them and give light on where your head at that point instead of the omgus i received.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:51 pm
by Aristeia
In post 529, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 521, Aristeia wrote:I don't think this is an excuse to go "lol" and thread ghost
Still no elaboration from you. What's up with that?
I don't answer busywork questions because it's a waste of my time and it's generally not very useful for moving the game state forward.

I can give you every reason for every read but it would not help me understand what your thought process is or what you are interested in.

The fact that you can't answer an easy question like "which read are you interested in" and then you begin dodging and shouting "OMGUS!" and "Why won't you answer me!?" is kind of an awful look for you.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:52 pm
by Aristeia
In post 540, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 531, Aristeia wrote:This latest accusation about how I'm "omgusing" you is pretty strange since afair you never really voted me? weren't you literally just yesterday telling me you just wanted to understand my thought process?
no i thought you were bullshitting your readslist and i want to understand if there's a glimmer of town in there to sort your slot better. there is none, or you would have responded differently.

if it's not clear, i mainly don't believe any of those reads were real. specifying which read was unproductive, because i do not believe all of it. however, it would have been nice to hear you explain them and give light on where your head at that point instead of the omgus i received.
if you think all of my reads are fake it's pretty dumb for you to not just pick one

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:52 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 537, fireisredsir wrote:that sounds like directly engaging with your question
check the joke dismissal she makes after i make it clear that i'm interested in her slot, not her reads.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:52 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 258, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 248, fua wrote:I scumread Tenebro hard based on 116 and the attempt to defuse suspicion by essentially saying it’s just a bandwagon
I don't remember doing this. What do you mean?
In post 259, fua wrote:“I’m so popular, everyone is looking at me” is basically a degradation of the reason to actually suspect you and dismisses it as a trend rather than a veritable case.
In post 260, tenebrousluminary wrote:I am not sure how you got that idea from what I wrote, but okay.

It would be difficult for me to think any case against me had merit when I know it to be wrong.
In post 261, fua wrote:Yes, but I would think you would at least go and defend your position or acknowledge the votes on you. Your playstyle so far has been very dismissive and I find that that typically comes from scum.
Fua looks objectively terrible in this exchange, and isn't even scumreading Tenesbro's for the correct reason (which is that reads like pocketing of Yeet.)

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:53 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 538, Yeet wrote:
In post 524, fireisredsir wrote:have kind of a hard time believing that monkey really thinks there's no way ari and datisi can be town here. this aggressive posturing feels a bit bluff-y to me
Bluffy in a scum way or a town way or equally likely to be either?
i don't know monkey well enough to know if he would be over-aggressive and bluff as town, but his other behavior looks scummy enough to me that I am comfortable reading this as fitting in line with that

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:53 pm
by Aristeia
Like honestly what are you even doing? You think I made up a bunch of random reads on page eight?


and when I give you the chance to quiz me / go in depth on any read and talk it out, you dodge and then go "lol" and ghost the thread?

now you come back and start screaming that I'm OMGUSing you for you refusing to engage with me? like what are you even on?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:53 pm
by Yeet
I am on Aristeia's side in this discussion, but I think humaneatingmonkey is possibly town anyway. I think this is TvT with Aristeia stronger town to me, to be clear

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:54 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 217, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 208, Aristeia wrote:here is my way too early vibe list:

good vibes:

yeet, frogster, fire, skitter, datisi, std


gwu, cape90, deasvail,


tenebro, monkey
can you explain each slot
In post 219, Aristeia wrote:
In post 217, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 208, Aristeia wrote:here is my way too early vibe list:

good vibes:

yeet, frogster, fire, skitter, datisi, std


gwu, cape90, deasvail,


tenebro, monkey
can you explain each slot
sure which one are you interested in?
In post 221, humaneatingmonkey wrote:im interested in you, a person who has a readlist with minimal interaction thus far and a blatant buddy attempt
In post 222, Aristeia wrote:I read myself as town because I can see my role PM : )
In post 223, Aristeia wrote:if you are going to accuse me of read fabrication you should at least have a disagreement with one of my reads
In post 224, humaneatingmonkey wrote:ah, what i mean is i'm generally more interested in your thought process.
In post 225, Aristeia wrote:on which read?
In post 227, humaneatingmonkey wrote:are the reads fabricated? maybe. i just wanna learn more about you and why you thought to include the people you had in your townvibes and the people who had on your scumvibes. they seem strong enough vibes to be willing to put it out there.

why are you delaying the conversation, dont you wanna talk about your reads
In post 229, Aristeia wrote:I am looking for a geniune thought process on your part

which implies you looked at my list and thought "this doesn't make sense"

the fact I've asked you twice now for which read is out of place to you and you haven't been able to respond off the cuff makes me think you're likelier to be scum here in the sense that you haven't actually evaluated my reads and compared them to yours because you have no reads.
In post 231, humaneatingmonkey wrote:whatever. just talk to me about your reads.
In post 232, Aristeia wrote:btw there was a gimme in the readlist in the sense that STD has only one post and i have him at townread and if you were actually inspecting the readlist - that should've jumped out to you.

Kind of a layup gimme that I gave you but I don't think you care because you didn't even notice it.
In post 233, Aristeia wrote:so thanks for stepping on that trap : )

VOTE: monkey
posting this as a column so people can get context

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:55 pm
by Yeet
If someone told me to explain every single one of my 10 reads that I went out of my way to provide, I would also probably tell them to limit their request to a few.

I also had Save The Dragons as town, for the record, in my earlier readslist, so I'm also pleasantly surprised to see Aristeia coming to a similar conclusion.