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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:22 am
by tenebrousluminary
I do not think I want to kill Titus anymore.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:22 am
by MathBlade
Malcolm Wu and HEM are ALL flipped town

Yet VP continues to push the Math bad narrative when not a single one of you/Galron/April/VP have flipped

Malcolm goes to a strong town read to poof magically scum when convienient and that’s if I pretend VP scumread Malcolm at all

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:22 am
by Nero Cain
In post 5321, Titus wrote:Your very stubborn in my eyes and can mask that to push town.
your boi over there VP has flipped 2 town, I haven't. Why do you think VP is town?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:22 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5277, Titus wrote:I need to reset somewhere unless all the town on VP are agency captured.
I think fire and tene are probably the most likely town there. Obviously Math is gone until he gets his way or a scum flip makes him realize he is wrong. Frogster will join my wagon whenever he shows up. (I am assuming he is avoiding the thread as scum ploy until scrutiny is sufficiently redirected onto the 1v1 that Nero wants because there are not actual answers to the way he played around glaron yesterday).

The level of agency capture needed to make my wagon a perpetual issue is probably smaller than you think. It's been the same group of people confbiasing since day 1 or so. The problem is that my play is pretty obvious town over time to people reading the game, so the wagon can't get up above six typically.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:23 am
by MathBlade
In post 5325, tenebrousluminary wrote:I do not think I want to kill Titus anymore.
Why not? She’s like doing blatant scum!Titus

Misrep and discredit and ignore

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:23 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5327, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 5321, Titus wrote:Your very stubborn in my eyes and can mask that to push town.
your boi over there VP has flipped 2 town, I haven't. Why do you think VP is town?
why do you keep acting like Malcom was my wagon?

Also, you haven't flipped anyone. That's not +town. It shows TMI.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:24 am
by fireisredsir
vp brought more attention to the yeet soft than nero did, so he prob shouldn't be using that as a scum reason. he just did it in a way that was dressed up to look towny, while nero was just more blunt about it after it was already obvious

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:24 am
by MathBlade
In post 5330, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5327, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 5321, Titus wrote:Your very stubborn in my eyes and can mask that to push town.
your boi over there VP has flipped 2 town, I haven't. Why do you think VP is town?
why do you keep acting like Malcom was my wagon?

Also, you haven't flipped anyone. That's not +town. It shows TMI.
Because it de facto was

Sure April pushed but so did you.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:25 am
by tenebrousluminary
In post 5329, MathBlade wrote:
In post 5325, tenebrousluminary wrote:I do not think I want to kill Titus anymore.
Why not? She’s like doing blatant scum!Titus

Misrep and discredit and ignore
I don't see any of these things. It looks like an honest attempt to work with you to me. I know that's not what you want to hear right now.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:26 am
by tenebrousluminary
Titus, what is "agency captured" and how does it differ from being wrong?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:27 am
by MathBlade
It’s even more scummy if you say Malcolm isn’t your wagon because then you’re pushing no one all of yesterday and your posts are just post bloat

In the best possible light for you VP the Malcolm wagon is yours. The three wagons yesterday were you Galron and Malcolm. You TR’d Galron. So…

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:27 am
by tenebrousluminary
In post 5328, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5277, Titus wrote:I need to reset somewhere unless all the town on VP are agency captured.
I think fire and tene are probably the most likely town there. Obviously Math is gone until he gets his way or a scum flip makes him realize he is wrong. Frogster will join my wagon whenever he shows up. (I am assuming he is avoiding the thread as scum ploy until scrutiny is sufficiently redirected onto the 1v1 that Nero wants because there are not actual answers to the way he played around glaron yesterday).

The level of agency capture needed to make my wagon a perpetual issue is probably smaller than you think. It's been the same group of people confbiasing since day 1 or so. The problem is that my play is pretty obvious town over time to people reading the game, so the wagon can't get up above six typically.
I wonder if you could go 10 consecutive posts without insulting or discrediting one or more players who suspect you. Ides of March resolution, perhaps?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:29 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5290, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1111, VP Baltar wrote:Sigh....I kind of like fua for this exchange with fire.

Also I think Malcom is town.


Maybe the best approach here is dueling HEM and Wu wagons since that seems to be a divide that is shaping up and I could see a world where either flips scum.
This wasn't even remotely close to EOD or where our reads were at on each other at that point. What is this supposed to prove in your eyes?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:29 am
by Nero Cain
In post 5330, VP Baltar wrote:Also, you haven't flipped anyone. That's not +town. It shows TMI.
then flip already. I pushed Wu then changed my mind for reasons that you and Skitter chose to ignore so you could play the ignorance card and you've been my main suspect ever since.

so flip and make me look like shit

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:31 am
by MathBlade
In post 5333, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 5329, MathBlade wrote:
In post 5325, tenebrousluminary wrote:I do not think I want to kill Titus anymore.
Why not? She’s like doing blatant scum!Titus

Misrep and discredit and ignore
I don't see any of these things. It looks like an honest attempt to work with you to me. I know that's not what you want to hear right now.
Misrep => Already addressed in where she doesn’t state my posts as they are
Discredit => continued negativity
Ignore => Asking me to repeat what I already did and then when I do she’s constantly looking for holes

If she was actively working with me she’d just summarize what my thoughts are

I don’t think she can as she’d agree

VP’s pushes are inconsistent => Progression from Malcolm TR to Malcolm SR is non existent. It’s a light switch flip when convenient. Says scum in hood => Devotes little to no time hunting there until just recently.

VP defends Galron even after Galron admitted to faking reads. Town doesn’t fake reads

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:32 am
by MathBlade
In post 5337, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5290, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1111, VP Baltar wrote:Sigh....I kind of like fua for this exchange with fire.

Also I think Malcom is town.


Maybe the best approach here is dueling HEM and Wu wagons since that seems to be a divide that is shaping up and I could see a world where either flips scum.
This wasn't even remotely close to EOD or where our reads were at on each other at that point. What is this supposed to prove in your eyes?
That you have been continually and consistently pushing town all game.

Anyone who doesn’t agree is “bad” or “wrong”.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:33 am
by Save The Dragons
VOTE: VP Baltar E-2

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:36 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5309, MathBlade wrote:Calling someone scum and pushing them are two different things.

This is also 2000 posts later.
Yep, I held powder until I felt confident I had found the scum in the hood. Why does that make me scum? Like, you're in this Nero world that first movers in the hood are somehow +town, but I don't think that makes any sense. Cape didn't really push limming in the hood, but thinks there is prob scum in there. Does that make him scum as well? Unlikely.

I can find people's play scummy and not be certain on their alignment, especially when it is a person who has the personality of a tween and calls people "wus". I'm not going to engage with that kind of idiocy unless I am sure on my read.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:37 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5340, MathBlade wrote:
In post 5337, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5290, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1111, VP Baltar wrote:Sigh....I kind of like fua for this exchange with fire.

Also I think Malcom is town.


Maybe the best approach here is dueling HEM and Wu wagons since that seems to be a divide that is shaping up and I could see a world where either flips scum.
This wasn't even remotely close to EOD or where our reads were at on each other at that point. What is this supposed to prove in your eyes?
That you have been continually and consistently pushing town all game.

Anyone who doesn’t agree is “bad” or “wrong”.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:38 am
by MathBlade
In post 5342, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5309, MathBlade wrote:Calling someone scum and pushing them are two different things.

This is also 2000 posts later.
Yep, I held powder until I felt confident I had found the scum in the hood. Why does that make me scum? Like, you're in this Nero world that first movers in the hood are somehow +town, but I don't think that makes any sense. Cape didn't really push limming in the hood, but thinks there is prob scum in there. Does that make him scum as well? Unlikely.

I can find people's play scummy and not be certain on their alignment, especially when it is a person who has the personality of a tween and calls people "wus". I'm not going to engage with that kind of idiocy unless I am sure on my read.
Not how scumhunting is

If you have information/likelihood scum in the hood you talk about them. Force them to do things to sort them.

Instead anytime someone tries it’s talk about someone else time

Use the hood to find the scum not “woe is me scum is here so I can’t use it”

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:39 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5322, Nero Cain wrote:I had none
Could have stopped typing here because that's the point.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:39 am
by Titus
I can't post muxh bc driving. I may miss things and cannot do citations or check them however I think a few things need responding to.

Tene, agency captured is a town player who unwittingly works for scum. I highly suspect that to be happening given the miseliminations on town. That's part of why I feel a need to stoo this wagon. It's major cog dis.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:40 am
by MathBlade
In post 5345, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5322, Nero Cain wrote:I had none
Could have stopped typing here because that's the point.
Damn more dodging the question wow

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:40 am
by VP Baltar
In post 5322, Nero Cain wrote:whats the protown motivation of sitting on a wagon that you thought was going to flip town?
I know my role PM is green. I did not know Malcom's. I also gained info about where April is pushing.

I already answered this question over night in the hood and I believe once in the thread. Why do you keep asking it other than to repeat the same talking points you've already been dismantled on?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:41 am
by MathBlade
In post 5346, Titus wrote:I can't post muxh bc driving. I may miss things and cannot do citations or check them however I think a few things need responding to.

Tene, agency captured is a town player who unwittingly works for scum. I highly suspect that to be happening given the miseliminations on town. That's part of why I feel a need to stoo this wagon. It's major cog dis.
Again how:

Fire tene and myself surely all can’t be “agency captured”.

Why do you feel this way?

Where is the cognitive dissonance?

Is it simply you TR VP?