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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:02 pm
by mastina
In post 5213, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Feel like Toog claim is real since it’d be weird fake claim from scum since we already have ascetic type role in Tictac.
And flavour checks out.
Norwee Toog is a
flavor expert

flavor for a claim checks out.

But the thing about Toogeloo's claim?

It's a scum fakeclaim.


inherent to Toogeloo's claim is an inability to prove the claim true

Not ONLY in the claimed gated shots, but ALSO in targeting A DEAD TOWNIE, and FURTHERMORE in the ambiguity of 'negative actions'.

That's literally a triple-whammy of "this role cannot be proven in any way shape or form".
That's a triple-whammy of "this role cannot be shown to be fake from another role".

It's pretty damn clearly a fakeclaim so shame on you for fucking buying it.
In post 5221, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Although considering Took has master knowledge of the game and is apparently flavour expert maybe i shouldn’t use that to solve Galron allignment, never mind that.
You mean the flavor expert that:
Didn't wait for Grendel to claim flavor?
Didn't go hard against Ircher?
Didn't ask for TWIE's flavor/role?
And said THIS about Galron?

That flavor expert?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:45 pm
by mastina
In post 5231, Toogeloo wrote:Why is mastina so high? She's jack all this game.
Funny you say that. Because you know what?

There's a way to prove that.

It's called an iso.

So let's do a little math.

How many posts have I made?

As of this one? 86 going on 87.

How many of those posts have had no content in them? Let's literally count them all. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, mayyyybe-ten (debatable), mayyybe-another (also debatable). So let's say that between the two debatable each is half of a no-content post rounding the total out to ten.

Now let's do some simple addition. (Actually subtraction but it's a Macklemore lyric.)
What's 86/87 - 10?
Why, pretty simple!

That'd be 76/77.

Okay, so now let's do a little more advanced math, a little thing called division!

What's 77/87? (Or if you prefer, 76/86)
0.8850574712643678--which is 88.50574712643678% content. (Or if you prefer, 88.37209302325581% content.)

Almost a 90% content ratio! Where 9/10 of my posts are making content!

That sure doesn't sound like I've done jack all game. It sounds a lot to me like I've been posting content the entire fucking game.

But hey! Let's go check the nature of the content, just to be sure! After all, not all content is created equal, right? So maybe I'm telling the truth about the content being there but being misleading about how good it is? So let's see if the posts are shit!
In post 281, mastina wrote:VOTE: Ircher
A vote on scum? That doesn't look like I'm doing nothing.
In post 493, mastina wrote:
In post 7, Roden wrote:VOTE: Greeting
In post 12, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Ah shit, here we go again.
In post 19, Malakittens wrote:Going to be VLA for a couple days. My mom is Covid positive and I’m either Covid positive or I got the flu, but waiting on results. I just can’t stay awake for more than a couple minutes right now :/
In post 6, Arcade Pals wrote:Second
For tunneling me last game
In post 5, Ircher wrote:First
In post 18, Cephrir wrote:Good evening
VOTE: Bell
In post 497, mastina wrote:
In post 29, Tet wrote:I start the game informed that LLD is red.
In post 34, Bell wrote:Folks.
In post 45, The Three Bears wrote:VOTE: mastina
In post 31, Greeting wrote:Greetings!
In post 46, Princess Elodie wrote:VOTE: The three bears
Why, it looks like these reads seem to have all been good ones!
In post 498, mastina wrote:

Save The Dragons
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa)



(this read would later drop)


Lady Lambdadelta

Princess Elodie
(this read would later go up)

(okay this read was lower than ideal so this is one miss)

(this read would skyrocket up later)


(this read was uncertain until Mizzy's game finished at which point it shot straight up to conftown)

(okay this read was much lower than ideal so this is miss #2)

Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR)


It's not
, but this looks like it's pretty damn good for D1!
In post 500, mastina wrote:
In post 328, SirCakez wrote:
(me locking was just trolling and not game related)
For the record, this is bad modding as it has a direct influence on the game, namely? I'm conftowning both LLD and Three Bears from it. Buthey, I won't complain from having two conftown from bad modding practices. :P
Literally conftowning two slots sure is doing nothing! :roll: I could do a lot of these too since a lot of my reads I explain in the iso.

So let's skip ahead, shall we?
In post 621, mastina wrote:
In post 608, Arcade Pals wrote:These?
Yes, but also:
In post 506, mastina wrote:Lady Lambdadelta
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa)
Save The Dragons

Princess Elodie



Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR)

This is, very obviously, Cephrir's scumgame. LLD was dead on the money with her accusation there. If I wasn't sheeping LLD's vote on Ircher I'd be voting Ceph to be honest because he's transparently scum and has been since page two.

This is, very obviously, not Ircher's towngame. LLD's suspicion there is dead on the money and her accusation there is good, so I am all too happy to sheep her there because she's right.

Arcade Pals instantly gave off incredibly bad vibes and while they're not as lockscum as Ircher and Cephrir are, they're still pretty damn suspect.

Toogeloo is a blank for me because they're Toog, honestly. I don't know how to read Toog. I just don't. And even if I thought I could (I know I can't), from Toog's content so far, I've got no read one way or another.

T3's content so far has been distressingly not town, but also not alarmingly scum.

Mush I can't get a read on, but I'm sheeping LLD's townread there.

Greeting is obviously town and pretty damn transparently so.
Ditto with Princess Elodie.

Malakittens I feel doesn't make her V/LA post in the way she did if she's scum so I think that she's town here.
tictac has made it instantly and very obvious that he's town here, from not just the claim but also play, where he's pushing, etc.
Roden, this is the town Roden I've seen before I'm like 90% sure of that.
Tet, knowing who Tet is, is very very VERY obviously town playing their towngame.
This is the towniest Norwee has ever been ever, so he's just obvtown.
StD is also the towniest he's ever been, at least if you know his meta (which by now, I do). This is NOT StD as scum, at all, whatsoever.
Bell's an open book to read. He's posting so he's town. Purely by play, this is my strongest townread.
LLD and The Three Bears are genuinely modslipped to be conftown. Even if they weren't, I think that LLD's town here and The Three Bears are quite painfully obviously town. Three Bears would probably be my second-strongest townread behind Bell (although with StD and Norwee in the running with Tet not far behind, it's a very close call since genuinely Three Bears StD Norwee Tet and Bell are all just THAT town this game), but the modslip elevates them even higher.

All of these reads I'm incredibly confident in and I legit think that this is genuinely my best D1 readslist of all time.
This looks like I am actually explaining my reads! And not having them left as empty.

I could quote a whole lot more but let's keep it fairly succinct and skip ahead some!
In post 2908, mastina wrote:
In post 2403, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:
Oh hey are we actually going to eliminate Ircher here?

We're not going to accept his bullshit and wait until D4 to eliminate him?

We can actually eliminate scum on D2?


VOTE: Ircher

(I honestly don't care how close Ircher is to elimination, I'm voting Ircher because Ircher is scum.)
Wouldn't you know it? I voted scum D2 as well as D1!
In post 3914, mastina wrote:
In post 3851, The Three Bears wrote:Massy you said you'd help me. Please help me im really bad at putting my thoughts into words.
Help on what? Pushing Dunn or defending you?

Because I can do both. <3

VOTE: Dunnstral
Well would you look at that? I voted scum on D4 as well! That's confirmed three out of six days I voted scum and if Ceph is scum it's genuinely 6/6.
In post 4975, mastina wrote:Oh hey I can now state my read on Galron: Galron is town.

I was in two games with Galron at the same time.

In both games, Galron's play was looking fairly identical. Similar content, similar posting frequency, similar tone, etc.

I didn't know what alignment Galron was in either game but the similarity between them meant there was a high chance that Galron was the same alignment in both.

Which was even further reinforced by this:
In post 1516, Galron wrote:
In post 1506, Scorpious wrote:1-shot Neapolitan
Another weak claim but because it's weak it lends support to Ircher's weak claim.
In post 1521, Galron wrote:
In post 1516, Galron wrote:
In post 1506, Scorpious wrote:1-shot Neapolitan
Another weak claim but because it's weak it lends support to Ircher's weak claim.
I'm getting games mixed up
What game was Galron getting Mizzy's game mixed up with? I'm pretty sure that Galron was getting Mizzy's game mixed up with
game, due to being the same alignment and maybe same role in both.

Now, obviously.

This isn't 100%.

Galron could just be similar superficially regardless of alignment so the two games could be two different alignments.

Galron could get a towngame and a scumgame confused so the two games could be two different alignments.

So this isn't like "100% locktown" level of town, but like: statistically speaking, I think that there's a much higher chance of Galron being town.
And I was hard-defending Galron.

So if that's "jack all", Toogeloo, what do you consider content? If the above all constitutes having done nothing, what do you consider having done something?
In post 5150, Roden wrote:They also believe Toog has to get elim'd next, he isn't providing any meaningful input and Tet sees it as scum indicative.
Let's go back to this, shall we?

Toogeloo has said
have done "jack all" of anything.

But you know what?

There's a player slot that fits this description way better than I do:

Toogeloo, who in the words of Roden saying the words of Tet: Toogeloo is not providing meaningful input. Want proof? Well this is Toogeloo's iso.
It's comparable to mine in number of posts.

Let's see how many of them are content, shall we?
Here's the first, a vote on me.
A second, furthering.
A Norwee townread, for a grand total of two reads given.
Discrediting of LLD-Bears being town.
Elaboration on the discredit.
A vote on a slot we know to be town.
Defense of a slot we know to be scum.
There is an Ircher vote, and a mention of wagoning Arcade Pals, but that vote leaves and goes onto the mislim wagon for the day. (Without a claim mind you.)
They do vote Ircher D2, but again defends Dunnstral.
As a reminder: at this point Toogeloo has stated a read on a grand total of three slots: mastina-scum (a read I know to be wrong), Dunnstral-town (a read we know was wrong), and Norwee-town (okay this one's right).

Three reads--that's literally it.

It takes nearly 4000 posts and until DAY FOUR for Toogeloo to give more than three reads. Now granted, it's a lot more than three reads, but it still has flipped scum as strong town.

On Day Four (as a reminder: we eliminated scum-Dunn that day), Toogeloo pushed me, and hard-defended Dunnstral.

After having been proven wrong on Dunnstral, Toogeloo has nothing to say on the matter, and continues going on. Toog does add a townread on Roden in to their credit, but there's no acknowledgement of having been wrong.

And then Toogeloo L-1'd Galron. Who was, as a reminder, town.

Now, that looks an awful lot like an iso full of "jack all", in Toogeloo's own words. Because it's basically nothing. It's literally just the bare minimum.

So Toogeloo is actually hard-projecting.

The thing Toogeloo is accusing me of having done (which is objectively false and can be proven by looking at my iso) is a thing that
Toogeloo is actually guilty of having done[/url].

The ONLY reason I'm not voting Toogeloo here is because I want Ceph dead more than Toog.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:12 pm
by mastina
In post 5235, Malakittens wrote:Mastina could still be fakeclaiming
Due to a CERTAIN rule change that I VEHEMENTLY disagree with, I cannot really respond to this without getting banned as I am probably already dangerously close but fucked if I know where the line on that rule is precisely, it's a fucking bullshit rule change and the sheer ambiguity present in how fucking hard it is to know where the line is in what I can and can't say is proof of why it's a shitty ass rule which yes, does in fact punish neurodivergent folk on mafiascum (more on that below), so let's just say that I am attempting to remain within the rule and if I am not actually within the rule, that's proof of why the rule is so bullshit because this is literally
me trying to follow the rule
while still
playing the game

But let's just say: I have some VERY strong words to say about that rule change; check out what I have to say there and think about how likely it is that I am to fakeclaim as scum.

That said, without linking to MD (where I can probably track down other MD posts beyond/before the rule change if I cared to for the record), and in trying to fit to the spirit of the rule in spite of how fucking bullshit the rule is, let me attempt to word this in a way that is within the rule and is entirely 100% specific to this game:

There is a reason in
this game
that I would not fakeclaim as scum.

What reason is that?

It's called "I have an anxiety disorder".
Now, if you want to disbelieve me on the above,
One, you're an asshole, because you should never fucking disbelieve someone when they say they have a disorder like that, and two, I can pretty damn easily prove that I do in fact have an anxiety disorder.

But since I am going to
you are not an asshole, I am going to assume you do in fact believe me when I say I have a pretty damn bad/severe anxiety disorder.
So...What does that mean?

Well let me tell you what it means.

It means I am neurotic and borderline paranoid.

So what does that mean in a mafia game precisely?

Well let me give you some background on what anxiety does to someone.
When I was driving my car, I got a "what if I am in a crash and I shatter my knee?" thought. Anxiety.
"What if I suffer from a heart attack?" thought. Anxiety.
"What if a bear or cougar mauls me on the way to my car" while it's dark. Anxiety.
"What if I lose my job from having done something wrong?". Anxiety.
"What if this condition I can see/feel/etc. is something actually severe?" Anxiety.
I have borderline crippling anxiety, and the above are daily examples of how it manifests.

So now! Let's translate what that very same anxiety does to me in a
And I mean that both in the sense of mafia game, and in the case for showing why I would not be fakeclaiming in this specific game, a mafia

Do you know how I think when I am scum?
Well in the context of this game, I can tell you what would happen for the idea of fakeclaiming being infected by the mold:
"What if there is a mold tracker role that can track players who have mold? If such a role exists and I fakeclaim, I could be caught by it!"
"What if there is a mold detector role that can detect mold on a player they target? If such a role exists and I fakeclaim, I could be caught by it!"
"What if there is a role that can detect things like [poisoned] [infected] etc. and they target me? If such a role exists and I fakeclaim, they wouldn't see the mold!"
"What if I need to use the mold every single night in order to use the role properly? What if not using the mold for a night literally costs us the game from having not used it?"
Depending on what the mold actually
, there might also be something akin to "What if the mold triggers and I am not impacted the way the players with the mold are?".
Depending on how the mold infects people (say for instance it could spread based on night actions), there might also be something akin to "What if someone targets me and then doesn't get infected by mold? Wouldn't that out me as a liar?"

I'm probably missing two or three more that come to mind.

You may insist.
"No human being could actually think that way!"
"Those thoughts are ridiculous!"
"Those thoughts are clearly absurd."
"Those thoughts are so improbable as to be borderline impossible."
And similar.

But if so?

If anything like that enters your mind?

You don't fucking know how anxiety works
in my brain

Because that is
how it works.

Yes, those thoughts are paranoia.
Yes, those thoughts are ridiculously unlikely.
Yes, those thoughts are neurotic, even deranged.

But that is how scumastina thinks. She fears so much as a 1%.
If there is a 1% chance of being caught in a lie, it means my anxiety will cause me to fear that possibility being real, and the thought then consumes my mind. It's an idea, it grows like a disease, and consumes me. The 1% grows to a 50+% in my mind. So the things that might be safe to do in practice become borderline suicide in my mind.

If the site mods want to ban me for having just described to you how my anxiety works, then by god I'm going to say something I never thought I would say and say that I will join Nancy Drew in saying that the site staff literally
discriminating against Neurodivergent folks.

Because guess what? Anxiety + Autism is why I am a wallposter. I'm obsessed with explaining my thoughts to perfection, thus, cannot be succinct.

I can no less get over a fear of fakeclaiming than I can be succinct. Them banning me for a fear of fakeclaiming as scum would literally be equivalent to them banning me for not being succinct. I'm dead serious in that comparison. It would be banning me for something that is
a fundamental immutable unchangeable aspect of myself

So I do truly hope that this is within their new bullshit rule, and also a sufficient answer to your statement.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:46 pm
by mastina
In post 5240, Cephrir wrote:I can certainly see that possibility, she isnt really posting
Let's break down my schedule since this is important.

On Sunday, I leave for work at ~6:20 am pacific time. I work until ~3 pm pacific time, and get home at ~4 pm pacific. While I'll be streaming more on that day soon enough which means I will be more busy on that day soon enough, overall, what this means is that I am usually available that day to post. Sometimes, I may not, if too busy with other things, obligations, the mafiascum tasks being too much, etc. But most of the time, I am free. I just need to be in bed before 4 am.

On Monday, I get up at ~12:00 pm pacific, give or take half an hour. I can sometimes squeeze mafia in during this time, but if not, I leave for work within an hour or so, and work finishes at 8 pm pacific. Which gets me home at 9 pm pacific. Since it's the same "bed at 4 am or sooner", that means I have ~7 hours of free time. Meaning that, like Sunday, I am usually available that day to post. Sometimes, I may not, if too busy with other things, obligations, the mafiascum tasks being too much, etc. But most of the time, I am free.

On Tuesday, my schedule is identical to Monday. There is a stream I usually watch once I get home which lasts until ~11:30 pm pacific, which cuts down the free time from ~7 hours down to ~3-5, but I still am usually available that day to post. Sometimes, I may not, if too busy with other things, obligations, the mafiascum tasks being too much, etc. But most of the time, I am free.

On Wednesday, I
be able to post at the same times as I do on Monday/Tuesday when waking up pre-work, but post-work? Not a chance. I am the closing guard on Wednesday which means same finishing time as Monday/Tuesday, but being the opening guard on Thursday means I am
to go STRAIGHT to bed in order to get 6 hours of sleep (and it's always close to me falling under). This means that if I do not get to post on Wednesday morning, I do not get to post at all during this section of the week.

On Thursday, I wake up at ~3:30 am and go straight to work. Work lasts until ~1:15 pm by default, but staff stuff can make it last much longer than that. Assuming no staff stuff, I get home at ~2:30-3:00 pm. While there is the same Tuesday streamer present on this day (also present on Sunday btw usually at that 7-11 pm range), and they eat up ~7-11 pm, that still leaves me time both before they stream, and after they stream, for me to post. We are in that timeframe now.

Granted, I DO stream on Thursday Nights when I can (can't tonight due to doctor appointment tomorrow), and that means I only have until ~2-3 am free, but that's a lot of time. Sometimes, I may not, if too busy with other things, obligations, the mafiascum tasks being too much, etc. But most of the time, I am free.

On Friday, I wake up whenever, which usually is in the ~2 pm mark give or take an hour. While there is the same streamer present on this day (~7-11 pm), and I have family night, I'm usually free for the entire rest of the day. Meaning I can post here. Sometimes, I may not, if too busy with other things, obligations, the mafiascum tasks being too much, etc. But most of the time, I am free. I do stream at ~3 am, so I do run out of time eventually, but it's still a lot of free time.

On Saturday, I usually wake up at ~2 pm mark give or take an hour. I need to go to bed at ~9-11 pm to wake up for work on Sunday, so I am not as free. For the longest time, Saturday was my "designated mafiascum day off", because I've always had a morning Sunday shift and often staff meetings on Saturday and Fridays have late Family Night leaving me wanting a day to recover. So this day, far less frequent, but still sometimes present onsite.

This is, by and large, an indefinite schedule. Infinitely repeating. Week after week after week. I try to remind the mods that I am V/LA every Wednesday-Thursday, but should I forget, it remains true regardless of whether I say it inthread/announce it or not.

...Now, why did I just go and say all of that?

Why, let's remember: when did this game open?

As it so happens: the game opened on a Wednesday!

When did it open on Wednesday?

6 pm pacific.

Where am I, per the above, during that time? And for how long?

I am working, and cannot post, as it turns out!

So as a matter of fact: why, yes, I wasn't posting!

post during that time!

But while I might not post every single day and I do miss days on occasion, the fact of the matter is: I am still posting

For instance, math time: This game has been open for ~37 days, give or take.
Removing two days per night, we can remove ten days from that total for the number of days that I
Which means that this game has had ~27 days where I can post.

How many posts have I made in 27 days?

It's up to ~87/88 now.

Well do you know what that works out to?

~3.259259259259259 posts per day.

And that's including the days that I can't post and/or didn't post.

I am posting an average of over three times per day.

I am posting content in those posts.

I very fucking much AM around.

If people think I am NOT around?

I suggest they actually take a fucking LOOK to see if their thought holds merit. (It doesn't.)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:49 pm
by mastina
In post 5267, Cephrir wrote:Mastina
Ashtray, VT.

Whoever the fuck is left since I think all of {Cephrir, Toogeloo, tictac, Andante} have claimed. (Andante if not, tho.)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:18 pm
by tictac
andante claimed vt but not flavor, so it's valid.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:18 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 5334, Toogeloo wrote:I'm reading through isos right now and I'm coming to the conclusion that if there is a deepwolf, it's Norwee.

Joined the Ircher wagon while it was popular, but was always pushing people to vote elsewhere like Mega and T3. Defended Dunn days 1-3 quite a bit. But mostly... It's the noise. Norwee made a lot of noise to look busy.

There's also the matter of my superpower being that I notoriously claim that my first townread in a lot of games ends up actually being scum.

Norwee has to relay exactly what happens in the neighborhood, and it doesn't hurt their scum game and only helps them look townoer actually.

I think most importantly, Norwee isn't trying to change the status quo.

So, yeah, I think Norwee is a deepwolf. It's all vibes, but I trust my vibes.
Ok i’m sorry, but i don’t do half-assed bussing. It’s not in my nature. If i were to be scum in this game and commit to bussing, (Which would necesarilly be the case since i pushed hard for Ircher) then i would be literally voting them at all times, and cuss out ANY form of wagon redirection and scumread the slots that did it. I would buss so hard and naturally that nobody would have anything to question me about, ever. Unless it was the perfection of how it was done in the first place.
Now messy thoughts Norwee= Town!Norwee
So get outta here with that shit.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:18 am
by NorwegianboyEE
VOTE: Cephrir

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:25 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Oh and real clever that i’m "not trying to change the status quo when i’m literally just trying to be relaxed and wait for claims to finish.
I’ll have you know i was itching to vote Cephrir all day but forced myself to be polite and wait for claims to finish.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:28 am
by NorwegianboyEE
I’m noisy?? Wow i’m fucking scum, holy shit you got me.
That was just… the ace in the hole right there. Nothing to even reply to that.
Literal caught scum Norwee. Fuuuuuck.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:47 am
by NorwegianboyEE
If Mastina didn’t remind me that your claim doesn’t prove anything that would not have been enough.
If you kept playing low-key and not doing much that would not have been enough.
But the audacity of posting that you think i’m a deepwolf some hours after STD said they believed i was a deepwolf and then posting it like it’s an original thought when you claimed to townread me previously? (And even using it as an point, that your townreads flip scum).
Lol: "I’m reading through some ISO’s right now" Yeah, prompted by weighing your options no doubt. Making sure to soften up for an mislim on me now that the options are getting lower is that it Toog?
I’m starting to believe Mastina’s solve is 100% correct, and this BS shading is the start of their plan. Kill Mastina, "Omg Norwee deep wolff!!" And take it home. Aided by STD and Roden that might buy into it.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:49 am
by NorwegianboyEE
It’s Ceph/Toog.
Ceph is the scum in STD/Ceph
Toog showed their true colours today.
If i’m not dead by the point these scums are dead i can find last in Tictac/Andante. Leaning Tictac but honestly, the above slots seem better.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 2:53 am
by The Three Bears
In post 5349, mastina wrote:
In post 5164, The Three Bears wrote:i think mastina and cephrir need to up their games if town because we are losing if you dont.



Like, I was pushing both Dunnstral and Cephrir, but of the two, voting Cephrir. You asked me to swap to Dunnstral, so I did.

But then, after you got my help on Dunnstral, I asked for you to return the favor for Cephrir.



You are town. All three heads are painfully, obviously, ridiculously town.
Norwee is town here. This is Norwee's towngame through and through. I don't think I would
to soulread Norwee here to see that he's town here but even if he wasn't obvtown from play, I just DO soulread him. He's just town here.
Save the Dragons is night and day different between his towngame and his scumgame and this is his towngame through and through. He
be scum as this is the most obvtown he has ever been.
Roden is pretty damn strongly town here; Malakittens is pretty damn town here; Galron was fucking 99% town here and catboi was obvtown before he even replaced in and was elevated to basically conftown after he did.

So genuinely?


For three scum.

We had a pool of {tictac, Andante, Toogeloo, Cephrir}.

One town in there.

And three scum.

While there's a
of {Roden, Malakittens} containing deepscum (and I need to emphasize what 'chance' means--chance means it's
, but not
, and is "cross that bridge only IF we come to it"), {Bears, Norwee, StD} are
scum here.

With a townflip in the pool of four yesterday we'd genuinely have all three scum today and with a scumflip? Even better.

am not the one who needs to step my fucking game up. MY GAME IS AT ITS FUCKING PEAK RIGHT NOW.

It's everyone who's fucking ignoring me that needs to step it up.

ok im sold. tell me which one is most likely scum. we'll elim it today.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:14 am
by Toogeloo
In post 5358, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Oh and real clever that i’m "not trying to change the status quo when i’m literally just trying to be relaxed and wait for claims to finish.
I’ll have you know i was itching to vote Cephrir all day but forced myself to be polite and wait for claims to finish.
Uh, your whole iso looks like a player sitting on the side following the majority.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:38 am
by The Three Bears
In post 5349, mastina wrote:I am not the one who needs to step my fucking game up. MY GAME IS AT ITS FUCKING PEAK RIGHT NOW.

It's everyone who's fucking ignoring me that needs to step it up.
Honestly, this makes me skeptical of everything you say. After largely fooling you in UPick a Normal until possibly the last day, I can't say you're on top of your game.

I don't want to vote Cephrir based on my VCA, but I would be willing to change to Toog if my hydra partners are willing.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:45 am
by The Three Bears
In post 5318, Andante wrote:hmmm that's unfortunate. my vote will only go to mastina or you today sooooo looks like we'll have an issue there
Thats fine, cause I'm locking our vote to you.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:46 am
by The Three Bears
Spoiler: Relevant Quotes D1
In post 1140, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.5


"It's Not Superstition If It Works"

Ircher (6) - MegAzumarill, Galron, Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, mastina, Roden
MegAzumarill (5) - Tet, NorwegianboyEE, Ircher, Bell, Toogeloo
Roden (3) - Cephrir, Arcade Pals, Save the Dragons
T3 (1) - Greeting
The Three Bears (1) - TheWayItEnds
Arcade Pals (1) - The Three Bears
Greeting (1) - tictac
NorwegianboyEE (1) - T3

Not voting (2) - Malakittens, Andante

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Galron is V/LA through January 11.
In post 1144, Andante wrote:
In post 1136, Arcade Pals wrote:I'm not sure what you are accusing us of doing
What have you done that I should either TR you for or not SR you for?
In post 1145, Andante wrote:VOTE: Arcade
In post 1156, Andante wrote:
In post 993, Andante wrote:I plan on being fully caught up tonight, started reading through, and this post stood out to me, feels like it comes from maf. Like the 2nd part feels way too serious for a bunch of random votes on Ceph for doing something. Like "This seems really reachy. A lot of people mess around during the beginning of a game. How is this scum-indicative for Cephrir specifically and not for anyone else?" feels like something maf would say. maybe it's just your style and how you are, but at first glance, this is the first significant post I run into, and it feels oddly worded. Saying "how this is scum indicative for Cephrir?" twice in the same post? idk, I'll piece together stuff from the next 900 posts
In post 96, Ircher wrote:
In post 63, MUSHSHAGANA wrote:Look if you didn't want to get burned down early then you should've used your noggin before you fluffposted, now its too late and that's your problem not mine
Can you explain how this is scum indicative for Cephrir? I'm not familiar with his meta.
In post 71, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:For actively seeking fun. It reads to me like you drew scum, hated it, and are now looking for ways to make your own fun.
This seems really reachy. A lot of people mess around during the beginning of a game. How is this scum-indicative for Cephrir specifically and not for anyone else?
I mean, I don't tr Ircher yet either, haven't read 225- my entrance though
In post 1289, Andante wrote:like you literally TR Arcade more than me... im lost
In post 1301, Andante wrote:I'm not saying I'm confident in this at all, but here's roughly the reads

Definitely town: Andante Dwlee99

Probably Town:
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa)
Save The Dragons

Probably not town:
Ircher - I know there's more Ircher lines I never read though, I keep meaning to ISO.. but I don't so rip
Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR)

idk who this is:
Lady Lambdadelta
TheWayItEnds Princess Elodie
Grendel MegAzumarill
Val89 T3

lol update: that was like a waste of time
In post 1466, Andante wrote:VOTE: Ircher

tbh same
In post 1539, Andante wrote:VOTE: LLD
In post 1545, Andante wrote:nah I wanna stay Ircher, but I just hate when people are like "Watch how much power I have here" like, we need to be working together.. it's not a game of who has the loudest voice

VOTE: ircher
In post 1637, Andante wrote:Who convinced me Ircher over Arcade… I’m going back to Arcade
VOTE: Arcade
In post 1642, Andante wrote:
In post 1639, Bell wrote:Hi adante, May I interest you in a vote on a Grendal vote in the spirit of community?
yeah sure VOTE: Grendal
I don’t really have strong reads here other than I won’t vote Bears/Dragons/Ceph here and uhhh yeah also haven’t read a lot of the game
In post 1706, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.7


"I can hear the Hotline ringing in my dreams, constantly ringing. Ringing so loud I can't hear the voice I'm straining to understand."

Ircher (7) - MUSHSHAGANA, mastina, Save the Dragons, Cephrir, NorwegianboyEE, Toogeloo, Roden
Grendel (4) - Tet, Ircher, Bell, Andante
Roden (2) - Arcade Pals, Val89
Arcade Pals (1) - The Three Bears
Val89 (1) - Greeting
Save the Dragons (1) - tictac
NorwegianboyEE (1) - Grendel

Not voting (4) - Malakittens, Galron, TheWayItEnds, Lady Lambdadelta

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Mastina is V/LA through January 13.
In post 1735, Andante wrote:VOTE: Norwee
In post 1752, Andante wrote:I mean, I got on the Ircher wagon, Ircher talked, I wasn't really liking that vote, I got told Grendel, turns out I don't tr grendel, sooo yeah lol

ok, Arcade works for me

VOTE: Arcade
In post 1921, Andante wrote:I guess Dunn lives till tomorrow, but I'm not a fan of this "I only talk in quote essays cause I'm catching up" there's like no actual live interactions with anyone

VOTE: Ircher

No clue how close this is to a lim, recent vc is very old
In post 2083, Andante wrote:yeah definitely a confirmable role, I'm not voting ircher out, I'll deal with reads later
UNVOTE: ircher
In post 2354, SirCakez wrote:
Grendel has been eliminated day 1! He was
The X-Ray Lightbox, a 3-shot Tracker Object of Power aligned with The Federal Bureau of Control
Welcome to CONTROL Grendel!

You are The X-Ray Lightbox, a 3-shot Tracker Object of Power aligned with The Federal Bureau of Control


"They're just standing there, mesmerized by it." - Jesse


-During the day, you may vote for whoever you want to eliminate.
-The Lightbox has the strange power to possess others. Three times, at night you may Seize another player and learn from their mind who, if anyone, they apparently visited that night.

You win once all threats to the
Federal Bureau of Control
have been eliminated.
The game thread is here:

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:48 am
by The Three Bears
In post 5336, Cephrir wrote:
In post 5332, The Three Bears wrote:andante being protown is not true and you need to reread if you think that is true. she has pushed scum at all of the wrong times/when she basically has no other choices. that does not account to "pushing scum"
My recollection is that she was the first person to suspect dunn seriously ever and kept bringing it back up whenever there was a lull in the action
Nora was on Arcade almost from the word go, I'd have t check for in-thread confirmation but ye gods she has been locked on that one throughout.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:53 am
by The Three Bears
In post 110, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.1


"It Feels Sane, Or Just The Right Kind Of Insane"

Cephrir (3) - Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, Bell
Bell (2) - Cephrir, Ircher
Mastina (2) - Tet, The Three Bears
The Three Bears (2) - Galron, Princess Elodie
MUSHSHAGANA (1) - Arcade Pals
Greeting (1) - Roden
Roden (1) - Dwlee99
T3 (1) - NorwegianboyEE
tictac (1) - Greeting
Save The Dragons (1) - MegAzumarill
Ircher (1) - Save the Dragons

Not voting (5) - Malakittens, Mastina, tictac, Toogeloo, T3

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Malakittens is V/LA through January 10.
NorwegianboyEE is V/LA through January 10.
In post 114, Ircher wrote:VOTE: MUSHSHAGANA
In post 124, Ircher wrote:NorwegianBoy brings up a good point [about Cephrir possibly being scum]. I still like my current vote.

[Brackets added by Titus]

Interesting Ircher jumps to Mush creating a two scum wagon rather than mastina.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:55 am
by The Three Bears
In post 110, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.1


"It Feels Sane, Or Just The Right Kind Of Insane"

Cephrir (3) - Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, Bell
Bell (2) - Cephrir, Ircher
Mastina (2) - Tet, The Three Bears
The Three Bears (2) - Galron, Princess Elodie
MUSHSHAGANA (1) - Arcade Pals
Greeting (1) - Roden
Roden (1) - Dwlee99
T3 (1) - NorwegianboyEE
tictac (1) - Greeting
Save The Dragons (1) - MegAzumarill
Ircher (1) - Save the Dragons

Not voting (5) - Malakittens, Mastina, tictac, Toogeloo, T3

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Malakittens is V/LA through January 10.
NorwegianboyEE is V/LA through January 10.
In post 114, Ircher wrote:VOTE: MUSHSHAGANA
In post 124, Ircher wrote:NorwegianBoy brings up a good point. I still like my current vote.
In post 893, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.4


"Beyond The Shadow You Settle For, There Is A Miracle Illuminated"

Ircher (7) - NorwegianboyEE, MegAzumarill, Galron, Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, mastina, Save the Dragons
T3 (2) - The Three Bears, Greeting
Roden (2) - Cephrir, Arcade Pals
Mastina (1) - Toogeloo
The Three Bears (1) - Princess Elodie
Arcade Pals (1) - Bell
MUSHSHAGANA (1) - Ircher
Greeting (1) - tictac
Galron (1) - Roden
NorwegianboyEE (1) - T3
MegAzumarill (1) - Tet

Not voting (2) - Malakittens, Dwlee99

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Malakittens is V/LA through January 10.
NorwegianboyEE is V/LA through January 10.
Galron is V/LA through January 11.
mastina and NorwegianboyEE are the only possible scum on Ircher at this point.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:56 am
by The Three Bears
Ye gods Mastina just gave me a new hairstyle...

FWIW Mastina, I'm 100% on board with you, you're my locktown read currently (And you know my locktown reads are few and far between).

I am locking on Andante though here.

-Pinkie (All unsigned are Momma)

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:58 am
by The Three Bears
In post 1140, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.5


"It's Not Superstition If It Works"

Ircher (6) - MegAzumarill, Galron, Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, mastina, Roden
MegAzumarill (5) - Tet, NorwegianboyEE, Ircher, Bell, Toogeloo
Roden (3) - Cephrir, Arcade Pals, Save the Dragons
T3 (1) - Greeting
The Three Bears (1) - TheWayItEnds
Arcade Pals (1) - The Three Bears
Greeting (1) - tictac
NorwegianboyEE (1) - T3

Not voting (2) - Malakittens, Andante

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Galron is V/LA through January 11.
More evidence for Toog scum.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:59 am
by The Three Bears
In post 5370, The Three Bears wrote:Ye gods Mastina just gave me a new hairstyle...

FWIW Mastina, I'm 100% on board with you, you're my locktown read currently (And you know my locktown reads are few and far between).

I am locking on Andante though here.

-Pinkie (All unsigned are Momma)
We have some real dissonance.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:05 am
by The Three Bears
In post 110, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.1


"It Feels Sane, Or Just The Right Kind Of Insane"

Cephrir (3) - Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, Bell
Bell (2) - Cephrir, Ircher
Mastina (2) - Tet, The Three Bears
The Three Bears (2) - Galron, Princess Elodie
MUSHSHAGANA (1) - Arcade Pals
Greeting (1) - Roden
Roden (1) - Dwlee99
T3 (1) - NorwegianboyEE
tictac (1) - Greeting
Save The Dragons (1) - MegAzumarill
Ircher (1) - Save the Dragons

Not voting (5) - Malakittens, Mastina, tictac, Toogeloo, T3

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Malakittens is V/LA through January 10.
NorwegianboyEE is V/LA through January 10.
In post 281, mastina wrote:VOTE: Ircher
(proxy vote to LLD)

(I'll be around later tonight to comment properly tho.)
In post 498, mastina wrote:Bell
Save The Dragons
The Three Bears (Titus, Flea the Magician, Noraa)
Lady Lambdadelta

Princess Elodie



Arcade Pals (Dunnstral, MariaR)


Kinda surprised that I genuinely have a good readslist from literally just two pages but this is genuinely seriously actually a good readslist imo.
In post 527, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 1.2


"Maybe I'll Never Understand. Maybe I Don't Need To"

Ircher (7) - Save the Dragons, NorwegianboyEE, MegAzumarill, Galron, Lady Lambdadelta, MUSHSHAGANA, mastina
Mastina (3) - Tet, The Three Bears, Toogeloo
The Three Bears (2) - Princess Elodie, Arcade Pals
Cephrir (1) - Bell
Bell (1) - Cephrir
MUSHSHAGANA (1) - Ircher
Greeting (1) - Roden

Not voting (5) - Malakittens, tictac, T3, Dwlee99, Greeting

(expired on 2022-01-19 23:12:00) remain until day end

With 21 players alive, it takes 11 to reach a majority.

Malakittens is V/LA through January 10.
NorwegianboyEE is V/LA through January 10.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:13 am
by The Three Bears
The biggest problem I have with mastina scum is the early accuracy of her reads.

This could be a situation room style game though.
