[quote="RolePM"]Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, JDodge
You are
Flaky, Town Aligned
. You are scared of alot of things, and those reactions often result in alot of blood. Usually other peoples blood. Sometimes your own. Anyway, long story short, you like being a bus driver. At night, you may target two people. The actions of those people are switched. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, pacone
You are
Gigless, Mafia Aligned
. You are cute, yet full of rage. You are fed by always getting killed by accidant, that you decided to create the accidants yourself. Let's hope they won't find out who actually spreads the poison around here. You are a mafia poisoner. During the night, you may target a player. That player gets poisoned and will die during the next night. Your teammate in this game is Holy. You win when the mafia has defeated all threats to their victory road.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, Sensfan
You are
Cudless, Mafia aligned
. You are cudly, but yet full of anger. You know that Giggles and Petunia are mafia, but you don't know who they are. Even if you find out, you are not allowed to talk to them during the night. Giggles and Petunia also don't know who you are, and that you are mafia. Hence you are called the Mafia Spy. You win when the mafia contains half the town.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, ryan.
You are
Chucky, the Serial Killer
. You like the events happening with those cute little stuffed animals, that you decided to kidnap one of them and use his identity to blend in with the others. Upon the death of Handy, you decided to eliminate all whats left from their disgusting culture. During the day, you may send me a pm. That player will get brutally murdered. You win when all other players are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, kuribo
You are
Flippy, town aligned
. Everytime you are on stage, bad things happen. The war really left a deadly scar on you. Let's put that to good use, shall we? Anytime during the game, you may send me a pm with a name. You will commit suicide and destroy the target. Hence, they call you the Suicide Bomber. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, Phate
You are
Cub, town aligned
. You are so innocent and cute, that harming you is just so much of a pleasure. Whenever you would die, people will mourn a day and decide to hold a no-lynch during that day. Whenever you die, you will also turn up mafia aligned, because you are too cute for this game. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, mildmanneredhero
You are
Lumpy, town aligned
. You are so clumsy, it usually results in other people dieing. You usually don't notice and continue with what you were doing. During the night, you may decide to hide behind one player. If you would get targeted that night, it will target the player you are hiding behind instead. But, if you will hide behind a non-town player, it will result in your death instead. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, Holy
You are
Petunia, mafia aligned
. You are cut, but full of anger and rage. You are so aggressive, that whenever someone makes the final vote which will result in your death, that player will also get called. You are vengeful, I tell you. Your teammate in this game is pacone. You win when the mafia has defeated all threats to their victory road.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, FairyThatIsPunk
You are
Mime, a Survivor
. You are a complicated person. You work for your own, but are glad to help others. You may not speak, but only mime in this game (i.e. *FairyThatIsPunk walks towards the lynch machine, and presses the button of
*). Furthermore, you are a psychiatrist, here to cure the player of it's wrong habbits. You win when you are alive when one team achieves it's win condition.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, roffman
You are
Toothy, town aligned
. You are cute in an odd type of way. I guess it's your smile, but I couldn't care less, since your blood spilled is way more awesome. Anyway, you love everyone. And when I say everyone, i'm not kidding. During the night, you must target a player. You will fall in love with that player, resulting in your death if that player would die during that night or the next day. Your friends usually call you an Impulsive Lover. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, Rigel
You are
Pop, town aligned
. You are old yet awesome. You are supposed to be caring, but that usually results in your son ending up dead, so we're not driving that way today. During the night, you may send me a pm with a name. If that player would get killed that night or during the next day, you will defend that player, resulting in you and the killer dead. Your name is the Elite Bodyguard. You win when all threats to the town are dead.
Welcome to Happy Tree Friends Mafia, olliep14
You are
Nutty, town aligned.
You are crazy, seriously crazy. That doesn't mean you are not sane though, Watcher. During the night, you may send me a pm with a name. You will watch that player, resulting in you seeing everyone who targets that player during the night. You win when all threats to the town are dead.[/quote][quote="Additional Info"]1. Cuddles - Mafia Spy, scum with Giggles and Petunia. Scum is unaware of Cuddles, but Cuddles is aware of Giggles and Petunia. If scum poisons Cuddles, Cuddles joins the mafia (but dies anyway).
2. Giggles - Mafia Poisoner, scum with Petunia (and Cuddles). Has the ability to poison someone during the night. This player will die during the next lynch. This action is possible on every player, unless Lumpy is hiding.
3. Lumpy - Hider. Can hide behind someone during the night so targets targetting him will target the player he is hiding behind. The other players will not be aware of the hiding. If Lumpy hides behind a mafia player or serial killer (read: not Survivor), Lumpy will die.
4. Toothy - Impuslive Lover. Chooses someone each night. If that player would die during that night or next day, Toothy also dies.
5. Nutty - Watcher. During a night, he targets a player to see if that player gets targetted by other people. If he targets Lumpy and Lumpy hides, he will receive that Lumpy targetted himself.
6. Petunia - Vengeful Goon, scum with Giggles (and Cuddles). Whenever Petunia would get lynched, he will kills the player who made the final vote on him.
7. Flaky - Bus Driver. During the night, you may target two players. If those or one of those players would target someone, they will target the other player's target instead. If Flaky targets someone with a nighttarget and Flippy, Flippy is being forced to use his ability on that nighttarget. Giggles, Nutty, Pop and Mime will be informed of the switch when receiving a result.
8. Flippy - Suicide Bomber. Anytime during the game, you may suicide and kill someone else. This does not end a day.
9. Cub - Beloved Princess\Anti-Miller. If Cub would get killed or lynched, the town mourns one day and skips it, resulting in two nights. Cub will be revealed scum on death. Cub is aware of this ability. If Cub dies, the player killing him also dies (does not work in endgame)
10. Pop - Elite Bodyguard. During the night, you can protect someone for 1 night and 1 day. If the target would get killed, Pop and the killer die.
11. Mime - Post Restricted Survivor/Psychiatrist. During the night, he can target someone to heal that player. Can only mimic (i.e.: *points at post #3 and bows his head, then Vote: X). Mime can heal Cub from his anti-miller, Toothy from it's lover status, Lumpy from dying when hiding, make Flippy a one-shot vig, and Chucky from being SK.
12. Chucky - Day Psychopath. Anytime during the day, you may target someone and that player dies. Safeclaim is Handy.[/quote][quote="Targetting"]Night 1:
Rigel protects competentpsycho
pacone poisons FairyThatIsPunk
Panzerjager hides behind Sensfan
Night 2:
ZONEACE watches JDodge
Rigel protects Kuribo
pacone poisons JDodge
Day 3:
competentpsycho kills Rigel
Night 3:
ZONEACE watches kuribo
Day 4:
kuribo suicides on Holy
competentpsycho kills ZONEACE[/quote]That's it. Any questions can be answered now.