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Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:35 pm
by Guillotina
Town Necromancer
(Town / Necromancer role)

The Necromancer may once per game choose to revive a dead player at night.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:41 pm
by Guillotina
Town Mortem Cop
(Town / Mortem Cop)

Every night you may target a player that is either dead or alive and find out if they have pre-mortem or post mortem role or factional actions.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:46 pm
by Guillotina
Mafia Messiah
(Mafia / Messiah role)

If you die during the day, your alignment will not be revealed and you will resurrect two cycles later.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:15 pm
by TemporalLich
Mod Chooses Before Picks Deck of Astral Roles Oracle
Mod Chooses Before Picks
/ Deck of Astral Roles Oracle)

Deck of Astral Roles Oracle: Each night, you may ask the question to the moderator about how they would interpret any Deck of Astral Roles role card or any interactions involving Deck of Astral Roles role cards.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:35 pm
by Guillotina
Specter Rhadamanthus
(Specter alignment / Rhadamanthus role)

The Specters are a groupscum faction that starts off with 1 or 2 players (similar to the cult leader) and are dead. Yes! They start off in the graveyard where they must remain until they have collected the souls of 3 players to win the game (4 for games larger than 25 players). At the start of the game you die flipless, not during pre-game!

The Specters have a factional “Sleep Paralysis” action that they can target a player that is alive with. Players under sleep paralysis cannot perform any night actions, they cannot communicate in PTs that night and they are informed of what types actions they are targeted by (excluding those from specters). If a player is killed while under “Sleep Paralysis" during the night or they die the following day by any means, their soul is collected by the Specter faction, joining them in the specter chat
(They are not added to the graveyard chat).

During the day you have the factional vote action. You can select a player to have an extra vote for that day. This vote is not announced that is coming from your faction.

Specters can never perform kill actions.

If a Specter is targeted by a player with an ability to interact with the dead or are resurrected by living players, the entire faction loses the game.

Every night, you may target a player that is still alive to redirect their action to the player under sleep paralysis. If the target is a cop or detection type role they will get sleep paralysis the following night.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:28 pm
by Not Known 15


You have no role abilities.

In post 554, Guillotina wrote:
Specter Rhadamanthus
(Specter alignment / Rhadamanthus role)

The Specters are a groupscum faction that starts off with 1 or 2 players (similar to the cult leader) and are dead. Yes! They start off in the graveyard where they must remain until they have collected the souls of 1/4 minus 1 of the total players to win the game. In example, if the game started with 21 players, then 4 souls must be collected to win.

The Specters have a factional “Sleep Paralysis” action that they can target a player that is alive with. Players under sleep paralysis cannot perform any night actions, they cannot communicate in PTs that night and they are informed of what types actions they are targeted by (excluding those from specters). If a player is killed while under “Sleep Paralysis, their soul is collected by the Specter faction, joining them in the graveyard.

Specters can never perform kill actions.

If a Specter is targeted by a player with an ability to interact with the dead or are resurrected, the entire faction loses the game.

Every night, you may target a player that is still alive to redirect their action to the player under sleep paralysis. If the target is a cop or detection type role they will get sleep paralysis the following night.
Not a good design. Specters being specters is rather obvious...

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:32 pm
by Not Known 15
Werewolf Compulsive Night 1 Desperado

Faction: Werewolf
Role:Compulsive Night 1 Desperado

On Night 1, you must target a player. If your target is not town-aligned, your target dies. This can be prevented.
If your target is town-aligned, you die. This can not be prevented.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:33 pm
by Ircher
Town Set Assigner

During pregame, you assign to every player a set. A set, in informal and simple terms, is a collection of objects. It can contain numbers, letters, apples, other sets, etc. The moderator will keep track of these assignments which may potentially be used by another role. Players are told what set they have been assigned/are associated with. The sets do not have to be unique.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:34 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
Cult, But In Red Leader
(Cult/Cult Leader)

You are a member of the cult. If there is no designated Cult Leader at the start of the game, one cultist will be randomly chosen to be the Cult Leader.
If there are multiple designated Cult Leaders, only one may use their ability at a time.
You win when all threats to the Cult have been eliminated.

If you are a member of a cult or cultlike faction, you may target a player to convert into your faction. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will become a member of your faction.
If you are not a member of a cult or cultlike faction, you are a named player.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:37 pm
by Ircher
Mafia Open Set Detector

Each night, you may target a player and specify a topology on the real numbers. (If you don't know what a topology is, you can just default to the standard topology on the real numbers based on epsilon neighborhoods.) The moderator will tell you whether that player has been designated a set that is open according to the provided topology. If the set corresponding to that player contains items besides real numbers, "No Result" will be received.

Mod Notes: If sets have not been assigned to each player by another role, the moderator should choose the designations. For the purpose of this role, it is recommended that your sets be sets of real numbers.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:38 pm
by Ircher
Mafia Closed Set Detector

Each night, you may target a player and specify a topology on the real numbers. (If you don't know what a topology is, you can just default to the standard topology on the real numbers based on epsilon neighborhoods.) The moderator will tell you whether that player has been designated a set that is closed according to the provided topology. If the set corresponding to that player contains items besides real numbers, "No Result" will be received.

Mod Notes: If sets have not been assigned to each player by another role, the moderator should choose the designations. For the purpose of this role, it is recommended that your sets be sets of real numbers.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:41 pm
by Ircher
Town Cardinality Checker

Each night, you may target a player. You will learn the cardinality of the set designated to that player. (The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set for finite sets.)

Mod Notes: If sets have not been assigned to each player by another role, the moderator should choose the designations. For the purpose of this role, it is recommended that your sets be sets of real numbers. For infinite sets, you should return either "countable" if it can be put in bijection with the natural numbers or uncountable if that is not possible.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 3:49 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
Alien Executioner

You are a member of the Aliens.
Once per game, one member of your faction may use the factional ability.
During the night, you may use the factional kill. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die.
You win when all threats to the Aliens have been defeated.

During the night, you may set a bounty on a player. If that player is killed during the night, you will be notified who killed them. If that player is killed during the day, you will be notified who killed them. If that player is executed, you will be roleblocked the following night.
Whoever kills the player you set a bounty on will be given a 1-shot invention chosen randomly from the Deck of Astral Roles.
You may not have any more than 1 bounty out at a time.
When you set a bounty on a player, the moderator will announce the following the next day:
"A bounty has been set on [player] by [your_name]."

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:01 pm
by Not Known 15
2-shot Sacrificer
At the start of the game, the mod will determine your win condition, and tell you the result.
Only the first part of the following list that gives you a win condition will be applied.
  1. If Cult is present, you will win convert into Town and then gain the modifier Unrecruitable.
  2. If less than 70% of all players are town, then you will win if Town wins.
  3. If there are more than 2 factional kills you will win if Town wins.
  4. If there is only one groupscum faction with one player, you will convert into that faction.
  5. If there is no groupscum with more than 1 player, you will win when any groupscum wins.
  6. If more than 80% of all players are Town, you will win if Town loses.
  7. Get killed, but not by the town vote, to win the game.
Role:2-shot Sacrificer
Twice per game, once per day, you may target a player, and a secondary target.
If you and that player are still alive at the end of the day, you will commute with them into a neighborhood for that night. You will be both protected from outside influences similar to commuters(but not from each other)
The player you chose will be killed and kill a target of their choice(this can be yourself). If they do not select a target, they will target your secondary target.
You may, at any time of that night(until the end), prevent this by doing one - and only one - of these actions:
to kill the player you chose and yourself
to kill yourself but save the player you chose.
The kills cannot be prevented by any other means.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:09 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
Town Foil Flingza Roller
/Foil Flingza Roller)

You are a member of the town.
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

You start the game with a Foil Flingza Roller.
While you have the Foil Flingza Roller, you may do the following:
During the night, you may target one of your neighbors (a player who is immediately above or below you in the playerlist). Assuming no interference with your action, you will kill them. However, if they successfully use a visiting action, you will instead ink their place. They will be notified that their place was inked.
Alternatively, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, you will ready your roller. The next night, assuming no interference with your action, you will kill them. You may not use an action tomorrow night.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:12 pm
by Not Known 15
Werewolf Bastard Vigilante

Role:Bastard Vigilante
At night, you may attempt to kill a player.
The attempt will always fail if none of the following is true:
  1. Your target is aligned with the Cult or any faction that can convert other players.
  2. Your target can give other people post restrictions(excluding universal post restrictions).
  3. Your target has a post restriction(excluding universal post restrictions).
  4. Your target can change the win conditions or loss conditions of other players(this excludes your target).
  5. Your target has the alignment Jester.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:35 pm
by Guillotina
Specter Cerberus
(Specter alignment / Cerberus role)

The Specters are a groupscum faction that starts off with 1 or 2 players (similar to the cult leader) and are dead. Yes! They start off in the graveyard where they must remain until they have collected the souls of 3 players to win the game (4 for games larger than 25 players). At the start of the game you die flipless, not during pre-game!

The Specters have a factional “Sleep Paralysis” action that they can target a player that is alive with. Players under sleep paralysis cannot perform any night actions, they cannot communicate in PTs that night and they are informed of what types actions they are targeted by (excluding those from specters). If a player is killed while under “Sleep Paralysis" during the night or they die the following day by any means, their soul is collected by the Specter faction, joining them in the specter chat
(They are not added to the graveyard chat).

During the day you have the factional vote action. You can select a player to have an extra vote for that day. This vote is not announced that is coming from your faction.

Specters can never perform kill actions.

If a Specter is targeted by a player with an ability to interact with the dead or are resurrected by living players, the entire faction loses the game.

Twice per game, at night, you may target a player that is still alive to mark them with the “symbol of the beast”. Whoever they visit at night will suffer sleep paralysis the following night and if they (your target) get visited at night, they will get sleep paralysis the next night instead.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:47 pm
by Guillotina
Mafia Dark Spirit
(Mafia / Dark Spirit role)

“Dark Spirit” functions as Jack Of All Trades, you have access to one or more night actions. Don't have to start in any specific order but you have to cycle through every action to use the same again and you cannot holster actions.

x3 Cop Invalidator

The Cop Invalidator may at night target a person and make them unable to be successfully investigated by Cop abilities for the rest of the game. May not self target.

x3 Restless Spirit

If you die the night this action is activated or the following day, you become a dark spirit, and your flip will reveal only your alignment.

x3 Wildcard

The Wildcard may target someone at night and use a random power on them in the game, randomly selected from any other power role in the game. If there are no other power roles left in the game, then the Wildcard's action does nothing.

If You die with the Restless Spirit activated, you get a new set of actions. You don't have to cycle through these actions to use one again and you can use multiple actions per night. You however MAY NOT holster.

x3 Dark Spirit

The Dark Spirit is still allowed to vote after having died in the game. The Dark Spirit may not post anything other than their vote and you are also not able to use any night actions that you had while you were alive. The dark spirit loses its vote power at final 7 and beyond. Dark Spirit does not gain access to the graveyard and retains **READ-ONLY **access to the mafia chat. You cannot be resurrected.

The Dark Spirit does not count for parity, may not post or otherwise be interacted with by living players.
Do not angleshoot this!

x3 Drag To Hell

At night, you may target a dead player to drag them from the DVC straight to hell. Hell is a separate dead chat where they cannot use any pre-mortem or post-mortem abilities. Players in hell cannot be resurrected or interacted with by the living.

x3 Spirit Blocker

At night, you may target a player in the dead PT to block any post-mortem abilities or any non-ability actions they can perform at night. You cannot target the same player two nights in a row.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:23 pm
by TemporalLich
Town Inner Sanctum Keeper or Hypogean
/ Inner Sanctum Keeper or Hypogean)

Inner Sanctum Keeper or Hypogean: This role card is different depending on whether you apply it to a
alignment card or any other alignment card.

If this is applied to a
alignment card, you are an Inner Sanctum Keeper.

If this is applied to any other alignment card, you are a Hypogean.

Inner Sanctum KeeperYou are in a PT with other Inner Sanctum Keepers, who are confirmed to be
-aligned. The Inner Sanctum PT is treated as a factional PT for all purposes.

A random other
aligned player will be a Inner Sanctum Keeper if you select this role card.

HypogeanYou are in a PT with other Hypogeans, who are confirmed to not be

A random other Non-
aligned player will be a Hypogean if you select this role card.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:56 pm
by Morning Tweet
Town Communications Expert
/ Communications Expert)

During each day, you may target a player. They will be added to a personal private thread with you for the rest of the game.

During each night, you may target a player to send an attached message to. This may be used in conjunction with any other actions you may have at this time.

If you are killed or otherwise removed from the game, you will grant the still-living player you most recently targeted during the day all of your abilities, including this passive one. Add "Communications Novice" to their role title.

The Communications Expert and future Communications Novices all use the same private thread.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:02 pm
by Morning Tweet
Mafia Firearm Distributor
/ Firearm Distributor)

On night two, you
target four separate players to hand a "Night Three Compulsive Vigilante" invention to. These inventions cannot be used in conjunction with factional abilities unless a user is multi-tasking.

If you are a member of a groupscum, only up to one of these inventions may go to a known teammate. You may not self-target.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:24 am
by Guillotina
Specter Osiris
(Specter alignment / Osiris role)

The Specters are a groupscum faction that starts off with 1 or 2 players (similar to the cult leader) and are dead. Yes! They start off in the graveyard where they must remain until they have collected the souls of 3 players to win the game (4 for games larger than 25 players). At the start of the game you die flipless, not during pre-game!

The Specters have a factional “Sleep Paralysis” action that they can target a player that is alive with. Players under sleep paralysis cannot perform any night actions, they cannot communicate in PTs that night and they are informed of what types actions they are targeted by (excluding those from specters). If a player is killed while under “Sleep Paralysis" during the night or they die the following day by any means, their soul is collected by the Specter faction, joining them in the specter chat
(They are not added to the graveyard chat).

During the day you have the factional vote action. You can select a player to have an extra vote for that day. This vote is not announced that is coming from your faction.

Specters can never perform kill actions.

If a Specter is targeted by a player with an ability to interact with the dead or are resurrected by living players, the entire faction loses the game.

Osiris may each night put a player in jail, which will protect that player from death, but also prevent them from being able to succesfully perform any night actions on that same night.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:36 am
by Guillotina
Specter Hades
(Specter alignment / Hades role)

The Specters are a groupscum faction that starts off with 1 or 2 players (similar to the cult leader) and are dead. Yes! They start off in the graveyard where they must remain until they have collected the souls of 3 players to win the game (4 for games larger than 25 players). At the start of the game you die flipless, not during pre-game!

The Specters have a factional “Sleep Paralysis” action that they can target a player that is alive with. Players under sleep paralysis cannot perform any night actions, they cannot communicate in PTs that night and they are informed of what types actions they are targeted by (excluding those from specters). If a player is killed while under “Sleep Paralysis" during the night or they die the following day by any means, their soul is collected by the Specter faction, joining them in the specter chat
(They are not added to the graveyard chat).

During the day you have the factional vote action. You can select a player to have an extra vote for that day. This vote is not announced that is coming from your faction.

Specters can never perform kill actions.

If a Specter is targeted by a player with an ability to interact with the dead or are resurrected by living players, the entire faction loses the game.

If you choose this role and you are a specter, you don't die at the start of the game. You can post in the thread as well as in the dead PT. You can also vote by using the factional vote if you have any otherwise, you cannot vote. For all intents and purposes you count as a dead person and can still die if you are targeted by dead interaction abilities from the living. However you can also be targeted to be killed by the living, if you are, the host will reveal your alignment and role and you no longer can post and vote in the thread.

All other actions against you will fail unless they are abilities that specifically interact with the dead.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:03 am
by Not Known 15
Town-specific 1-shot Reflexive Alignment Declarer
Role:Town-specific 1-shot Reflexive Alignment Declarer

On the first night you are visited by at least one person aligned with the town you will return the following message to anyone who is visiting that night.
is aligned with

Exchange Name and Faction with the name and faction of the player who gets this role.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:14 am
by TemporalLich
Town Cold-Blooded Doctor
/ Cold-Blooded Doctor)

Cold-Blooded Doctor: Each night, you may protect someone from being killed.

Anything that would trigger as a result of your actions (e.g. Sentry and Reflexive roles) doesn't trigger.