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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:44 am
by spork76
its a 1 shot deal so i couldn't use it last night i used it niht before

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:00 am
by mathcam
Hey, I'm just interpreting. Don't look at me for answers.


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:01 am
by sycko999
I am a vig remember?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:06 am
I made a decision (2 bottles of wine and a lovely birthday meal for my boyfriend helped)...

Vote: Spork

unvote vote:mmclI don't want to accidentaly lynch a doc
and yes my powers can overide a roleblock or protect if the person chosen is being roleblocked
He seemed sure of it then (post 498) AND THEN had to check with the mod... or maybe he's just lying. Im not convinced by Araltaln, but Im fed up with this game - I've defended myself against poor acusations (and bad play by my former self) for so long that I have decided that it's time to make a stand. I know I'm not scum, I know mathcam's not scum (well 99% sure) and other than araltaln nobody else seems to be playing this game.... Mod - can we get some prods please...

I think Spork is scum, in fact, I would go as far as saying that he is of a similar flavour as Nanook - not scum per se, but enabled to help scum... however his skill is to double up someone's role and it is clear that whoever he chose last night, he doubled up.

He says in post 498 a present tense verb, 'can'.... now he says it was one-shot.

If I am wrong - lynch me tomorrow! I am pissed now and well... thats how I see it... bah! ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:38 pm
by Norinel
Vote Count:

MMCL- 3 (araltaln, spork76, mathcam)
spork76- 1 (MMCL)

Not voting (2): Jolle, sycko999

4 to lynch.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:47 pm
by sycko999
Ahem, MMCL are you just ignoring the fact that I am a vig so in the morning when you kill me you can say "Ooh sycko was a vig? I dion't know that."
Vote: MMCL
I hope that was right.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:02 pm
by Norinel
End of Day Vote Count:

MMCL- 4 (araltaln, spork76, mathcam, sycko999)
spork76- 1 (MMCL)

Not voting (1): Jolle

Bullet Station (Day 4):

The last few pieces fit together so nicely and cleanly that Omochao is the one to put it all together. MMCL tries his entire arsenal to try to distract them, but one by one the other members of the group decide he is the one to take out. He got to be the final evil this time; but this went no better than his other schemes; once he's exposed, he escapes with his usual flourish and plots revenge. The world is safe, until next time...

MMCL (Replacing dragonmaster) (Dr. Eggman, mafia roleblocker)- lynched Day 4. Town wins!

More information to follow.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:13 pm
by Norinel
Okay, there's a good bit of weird role interaction here, and I'm not feeling all that great, so the full infodump will have to wait a day or two. But the things you might be interested in knowing:

Thank you for not making an issue of the way alignments were phrased in the role pms; I hate it and they were all different anyway.

Dr. Eggman could kill or block, and the block never got used; the one thing I might've changed would be to make him be able to do both on one night.

Night 2, I got nothing from the mafia, so they nochoiced for both the kill and the block. They wouldn't have killed Nanook anyway; Metal Sonic's pm mentioned that Vector was the spy role.

On Night 4, both sycko and MMCL killed, and both killtypes were "blown to bits". Knuckles (If he'd used the unblockable kill) and Vector (If he'd outlived the mafia), would both have "beaten up". Dragonmaster asked me about it Day 1.

Most of what MMCL said Day 4 about me and him is lying; I have sent him unsolicited comment pms about newbie games he's ran, and he actually invited me into B5, (I declined privately to avoid overload.) but that's about it.

The surviving town roles in one convenient place: (Everyone was what they claimed)

araltaln (Omochao, doctor)
Jolle (Charmy, team cop)
mathcam (Rouge, cop)
spork76 (Replacing Maverick) (Shadow, roledoubler)
sycko999 (Replacing warpdragon) (E-123 Omega, vigilante)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:30 pm
by sycko999
Whoohoo I made the right choice,even if MMCL wasn't lynched and the game continued I would have night killed him.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:01 pm
by mathcam
So I was right about the same-minute double-post from MMCL being total BS?


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:15 pm
by Norinel
Yeah. I gave him dragonmaster's choices when he replaced in; I always do.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:24 pm
Yeah - sorry about spinning a couple of yarns... I felt the situation was already dire so I figured I might as well try every trick in the book :)

Well played all... was a fun game, but to be honest there wasn't much I could really do to stop you getting me. Sorry for casting doubt on you Norinel... you are a great mod :D

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:59 pm
by mathcam
A valiant effort indeed, MMCL. No need to apologize, the lies may have kept you alive for longer.


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 8:23 pm
Ack... to be honest I think I was fighting a losing battle from the start... no kill or block night two didnt help...

I was planning on blocking you tonight Sycko... and then going "Aha.. no kill - it must be Sycko then...!" However I am pretty sure mathcam was going to investigate me so it would have been game over...

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:26 pm
by mathcam
Hmm, it depends on who was lynched instead. My known innocent was Jolle, so I wouldn't have let him been lynched. If spork was lynched, I would've investigated you. If araltaln was lynched, I probably would have investigated spork. But even then, you would have been about the only target left.


Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 4:02 am
by Norinel

Metal Sonic- mlaker

You are Metal Sonic, godfather. Each night, you may communicate with Dr. Eggman (dragonmaster) to choose whom to kill and which member of the mafia performs the kill; the final decision and responsibility to submit the kill choice is yours. You may choose not to kill. One reason the person who performs the kill matters is cause of death- kills you perform will be vague, which for game purposes is simply "killed." In addition, you are completely immune to nightkills, and investigations treat you as if you are pro-town and Sonic (who is conveniently out of the way, so feel free to claim him). Vector is out there somewhere as a mafia spy-type role, although there is no recruitment mechanic for him. You are

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.

Dr. Eggman- MMCL (Replacing dragonmaster)

You are Dr. Eggman, mafia role-blocker. During the night, you may communicate with Metal Sonic (mlaker), though the final decision on whom to kill and whom to send is his. One reason whom to send matters is cause of death- you perform kills with the big nasty laser fixtures you have lying around, which for game purposes is "blown to bits." Another is that, on any night you do not perform the mafia kill, you may send me a choice of one other player to block. Cream is currently being held prisoner deep within your flagship, so feel free to claim her. You are
on the side of good.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.

dragonmaster (Dr. Eggman, mafia roleblocker)- <cause of death>


This mafia is mostly designed to hurt the possiblity of claiming- they both have an alibi, one has investigation immunity, and the other has a provable ability. And then there's the whole cause of death intersection. Dr. Eggman is not a robot, but Metal Sonic is.

Vector- Yoko Kurama (Replacing NanookTheWolf (Replacing Quagmire))

You are Vector, a mafia spy who greatly resembles a name cop. You investigate one player every night to learn their role name. The mafia know that the mafia spy is named Vector, but there is no spy recruitment; if you are targetted to be killed by them, you die. When all the other members of the mafia are dead, you will be notified and gain a nightkill. You are
one of the good guys.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


The spy does come up as guilty to Rouge, but he's got an alibi and will come up Chaotix, so he's got that going for him. Also, a mass claim or claims in general will allow him to ID himself to the mafia. Vector is not a robot.

To be sent if Dr. E and MS die before him: (Maybe drop the italics?)

Your communicator goes dead. It looks like [lastmafiatodie] was the last of your hirers. Guess that means it just might be time to take matters into your own hands, so to speak.

From now on (Starting Night #), you may choose to kill someone instead of investigating. As you kill with a combination of bouncing on your target and a variety of other miscellaneous attacks, the official in-game cause of death will be "beaten up".

Tails- Mojo

You are Tails, one-shot doctor. Once in the game, you may protect another player from nightkills by potentially flying him out of danger. If that player is attacked, both you and him will be notified that he was attacked (And generally how he was attacked) and protected during the night. This may or may not be true for other forms of protection, and the protectee will not be notified if he is not attacked. You are one of the good guys.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


It's a bit long and redundant (Really, the first three sentences describe the role adequately) deliberately. It also gives a form of protection to have more stuff to hurt Omochao if he ever has to claim. Interestingly enough, Mojo never claimed the revelation part of his role.

If the kill is prevented, send something along these lines to Tails: (And if they get attacked multiple times, or if I'm in a particularly creative mood, wing it.)

You spend the night flying just out of the sight of [target], keeping an eye on him. All seems to go well, until [a laser begins charging, aimed straight at him./there is a sudden movement in the shadows around him.] You fly him out of danger, leaving the attacker none the wiser.

[target] was attacked tonight with [a laser beam/an unidentifiable method].

And to the target:

This night was going much like the previous ones until you [found yourself in front of a charging laser beam./noticed a quick aggressive movement out of the corner of your eye.] Somehow, as quickly as the danger is brought to your attention, you are borne out of it.

You were attacked tonight by [a laser beam/an unidentifiable method] and protected.

Knuckles- PBuG

You are Knuckles. Each night, you may choose one other player in the game to knock around a bit. This will not kill them, but it will negate any protection from or immunity to nightkills they may have for that night. Once in the game, you may accompany this with a kill (On the same person whom you target to unprotect); the cause of death for this kill would be "beaten up". You win with the town.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


Has an effect on Amy, MS, or whomever Omochao or Tails targets. Doesn't work on Espio going invisible.

Shadow- spork76 (Replacing Maverick)

You are Shadow. Once in the game, you may use Chaos Control on one other player. That player will be notified that they are able to use their night action (If applicable) again on that night. The second action cannot be blocked, but any part of it that includes blocking you will fail. You are out to save the world.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


If Espio uses his second chance to turn invisible, other actions targetting him will fail but this won't. If Espio uses his first chance to turn invisible, he isn't notified at all. If the target is Eggman (Or Vector after the mafia dies), mention that it's either a kill or a block in the pm. If the target is mafia, they can't communicate with the other one.

To be sent to the target:

Near sunrise, time itself seems to slow down around you, eventually stopping. You seem to have been given more time.[ However, with no way of spending it, you simply wait a few extra hours for the night to end.]

[Tonight, you have another chance to use your night action. Please send your choice as quickly as possible.]

If the target is in the mafia:

Near sunrise, time itself seems to slow down around you, eventually stopping. You seem to have been given more time.

Tonight, you have another chance to use your night action[ (a kill or a block)]. [You may not communicate with your partner for the rest of this night. ]Please send your choice as quickly as possible.

Rouge- mathcam

You are Rouge, a cop. Each night, you may investigate one other player to determine their alignment (good/evil). You win when evil is eliminated.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


Sane: gets Evil for Dr. E and Vector, Good for everyone else.

E-123 Omega- sycko999 (Replacing warpdragon)

You are E-123 Omega, a vigilante. Each night, you may attempt to kill one other player. Since you do so with lasers and heavy weaponry and such, the announced cause of death will be, for game purposes, "blown to bits." You are one of this game's many protagonists.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


Omega is a robot.

Amy- Fletcher

You are Amy. Sonic Adventure proved that your primary skill is running away from robots, so you are immune to being killed by or with robot(s). You are on the town's side.

Confirm by pm.


Can not be killed by Metal Sonic or Omega. (I totally forgot that Omochao was a robot until someone mentioned it Day 4; good thing I didn't make it the SK.)

Omochao- araltaln

You are Omochao, a standard doctor. You may not protect yourself.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.

Espio- jadesmar (Replacng Prince Kael)

You are Espio. On two nights in the game, you may turn invisible. This will, for that night, protect yourself from all night actions targetting you. If you are blocked the night you decide to turn invisible, the invisibility succeeds. You are town.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.

Charmy- Jolle

You are Charmy, a team cop. Each night, you may investigate one other player to determine which of the game's four teams they are on. You will get no result if the player is not one of the teams or if the investigation fails for another reason. You are good.

Confirm and send your Night 1 choice by pm.


Gets Team Sonic for Metal Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles
Gets Team Dark for Shadow, Rouge, and Omega
Gets Team Chaotix for Vector, Espio and Charmy (If he investigates himself)
Gets Team Rose for Amy
Gets no result for Dr. Eggman, Omochao, and if the investigation is blocked.

Night 1:

Scum discussion:

(PM from dragonmaster asking about kill choice and clarification regarding the blocking)
mlaker wrote:What role block thing? And I think our kill tonight should be PBuG because he is fairly experienced but is not as likely to be protected as say mathcam and maybe you should send in the choice because I think it would be better if did the kill. Also since it said I'm the Godfather in my PM I'm immune to night kills and am innocent to investigations so my role-claim will be Sonic. Are you okay with you killing PBuG tonight? PM to tell me.
dragonmaster wrote:okay will do. I shall send the choice in to Norinel

Choices: (What have I gotten myself into?)

Confirmed: arataln, Mojo, dragonmaster, (Jolle), warpdragon, mathcam, Fletcher, mlaker, Prince Kael, Maverick, Quagmire, PBuG

Mafia (mlaker & dragonmaster): Send dragonmaster to kill PBuG
Dr. Eggman (dragonmaster): No action
Vector (Quagmire): Investigate Prince Kael
Tails (Mojo): No action
Knuckles (PBuG): Antiprotect warpdragon
Shadow (Maverick): No action
Rouge (mathcam): Investigate mlaker
Omega (warpdragon): No kill
Omochao (araltaln): mathcam
Espio (Prince Kael): No action
Charmy (Jolle): mathcam

Results: PBuG dies by laser. Quagmire gets the result of "Espio". mathcam gets the result of "Good", because of godfatherness. Jolle gets the result "Team Dark".

Notes: Mojo had some silly questions about whether his protection worked on himself, and who Tails was. Maverick wanted to confirm if his ability was one-shot. Kael asked how and when he should tell me he wants/doesn't want to use his ability. Why did PBuG use his ability? dragonmaster sent the mafia choice; I asked mlaker to confirm it. Why didn't he block Night 1? Perhaps to set up for a blocker claim...

Notes: PBuG's posthumous post was annoying, but not a problem, since I'm doing honest complete revelations this time around. (At least for the townies) Jolle seems to think that Team Dark is evil, (From the random vote) but I don't think it'll go far, as someone will assuredly point out that it's near impossible to set up a game that way. The beginning-of-Day 1 discussion is amusing, especially the off-base chunks. Cam had a good point about the unprotector being pro-town showing them something, but he could be wrong. (Yes, I know he isn't, but...) Insert evil laughter at Mojo's post 19, and some of the discussion to follow. (But he dropped a bunch of identity clues there, too- the vig and mentioning that the mafia are probably amongst teams, as Dark'd be most likely evil.) Props to araltaln for guessing right. Double props to araltaln for mentioning the 32x. Did dragonmaster not notice the safe claim in his pm? Insert more evil laughter at the top of page 4. What is with the misspelling of Cream? Araltaln sent me a pm telling me he'd be away for a week (The first week I'm gone) and saying claiming Omochao would be interesting. I told him he didn't need it and declined to comment on the second bit. :) Warpdragon asked if there was a mistake regarding the kill type.

After my vacation: No lynch? I suppose that's the downside of having too much weird/confusing stuff.

Night 2:


Mafia (mlaker & dragonmaster): No choice received
Dr. Eggman (dragonmaster): No choice received
Vector (NanookTheWolf): Investigate mathcam
Tails (Mojo): No choice received
Shadow (Maverick): No choice received
Rouge (mathcam): Investigate NanookTheWolf
Omega (warpdragon): Kill Fletcher
Omochao (araltaln): Protect NanookTheWolf
Espio (Prince Kael): No choice received
Charmy (Jolle): Investigate Mojo

Results: No deaths; the kill on Fletcher is blocked by his immunity. Mathcam receives the result "Evil". Nanook receives the result "Rouge". Jolle receives the result "Team Sonic".

Notes: Mathcam originally said to investigate Quagmire, but changed to Nanook when I pointed out that he'd been replaced. This night seems to have worked out well for the town between the mafia choice-missing, guilty investigation, and vig kill failing. I had some qualms about ending night without the mafia choice, but DP'd set a deadline and I came in more than 24 hours after it.

Day 2:

Notes: Grr at the slow start. Might it be incriminating that three of the first four to post had received pms from me near the night's end? (Warpdragon pmed me to ask if I'd missed his choice) I somewhat admire mathcam's ability to hold back commenting on both his guilty result and Nanook's result on him in his first post. Page 10 is filled with intrigue. Mojo correctly suspects that the name investigations could be in the hands of the Mafia. The whole argument about lynching mlaker or Nanook shows something of the downside of GF-ness. And more inactivity; deadline is imminent once I work out the replacements. mlaker's claim makes me think "I'm looking for myself" might be a pattern in fake claims; (Like the vampire hunter in Mafia vs. Werewolves) someone might point out that unless MS has some sort of investigation immunity, his claimed role is objectively worse than Nanook's. The "Okay, these people really don't have any knowledge of the theme" award goes to Mojo for post 325. The "Okay, these people
don't have any knowledge of the theme" award goes to sycko for post 337. araltaln still insists there are characters beyond the 12 in the game, of course. I wonder if assumptions of investigation immunity will also incriminate Nanook; if it does, the town will be quite lucky. I think mlaker leaned too hard on investigative immunity, which wound up backfiring; if only Nanook had been lynched first...

Night 3:


Mafia/Dr. Eggman (MMCL): Kill jadesmar (With a note that it's random.)
Vector (Yoko Kurama): Investigate Fletcher and araltaln
Tails (Mojo): No choice
Shadow (spork76): Double Nanook
Rouge (mathcam): Investigate Fletcher (Along with "Here's hoping I don't wake up dead. Or rather not wake up dead." <- sig this after the game is over)
Omega (sycko999): Kill Fletcher
Omochao (araltaln): Protect mathcam (With a note that his head hurts)
Espio (jadesmar): No choice
Charmy (Jolle): Investigate Fletcher

Results: jadesmar dies by laser; the kill on Fletcher fails again because of his immunity. YK gets the result "Amy", mathcam gets the result "Good", and Jolle gets the result "Team Rose". YK gets a second investigation, and gets the result "Omochao."

Notes: I considered asking spork if he was aware that the ability was one-shot, but decided not to. Spork said he'd be gone 1.5-2 weeks, which'd pretty much just be the night. This raises a situation I hadn't thought of; if an info role gets doubled, does it get its first result before making its second investigation? I sez yes. Hmm, MMCL doesn't know about Vector being a spy, since mlaker didn't tell dragonmaster N1. The factor partially beyond my control was getting a second choice from Yoko. With araltaln investigated, things should start to get interesting...

Day 3:

Notes: I don't think anyone will accuse Yoko of guessing the role name(s) he got. The town is more resistant to the obviously pro-town role name yesterday and provable ability today than I'd thought; only Fletcher's using it as a base for not being suspicious of Yoko. MMCL is going to be hard-pressed to pull this one off; I don't see three obvious lynch targets.

Night 4:


Mafia/Dr. Eggman (MMCL): Kill Fletcher
Tails (SaberKitty): Protect mathcam
Rouge (mathcam): Investigate Jolle (Noting that he's predicting a guilty)
Omega (sycko999): Kill Mojo
Omochao (araltaln): Protect mathcam (Noting that he likes days and nights where the decisions are easy.)
Charmy (Jolle): Investigate spork76

Results: SK and Fletcher die by laser. (Eggman isn't a robot.) mathcam gets the result "Good", Jolle gets the result "Team Dark"

Notes: A lot fewer choices tonight, with two of them dead and one one-shot used. Mathcam, I beg of you.... for all those people, in that mafia... give MMCL a chance... to be... not investigated... If this lasts one more good day, it'll be the longest post-crash mini postwise, but Trigger's in the running too. (Alas, it ended at 19 or so.) It already is the most replaced-in post-crash mini. spork tried to double mathcam, but I told him his ability was one-shot. He objected at first but objected when I underlined "Once in the game." in his PM. (What would I do if I found out that I really was too obscure?) Is MMCL trying to be confusing with his kill tonight? It may work on sycko. This was an unfortunate night for the town, a nice contrast to N2. I flipped a coin to determine the kill order, since I didn't previously specify.

Day 4:

Notes: Hmm... MMCL is mostly lying about me working on B5 and stuff; it'd be interesting if I'd mentioned in passing to another player that I'd been invited into it. I don't think he can win it; he's the most likely investigatee if he doesn't get lynched today. (Spent most of the Day just watching in semisuspense; the game's result was a matter of when, not what.)

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:38 pm
by mathcam
Reading the notes was fun. Thanks for posting them, Norinel. I
a little surprised that I got Jolle as innocent.


Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:40 pm
by mathcam
Also, I think it's a sign of a good game when it can go 23 pages and 3 months without ever feeling (at least to me) that it was dragging on. Our nearest competitor for length, Pokemafia, went 21 pages in 4 months, and
definitely felt very draggy, though it was also pretty fun.


Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:14 pm
by araltaln
Thanks for a great game, Norinel, I know I had tons of fun with it :) (Although maybe a little too much fun in some people's opinion ;) *sings* Secret agent bat, secret agent bat/If she takes away your emeralds/Don't hang your head in shame)

However, I have a confession to make...

I've never played Sonic Heroes (or the closely related SA2). All the information which I based my guesses, theories, and assertions on is accessible online. All of it.

Make what you will of that :P

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:45 am
by Norinel
A bit of AIM chat between MMCL, Fletcher and I, minus the hellos and goodbyes. Usernames should be obvious:

MMCL00(6:54:05 PM): apologies about lying about you
SuperFletch5(6:54:12 PM): huh?
MMCL00(6:54:27 PM): in Sonic Heroes
MMCL00(6:54:35 PM): I was lying my face off
SuperFletch5(6:55:04 PM): oh
SuperFletch5(6:55:17 PM): I totally messed up that game
MMCL00(6:55:24 PM): lol
MMCL00(6:55:32 PM): I killed you
SuperFletch5(6:55:42 PM): ooh thx
SuperFletch5(6:55:46 PM):
SuperFletch5(6:55:53 PM): who won?
nNorinel(6:55:59 PM): Town.
SuperFletch5(6:56:08 PM): w00t
SuperFletch5(6:56:22 PM): I got confused and everyone was voting me for it
MMCL00(6:56:47 PM): lol
nNorinel(6:57:13 PM): Warpdragon/sycko999 tried to kill you twice, too.
MMCL00(6:58:01 PM): It was fun - I dont think I had much of a chance though
nNorinel(6:59:58 PM): Things sort of went downhill for scum from when mlakergot lynched; if he'd managed to stay less suspicious than Nanook, he'd beseen as confirmed.
SuperFletch5(7:00:08 PM): ah
SuperFletch5(7:00:17 PM): they tried to kill me?
SuperFletch5(7:00:29 PM): warp and sycko that is
SuperFletch5(7:00:53 PM): oh yeah nm
nNorinel(7:01:02 PM): Yeah, but Omega is a robot and
SuperFletch5(7:01:07 PM): wasn't thinking about my roel for a sec
MMCL00(7:01:33 PM): was a great game
nNorinel(7:01:42 PM): Or if dragonmaster/MMCL had ever had a provable block.
MMCL00(7:02:05 PM): lol - true..... and for a bit they were almost believing the 4 scum concept
nNorinel(7:03:02 PM): You just got the symmetry the wrong way; instead of one scum on each team, it was one scum on each formation.
SuperFletch5(7:03:38 PM): ah
MMCL00(7:06:28 PM): hehe
MMCL00(7:07:21 PM): well I needed the 4-scum idea... it was surprising that noone suggested that it wasnt araltaln from my team and me instead...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:12 am
by spork76
gewd game :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:41 pm
by NanookTheWolf
Sorry that I had to be replaced guys, but as some of you know I had no choice in the matter. I really thought that I had you guys going with my claim there for a little while, but found it inevitable that I would be caught. Oh well, hopefully this doesn't happen to me again.