GreyICE wrote:Oh my god.
Amrun is confirmed scum.
MoI make an argument I'm too lazy.
No, I’ve stopped doing Freelance case work for others. I will look through Amrun's ISO today. Groovy!
GreyICE wrote:Step 1:buy a dartboard...
No, that would be more accurate than Empking’s reads normally.
Amrun wrote:I am happier to see Vi actually doing something now - as SpyreX said, I think she is showing some "bite" now, which appeases a great deal of the problem I had with her to begin with.
Let me see …
Vi gets called out on ‘back-seating’ eaerly in the thread in a scummy manner.
Vi responds by upping activity and reads and saying “Now I will play to my Town manner. It was all a gambit before …”
Amrun sees this as Town behavior?
Vi wrote:I found it much more convenient as scum to avoid people like GreyICE and MoI.
Really? Then explain why Scum-Vi in Defcon 3.0 went out of the way to antagonize MoI-Town when all it did was earn you a correct scum read by me there?
Vi wrote:I'm not getting lynched Today. This isn't a declaration or a boast, it's a simple statement of fact. I don't care if Pikachu and Death Clan and Godzilla glue their votes to me (as if they haven't); there aren't six other people who are going to join them after I pretty much jettisoned every Town tell I have.
This is why Vi needs deep fried in crispy lynch goodness.
“I came under fire for scummy play so I used all my normal Towntells”. If you know they are Towntells then they stop being Towntells when you actively refer to them as such.
Vi wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think RECK has ever voted for me in any game in the past.
Yeah, here’s a pile of nothing! What does someone not voting for you in past games have to do with anything, even the price of tea in China?
Vi wrote:So I'm looking at the scumlist I posted above, which I think most people agree with. Now I'm looking at this scumlist. Now I'm looking at my scumlistNOW BACK TO THIS. Sadly, SpyreX's scumlist doesn't look like mine, but if he stopped defending probscum and drew a Town Role PM, his scumlist could look like mine. In particular, I'm really not sure what that offer to "lock down DH" is supposed to be.
1. Did you get hit in the head with a bat recently Vi? Locking down DH is specifically directing his tracking to test him Night 1. It couldn’t be more clear.
2. Actually looking at his “Launch into the Sun” list (which isn’t a scum-list but a list of people the game would be better of without, nice strawman) the only person I disagree with is GreyICE. Hindu is boardering on scummy uselessness hiding behind his so called role-playing. Toasty (who calls SDC Town BTW, what do you think of that?) and Irony are non-perfomers who absolutely need a bullet ASAP. You are scumtastic and Nik is rising up my ladder. Nothing inherently odd about that list.
Yami wrote:There is a case in sight.
So Moi, what do YOU think of them?
Point to it. Unless it is more than “AHHHH SDC NEVER PLAYS THIS WAY” don’t expect me to pay any attention.
SDC gets Town points for me for being on the same wavelength as me re: Vi.
SDC gets Scum points for Reck’s ‘CLAIM’ given how much he thinks I’m a crap player who he wouldn’t trust.
I haven’t seen the signs of obv-scum Spyrex that I have seen before in that head’s posts.
Hindu wrote:SDC's lurking and general not participating in the game has now reached the point where they're not just scummy but obviously scummy.
Um, whut? How in any way can you assess they are lurking and not participating in the game? If this is stupid ass role-playing then ditch it because it makes you look scummy as hell.
Unless, of course, your passive requires you to make no sense.
Candle wrote:I'm not going to just keep wagoning people to claims until we hit a vanilla or move of people when I think they are fakeclaiming.
Serious question – do you think, given the time it took to draw up the roles, that there are ANY Vanilla in this setup?
Candle wrote:meh, get over yourself. And on the Demon front, DH has posted upwards of 45 times all over the site since the last time he posted here for his weak claim. He is obviously dodging this game. Of course I want DH dead, as that is the most likely player in the game right now to flip scum.
Normally I’d be with you 100% but I have direct knowledge that this is NOT a scum-tell for DH. Sigh.
AGM wrote:MoI can verify this if you like - I first proposed the strategy to him in our hydra QT for [REDACTED].
He’s absolutely being truthful with this statement. Doesn’t mean crap for alignment but is an accurate portrayal of events.
Nik wrote:Vi, would you be satisfied if we lynch Amrun today and have MoI inspect AGM tonight? The second person can be, say, LLD, to give us a more conclusive result on AGM.
Oh now so we are directing my Night action?
Don’t think so …
Question Nik
– are you voteless the entire game or just Day 1 or some combination of other possibilities?
Nik wrote:You know, at this rate we're probably going to end up nolynching if AGM doesn't use his ability ANYWAY.
Subtle push to end the day with a Treestump as opposed to lynching scum when we have 10 days left? Scumtastic