Though the sunset was still a few hours away the committee managed to come up with a final tally. It had been a tense session with some people quitting to be replaced. Nacho kept dragging his feet saying not until every one has had a chance to speak will I think of hammering, while others screamed at him for not hammering someone who is obviously scum. Lynch him NOW the mob chanted over and over again.
The other newcomer to the meeting, Maenara finally spoke. Meanwhile the rather odd man in the corner with a black set of armour on including a visor covering his face, Nobody Special accused and voted for Nacho and then one people ware screaming to hang already. Finally Nacho casts the final vote with a raised eybrow at Majiffy... Fe he says rather simply. The hammer was swung and they pulled Fe up from his chair where he sat dazed, hardly able to believe it was over. Majiffy ties a noose in the rope and throws the other end around a branch that is several feet off the ground. As LS ties up Fe's hands, Majiffy smiles a rather cynical smile and says I have been waiting a long time for this Fe...
As Fe jerks his last shudder and dies, he changes form and it becomes clear that he was wearing a glamor. Majiffy crows I was RIGHT.
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Night ends in (expired on 2012-12-04 02:48:44)