Page 24 of 246
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:07 am
by StubbsKVM
In post 169, dramonic wrote:DOMO, never sign up for one of my games

Also Im starting to get strong townreads, yay~
been a week since you've posted this. Your ISO tells me you've basically had nothing to say besides this.
I'd like to hear those townreads(or at least some input)
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:42 am
by Zdenek
In post 549, DOMO wrote:zdenek, is quoting someone and saying "scum" your idea of analysis?
In post 549, DOMO wrote:What's weird about me making a typo and then correcting it?
What was weird is that it seems like you're voting Bro just for stuff from page one. It doesn't look like you're making an effort to read him.
It reads like drawn out bs that you want people to care about, but that doesn't matter.
In post 549, DOMO wrote:I also don't like his reasoning for pushing TMT... I have my doubts about TMT
I haven't given any reason so, I don't know what you're talking about. Now, you're attacking me for prodding someone you have doubts about?
In post 549, DOMO wrote:zdenek calling TMT scummy for pointing this out is questionable.
Stevie still looks scummy to me. I don't see why goat needed to comment more at that moment. Why do you think that he did?
Why's that?
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:10 am
zdenek... you think I have BRO as scum purely for page 1 stuff? His comments at me calling my logic terrible, this kinda reminded me of buldy in my last game... ff can tell you were that one went. I've explained a few times that I was waiting for djd before voting, I've also said a few times I think BRO is scum, and he's done nothing to convince me otherwise. I'd have voted for him long ago had I not been hydra, and my vote would probably still be there.
In post 576, Zdenek wrote:It reads like drawn out bs that you want people to care about, but that doesn't matter.
Me talking shit is more likely to be an indication of the quality of weed I'm smoking. If you can be bothered to meta me, you'll see I talk a lot of crap. MS suggested BRO has an "average" chance of being scum, I was explaining why I don't see it like that. Sure it might be drawn out, but it matters. I also wanted to know why MS was fighting BRO's corner, something he's yet to respond to. I have reason to suspect MS, independent of BRO, and want to engage with him some more.
I haven't given any reason so, I don't know what you're talking about. Now, you're attacking me for prodding someone you have doubts about?
You quoted his post where he points the finger at goat, who has 3 posts and an important vote on stevie. Forgive me for assuming this was your reason for calling him scum. Yes I have doubts about TMT, I have doubts about stevie too, but neither are reads I have a huge amount of confidence in. I think TMT is right to consider goat sketchy, so you pointing your finger at TMT for a post that I actually agreed with pinged, more so than your attack at me tbh.
Stevie still looks scummy to me. I don't see why goat needed to comment more at that moment. Why do you think that he did?
You don't see why goat needed to comment more? Is this serious? He has 3 posts, I'd like to see him comment more on a lot more things than this. Why do I think goat made the comments he did? I dunno, I can speculate, like maybe he's town and thinks stevie is scum, or maybe he's scum and wants to ML stevie, or maybe even bussing... it's pretty difficult to get a read on goat based on 3 posts. Seeing as I'm not really sure about stevie, this makes it harder for me to figure out his motives.
Why do you think TMT voted for goat? Do you not think goat is worth of scrutiny?
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:12 am
Stubbs, why are you voting nero?
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:40 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 573, T S O wrote: In post 524, Rift Adrift wrote:Town: Calcifer, Steve, TMT, Nero, TIP, truly14(and his replacement), Brian Hollywood
Null: Whoever isn't on Town or Scum
Scum: Doc, Zdenek, DOMO, Mac, TSO, Goat
Nacho my love, I am here to banish your cares and fears, speak to me
Replying to this, btw.
Syr's case will have to wait for Syr to be around again to post.
You slipped scumward from my perspective when you answered only parts of the posts I directed your way. They weren't long posts or anything. It looked like either you weren't really reading the thread closely or you were intentionally dodging the unanswered questions.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:46 am
by StubbsKVM
In post 162, StubbsKVM wrote: In post 130, Doc Holliday wrote:
Second, lol at anyone and everyone talking about 'lurkers,' people 'avoiding the thread,' and suspicion leveled against those who haven't posted yet. TIP is massively guilty of this. The game is SEVEN HOURS OLD. Some of us have jobs, and have been at work literally the entire span of the game so far. Chill.
This is the best post in this topic.
In post 78, Nero wrote:i cant believe stevie isn't lynched yet
you guys suck
VOTE: Nero
For telling me I suck for not voting within the first 4 hours of this game.
He continued to ask for a quicklynch on Stevie and posted random BS.
So no reason for me to remove my vote.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:49 am
I don't like the nero wagon, but that has a lot to do with the fact I like the other four.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:53 am
by StubbsKVM
In post 515, PeregrineV wrote:
(as of Post 514)
StevieT92 (5)
- BROseidon, Nero, Zdenek, Baby Spice, The Goat
BROseidon (4)
- Ankamius, ProHawk, Brian Hollywood, DOMO
Nero (3)
- StubbsKVM, Doc Holliday, StevieT92
Doc Holliday (3)
- Calcifer, TheIrishPope, Rift Adrift
TheIrishPope (1)
- orcinus_theoriginal
- Mac
Mac (1)
- dramonic
dramonic (1)
- KingCrabd
Metal Sonic (1)
- T S O
Not Voting (4)
- Metal Sonic, TMTOLBTWNTOF, truly14, Shadi1337
With 24 alive, it takes 13 to lynch
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at 3pm Central Time.
which other 4 are you refering to??
I'm counting 3
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:55 am
zdenek has picked up a couple of votes since then. Maybe "wagon" isn't the best word after 2 votes, but I can see why he was picking up votes at the time.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:56 am
fwiw I don't hate his response to me, so my vote is staying on BRO. I can shift to doc if his wagon picks up more steam than BRO's.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:10 am
by T S O
In post 579, Rift Adrift wrote: In post 573, T S O wrote: In post 524, Rift Adrift wrote:Town: Calcifer, Steve, TMT, Nero, TIP, truly14(and his replacement), Brian Hollywood
Null: Whoever isn't on Town or Scum
Scum: Doc, Zdenek, DOMO, Mac, TSO, Goat
Nacho my love, I am here to banish your cares and fears, speak to me
Replying to this, btw.
Syr's case will have to wait for Syr to be around again to post.
You slipped scumward from my perspective when you answered only parts of the posts I directed your way. They weren't long posts or anything. It looked like either you weren't really reading the thread closely or you were intentionally dodging the unanswered questions.
So instead of then quoting the questions I missed for me, you said nothing and silently added me to the scumpile?
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:18 am
by StubbsKVM
Stevie and Doc are town from my POV. Funny how they're both voting for Nero too.
After you(DOMO) explained, I can see why people are voting for BRO. I don't really want to join that wagon based on those reasons though.
Not sure about Zdenek, I might need to reread to form an opinion on him.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:24 am
by T S O
Hey, I just ISO'd you and there's nothing I didn't reply to.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:26 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 585, T S O wrote: In post 579, Rift Adrift wrote: In post 573, T S O wrote: In post 524, Rift Adrift wrote:Town: Calcifer, Steve, TMT, Nero, TIP, truly14(and his replacement), Brian Hollywood
Null: Whoever isn't on Town or Scum
Scum: Doc, Zdenek, DOMO, Mac, TSO, Goat
Nacho my love, I am here to banish your cares and fears, speak to me
Replying to this, btw.
Syr's case will have to wait for Syr to be around again to post.
You slipped scumward from my perspective when you answered only parts of the posts I directed your way. They weren't long posts or anything. It looked like either you weren't really reading the thread closely or you were intentionally dodging the unanswered questions.
So instead of then quoting the questions I missed for me, you said nothing and silently added me to the scumpile?
At first, no. I re-asked. When it became a pattern it put me to mind of the reasons why scum players sometimes don't read the thread as closely as town players do. And why scum players sometimes prefer to let questions slide into oblivion rather than answer them.
If you are town, then do town things. I will notice.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:36 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 498, Rift Adrift wrote: In post 497, T S O wrote: In post 474, Calcifer wrote:
Yes. Vote Doc Holliday with me while we wait for Syryana to get back.
This. Also, TIP's post, but I can't multiquote that easily atm.
Who's "they"?
And why do you think Metal Sonic is more scummy than Doc Holliday?
answered the first question.
In post 500, T S O wrote:"They" as in the people who said it was a bad case? Practically half the game.
..perhaps the case wasn't fully damning. However! Its coreprinciples were correct!
*stands down from stage*
In post 503, Rift Adrift wrote: In post 500, T S O wrote:"They" as in the people who said it was a bad case? Practically half the game.
..perhaps the case wasn't fully damning. However! Its coreprinciples were correct!
*stands down from stage*
and...your vote is on MS instead of Doc Holliday because _____?
I misfiled this one under "oh duh tell the person you are pressure voting that it's a pressure vote so they stop giving a fuck" instead of "answered my question".
In post 508, T S O wrote: In post 503, Rift Adrift wrote: In post 500, T S O wrote:"They" as in the people who said it was a bad case? Practically half the game.
..perhaps the case wasn't fully damning. However! Its coreprinciples were correct!
*stands down from stage*
and...your vote is on MS instead of Doc Holliday because _____?
I'm leaving it there to pressure MS to actually do shit. So far, it's worked.
At least, I think this is the game he started posting in.
I'll bring this up with Syr when we synch up again.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:12 am
In post 586, StubbsKVM wrote:After you(DOMO) explained, I can see why people are voting for BRO. I don't really want to join that wagon based on those reasons though.
I would hope that no-one will vote for BRO purely because of that. I would hope he's picking up votes because people think he looks scummy. Like his #34, that horrible self vote. Like him pushing the idea that TIP is a village idiot. I do like his #182 though, the reasons for voting stevie are solid. But then the "terrible" comment pinged, though that could easily be due to being called terrible by scum in my last game when I was onto something.
Reading his ISO again, I'm starting to have my doubts. Let's another look at doc.
#130, complains about the game pace, blah blah stop posting so fast, vote TIP based on suspicion and PL, waa waa again at speed of game, which incidentally is fucking slow compared to some of my recent games (my last one breaking the mafiascum record for most posts on d1). #187 joins the nero wagon. #215... "Broseidon, I would like to introduce you to a concept called powerbussing."... this pings, but maybe that's because I'm suspicious of both. His #424 explanation for nero suspicion at least seems sincere. In fact his next three posts seem more townish than he had previously.
Meh I'm starting to question my reads now. I keep telling myself to trust my gut because I have an uncanny habit of recent to sniff scum out early on, then convince myself I was wrong when the game picks up pace. This is the stage of the game I hate the most... that bit on d1 where I start wanting blood so I can start to apply flip info to my reads.
I'd like to see doc and bro post more. They're still my preferred lynches at this stage.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:16 am
by orcinus_theoriginal
Do you find my read peculiar or disagreeable? What's your read on BRO?
Fery, you haven't town read me yet.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:18 am
orc, is ff the kind of person to go trawling through old games when scum to gain town cred? Because that's the basis of my town read on this slot.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:18 am
by Rift Adrift
I told Syr it was self evident last night.
BTW he <3ed your Zdenek vote.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:20 am
Also, I prefer ff's avatar over rift's. Make more hydra slips ff.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:21 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 592, DOMO wrote:orc, is ff the kind of person to go trawling through old games when scum to gain town cred? Because that's the basis of my town read on this slot.
I do less trawling these days than I did when I first started playing here. I used to meta nearly every player in the game. But, I will go through the motions as scum because I've had some spectacular finds when trawling as town.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:23 am
by orcinus_theoriginal
In post 362, Nero wrote:
In post 349, Nero wrote:im talking to the 16 year old bachelor still living with his dad. no further comments.
In post 351, truly14 wrote:Ok scum nero. Your wish is my command. Mod/s please replace me and sorry.
Unless you're also a 16 year old bachelor living with your dad I fail to recognise how you could possibly imagine I was talking to you.
Personally, I think this is masterful, just because of how
stupidly obvious
this was coming to Truly.
DOMO: BRO is the more likely scum between he and doc, we're going with him today.
I'm going to also call Stubbs scum.
Pedit: That is not a good reason to be town-reading fery. I also don't really think sharing fery-meta at this point in time is conducive to my efforts to ascertain her alignment.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:24 am
Fair enough. I read your hydra pretty well last game, but in fairness it was buldy who I was reading well, I found you tough to read.
^ @rift
pedit - ok point taken re: rift.
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:26 am
by orcinus_theoriginal
ok cool
But can you promise me you guys take a look at BRO
Pedit: ongoing game?
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:26 am
Yeah but we're both dead. I'll shut up about it though.