↑ Untrod Tripod wrote:let me consult my team about this singer/aronis dichotomy
reck thinks singer looks town
↑ Untrod Tripod wrote:let me consult my team about this singer/aronis dichotomy
Because I'm a fucking bulletproof doctor, baning me would be a horrendously stupid idea, I warned you not to, and I was absolutely not bluffing when I made the threat that I would claim to stop it?↑ vezokpiraka wrote:Wtf mastin. Why did you claim because of a roleblock??
(This post by Gamma is pretty town, though.)↑ Gammagooey wrote:I don't think cheetory looks nearly as town as everyone else seems to but baneing him over everyone else doesn't seem like something that's going to happen in two or so days and I don't think it's even remotely worth the sludgeslide of words that would be required to make it happen, especially when he's not even a strong scum read.
I wanted to be ACTUALLY cheeky about something in this game to try to make scum's minor night choices less predictable but don't bane UT because I fully intend to help kill him tomorrow. I've kept seeing little genuine things from him over and over like with mastin and his forgetting ffery and his general frustration at the game but none of them are actually scumhunting, and none of them are things that he wouldn't or couldn't actually feel and believe as scum.
Bulletproof. fucking. doctor.↑ singersigner wrote:Ok so I apparently missed her actual claim but even still, she's either going to die because she's the doctor or scum can take a gamble with her.
↑ Cheetory6 wrote:DV's not happening because question marks.
All of the question marks.
Mastin yell at Titus about why her reasons for defending DV are bad.
And then you can call me scum and wag your finger at me or whatever.
If you don't engage anyone and just keep saying that people are scum without trying to push it nothing is going to happen.
I of course will, for once in my damned life, shut the fuck up about the details of my role, tempting as it'd be to respond to this.↑ singersigner wrote:Alright I'll say it since you seem to be too dense to acknowledge it: statements like "I'm a dead woman" or "I'm a walking dead woman" don't come from someone who's bulletproof without stipulations.
(This in particular is a godawful vote. DV's was bad, but this was worse.)
(This, incidentally, is evidence why a boon on me would have been better. Because my choices are far more narrow and more reliable to produce tangible results, whereas CDB's are a shot in the dark at best.)
Esp wasn't around to boon-vote pretty much, but that CDB boon wagon is as I said, awful. UT's TTH boon is objectively bad though I honestly am not scumreading it (I just think it's bad regardless), and gut reaction is actually the opposite. Butyeah, other than the possibility of Cheet being scum (he may be my third-strongest scumread, but I'm fully aware of the possibility I could be wrong), everyone I suspect that was around supported CDB. A known, easily-nullified, entity, over me, an unknown, potentially-hazardous-to-deal-with one.↑ hitogoroshi wrote:(8)ChannelDelibird:singersigner, Oversoul, TellTaleHeart, Shadoweh, ChannelDelibird,DeasVail,vezokpiraka, Aronis[L-1!]
(4)mastin2:Titus,Cheetory6, Formerfish, Bulbazak
(1)TellTaleHeart:Untrod Tripod
(3)No Boon Vote:ActionDan,Espeonage, mastin2
(That bit about it being scum's doing? Still very much possible.)↑ vezokpiraka wrote:Sorry. I traced you. I wanted to be sure you are town and now I am 95% sure.↑ TellTaleHeart wrote:If anybody traced me last night, you're an asshole.
↑ Untrod Tripod wrote:yeah I'll admit it's a low-impact-player lynch
but that post by Shadoweh I quoted originally is SUCH a just-actin-casual scumpost
I think it's a great place to start
(I mean, yes, this does kinda give me pause about my reads*, but seriously, doesn't take a genius to tell that DV if scum as I so firmly believe is going to get lynched, thus, bussing would be optimal.)
And had DV near the list of preferred lynches by the end of D1.↑ Gammagooey wrote:dv looked town early and ffery loved a lot of it
This defense reeks of bullshit, too.
(If pie were reading this game, she would probably tell me that no-lynching is effectively the same as a mislynch for scum right now.)