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Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:06 am
by q21
The roles.
To MafiaSSK wrote:
THANAS the SOULSHIFTER (serial killer)

Win Condition:
You win when either yourself or the second serial killer are the only person still alive, or nothing can prevent this from coming to pass.

Each night you can PM me the name of one player. In the absence of any extenuating circumstances that player will be dead by morning.

[When you die you will have 48 hours to select the second serial killer. To do so sent me a PM containing the line:
The second serial killer is:
[player name]
Where [player name] is the person you have chosen to carry on your cause.

Mini 766 - Soulshift Mafia

Please confirm by PM that you have received and understood your role. If you have questions, ask.
To Gorrad wrote:It's role change time:

The Host (second serial killer)

Win Condition:
You win when you are the last person alive or nothing can prevent this from coming to pass.

Each night you can PM me the name of one player. In the absence of any extenuating circumstances that player will be dead by morning.

Please confirm by PM that you have received and understood your change in role. If you have questions, ask.
To Xyl and Acemarksman wrote:
Your partner is: [partner name]

Win Condition:
You win when Thanas the Soulshifter and the second serial killer are both dead and at least one town aligned player survives.

Each night you and your partner may send in the name of a player. Come the morning you will be told who, if anyone, that player targeted with a night action. Both of you must send in the name of the same player for your power to work.

You and your partner may talk off-thread during the night phase and now, during the confirmation stage.

Mini 766 - Soulshift Mafia

Please confirm by PM that you have received and understood your role. If you have questions, ask.
To PhilyEc and Mafiaplayer wrote:
Your partner is: [partner name]

Win Condition:
You win when Thanas the Soulshifter and the second serial killer are both dead and at least one town aligned player survives.

Each night you and your partner may send in the name of a player. Any night actions that player tries to take will be cancelled. Both of you must send in the name of the same player for your power to work.

You and your partner may talk off-thread during the night phase and now, during the confirmation stage.

Mini 766 - Soulshift Mafia

Please confirm by PM that you have received and understood your role. If you have questions, ask.
To qwints, Jazzmyn, Gorrad (originally), Spolium, zwetchenwasser, Riceballtail, Looker wrote:

Win Condition:
You win when Thanas the Soulshifter and the second serial killer are both dead and at least one town aligned player survives.

Err... none... you can vote, though. At night you curl up and pray to see the morning.

Mini 766 - Soulshift Mafia

Please confirm by PM that you have received and understood your role. If you have questions, ask.
All in all I think the balance was pretty good, despite the eventual easy win. I'll admit that I didn't foresee the town going into the second serial killer with a confirmed townie. Well done to Xyl for pulling that off - it was rather fortunate that he could do it, he probably would never have realised if he hadn't been role blocked night 1.

The night actions, before I forget.

Night 1

Phily -> Xyl
Mplayer - > Xyl
RBs: Target Xyl

Xyl -> Looker (blocked)
Ace -> Looker (killed)
Trackers: Looker (get no result due to other roles)

MafiaSSK -> Acemarksman

Night 2

Phily -> Gorrad
Mafiaplyer -> Gorrad
RBs: Gorrad

Xyl -> MafiaSSK

MafiaSSK -> Jazz (caught by Tracker)

Night 3

Phily -> Jazz (invalid target - dead)
Mplayer -> No one
RBs: No Target

Xyl -> Mplayer

Interestingly enough, both pairs of power roles were set to target MafiaSSK on night one until just before the end. What I thought was going to be a monumental screw up for the town ended up winning it for them - at least more easily than they might have anyway.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:08 am
by AceMarksman
blockers, why did you block xyl?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:13 am
by Xylthixlm
q21 wrote:Well done to Xyl for pulling that off - it was rather fortunate that he could do it, he probably would never have realised if he hadn't been role blocked night 1.
You underestimate me. :twisted:

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:33 am
by MafiaSSK
Last time I put my trust in Gorrad.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:42 am
by Xylthixlm
Gorrad did fine. The problem was you didn't pick a mason-roleblocker. :)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:45 am
by Xylthixlm
(BTW, I worked out my fake result in case I was recruited before the recruit target was announced. What would I have guessed? "No target". :D)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:49 am
by AceMarksman
Eh, the gorrad lynch was bound to happen with xyl pseudo-confirming three townies.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:28 pm
by MafiaSSK
Xylthixlm wrote:Gorrad did fine. The problem was you didn't pick a mason-roleblocker. :)
And have them fake a result? No thanks.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:05 pm
by PhilyEc
AceMarksman wrote:blockers, why did you block xyl?
We needed to know he wasnt leading town on from the beginning. MafiaSSK was MafiaPlayer's first choice for a block though..

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:06 pm
by PhilyEc
I are glad Gorrads slips made my alphabet usage so biased <3

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:04 pm
by Jazzmyn
Excellent! Great job, town! Woot!

A few comments, in order of operation:

1) I
to tell you that Looker wasn't scum. Oh, well. She still wins with us.
2) Excellent call by Spolium regarding SSK's reasons for Nking me on Night 2; Spolium nailed it instantly with his knowledge of the Root of All Evil Game.
3) SSK screwed up there. He would have been far better off to recruit me as his successor when he got lynched, rather than NK me and make it obvious to Spolium (and anyone else who read the Root of All Evil game) that he targeted me because he felt threatened by me.
4) SSK totally screwed himself with his obviously fake claim saying that the mod was his mason partner. The stupid, it burns.
5) I'm surprised that nobody noticed that Phil-E was so oblivious to the game that he posted his purported suspicion of me on Day 4, long after I had been NKed and confirmed town on Night
. That made me suspicious while reading the thread after my death, and I was shocked that nobody else even noticed or commented on the fact that he was pointing suspicion at a dead townie who had been confirmed both dead and town long, long before. (Even more surprising is seeing the Game Mod's posts of the night actions and evidence that Phil-E was wasting his night action looking at me on Night 3, after I'd been NKed on Night 2.) Holy inattention problem, Batman.
6) Mafiaplayer: I'm not surprised that you get lynched early and often, but congrats on making it through your first game to the end. Enjoy!
7) Game MVP, without question, is Xyl. Very nicely done, indeed.
8) Thank you very much, to the game mod, q21 for designing and moderating the game. It was fun!


Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:17 am
by PhilyEc
5) I'm surprised that nobody noticed that Phil-E was so oblivious to the game that he posted his purported suspicion of me on Day 4, long after I had been NKed and confirmed town on Night 2. That made me suspicious while reading the thread after my death, and I was shocked that nobody else even noticed or commented on the fact that he was pointing suspicion at a dead townie who had been confirmed both dead and town long, long before. (Even more surprising is seeing the Game Mod's posts of the night actions and evidence that Phil-E was wasting his night action looking at me on Night 3, after I'd been NKed on Night 2.) Holy inattention problem, Batman.
Attention span of a walnut~

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:22 am
by Xylthixlm
No no, walnuts have a very long attention span. Have you ever seen one get bored and do something else?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:06 pm
by PhilyEc
Xylthixlm wrote:No no, walnuts have a very long attention span. Have you ever seen one get bored and do something else?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:12 am
by q21
Jazzmyn wrote: 8) Thank you very much, to the game mod, q21 for designing and moderating the game. It was fun!

You're most welcome, I'm glad you appreciated it.

MafiaSSK's best bet was PhilyEc, though he didn't know it. The one thing Mafiaplayer deserves credit for was not selling his partner out. One of the vanilla townies gave him a chance to win, though it wasn't great.

Of course, if he was willing to take a risk on Xyl he might have guaranteed himself the game.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:02 am
by Xylthixlm
I had phily pegged as mafiaplayer's partner before the mafiassk lynch. Probably good I kept quiet about it.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:44 pm
by q21
Yeah, probably.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:21 am
by zwetschenwasser

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:17 pm
by Mafiaplayer
Xylthixlm wrote:I had phily pegged as mafiaplayer's partner before the mafiassk lynch. Probably good I kept quiet about it.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:23 pm
by Xylthixlm
Well, I worked out that PhilyEc was a mason pretty early. Given that we apparently had a tracker pair and a roleblocker pair, a third pair would be overpowered, which meant that PhilyEc and Mafiaplayer were partners.
Xylthixlm wrote:
Jazzmyn wrote:
Vote: Mafiaplayer

For what should be obvious reasons.

Don't bother. His post was idiotic, but it was also a mason claim (even if he didn't realize it when he made it).

This is the same reason PhilyEc's post was moronic. Thanks for outing yourselves, guys. Any other masons want to accidentally claim by engaging in setup speculation? No?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:32 am
by MeMe
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