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Post Post #600 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:17 am

Post by VisMaior »

Hm. I was sweating here for a few hours :)
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Post Post #601 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:18 am

Post by Kain »


Tapestry Against Polygamy President- (Townie with a Vendetta)
You were raised in a secret Polygamist group that is operating while still going to the LDS Church. The local leaders have no clue that your family is practicing polygamy. Your Father married you off to your uncle at the tender age of 15. 7 years later after much study of the Holy Scriptures you come to the knowledge that polygamy is a true principle, but that God doesn’t want it to be practiced right now as he has done many times before in the Bible times. After you came to this knowledge you left the polygamist group and eventually became the President of one of Utah’s largest anti polygamist groups known as the “ Tapestry Against Polygamy” 35 years have past but the emotional burden is still great; you secretly wish your polygamist husband to be killed. 30 years have past since you last have heard anything of him until last Sunday at church. With new information in hand you have reason to believe that your ex-husband is back in the ward. Unfortunately you cannot recognize him, it has been 30 years after all! You will be able to figure out who he is by doing a little investigation on your part. You may investigate a total of three people during the game to be spread over the period of three nights. You may not investigate during night zero. If you successfully find your husband the he will die of guilt as you tell him of the pain he has caused you. You win the game if any threat against the Mormons is eliminated and if your uncle…I mean your ex-husband, is killed by guilt induced by you, by the hand of the town, or by any forces aligned against the success of the Mormons.

Head Apostate: (Godfather) You were a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints but left the Church after you starting to believe all the filthy anti-Mormon lies. You have recently moved into the area and have begun to attend church again. Your have so much hatred against the church that you wish to kill off the membership. You win when all the Mormons are gone. Each night you may speak with your partner and make a night selection. As a newcomer to the area nobody knows much about you so any investigation of who you are probably will turn you up as innocent. You win when all the Mormons are dead. Oh and by the way you and the Apostate Lackey were too busy reading anti Mormon literature to make it out for a night zero kill.

Apostate Lackey: You are the Head Apostate’slackey and you aren’t very intelligent. You go to church with him and act like you are a genuine faithful LDS member. You don’t like the church because a member insulted you once. That incident has enraged you and you desire to silence everyone in the ward. Each night you may communicate with the Head Apostate( tidus_of_zanarkand ) to determine whom to kill. You win when all the Mormons are dead. Oh and by the way you and the head apostate were too busy reading anti Mormon literature to make it out for a night zero kill.

MODERATOR NOTE: If the Head apostate dies then the lackey becomes so enraged that he will kill at random, regardless of whom he PM’s me to pick.

Agnostic#1- You are an agnostic. You abhor people that believe in God. You have begun going to church to know your prey. Each night you may converse with Agnostic#2 and determine whom to kill. As the # 1 agnostic you are somewhat immune to anything that any religious fanatics or apostates may try to do you. You win when all those that believe in God are dead. You may make a night kill on night zero.

Moderator note: Agnostic #1 has a 25% of surviving a night kill by the apostates.

Agnostic#2-( Evil Roleblocker) You abhor people that believe in God. You have begun going to church to know your prey. Each night you may converse with Agnostic#1( help I am a bug) and determine whom to kill. You are so pessimistic about things that you quite enjoy beginning statements by saying “ I don’t believe….” If you successful say that 6 times( not all in the same post) in a mafia day then you have caused enough doubt to be created as to make someone unable to perform their actions at night. Private message me with your night selection if you have earned the right to roleblock. You win when all those that believe in God are dead. You may make a night kill on night zero.

The Ward Matchmaker: “Matchmaker, matchmaker make me match, find me a find, catch me a catch”….There you go singing “Fiddler on the Roof” again! Well, as the self appointed Ward Matchmaker you are always trying to make a match. You are especially interested in trying to pawn your ugly niece, the one every calls a “SWEET SPIRIT”, off to somebody. On Night ZERO OR NIGHT ONE you must pick two people( you may select yourself as one of those persons) that you will attempt to match together. Matching someone to another person will create an intense bond of love between them. This is very important for you to create between persons for it fulfills you. If you fail to even attempt to match some people together THERE WILL BE DIRE CONSEQUENCES of A Mysterious Nature! (Don’t worry you won’t get mod killed) You win the game as the WARD Matchmaker if all threats against the Mormons are neutralized and if you have made a match on night zero or night one.

MODERATOR NOTE: If the match maker fails to make a match on night one of two then the Ward Matchmaker will become so bitter about marriage that she will instead become the NEO FEMI NAZI an avid man hater. As the Neo FEMI NAZI ( just a fancy way to say she hates marriage and dislikes men) she must select two people on night TWO( Including herself if she so desires) that she will work on getting to hate each other. If she succeeds in preaching her hate then the two people will be sent a message in the night giving them a new clause for victory. The new clause will contain that the other person must be killed in order for them to win. It doesn’t matter if the other person is a scum mate, they still must die in order for the other person to win. As the neo femi nazi she only wins if she actually makes her night choices on night two and survives till the Mormons win.

Part two Moderator notes: if in the event the matchmaker matches a protown and scum together then they must be the only two left to win the game. If one dies the other dies also in the game.

The Assistant Ward Clerk: 120.54+190.23=310.77. Lets see I scheduled the Bishop to see Brother Sanchez at 5 PM on Saturday night. Ah! Youth activity night was moved to next Thursday. I better make note of that in the weekly ward announcements. Look at you go! You are one busy clerk. As the assistant ward clerk you do a lot of paperwork but don’t sweat it because this isn’t your full time job of course. You just do it for a few hours a week for free because the church doesn’t have paid clergy. During the day you are a skilled Hung Gar Kung Fu Si Fu. In other words you are a skilled fighter. As a skilled martial artist if the town votes to lynch you they will discover that they cannot without you first picking someone you think is scum and taking them out! You may choose to do this after the majority vote against you has been cast. The way to do it will be by simply typing “ Before I go “ INSERT NAME HERE” is going with me too!” That person will then die and then you will be lynched.( Probably all in one death scene too). Remember you have the OPTION to kill someone before you die. You also have the option to not take justice into your own hands. If you choose to not take justice into your own hands something good may happen. You will choose this path by saying after the final vote against you has been cast “ I accept the will of the town and will go like a lamb to the slaughter”. You win the game if all threats against the Mormons are neutralized.

MODERATOR NOTE: If the assistant ward clerk chooses not to kill someone then he is rewarded the great and noble act will be so grand that God will grant the cop with night kill protection for the duration of the game. The only way for the cop to die will be during the day by the town voting.

Bishop: You are the leader of the Meadowview 23rd ward. You are a very righteous man and a good father. You are extremely appalled over what has happened to your church superior. Because you are the bishop your vote has a lot of power behind it and counts as two votes always. As Bishop you may cut the minimum number of votes necessary to lynch if you so desire but only once as it involves a lot of paperwork and you don’t have the time to do all that much with all the commotion going in the town due to the murder of your superior. The way it works for cutting the vote is as following and only works in THESE situations.. If the Minimum number required is 7/12 then it becomes 6/12. If the number is 6/11 it becomes 5/11. If it 6/10 it would become 5/10. If it were 5/9 it would become 4/9. If it is 5/8 it becomes 4/8. You cannot use this ability once there it becomes a 4/7 or less type of scenario. You must PM me if you want to use this one time ability. You win the game when all those against the Mormons are gone.

HometeacherA:( Mason) You and your companions are the world’s best hometeachers. You and (insert name here) your fellow Mormon are definitely innocent. You know this because you were out home teaching (sharing a religious message with fellow members) near by when the murder occurred. You may communicate with each other at nighttime. As home teachers you MUST choose one person to home teach (share a religious message with) each night. If you are successful at home teaching them they will be so pacified by your message that they are limited to a total of 30 words the next day including their vote. If you fail to hometeach then something very DIRE may just happen. You win when all those out to harm the Mormons are gone. If your partner dies you must hometeach without him.

Hometeacher B: (Mason) You and your companions are the world’s best hometeachers. You and (insert name here) your fellow Mormon are definitely innocent. You know this because you were out home teaching (sharing a religious message with fellow members) near by when the murder occurred. You may communicate with each other at nighttime. As home teachers you MUST choose one person to home teach (share a religious message with) each night. If you are successful at home teaching them they will be so pacified by your message that they are limited to a total of 30 words the next day including their vote. If you fail to hometeach then something very DIRE may just happen. You win when all those out to harm the Mormons are gone. Oh and by the way you are a secret polygamist but nobody knows that you leading this life of sin. Rumor has it that someone who looks like your niece…I mean your ex-wife of 30 years ago is in the town and is looking for you. If your home teaching partner dies you must hometeach without him.

Moderator’s note: Failure to Hometeach will result in one hometeacher A is selected( b will be selected if A is dead), going apostate over the guilt of not fulfilling his duty to hometeach. The extreme guilt, which leads to apostasy) will result in that home teacher secretly being admitted to the apostates rank( inform them by PM).

Ward Snoop( Cop) You are the local ward’s snoop. You snoop into people’s life. Each night you PM me with the name of the person you wish to investigate/snoop and I will reveal the name and alignment to you. You win when all those out to hurt the Mormons are gone. Oh and by the way you are sooo snoopy that you are able to investigate someone on night zero.
Please PM to confirm. Thanks

High Priest( doctor) - You are a high Priest in the local Mormon ward. You have the ability to heal people and save them from deadly wounds. Each night you PM with the name of the person you wish to heal. You win when all those out to hurt the Mormons are gone.
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Post Post #602 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:25 am

Post by Ameliaslay »

Two scum groups???
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Post Post #603 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:26 am

Post by Kain »

W!nt3r- Apostate Lackey
VITaminR- Agnostic II( evil Roleblocker)
Ameliaslay- Agnostic I(Chief agnostic)
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Post Post #604 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:28 am

Post by Kain »

Please feel free to moan at me the mod now that the game is revealed. Remember night actions took place in the order I recieved.

I need 13 people to commit for us to start up ASAP. =) ...yes we can skip the long wait if I can get 13 to commit.
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Post Post #605 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:29 am

Post by Kain »

WAS VERY ENJOYABLE! I look forward to your comments!=)
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Post Post #606 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:30 am

Post by DrippingGoofball »

MBL was right... there WAS a Godfather, haha!

I apologize for sticking spoons in his ears.

We lost??? We better hurry and baptize unsuspecting strangers! Fill the buckets! We have an important mission ahead.

Great mod, every attentive, we were spoiled brats ;-)
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Post Post #607 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:33 am

Post by VisMaior »

Yes, Thanks for modding Kain! The first time that I win as replacement scum :)
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Post Post #608 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:57 am

Post by pacatak »

Fun game. I was trying to figure out if there was any way for MBL to pull off a win, oh well. It was a fun game. I know see why the "town" was so quick to vote me off. Three of them were evil. lol

Ilove all the twists and turns set up in the game, even though some of them didn't happen. ALso the flavor was enjoyable.

Good Mod, kain, good play everyone else. It was quite fun.
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Post Post #609 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:03 am

Post by VisMaior »

To be honest, had MBL not voted no lynch, I was considering proposing a draw right there and then.
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Post Post #610 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:24 am

Post by Kain »

Um remember please PM everyone if you want to be in MORMON MISSIONARY MAFIA
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Post Post #611 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:29 am

Post by Kain »

And now the award section PART ONE ( part two to follow soon maybe lol)

Salt Lake City Honorary Citizen- Pacatak- for being Mormon and living so close to SLC

Most Likely Secret Polygamist - Blackberry- cause he'd love to be one! lol

Most Harmonious Voice in the Tabernacle Choir -Ameliaslay- always a staying in line with the way the town is going

Highest Bell in the Steeple - MBL for being very vocal!

Most Bountiful Poster - DRIPPINGGOOFBALL for MBL poster with spoons

Most Likely to Retire in Springdale VISAMOIR---cause he's the only one left alive!
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Post Post #612 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:42 am

Post by VisMaior »

Vis Maior!!!!!!
"logic is in the eye of the beholder" -LyingBrian in Eyewitness 1
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Post Post #613 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:27 am

Post by W!nt3r »

Don't worry, Vis... I
spell your name right...
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Post Post #614 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:30 am

Post by VisMaior »

He is doing it on purpose :)
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Post Post #615 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:32 am

Post by MrBuddyLee »

Kain wrote:The Morning Breaks,
The Shadows Flee,
Ameliaslay had died indeed?!?!?!

MBL and VisAmoir are the only ones left. Ameliaslay is found dead a doorknob in her house...which is full of AGNOSTIC MATERIAL. Ameliaslay the AGNOSTIC #1 has been murdered.

MBL looks nervously at Visamoir and says " You are Mormon right? I mean somebody from out of town did her right? YOU ARE MORMON? RIGHT!?" VisMaior cackles.
The Bishop smiles slyly.
vote: visMaior (double vote)
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Post Post #616 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 4:33 am

Post by evilandy »

Damn - well done Apostates.

This counts as my first defeat ever as I was on the losing side. Although I'm not going to get a complex about it too much as I was killed so early on.

Looked like a great game.
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Post Post #617 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:04 am

Post by MrBuddyLee »

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Post Post #618 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:08 am

Post by VisMaior »

MRBL: that was I was afraid of. I gambled, and won :) Double vote right, but who is gonna lynch me? You and what army? :twisted:
"logic is in the eye of the beholder" -LyingBrian in Eyewitness 1
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Post Post #619 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:28 am

Post by MrBuddyLee »

In the name of Marie Osmond and Caffeine-Free Diet Coke, I smite thee two votes to one, evildoer! :D
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Post Post #620 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:44 am

Post by Tamuz »

Another apology for my disappearance when I was meant to be a replacement.
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Post Post #621 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:46 am

Post by Blackberry »

Any props for me being correct about W!nt3r and VitaminR ???
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Post Post #622 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:00 am

Post by Kain »

In the name of caffeine free mountain dew ( only in utah) I declare that we have 9 people committed for Mormon town III ( MISSIONARY MAFIA)
We need four more. PLease see if any of your online buddies will join us. Have them Pm me thanks
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Post Post #623 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:01 am

Post by DrippingGoofball »

Blackberry wrote:Any props for me being correct about W!nt3r and VitaminR ???
How did you guess about VitaminR?
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Post Post #624 (ISO) » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:17 am

Post by Kain »

Blackberry also gets the " I told you So" Award.
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