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Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:26 am
by CoheedCambria09
Claim: Even Rats: Vanilla Townie. Author: The Slip
Don't know the song, doesnt sound to bad though
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:16 pm
by Alabaska J
I agree with TSPN here about Thanatos' post. He has had plenty of time to post what we wanted him to. He has refused over and over again. His predecessors lurked and MafiaSSK made an extremely anti-town post when he said he wanted to see how long he could lurk w/o dying.
Also, I only have Guitar Hero 3, which I don't believe is represented in this game, so I have no idea if any of the claims are legit flavor-wise. Anyone willing open/able to analyzing the flavor?
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:45 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
Alabaska J wrote:Also, I only have Guitar Hero 3, which I don't believe is represented in this game, so I have no idea if any of the claims are legit flavor-wise. Anyone willing open/able to analyzing the flavor?
The first three players to die were songs from Guitar Hero II. Jessica is a mid-tier difficulty level, Psychobilly Freakout is an end-tier difficulty level, and Arterial Black is an unranked bonus song.
Godzilla is from Guitar Hero I, from the earlier difficulties, as is Take Me Out. Even Rats is a bonus song which I have never heard before, but I don't own the first game.
First off,
. I believe that TSPN is indeed Take Me Out. He claimed a long time ago to be from a Guitar Hero other than GHII, and his claim is consistent with that.
I am curious why you don't believe that Guitar Hero III is in this game.
1) Jessica: Townie
2) Arterial Black: Townie
3) Godzilla: Townie
4) Player 1: Day Extender
Even Rats: Townie
Take Me Out: Townie
Star Power: Doctor/Motivator
8) Unknown Song, Unknown Role
9) Song Unknown: SK
10) Song Unknown: Mafia
11) Song Unknown: Mafia
12) Psychobilly Freakout: Mafia
Names in italics are unconfirmed. Which of these roles could possibly benefit the town by being motivated?
Vote: Gorrad
. If you are indeed a motivator, then that power is detrimental to the town. I don't believe you're a motivator anyways.
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:48 pm
by Gorrad
The answer, then, is simple- one or both of the claimed townies are mafia.
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:54 pm
by TheSweatpantsNinja
That's a very good point about what pro-town powers gorrad is supposed to be motivating. Unfortunately, if I move my vote, I would become the lynch, which I'm obviously opposed to, but I would prefer a gorrad lynch to a cc09 lynch.
Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:55 pm
by TheSweatpantsNinja
Wait, no I wouldn't. HC was voting for me.
Unvote, vote gorrad.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:17 am
by Alabaska J
Haschel Cedricson wrote:I am curious why you don't believe that Guitar Hero III is in this game.
I'm not sure…looking back at the instructions, I don't know where I got that impression.
Also, why would mafia have a doctor? I'm not as comfortable with a Gorrad lynch today as I am with cc09 lynch. However, I can see HC logic definitely. Motivator does seem anti-town with your set-up. But if cc09 is scum (or TSPN), then there is the possibility for there to be another town role that has a night action in addition to the unknown role, and that would balance out the SK, right? Also, do we know for sure that if a mafia is motivated that there is a second nightkill for them?
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:47 am
by ChaosOmega
unvote, vote TheSweatpantsNinja
With Haschel Cedricson as the last scum for wanting to lynch a claimed power role.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:27 am
by Gorrad
ChaosOmega wrote:unvote, vote TheSweatpantsNinja
With Haschel Cedricson as the last scum for wanting to lynch a claimed power role.
Dingdingding we haaaaave a winnar!!!!
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:44 pm
by Alabaska J
ChaosOmega wrote:unvote, vote TheSweatpantsNinja
With Haschel Cedricson as the last scum for wanting to lynch a claimed power role.
HC posted reasons that said power role would be detrimental to the town. He never disputed the fact that there was a power role. I DO find TSPN's jump a little opportunistic though.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:21 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
HC posted reasons that said power role would be detrimental to the town. He never disputed the fact that there was a power role.
Actually, I've posted both. I do not believe Gorrad is a powerrole and I still don't.
I DO find TSPN's jump a little opportunistic though.
As do I. My most recent post was basically a reiteration of something I said way the fuck back on page 18. TSPN had no comment about it then, despite showing reservations about Gorrad's claim, and I know he's the sort of person that would reread a game if it appeared to be going nowhere, much like this one had been.
Now I post it again, and it convinces him to change his vote to Gorrad. In the very next post, no less.
I unvoted TSPN in my last post because I believed his claim, but after thinking about it today, I only believe the name claim. While Psychobilly Freakout is a difficult song, we don't know that ALL the Mafia songs are also difficult, and I suppose that there's nothing to prevent Take Me Out from being scum.
ChaosOmega is only half-right about me. I am not scum, but I do want to lynch a claimed powerrole. I've already stated why I don't believe Gorrad, but since he's not going to get lynched today my second choice still stands.
Vote: TSPN
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:23 pm
by Atticus
Vote Count
Gorrad, CoheedCambria09, ChaosOmega
Haschel Cedricson, TheSweatpantsNinja
Alabaska J
Not voting (1): Thanatos
11:59PM EST, Mon, May, 5, 2008
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:28 pm
by Alabaska J
HC, you forgot to unvote. And thank god. You would be hammering. I want confirmation from everyone (if possible) before we lynch. With this recent turn of events,
am willing to lynch TSPN today. However, cc09 is NOT OFF THE HOOK for today.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:52 pm
by hasdgfas
TSPN is a good lynch for reasons already stated.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:33 pm
by Gorrad
Naturally, I'm very pleased with a TSPN lynch
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:27 pm
by TheSweatpantsNinja
Naturally, you would be.
Gorrad is scum. All that nonsense about "confirming" his role? Who would he confirm it on. Confirming it would only bring out more power roles for him to kill.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:59 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
Alabaska J wrote:HC, you forgot to unvote. And thank god. You would be hammering. I want confirmation from everyone (if possible) before we lynch. With this recent turn of events,
am willing to lynch TSPN today. However, cc09 is NOT OFF THE HOOK for today.
Did I>? Sorry, Ithought that I unvoted in myh ;last post so I will
unvote tspn
right not wait
unvote: Gorrad, Vote TSPB
TSPN's latest post confiornms that he is a goood lynch for today becauwe why else would h4e refer to the confirming bit as nonsense now when it looks like he (tSPN) might be lynch whereas before when I asked he was all "OOh ][let's let gorrad live and test him". This is bullshit.
I still thing that \Gorrad is a liar, but TSPN is a good luynch that we can all agree on.
Sorry for any errors int ehis post but Gimlets are delicious and I've had morea tha n a few. tonight.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:03 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
TheSweatpantsNinja wrote:Confirming it would only bring out more power roles for him to kill.
Im drunk but even so I can tell that this sentence makes littel to nos entsce. If gorrad couldindeedx find power roles by motivating them that wo9uld make him town. If we could someohw confirm that Groadd was a motivator them he wouldn't be the one killing the piwer roles so I believe that yo0u have made a crappy argument againtst gGorrad here.
Don't get me wrong I thing FGorrad is scum based on the unlikekelynesss of his role bu i think you know hyou are g0ing to be the days lynch nad are trying to get attendtionoff ofyour scummbuddy,
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:03 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
Sorfy for tehdouble post but I am drunk and the secong part didn occur to me unti after I posted the first part.
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:08 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
Alabaska J wrote:HC, you forgot to unvote. And thank god. You would be hammering. I want confirmation from everyone (if possible) before we lynch. With this recent turn of events,
am willing to lynch TSPN today. However, cc09 is NOT OFF THE HOOK for today.
WIAT WOULDN'T i BE THE FOURTH VOTE ON tspN? bY MY COUNT THAT'S ONLY l-4 INSTAEAD OF A LYN CH so wI don't undersataand what the big deal is. And xc09 sohud totally be off the hook for reasons that I probablyu restated while sober. aLIRGIHT i promise that i ASM DONE WITH this game until I sober up. What, have iTRIPLE POSETED NOW? sOLRry I'll try not to do this agiant..
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:52 am
by Alabaska J
WTF lol nice. Well, congrats, we have a drunken hammer.
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:21 am
by ChaosOmega
Not quite. Well, unless being drunk gave Haschel Cedricson the ability to double-vote. That makes 4 votes on TheSweatpantsNinja, with 5 to lynch.
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:12 am
by Haschel Cedricson
Ugh. Sorry about that. My points still stand, though.
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:23 am
by Alabaska J
Arg yeah I thought there were 7 people not 8.
Do we have a consenus? Everyone but Thanatos, but he has said he would probably vote for TSPN. I'm guessing his claim is false. If no one else has done so and/or no new evidence has come forth, I am willing to hammer when I get back from studying.
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:48 am
by Gorrad
Feel free.