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Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:43 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
You are clearly objectively trying to piss me off and upset me.
I don't like that. I don't care what your alignment is if this is how you're going to behave

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:43 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 594, Sailor Senshi wrote:Can we talk about something else before I beat my head in with a crowbar like why is Titus being ganged up on? Thanks.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:43 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
If you complain that you cant read RC then maybe you should read me instead of attacking me for trying to get you to make content so that i can read you

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:43 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 597, Tana and Ephraim wrote:
In post 595, Sailor Senshi wrote:
In post 577, Tana and Ephraim wrote:Krazy you're scum in the game but you're also scum in real life.
And people are qqing at me here

Like seriously RC, that's not an OK post to make.

I stand by it in reaction to what you've been saying.

You should be temp banned for that though because it's totally uncalled for. Everything I said was about how you play as the scum alignment vs. how you play as the town alignment. I have not attacked your person directly at all and this is totally unnecessary.


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:44 pm
by gameplay506
What is happening?
Also would someone be kind enough to highlight what the main moments/things I should be paying attention to are of those last 14 pages

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:44 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
In post 599, Sailor Senshi wrote:I even explained that I wasn't really particularly into the game and he continued to escalate the confrontation. Now he's started making incredibly aggressive posts.
I literally

At the time

Said repeatedly that I didn't care who posted and that I just refused to have your slot lurk, similar to other slots.

This is not saying that. This is saying something totally different in a way that makes me look bad.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:44 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
In post 603, Sailor Senshi wrote:OK.

You should be temp banned for that though because it's totally uncalled for. Everything I said was about how you play as the scum alignment vs. how you play as the town alignment. I have not attacked your person directly at all and this is totally unnecessary.

Wow great scum strategy try to pursue modkills on the person calling you out.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:45 pm
by popsofctown
RC's 577 is clearly over the line. Krazy's post 574.. skirts the line. It's probably over the line.

Ideally you don't stoop to someone else's level or escalate.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:45 pm
by Sailor Senshi
OK I am off to see when this all started. And reach this point naturally.


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:45 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 600, Tana and Ephraim wrote:You are clearly objectively trying to piss me off and upset me.
I don't like that. I don't care what your alignment is if this is how you're going to behave
You just insulted me. I have not insulted you here at all. I've been aggressive but I haven't insulted you. You are escalating this and making it an interpersonal conflict.


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:45 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
574 was a personal attack. I retaliated in kind.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:46 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 599, Sailor Senshi wrote:
In post 589, Dannflor wrote:Krazy

there's no way in hell this is helping you read RC

this is not productive
Okay and which of RC's posts have helped him read me?

Why are you still directing this at me, Dann? I didn't even plan to post tonight, people started whining about my slot, I made a joke and his hydra partner tried to scumread me for it. I even explained that I wasn't really particularly into the game and he continued to escalate the confrontation. Now he's started making incredibly aggressive posts.

Krazy, please stop, I <3 you but this isn’t fair to me or Shiro. Can you maybe sleep on it for awhile and chill? Please.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:46 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
RC, you should probably stop letting Krazy provoke you.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:46 pm
by Sailor Senshi
I think I may cry soon. :(

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:47 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
I'm more readable than you and im here so this sort of thing doesnt happen

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:47 pm
by popsofctown
In post 610, Tana and Ephraim wrote:574 was a personal attack. I retaliated in kind.
That's not what you do.
You can call it out or replace out or ask for mod intervention.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:48 pm
by popsofctown
Borderlands 3 is at 30% btw

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:48 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
Mod intervention hahahahahahahaha

Like any of the listmods give the slightest fuck when someone makes a go at me. Someone makes a go at me somewhere on site once every few days.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:49 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
Idk who this krazy person is, but im pretty sure both you and me can probably get a better read on nancy and shiro, specially if what Krazy says it's true, but i dont like you both arguing to the point of ad hominem because it wont help anyone.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:49 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 612, Tana and Ephraim wrote:RC, you should probably stop letting Krazy provoke you.
<3 Wise post and same, to Krazy. You guys don’t get along. Can you just accept that and move on?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:50 pm
by Sailor Senshi
says that *as scum* you are very emotionally manipulative and that *as a consequence* I refuse to let you emotionally manipulate me in this game.

You also can't fucking refute this because *you yourself* said that's how you were playing Red Flag. *You yourself* say that your scum philosophy is to demoralize people out of playing the game. *That is how you yourself describe your play* and I think that *you playing like that* is GROSS. So no, I do not allow you to be emotionally manipulative in games and if you want more leeway on this issue you can stop playing douchey when you are scum. But 574 was *not* a personal attack, it was a description of how I treat your slot based on *your explicit philosophy of scum play* that you stated in the aftermath of Red Flag.

577 thus was an unprovoked personal attack that had nothing to do with this game.


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:50 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
Ok now that you 2 are here and posting, can we get some actual content from your hydra.
That was the whole reason this started to begin with.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:50 pm
by Dannflor
In post 599, Sailor Senshi wrote:Why are you still directing this at me, Dann? I didn't even plan to post tonight, people started whining about my slot, I made a joke and his hydra partner tried to scumread me for it. I even explained that I wasn't really particularly into the game and he continued to escalate the confrontation. Now he's started making incredibly aggressive posts.
Because you started it!

His hydra partner did not try to scum read you for it! His hydra partner tried to play the game!

I feel like you have been blowing things out of proportion from the start and I would like to sort you as either frustrated town or scum purposefully doing this. If you're the former, I think you need to leave the thread for a while.

#577 is out of line, yes. I'd like to leave the personal stuff behind and focus on the game.

But I'm addressing your play here, which is to repeatedly make assertions about this game and what has happened/is happening that I just don't think are true at all?


I already town read Tana's slot, I need to sort you, and whatever you're doing right now is not good. And it sucks because I don't know if this is fucked up town!Krazy who has a grudge that's making him play weird or scum!Krazy.

RC is gonna say it doesn't matter but I'd still like to figure it out.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:51 pm
by Sailor Senshi
In post 619, Sailor Senshi wrote:
In post 612, Tana and Ephraim wrote:RC, you should probably stop letting Krazy provoke you.
<3 Wise post and same, to Krazy. You guys don’t get along. Can you just accept that and move on?
I resolve Krazy and RC not speak to each other directly. Who’s with me?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:53 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
I do not attempt to make people not enjoy the game. Ever. And I've thrown multiple games rather than have the games be terrible for everyone else to play.