Umm. what!?Battle Mage wrote:No name dropping please.populartajo wrote:ITT, BM call democrats ignorant. Therefore, Bush is the Einstein of our time.
I refer specifically to those who succumbed to Obama's campaign this time around. I dislike the fact that the election was reduced to a battle between 'The Black Guy' and 'The White Guy'. Racial issues aren't going to be solved by electing Obama-they will just be brought to the forefront of publicity, and perhaps even become worse. Equally, i dont feel that racism should be as pivotal a question as the economy in the current climate, and from what i am aware, McCain's economic plans were far more potent than his counterpart's.
If I remember correctly you're from Britain, not America? Right? If so than your ignorance is understandable. For that case I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Please don't bring issues you obviously have no idea about into this game. Thank you.