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Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:37 am
by Menalque
In post 6039, Menalque wrote:Last thing is to address once more why pooky is scum

Namely, the problem is not that he didn’t try to kill baltar on D2 and didn’t blow him up on N1, it’s that his read on Baltar TOTALLY DISAPPEARED despite having a very solid foundation

In fact, not only did it disappear, but he started townreading baltar for being selected as defuser twice and argued that he shouldn’t be limmed because of it... while st the same time arguing that baltar was best sorted by being blown up instead of limmed! He kept this up until baltar was in a position where he was going down, at which point he switched to bussing him, despite the fact that the alternative was someone he was previously UTTERLY CONVINCED was scum, to the point that he said that even if baltar was scum, dwlee still shouldn’t be allowed to defuse later on — yet baltar had to be limmed first despite pooky’s standing townread on him that came out of nowhere
In post 6040, Menalque wrote:Pooky has clearly had plenty of time to be in thread the last couple of days. Look at how he’s used it. Instead of spending any time looking for scum — and nobody is asking him to case, I agree that’s shitty to do on mobile — but he’s not even trying! — he’s decided to get into a multipage argument with someone he thinks is town. He’s done his absolute best to have that engagement in a heated and unpleasant way, probably to make people not want to be in or engage with the thread. We all know pooky is capable of being very nice when he engages. His unpleasantness here is strategic.

He’s continued to endlessly belabour the same couple of points, even when it’s been explained why I’m not willing to talk about them right there (see: why I wasn’t prepared to tell him the main points of my argument against him and how it’s different from the defence he’s been trying to give). This is not a town mindset or group of behaviours. This is scum desperately trying to survive and to mess up the thread. I think it’s very damning that he needs me limmed to stand a chance (I was definitely in the group of planned mislims that scum were counting on to get to elo) and has managed to contrive a way to vote me (enhancing the goal of trying to get me limmed) while still insisting I’m town.

How often, ask yourself, have you seen town intentionally vote two players they think are town, vote themselves, and refuse to scumhunt at all when the game is building toward a probably winning but not quite clear elo? Now, ask yourself how often you’ve seen scum do that? I rest my case
For pagetop d8

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:37 am
by Enchant
Remind me, why Mena even wagoned?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 4:01 am
by Datisi
vote count
  • with
    votes in play, it took
    to make a decision.
  • day 7 ended.
  • 3
    players who have the most nominations will be bomb experts on n7.


Menalque [5]:
Dwlee99, PookyTheMagicalBear, Bell, Menalque, Enchant

Andante [1]:
Enchant [1]:

not voting [1]:
Cat Scratch Fever

bomb expert nominations:

Bell [3]:
GuiltyLion, Dwlee99, Menalque
Andante [3]:
GuiltyLion, Dwlee99, Menalque
Enchant [2]:
Menalque, Dwlee99
PookyTheMagicalBear [1]:
Menalque [1]:

not nominating [4]:
Andante, Enchant, Cat Scratch Fever, Bell

eligible to be nominated:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, Enchant, Menalque, Bell
ineligible to be nominated:
Dwlee99, GuiltyLion, Cat Scratch Fever

mod notes:
  • Menalque v/la weekends.
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 5:36 am
by Datisi
flavour"i'm done arguing. please, at least
to not fuck this up," was the last thing Menalque said before casting a vote for his own execution. annoyed, he turned his back to the rest of the group as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Datisi's number, intending to let him know a decision has been made.

it didn't take long for Datisi to march into the alpha meeting room. despite the quick pace, he was, as usual, absent-mindedly typing on his phone. the employees wondered how he hadn't broken half of his bones by now.

"and who's the lucky winner of the day?" he casually inquired while taking his pistol out of its holster.

"i am."

hearing that voice pop up, Datisi put his phone down, his face going from bored to confused. "Menalque?" Menalque was the employee he had known the longest by far; in fact, Datisi was still wearing the bracelet he got on one of their first missions together years ago.

Datisi looked at the group, hoping he'd misheard, but it didn't seem like he did. "Dats, it's not me," declared Menalque in a steady voice; he knew he was about to die, but he wasn't going to give
the satisfaction of falling into despair right before his execution.

"well then. my office, please," said Datisi as he put the gun back into its holster. the two of them left the room, closing the door behind them. the rest of the employees were quietly standing in the meeting room as they listened to the two pairs of steps departing.

then silence.

then a gunshot.

moments later, Datisi was back in the meeting room. this time, instead of carrying his phone or a gun, he was holding a sealed envelope. "Menalque gave this to me. he said to read it in front of all of you."

once he made sure everyone was paying attention, Datisi carefully ripped the envelope open. inside of it was a single sheet of paper neatly folded in half. the message on it was short, but its words were so passionate and moving, it touched the entirety of the remaining workforce. Datisi tried his best not to have his voice tremble as he read out,

i am babbysitter

sit on babbys"

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 5:36 am
by Datisi
Menalque has been executed day 7. he was a
DATS Inc. non-consecutive night babysitter

! you are a
DATS Inc. non-consecutive night babysitter
, a part of this game's uninformed majority.

role abilities:

~ each night, you may target a player. assuming no interference with your action, that player will be protected from one direct kill, but will die if you are killed. this action does
protect against bomb explosion, and it may not be used two nights in a row.

win conditions:

~ you win when all GB Inc. infiltrators are dead and at least one DATS Inc. employee is alive.
~ alternatively, you win when DATS Inc. employees act as successful bomb defusers 8 times.

the game thread is here. please confirm your role by replying to this pm with your role name.

bomb experts are:
  • Bell
  • Andante
  • Enchant
twilight 7 starts now and ends in
(expired on 2022-05-02 18:45:00)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 6:24 am
by Datisi
final bomb squad is:

  • Bell
  • Andante
  • Enchant
  • GuiltyLion
the information for the defuser and experts will be going out shortly. night 7 starts now and ends in
(expired on 2022-05-04 20:00:00)

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:28 am
by Datisi
flavourmonday morning. it was wild to think that this whole debacle had started only a week ago.

"emergency meeting. all personnel to see me in the alpha meeting room ASAP."

like clockwork, your phone went off, showing that same text from your boss. you didn't really get why he kept telling you all to meet up, you've learned the daily schedule by now. was there a joke you were missing?

entering the meeting room, there were still a few minutes left before Datisi would appear, and there was no heated discussion or small talk going on, so you sat down in silence. for the first time in a while, you looked around without any distractions, and you noticed how the room felt so... empty.

Datisi didn't take long. after slamming the doors open, he casually dropped himself into his favourite chair, still mindlessly typing on his phone.

a few minutes passed, the time the meeting was supposed to start came and went, and Datisi still wasn't looking up from the screen. this was unusual; he always started the meetings on time, mostly because that meant he could leave as soon as possible. what was going on?

just as you were thinking about trying to ask him what was going on, you heard steps in the hallway. moments later, GuiltyLion appeared in the room, a mocha in his hand. "sorry i'm late," he apologized, "i wanted to go grab a coffee after finishing the overnight shift."

seeing GuiltyLion has finally arrived, Datisi nodded, put his phone down, and finally decided to speak. "first and foremost, everyone is still present." he paused for a second. "now, the reason why i invited you here is to let you know that there will be one less person working overtime each night. i can assure you, this decision has been made solely in an effort to reward you for your great work, and not at all because i am running out of employees."

he got up from his chair. "also, i--" he was interrupted by his phone, which he forgot put on silent. it was an incoming discord call. after taking one quick glance at the screen, he quickly declined the call and put the phone back into his pocket.

"i, uh, gotta go. good luck today."

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:28 am
by Datisi
a new workday starts. everyone is alive to see it.

it is now day 8.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:32 am
by Datisi
vote count 8.00
  • with
    votes in play, it takes
    to make a decision.
  • day 8 ends in
    (expired on 2022-05-14 20:45:00)
  • 2
    players who have the most nominations will be bomb experts on n8.


not voting [7]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Dwlee99, Cat Scratch Fever, Bell

bomb expert nominations:

not nominating [7]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, GuiltyLion, Enchant, Dwlee99, Cat Scratch Fever, Bell

eligible to be nominated:
PookyTheMagicalBear, GuiltyLion, Dwlee99, Cat Scratch Fever
ineligible to be nominated:
Bell, Andante, Enchant

mod notes:
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:33 am
by Dwlee99
HEAL: Guiltylion

GL is conftown

Bell is basically conftown

VOTE: Pooky

Andante/Enchant very town

CSF town by play

Leaves pooky

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:35 am
by Andante
VOTE: Enchant [/v]

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:35 am
by Andante
VOTE: Enchant

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:35 am
by Enchant
VOTE: Andante

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:37 am
by Dwlee99

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:37 am
by Dwlee99
Can y'all use your words lmao

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:37 am
by GuiltyLion
lmao Enchant you trickster you

He basically refused to give info the whole night and I was all set to die, and kinda had POE'd my way back to him, then he submitted his solve at the last second

Unless this is galaxy brain wifom stuff from a losing position (in which case we could still lim him tomorrow), I kinda feel like that points to Pooky?? Not gonna lie I'm really still feeling like no solve feels good or correct

Andante you think Enchant is just trying to stall the inevitable? What good does it do to troll all night and then save me at the last second?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:38 am
by GuiltyLion
Dwlee a lot of my reservations with Pooky are around D1, I don't feel like he seems aligned with Baltar or MT. Have you looked at those?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:39 am
by Enchant
What? You thinked i would just say "Well makes sense" and just submit? Where's fun in that.

Nothing lost from pressuring you a bit more.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:41 am
by GuiltyLion
Maybe I'm a fool but I struggle to see why scum in the hood last night would save me

Andante even gave her solve before Enchant was openly refusing to give his

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:43 am
by Dwlee99
I have not looked at those, no. I can though.

I think that associatives are something that can be very manipulated into a favorable position though, especially by someone like Pooky. I mean you might recall me going "I don't think Koba busses VP this early" and well... yea

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:44 am
by GuiltyLion
Yeah, it's just that to me they almost look like he wasn't manipulating them, if that makes sense? Like he could have distanced harder and he didn't, MT straight up ignored him, etc. It feels like an absence of necessary attempts at theater

I do want to respect Menalques point about how Pookys VPB read evaporated, though

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:46 am
by Dwlee99
I kinda agree. I wish we had more time yesterday to get more Pooky content

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:59 am
by GuiltyLion
yeah, I want Pooky to rock my world today with a real scumread and case

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 8:23 am
by Bell
VOTE: Pookythemagicalbear

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 8:37 am
by GuiltyLion
so scum has used 2 kills

we know they should have had at least 4 (1 at gamestart, 2 from VPB defuses, 1 from GL+Andante regardless of Andante's alignment), there's a world where Andante is scum where they have 5.

nearly certainly at least one was saved between all the protectives/JKing in the first few nights

is it worth trying to speculate what happened to the other one?