Ameliaslay God Father
ELVIS KNITS Paranoid Mafia Cop
logicticus Mafia Recruiter
VitaminR investigator
I AM A BUG investigator
Vaughn Second Counselour
Medicated LainFirst Counselour
Micigante E.Q. President
Petroleumjelly home teacher
W!nt3r home teacher
Saferbahamut ward comedian
VISAMOIR! insane Relief Society President
Quantity 1: Apostate Ringleader (Godfather): You were a faithful Latter-Day Saint until you started to believe the many lies about the Mormons. You now believe that active and faithful Mormons are not Christian and so wicked and reprobate that they are worthy of death. You have secretly found out those in the ward (congregation) who believe similarly to you and organized a group of apostate Mormons and direct their wicked ways. You may communicate during the night with your fellow apostates and decide who to attempt to recruit, investigate and kill. You are immune to investigation and will be revealed to the person doing your investigation as a positive alignment and positive title. Due to your time being spent mostly in wickedness you generally have very little time or liking for food, therefore you are immune to effects of deadly force-feeding. Also you are so wicked that you will not listen to your home teachers who come every month, therefore you are immune to the effects of home teaching. You win when all those that are for the town are gone.
Quantity 1: Offended Ward Mission Leader (Mafia Recruiter): You are the ward’s local leader assigned to coordinate missionary related events on a local level. You were selected because you are very skilled at talking to people and getting them to do what you are suggesting. Unfortunately you were not very skilled at receiving advice and was recently seriously offended by the recently deceased Bishop Matthews kindly asking you to not gossip about other members of the local congregation.. You have recently secretly joined the ranks of the apostates. As an offended member you are sometimes so steamed about what the Bishop has told you that you make mistakes in what you say. Each post you make must contain at least two spelling mistakes. These spelling mistakes may not be in the same sentence…so in other words you must use two sentences or more per post. You may communicate with your fellow apostates at night. You have the ability to persuade only “investigators” to join the apostates. You may send in one night choice per night of someone you wish to recruit. If the person you have selected is an “investigator” you have the possibility of recruiting him or her as a regular mafia member with no special powers. If the person you have selected is not recruitable the night you attempt to recruit then I will inform you after the night kill selection has been made by simply telling you “ Your attempt to recruit (insert name here) has failed” Due to the fact that you are so offended you always have a 25% of refusing to be forced feed. You win when all those for the community are eliminated.
Quantity 1: Apostate LDS (Paranoid Mafia Cop)- In your heart you are an apostate and wicked man that still goes to church; truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Everyone in the ward (local congregation) trusts you and some of them will reveal certain things to you. You are however so extremely very paranoid of the active and faithful Mormons figuring out it that is you revealing their information (alignment and title) to the apostates that you have limited yourself to a maximum of two investigations for the duration of the entire game. You work for the Apostate Ringleader (Godfather) and with the Offended Ward Mission Leader (Mafia Recruiter). On the two nights that you decide that you want to investigate you may send a night choice and I will reveal the alignment and title of the person to you. You may only communicate during the night with your fellow apostates and decide who to attempt to recruit, who to investigate and who to kill. I will send you the results of your investigation after I have received the night kill selection. As someone who is fairly busy in wickedness you are somewhat uninterested in food, therefore you have a 25% chance of avoiding the effects of forced feeding. You win when everyone for the community is out of the way.
Quantity 1: Totally Insane Relief Society President (Serial Killer)- You are the beloved leader of the local chapter of one of the world’s oldest women’s organizations. The Relief Society is dedicated to providing service and relief to those in need. The most common local service/relief given by direction of the Relief President usually entails dinners for families that had a death in the family or a new addition to the family etc. Unfortunately you suffer a secret deranged mentality that nobody knows about. Your mental sickness is that you believe that everyone you meet is in need of a good meal or ten. You believe that you must force feed everyone you can with your extremely delicious pot roasts, mash potatoes and lemonade to a rather fatal point. Because you are obsessed with food you must mention one food and how much you love it per mafia game day…which can last very long indeed. Every night you send me a name of someone you have selected and if you succeed in force-feeding them they die the next day. You win when there is no one left to force-feed.
Quantity 2-Invesitgator (Townie) You are an investigator of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You have no special powers. You may vote during the day. As an investigator there is no one you may communicate at night. You win when all those that are against the town are eliminated.
Quantity One: Ward Comedian/ Wise Guy: (Role Blocker)
You are the ward’s funniest person and can be very distracting at times. Everything you see you twist in such a manner as to make it extremely hilarious to everyone you meet. You are so enthralled with humor that you must show your humor each day. Every day you must use the word “LOL” at least five times to be able to distract someone so much that they cannot use their abilities (if they have any) at nighttime. You can only use the word “ LOL” once per post. If you have earned the right to use your ability, PM your night selection to me. You win when all the threats to the Mormons have been eliminated.
Quantity 1. Elder’s Quorum President (Town Recruiter/ Head Mason): You are the local ward’s trusty and friendly Elder’s Quorum Leader. You may send in one night choice per night of someone that you wish to attempt to recruit. If the person you have selected is an “investigator” you have the possibility of recruiting him or her as a faithful Latter-day Saint. If the person you have selected is not recruitable at that moment I will inform you by simply telling you “ Your attempt to recruit (insert name here) has failed” Any investigator recruited may communicate with you and other recruited investigators at night (Be sure to inform them that they can communicate with you and other investigators recruited). You may also communicate with the two Home Teachers under your supervision. They both claim that they were off home teaching together (sharing a religious message) when the murder occurred so you believe that they are innocent. By virtue of your righteousness you have a 50% of receiving revelation that will protect you from all harm during the night. Oh and by the way, to maintain your righteousness and your ability to be partially protected at night you must compliment one person for something each day in the game by using one or more of the following words: “Commend, congratulate, praise, admire, and or applaud”. [For example: Oh so and so I commend you on your last post I feel that it was…..] You win when all those that are out to hurt the town are dead.
Quantity 1: First Counselor in the Bishopric (Cop): You are the former Bishops’ trusty first counselor. You are very skilled in receiving inspiration via mighty fasting and prayer. Every night you may send me a selection and I will reveal the alignment and title of the person to you. You win when all those that are out to hurt the town are gone.
Quantity 1: Second Counselor in the Bishopric (Doctor): You are the former Bishop’s trusty second counselor. You have developed some seriously powerful praying skills. Every night you may send me the name of one person in the ward (congregation) that you will pray for. If the person you have selected has been selected to receive harm, the power of your mighty prayer of faith will protect him or her. By virtue of your righteousness you have a 25% of avoiding harm at night. You win when all those out to harm the town are gone.
Quantity 2: Home Teachers (Masons): You and (insert name here) your fellow Mormon are definitely innocent. You know this because you were out home teaching (sharing a religious message with fellow members) near by when the murder occurred. You may communicate with each other at nighttime and with the Elder’s Quorum President who is the local head of the Home Teaching program. As home teachers you may choose one person to home teach (share a religious message with) each night. If you are successful at home teaching them they will be so pacified by your message that they are limited to a total of 20 words the next day including their vote. You win when all those out to harm the town are gone.
My nighttime rules: Role block takes precendence over night kill. Night kill takes precedence over recruitment.
Currently Modding " CALIFORNIA VENTURA MORMON MISSIONARY MAFIA." Will the Mormons baptize everyone? Or will the town chase them out first? Tune in to find out. Mini 372 in Coney Island.