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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:20 am
by fwogcarf
In post 623, ofmercia wrote:That would make town power roles pointless since they won't be able to detect anything or very overpowered if a town power role gets a guilty on a player if they used this faction kill option. Weird to even bring up faction kill. You're trying to look town by feigning ignorance on scum mechanics?
I don't think you understand how the term "factional kill" works.

There's more than one mafia, and usually they decide with one another who the kill TARGET is going to be and who is going to CARRY out the kill. The Town Power roles in this setup should not be affected by it, Cop especially.

Factional kills are not roleblocks, that's what mafia roleblocker is for. Cops can still get red checks, Trackers can still track them (although now that i think about it if they track a goon for example who doesn't go anywhere that's unfortunate but highly unlikely to happen.), and Jailkeepers are still able to Jailkeep.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:32 am
by ofmercia
But then of course there is factional kill. Not sure what no factional kill even means. Anyway lets wait for everyone to check in for day 2.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:36 am
by ProgoWoshua
You can read the Sample Role PM in the beginning of the thread. The Mafia must choose one of them to carry out the kill.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:41 am
by ProgoWoshua
In post 2, Micc wrote:
Mafia GoonWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Goon

Your partner is PLAYERNAME who is a
Mafia Goon/Roleblocker/Rolecop
. Together you share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:43 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Are ya dumbtelling son.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:14 am
by Frogsterking
Not a dumb question IMO, I think I asked something similar when I started playing here, I was used to factional night kills as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:16 am
by Frogsterking
IMO both scum and town are a little confused

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:34 am
by fwogcarf
In post 629, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Are ya dumbtelling son.
[youtube] ... yq&index=1[/youtube]

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:17 am
by Frogsterking
:good: I'm watching guys

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:06 pm
by NorwegianboyEE
Wow. not that much happening.

VOTE: KittyTacky

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:53 pm
by KittyTacky
In post 614, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I think Kitty is one of the slots i find the most sus at the moment, but i'm gonna let the day develop a bit before i go hard on anything.
Can you explain your read?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:56 pm
by KittyTacky
In post 626, ofmercia wrote:But then of course there is factional kill. Not sure what no factional kill even means. Anyway lets wait for everyone to check in for day 2.
Factional kill = select someone of your faction to kill someone else. That's it.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:13 pm
by ofmercia
In post 636, KittyTacky wrote:
In post 626, ofmercia wrote:But then of course there is factional kill. Not sure what no factional kill even means. Anyway lets wait for everyone to check in for day 2.
Factional kill = select someone of your faction to kill someone else. That's it.
What is no factional kill?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:11 am
by KittyTacky
In post 637, ofmercia wrote:
In post 636, KittyTacky wrote:
In post 626, ofmercia wrote:But then of course there is factional kill. Not sure what no factional kill even means. Anyway lets wait for everyone to check in for day 2.
Factional kill = select someone of your faction to kill someone else. That's it.
What is no factional kill?
Well either it means mafia chose to not kill (clearly they did since Tist died) or, outside newbie games, kills attacked to roles instead of factions. E.g vig. A vig is a no
-factional kill if that's what you meant?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:11 am
by KittyTacky

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:14 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 569, KittyTacky wrote:It's sus that Auto isn't defending themself harder. As newbie town I'd kick and scream if I was wagoned this hard.
It was mostly this post i didn't like.
As in you justified your vote with their "lack of an reaction" to hammer, but i don't see why that would be scum indicative?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:57 am
by ofmercia
In post 633, Frogsterking wrote::good: I'm watching guys
Am I still your top scum read?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:27 am
by PenguinPower
Votecount 2.02
(1): NorwegianboyEE

Not Voting
(6): ProgoWoshua, ofmercia, StrangeMatter, Frogsterking, KittyTacky, fwogcarf

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to eliminate.

: (expired on 2022-03-09 11:21:56)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:29 am
by Frogsterking
In post 641, ofmercia wrote:
In post 633, Frogsterking wrote::good: I'm watching guys
Am I still your top scum read?
My priority of elimination is ofmercia > Kitty > Strange > Everyone else

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:31 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 561, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 512, Frogsterking wrote:Strange started talking about this other game they were town in because they're not town in this game.
I'm very confused, how did you come to the conclusion I scumtold there?
To me it's really weird since I personally take a lot from my past games, including people's meta, behaviors, and mistakes made.
EBWOP but please do answer this, I’d like to know how you came to that thought.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:46 am
by Frogsterking
I thought you were thinking about the other game because you're trying to replicate your town meta. Something like that. Could be a BS tell.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:18 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 643, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 641, ofmercia wrote:
In post 633, Frogsterking wrote::good: I'm watching guys
Am I still your top scum read?
My priority of elimination is ofmercia > Kitty > Strange > Everyone else
How willing r you to vote Kitty today.
I’m asking because i just don’t see why everyone think Mercia is scummy?
Can you try to sell me on why it’s a good lim in your opinion?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:31 am
by Frogsterking
In post 646, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 643, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 641, ofmercia wrote:
In post 633, Frogsterking wrote::good: I'm watching guys
Am I still your top scum read?
My priority of elimination is ofmercia > Kitty > Strange > Everyone else
How willing r you to vote Kitty today.
I’m asking because i just don’t see why everyone think Mercia is scummy?
Can you try to sell me on why it’s a good lim in your opinion?
i mean who else is it?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:32 am
by Frogsterking
it's a poe read.

scum were most comfortable voting each other i guess.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:04 am
by ofmercia
If we miselim today our PRs most likely become useless btw. I vote the PRs claim here and share night results. That will truly assist with POE, and maybe we even got scum ;)