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Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:18 pm
by mastina
In post 6321, Alisae wrote:
In post 6319, mastina wrote:Anyone is a good pick for Pine--and if they weren't, they wouldn't be in the game.
not true
Pine actually considered not inviting you but I told him that he should because games are meant to be played with friends.
If that were true.
Why the fuck do you think I'm scum?
If you think my statement of "Anyone is a good pick for Pine; if they weren't a good pick, they wouldn't be in the game" isn't true because Pine almost didn't invite me to the game.
Why the fuck do you think that in spite of me apparently almost not being invited and thus by my logic not being a good pick, Pine picked me?

If what you're saying is true then it's pretty damn fucking strong proof that I'm town.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:20 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 6319, mastina wrote:
In post 6253, Pink Ball wrote:Tired of mastina calling scum to players when her stance on herself and other players is "anyone is a good pick for Pine, if someone wasn't a good pick, they wouldn't be in the game".
And by the way?

Pink Ball loses the entirety of his fucking townread for this massive fucking misrep of me.

Anyone is a good pick for Pine--and if they weren't, they wouldn't be in the game.

This is true.

That doesn't mean there aren't players who are better picks to make than others; that doesn't mean there aren't players who are more likely to be picked; that doesn't mean picks can't be hypothesized, picks can't be theorized, picks can't be discussed.

Anyone could've been picked, but as I said before, the question to ask isn't why Pine would or wouldn't pick someone; the question is why Pine did or didn't pick them. The former is a shitty question which you will never get good answers for. The latter is something that can be talked about, discussed, debated, and so on and so forth and that is precisely what I have done, outlined who I think Pine did pick and who I think Pine did not pick and the whys behind it.
In post 6253, Pink Ball wrote:Mastina is not really playing the game.
Yes because me giving my reads on the entire playerlist along with reasons why, and continuing to engage on those reads the entire fucking game. Is totally me not playing the game. Me explaining my stances, engaging players and pushing my stances. Is totally me not playing the game. Me being in a situation where by every fucking right I should be conftown and then after by EVERY FUCKING RIGHT ME SHOULD BE CONFTOWN BEING CALLED SCUM BY HALF THE TOWN.

Is totally me not playing the game.
In post 6253, Pink Ball wrote:And she's actually a good pick for Pine
I have gotten mislynched or misvigged in almost every fucking game I have played this year and even in the games I didn't get either of those I came damn fucking close. L-1 in Undertale comes to mind for instance as does the fact that I was being lined up to be the next lynch in Skygazer's Everything Normal and only averted it because the last scum was lynched so the town can't mislynch me when the game's over in a town win before they can. Fuck even in xyzzy's anyone can post, game, I was almost fucking lynched although to be fair it was a crossvote between me and a different town player so scum could've picked anyone they wanted to to be the lynch and it'd have gone through and it was almost a coinflip where they did lynch me.

Or misvigged.
In almost every. fucking. game.
I have played.

What makes that magically change with me being scum?
What makes me magically stop being an easy town lynch?
What makes scumastina magically, mystically, go from being a town mislynch as town, to not being lynched as scum?


Okay, so we've fucking established that if I am scum I still get fucking lynched. So my value can't be in me living to the endgame.
So what other value do I provide?
I can set up my scumteam for success after I am lynched.
Okay, then why was LLD scum, and why was LLD scum specifically the D1 lynch? LLD filled that role for the scumteam. Pine WANTED us to focus on her D1 and focus on her D1 we did indeed. LLD filled this role on the scumteam; are you seriously going to posit that Pine doubled down on having not one but TWO, a full THIRD OF HIS SCUMTEAM, be fucking sacrificial lambs?

Because suggesting I am scum this game when LLD flipped scum is suggesting exactly fucking that.

So my value as scum isn't that I endgame.
My value as scum isn't that I prop up my scumbuddies.
What value does that leave in my scumplay?
Propping my scumteam up? I am a bossy bitch; that is not a skill which is really in my repertoire. It can happen, but only if I am on a scumteam where I've got good friends as my scumbuddies, and even then it's not a guarantee. (For instance RC's game had my scumteam and I heavily fight with one another behind the scenes in spite of me being entirely surrounded by friends in it. That was literally one of the best scumteams I could ask for in terms of propping up my scumteam, and I
didn't do it then
because as I said: it's not a skill which is really in my repertoire.)
Speculating as to the identity of town PRs?
I don't fucking PR hunt as scum; this is not a skill scumastina would thus bring to Pine's scumteam.
Working on mechanics to shut down any town mechanical solve?
That's literally the closest to a possible skill Pine could see value in picking me for, and that is still not my specialty as scum.
Crafting fakeclaims for my team?
My modus operandi as scum is to tell the fucking truth and encourage my scumteam to do the same.
Help Pine create a plan?
So what's the fucking plan I helped create then? This scumteam is not fucking following any plan I'd have made and the jjh kill is fucking proof of that. (jjh was, by the way, a scumread and good fucking luck finding a scumgame of mine where I kill a fucking player I am scumreading.)

What makes me a good pick for Pine this game, pray tell?

Absofuckinglutely nothing, at least given the known and proven facts so far in the game given what has happened and what we know has transpired thusfar.

There is good reason for me to be picked in theory--there is such reasoning for every player to be picked. Every player has a reason they would be picked and I am no exception to that. There is damn fucking good reason Pine DIDN'T pick me.
In post 6253, Pink Ball wrote:along with PP. Called them out on D1, they're both scum.
Oh yes I am scum with a player who I would happily fucking lynch because I was literally the first fucking person to call PenguinPower possible scum on D1. Right. That's how scumastina plays these days.
Interesting turnabout from "mastina is a God of scumplay".

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:21 pm
by Krazy
In post 6343, mastina wrote:The bare minimum, because Krazy hated that game.
what the fuck?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:24 pm
by Pine
In post 6244, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 6238, Alisae wrote:Honestly
The only thing I can really say atm is thank you
I held it for tou, Ali! <3

If LLD was town commuter I wanted to use it D2 on her and would have sacrificed myself for a conftown commuter LLD.

That would have been the most epic of things!
This is really good play, Ari, I’m proud of you.

Alrighty then, Ali and SS both as ICs, two Masons to go, let’s make a game of it!
In post 6267, Pink Ball wrote:Forgot to bold:
Jingle, will Firedaddy get his vote back now that someone else died this day?
It’s my bargain, and I say no. No hammer nor Twilight occurred. This was separate shenanigans.



Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:24 pm
by Krazy
Imagine the amount of effort it took to put together that wall exactly 0% of which actually went into engaging me ever throughout this game

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:25 pm
by Pine
In post 6354, Krazy wrote:Imagine the amount of effort it took to put together that wall exactly 0% of which actually went into engaging me ever throughout this game
Sick burn

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:25 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 6349, Krazy wrote:
In post 6347, Gamma Emerald wrote:I'd actually agreed with mastina's stance until D2 started
Why I agreed or why I changed my mind?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:25 pm
by Alisae
hey Gamma Emerald
what do you think of Krazy vs Mastina given the content that Krazy has posted overall and what mastina has said about Krazy being more mechanical instead of more solvy

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:26 pm
by Krazy
In post 6356, Gamma Emerald wrote:Why I agreed or why I changed my mind?
Both actually

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:27 pm
by Alisae
In post 6350, mastina wrote:
In post 6321, Alisae wrote:
In post 6319, mastina wrote:Anyone is a good pick for Pine--and if they weren't, they wouldn't be in the game.
not true
Pine actually considered not inviting you but I told him that he should because games are meant to be played with friends.
If that were true.
Why the fuck do you think I'm scum?
If you think my statement of "Anyone is a good pick for Pine; if they weren't a good pick, they wouldn't be in the game" isn't true because Pine almost didn't invite me to the game.
Why the fuck do you think that in spite of me apparently almost not being invited and thus by my logic not being a good pick, Pine picked me?

If what you're saying is true then it's pretty damn fucking strong proof that I'm town.
no offense
1st off, Pine Wine
2nd off, thats a shitty read considering a lot of it has to do with out of game stuff and I would rather not use that to read you. I think if I'm wrong, I should be able to identify it.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:28 pm
by Pine
In post 6308, Gamma Emerald wrote:
Bargain: Neighborize

Pops or Smarty are who I'll neighborize if I get it
I feel like a politician posting this
Nah I’d pass on this

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:31 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 6358, Krazy wrote:
In post 6356, Gamma Emerald wrote:Why I agreed or why I changed my mind?
Both actually
I agreed because you didn't seem really engaged in the game and you seemed to be reflexively FoSing those who pushed you. I changed my mind because I felt like a fresh start was a good idea
@Ali I think it's prolly a TvT, Mastina makes solid points but I just don't agree on the conclusion
Also I'm listening to my YouTube Music and I think I might have actually really gotten into my current auto-playlist

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:31 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 6360, Pine wrote:
In post 6308, Gamma Emerald wrote:
Bargain: Neighborize

Pops or Smarty are who I'll neighborize if I get it
I feel like a politician posting this
Nah I’d pass on this
That's fine, I'm actually feeling alright about the game now so I don't think I need it as much.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:32 pm
by Alisae
In post 6361, Gamma Emerald wrote:@Ali I think it's prolly a TvT, Mastina makes solid points but I just don't agree on the conclusion
I think I am going to change my question, because I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for.
If you were to go into Krazy's ISO, would you see the points that mastina is making about Krazy's content being more focused on mechanical stuff.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:32 pm
by mastina
In post 6329, Krazy wrote:Anyway, I was thinking mastina is town. And she still might be town actually. But given I've basically retired from this site precisely because literally everyone on this site seems unable to go a game without getting into interpersonal drama that goes beyond the game (myself included), I'm kinda over just letting mastina try to read me based on whether I'm "miserable" or not. She knows I was miserable in pretty much every game I've played on this site in the last few months regardless of alignment.
The difference between your towngames and your scumgames is night and fucking day.
Your towngames have had miserable moments in them but in spite of the miserable moments they still had LIFE to them.
Your scumgames have been nothing but misery and maybe because of the miserable moments they had no life to them.
This game you have no life to you.
In post 6329, Krazy wrote:A I think the fact that we're ignoring her most likely check is nonsense.
What if I said that if I were to actually give a guess as to who she hid behind my guess would be you?
In post 6329, Krazy wrote:I'm like, looking at her play, and her reads are just... not good enough to be town mastina.
Also bullshit. I am known, proven, demonstrably, a shitty scumhunter. My read accuracy in general is random
at best
and is usually BELOW RANDOM ODDS.

This is a known, demonstratable, fact about me. It is something that everyone knows about me.
I have strengths as a town player.
Those strengths are not good, accurate scumreads.
If anything it'd be reasonably decent townreads and what townreads have I gotten right so far?
Ankamius, kinda sorta vaguely Nacho (but ehhh debatable there), Chickadee, and Something_Smart.
What townreads of mine have I gotten wrong?
I mean...technically I guess you can strictly speaking say in a sense LLD if you're going to be incredibly literal since technically strictly speaking I did say "she's more likely to be town than scum".

I have never been known for accurate scumreads and I have also been known infamously to have one scum I end up hard-defending at some point in the game or another, a fact which has been shown in numerous games. Tatsuya's Anime UPick, Krazy's Anime UPick, schadd's MBoS 4, momo's Can't Remember The Name of This Game, how many others? Those are just the ones which IMMEDIATELY pop into my head, I'm sure there are plenty more beyond that. Games where I hard defended at least one scum, possibly defending a second scum, too.

By proxy of having hard defended scum in those games, you can also then reasonably deduce that I hard pushed town as being scum in those very same games because obviously if there's at least one scum I thought was town that means there was going to be at least one town player I thought was scum.

My reads are provably, demonstrably, shit--saying "mastina's better than this as town" is literally the way over half my fucking mislynches happened because in spite of me giving this spew every fucking time the logic is still fucking given and it has never fucking held true.
In post 6329, Krazy wrote:I'm kinda done dealing with her after how lazily she tunneled me in EICN.
What Krazy conveniently leaves out is that I made a key error in that game: I misidentified which head he was. I thought all of HIS posting wasn't his, and that all of his PARTNER'S posting was his, and THAT was the source of my scumread on him that game.

I stated this multiple times and he fucking knows that's the source of my scumread on him from that game--not that I thought his posting was scum, but that I erroneously identified his hydra partner as being him and thinking his hydra partner was him, I thought "his" content was scum.
Had I correctly understood which head was Krazy, then I would've instantly known he was town because I would've known his content made him town.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:33 pm
by Krazy
In post 6361, Gamma Emerald wrote:I agreed because you didn't seem really engaged in the game and you seemed to be reflexively FoSing those who pushed you. I changed my mind because I felt like a fresh start was a good idea
I mean, I didn't actually plan to play this game at all, I had planned on a much longer break from the site. But hey, given I apparently have enthusiasm quotas for games I'm invited to the reason I literally always stealth alt gets more and more justified every time I play a game on my main.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:34 pm
by Titus
I strongly feel we should flip PB, Fire or, The Worst.
Krazy, Pops, and Gamma are tier 2 reads.

The day 1 wagon on LLD feels like LLD taking a dive to protect her partner(s). Alisae suggests a Firewagon, and there's a counter on the worst. The worst feels independently scummy though as well.

Jjh actively resisted the LLD wagon even though LLD voting him was the impetus for her wagon (that's why Grey voted). Jjh wanted Fire and Krazy. In that range, LLD spends an insane amount of energy defending Fire.

Then, Fire gets the governor from Pine.

The worst MIGHT be town but should only get clearing if Fire is not a scum PR.

Fire loses his vote to get the convienent with someone studying VCA here.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:35 pm
by Krazy
In post 6364, mastina wrote:What if I said that if I were to actually give a guess as to who she hid behind my guess would be you?
LOL wow

you are scum

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:36 pm
by Krazy
In post 6364, mastina wrote:What if I said that if I were to actually give a guess as to who she hid behind my guess would be you?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:36 pm
by Alisae
In post 6366, Titus wrote:Fire loses his vote to get the convienent with someone studying VCA here.
Titus, I think you're town
and this is very evident in townies but
I'm pretty sure that move has nothing to do with you in particular.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:38 pm
by Alisae
In post 6366, Titus wrote:Alisae suggests a Firewagon,
Titus I was asleep the whole time LLD was being pushed.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:38 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Only real mechanics to talk about thus game are fruit right? There was a small chunk of fruit talk at EoD1 by Krazy but other wise don't see much mechanical talk if that's the only mechanic

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:38 pm
by Krazy
In post 6364, mastina wrote:the source of my scumread on him from that game
the source of your scumread me that game was that you obviously were reading exactly 0% of that game and giving 0% shits about that game and were basically just pulling reads out of your ass, which is why I felt okay basically ignoring you for the vast majority of the game

here you feel like you are desperately pulling reads out of your ass but you want to at least give the impression you're invested

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:40 pm
by Alisae
So Gamma
if you were to grade Krazy's ISO with this as your rubric,
what would your read on Krazy be?
In post 6101, mastina wrote:
In post 6079, Alisae wrote:I'm more interested in why krazy in particular
Take a look at literally any Krazy towngame this year.
What is he doing in those games?

Scumhunting a plenty. Active, giving content, giving reads. Doesn't matter what the pace of the game is, doesn't matter what's happening in his life, doesn't matter how V/LA he is. He has contributed content, reads, reasons, to all of them. Sometimes with a slow start, but he's always giving eventually and it's always good, solid stuff with good reasoning, good logic, sound stances that even if they aren't correct you can follow and understand the logic behind him having taken those stances, and these stances are based around players' content and him commenting on them.

Take a look at the majority of Krazy's scumgames this year.
What is he doing in those games?
Pretty much jackshit. When he does contribute, a lot of his content as scum revolves around mechanics and theorizing about what those mechanics mean for the game.

Now tell me.
Which of those two resembles his play this game?

THAT is why Krazy is scum.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:41 pm
by mastina
In post 6335, Krazy wrote:Right now it feels like that's the conclusion she reached because that's the order she decided to put names in in her reads list and now that Ari and jjh are dead she feels compelled to continue going up the list regardless of anything else that happens in the game.
I mean.
Pretty much, yes?

I continue going up the list regardless of anything else that happens in the game if the events that happen in the game don't affect the other aspects of the list.

Why the fuck wouldn't I.

When I fucking go in expecting to be wrong (even though I always work under the assumption I am right because the game is literally unplayable if you assume you're wrong), which you fucking know I always do.

Why the fuck when it's shown that I am wrong do you think that I'd go "oh I must reevaluate everything, shut down, reset, restart, throw everything I had out the window"?
When I am shown wrong, the things which I had thought that are directly tied to the thing shown wrong I discard--if I assume player X is scum and from this assumed Y was scum and Z was town, and player X flips town, then yes, I reassess player Y being scum and player Z being town.
But if I assume Player X is scum and unrelated to this assume player Y was scum and unrelated to this assume player Z is town, then player X flipping town does nothing to make me reassess player Y being scum and does nothing to make me reassess player Z being town because those reads were unrelated to the erroneous read on player X.

My scumread on you was never tied to jjh.
My scumread on you was never tied to Aristophanes.
My scumread on jjh/Ari was never tied to Ari/jjh.
Why would either of them flipping town magically make me reassess my read on you when my read on you was utterly unrelated to my read on them?

After all I said on numerous fucking occasions.
"These are my strongest scumreads. I don't think they are a scumteam together, but that doesn't stop me from scumreading them".
Inherent in that statement is that I know I have erroneous scumreads and that at least one player I am scumreading is town.
Inherent in that statement is that I know I will be proven wrong at some point, potentially repeatedly if it turns out I'm 1-2 on reads rather than the optimal 3-0.
I can repeatedly quote the instances of me saying precisely this and you if you're so much as fucking pretending to read my iso don't need me to because you'd be able to see them plain as day.

So no fucking shit I push you even after Aristophanes and jjh die.
Because them flipping town, while a reason for me to go "fuck this game", doesn't magically make my scumread on you wrong.
7-for-7, or in this case its inverse, 0-for-2, is still a logical fallacy and you fucking know it is.