Once all contestants have voted, we will move to the next nominee. "VOTE: YEA" eliminates, "VOTE: NAY" spares.
Until all votes are cast, votes can be swapped. All players not voting at deadline will select "NAY".
the nominees are Ydrasse followed by Taly, which shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone except maybe Ydrasse given the Heaven PT
my instinct is that yeeting them both wins the game because GE and peta seem very obvtown for how scum played in regards to GE's wagon d1 and how skitter+Saber played against peta plus peta
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:24 am
by Ydrasse
okay hi, i understood i was gonna be nommed moment i saw the event but give me some time to convey what happened in our pt, because i am gonna flip town so, yeah.
basically the tl;dr is that sircakez gave his life for me
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:26 am
by Gamma Emerald
I take it you’ll be getting into why he did that
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:29 am
by Taly
What was the rundown in the
Hell PT
be like-
"lul, crown
"me want power "
"eww no, wtf"
"omg just vote someone"
"me promise i wont lose my shit"
"no, u probtown them interactions with
are a little worse than loooking at
"no, u a poopyhead but ily tho"
"no u but ily2"
would be a better ruler than me he obvtown"
"omg just vote someone, prefer
"uuuggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fine i concede"
"les do me now"
Gammagooey: Gammagooey, petapan, Taly
Ydrasse wrote:okay hi, i understood i was gonna be nommed moment i saw the event but give me some time to convey what happened in our pt, because i am gonna flip town so, yeah.
basically the tl;dr is that sircakez gave his life for me
i am falling short on those reads again
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:32 am
by Ydrasse
our event was basically:
you could either pass, or sacrifice your life for someone, and it went in a line based on how we were nommed. if we did not save someone, and there were multiple town people alive in hell, then scum would have the option to save someone of their choosing. so:
titus -> sircakez -> me -> ulyana
sircakez from the start wanted me to be saved and i don't think he really wavered on that at any point. titus spent... a lot of the pt, if not all, saying that she thought no saving was the best idea so that we could kill 'at least one scum' if there were multiple in there. ulyana and i both thought that was pretty dumb i think (i'm saying i think because ulyana and i had a lot of back and forth and it was very, very frustrating because ulyana kept saying that 'you can just believe me if you don't trust your reads and pick me' which was like... okay. so, we were both pretty upset with one another. i cried. because i was /okay/ with ulyana leaving if she could hold her own right when she came up here and explain things and like, be listened to, sort of thing, but from my point of view she... was considering worlds where i was scum still which like... really frustrating when i poured my heart out into that pt trying to figure out what i could to get town to escape hell.) anyways.
titus passed, because she ran to deadline. she did come back in later to say that she was considering giving to to ulyana (meaning, let ulyana escape too), because she was worried about me/cakez being a scumteam together which lol, clearly not. cakez for the most part just like... didn't do too much but support me/call me town? and then he gave his life for me. i was unable to sacrifice myself or do anything at that point, because when someone sacrifices from you you're removed from the order. and then ulyana spent a little bit thinking about it but then ultimately passed.
the nominees are Ydrasse followed by Taly, which shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone except maybe Ydrasse given the Heaven PT
my instinct is that yeeting them both wins the game because GE and peta seem very obvtown for how scum played in regards to GE's wagon d1 and how skitter+Saber played against peta plus peta
guessed as much
really dont want to tunnel you here as i want to read thoroughly
but your progression on me this game aligns perfectly with what ive seen come from scum in previous games when im a final or next-to-final mislim.
i really want you to justify yourself, and i dont mean scumcasing me.
youve brought up many points on why i am good for thread health but youve never directly given an opinion of me via my own posting. its based a lot on everything around me.
its a stiff progression and im frustrated if youre town here.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:33 am
by Ydrasse
i'm going to try to go into it in greater detail because there were a decent amount of pages but basically
titus: argued for no saving (aka scum escapes 100% of the time), passed, was scum
cakez: mostly just townread me, scumread ulyana
me: i spoke the most with ulyana going back and forth trying to get her to towncase herself so that i could feel comfortable in a world where i had to pick someone (if cakez passed fsr), cried some
ulyana: frustrated as well, spoke a lot about what we should do/optimal people to escape, dwelled on teams, also frustrated a lot
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:35 am
by Ydrasse
ALSO: cakez thought scum was in gammagooey/peta if there was scum in heaven, gooey for the weird galron save, peta for 'weird positioning at eod' he didn't elaborate though and died after he sacced for me
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:35 am
by Ydrasse
am i allowed to say post breakdowns?
ulyana and me had about the same postcound (100+), titus 50s-60s (being vague so mod doesn't yell at me), cakez in the 20s-30s
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:36 am
by Taly
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:37 am
by Taly
Subject to change but this is my stance off of entrance into this event.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:37 am
by Ydrasse
i'm goign to start working on an excel sheet that summarizes every post since i know i can't quote verbatim but i want to try to explain what happened, i didn't do it before because i was afraid of a sabotage
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:42 am
by petapan
In post 6437, Ydrasse wrote:ALSO: cakez thought scum was in gammagooey/peta if there was scum in heaven, gooey for the weird galron save, peta for 'weird positioning at eod' he didn't elaborate though and died after he sacced for me
god, cakez
i feel bad for finding him as town and then wavering, probs would have voted him anyway if this were a regular game just for being really wrong in the early game, but cmon man
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:44 am
by Gamma Emerald
Ngl Cakez’s thought on who might be scum in heaven don’t feel too off with what Titus was pushing in Hell PT
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:44 am
by petapan
i was shaking when i saw the flips but i at least feel validated
someone is playing an epic game at the least
i think the important thing to do is going to be rereading the crossing, because i feel like that was pivotal
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:45 am
by petapan
In post 6443, Gamma Emerald wrote:Ngl Cakez’s thought on who might be scum in heaven don’t feel too off with what Titus was pushing in Hell PT
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:46 am
by Ydrasse
In post 6443, Gamma Emerald wrote:Ngl Cakez’s thought on who might be scum in heaven don’t feel too off with what Titus was pushing in Hell PT
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:47 am
by Taly
In post 6443, Gamma Emerald wrote:Ngl Cakez’s thought on who might be scum in heaven don’t feel too off with what Titus was pushing in Hell PT
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:47 am
by Ydrasse
oh i see now i thought you were like saying you knew what she said
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 5:47 am
by Ydrasse
i agree though, titus trying to kill everyone feels like trying to just help kill 1 more townie for deepwolf partner