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Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:48 am
by Benmage

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:50 am
by Eddard Stark
Day 11, Vc 4

Alfred Borden (3) -
Benmage, Cephrir, Nautilius, Titus

Not voting (4)
: Alfred Borden, Magua, SafetyDance

With 7 alive it takes 4 votes to lynch
  • Deadline Date: 7th of January 22:40 EST
  • Deadline Countdown: (expired on 2014-01-13 12:00:00)
  • No one is V/la

Scene to come.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:59 am
by Eddard Stark



Alfred Borden who were
Balerion "The Black Dread"
and aligned with
was made extinct again Day 11!


Night begins.
You have 48 hours to submit your actions. Countdown: (expired on 2014-01-05 16:58:33)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:12 am
by Eddard Stark

:( rip benmage town leader


Benmage who was
and aligned with
was engulfed in flames Night 11


Not quite, it seems. Benmage's manages to whisper to someone with his last breath. They scurry off. But for...what purpose
. With his last breathe Rossart had told his assistant to IGNITE the Wildifire which had been planted, justice, his killer would be brought down - Rossart rested easy with that knowledge.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:13 am
by Eddard Stark

The explosion went up.


SafetyDance who was
Meera Reed
and aligned with
The Realm
ate a frog Night 11

A win condition has been achieved

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:35 am
by Eddard Stark

Oh, damn. 4 remained. Surely this could still be salvaged. Was it the dirty woman from North of the wall? The sellsword who...sold his sword. The crippled child who looked sort of like a tree. The Giant awesome impressive looking, well written, amazingly cool, murdering, pillaging, godhandequpped, VICTARION.

No one knew.

Well, until Victarion stepped forward menacingly. He grunted, pointing his axe at Bronn.

A duel! Oh, wait, no Bronn just stabbed MAGUA through the heart.


Magua who was
and aligned with
The Realm
died of a broken heart in endgame!

3 left. Bronn turned towards Bran menacingly. Victarion looked on, in confusion. It looked to be two versus one. Cephrir was all alone!

"That's what they call Warging", Bran said, speaking slowly.

Vitarion grunted. "Let him be free, I can kill him anyway" he said, turning to face the sellsword.

Bran rolled his eyes. "If you insist, got knows I've seen my team-mates do enough stupid things this game to last me a life time, let's hope he's not vengeful"

What followed was the most epic duel in history. Suffice to say Victarion being amazing eventually prevailed and Bronn had an axe planted in his skull. RIP.


Nautilius who was
and aligned with
The Realm
got fucked up by VICTARION in Endgame.


Titus who was
and aligned with


Cephrir who was
Bran "Tree God" Stark
and aligned with

The scumteam of
Cephrir, Titus, Alfred Borden, SpyreX, quadz08
and the mafia traitor
Messiah Complex
also win! Congratulations!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:37 am
by Eddard Stark
Spoiler: Scum Roles

Welcome to A uPick of
, Cephrir

Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?


You have chosen to be
Brandon "Bran" Stark
. You are aligned with

Um. Okay. If you keep pretending you can't walk, it's going to look kind of offensive to people who actually can't? We get it, you're Bran. Your plush wolf (which, by the way, looks nothing like Summer) gives that away. But you can't
warg me and make you carry you, when you're feeling lazy. Come on.

You have the following abilities:

Chaos is a ladder
- You may talk to your fellow Chaos Aligned Players here at all times.

- Each night you may choose to have one of your members attempt to kill a player. You may not target anyone in your group. Be sure to choose a killer, as well. I will take the last kill order, if there is a conflict. You may commit both a factional and active ability in the same Night.

- You know there is a traitor aligned with your faction out there somewhere. You know that he or she knows at least
of your members. Please be aware should you target them for a kill, they will die.

- Three nights during the game you may choose a player to Warg in to. You will be able to determine if your target visited a player in the game during the Night. If they do not perform an ability they will target no one. Your results will be in the form "X targeted Y", "X targeted no one", or "No result", should something interfere.

Power in the Trees
- Once during the game you may use your creepy tree power. You will be able to pick a dead player and see what type of abilities targeted them during the course of the game. You will be told whether they were Killing, Investigative, Protective, Manipulative or Miscellaneous. You will not however be told how many of said abilities were used. (So for example if two protective roles were used, you'd just be told that "Protective Ability/Abilities targeted X". Your results will be in the form "X and Y abilities were used on PLAYER", "No abilities were used on PLAYER" or "No result, should something interfere. You may not use this if you are using your "Warg" ability.

- You are physically unfit, due to your fall, you're too used to Hodor carrying you around. The first time you use night action you will be unable to vote the next Day. This will be reflected in the votecount, and will affect majority.

Win Condition:
You win when your factions makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.
Welcome to A uPick of
, PeaceBringer

That was the old Sam, before the Fist of the First Men and Craster’s Keep, before the wights and Coldhands, and the Other on his dead horse. He was braver now.


You have chosen to be
Samwell Tarly
. You are aligned with

Hello, Peacebringer! You don't need to be scared, there's nothing here that's going to *actually* kill you. Yes, I get it. You're Sam. But wearing a t-shirt that says "check out my fat pink mast", was kind of unnecessary. As is nervously gigglign everytime someone says hi! (And please stop mumbling "I must remember my vows" everytime a semi attractive person walks by, okay?)

You have the following abilities:

Chaos is a ladder
- You may talk to your fellow Chaos Aligned Players here at all times.

- Each night you may choose to have one of your members attempt to kill a player. You may not target anyone in your group. Be sure to choose a killer, as well. I will take the last kill order, if there is a conflict. You may commit both a factional and active ability in the same Night.

- You know there is a traitor aligned with your faction out there somewhere. You know that he or she knows at least
of your members. Please be aware should you target them for a kill, they will die.

Earning the chain!
- You are in search of your Maesters chain. To do this, there are many things you must accomplish.
You may
the following links during the course of this game:
  • Bronze (Astronomy) - To earn you must spend a night stargazing (i.e. not take any action during the Night).
  • Yellow Gold (Economics) - To earn this link you must end a Day with no votes on you.
  • Copper (History) - To earn this link you must be not be on an end of Day wagon that reached completion.
  • Iron (Warfare) - To earn this link you must place a hammer vote. There is no reward for this, other than the joy of hammering.
Upon earning all four links you will become a full Maester. What that means is each night you may choose a player to protect -- this will prevent a nightkill from working on them if your role is successful. If more than one kill attempt targets the player, they will die.

- You have been called coward. Called Craven. And in many ways it is true, even if you often find the courage to continue. You may never place the first vote on a wagon. If you attempt to switch your vote to the first vote on a wagon, you will be treated as unvoting.

Win Condition:
You win when your factions makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Alfred Borden

Balerion... his fire was as black as his scales, his wings so vast that whole towns were swallowed up in their shadow when he passed overhead.”


You have chosen to be
Balerion "The Black Dread"
. You are aligned with

Nice dragon costume. Empire, how does it feel to literally be a dragon's ass? Oh, you guys aren't talking. How very in character. (You do realise you look nothing like Balerion was described, right? And no, Empire, you're not "that dragon from the hobbit. 'Marble feel free to slap some sense into him. And, uh, get a mint or something. There was no need to go for super realistic "Dragon Breath". Ew.

You have the following abilities:

Chaos is a ladder
- You may talk to your fellow Chaos Aligned Players here at all times.

- Each night you may choose to have one of your members attempt to kill a player. You may not target anyone in your group. Be sure to choose a killer, as well. I will take the last kill order, if there is a conflict.

- You know there is a traitor aligned with your faction out there somewhere. You know that he or she knows at least
of your members. Please be aware should you target them for a kill, they will die.

Dragon Rider
- Every Dragon needs a rider. On Day 1 you must target a player to become your dragon rider. You will gain a private quicktopic with them, at the end of the Day. You may talk at any time, here. Should your dragon rider ever die you will need to select a new one to continue to use "DRAGON FIRE". (I.e. should your rider die Night 1, you will select a new one Day 2)

- This ability can
be used once you have a dragon rider. Each night you may PM me the name of a player. Should that player target you with a killing ability during the night you will burn them to a crisp - killing them. However their kill attempt will not be stopped.

Win Condition:
You win when your factions makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.
Welcome to A uPick of
, quadz08

What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.


You have chosen to be
"The Damphair", Aeron Greyjoy
. You are aligned with

Quadz. Please stop. Bringing around a bucket of water and trying to dunk people's heads in it will get you kicked out if you keep it up. Seriously, it's kind of weird -- you're not going to be able to "dunk" people in that. It's probably breaking at least 10 health and safety laws. Also, it's not even seawater. How does that work?

You have the following abilities:

Chaos is a ladder
- You may talk to your fellow Chaos Aligned Players here at all times.

- Each night you may choose to have one of your members attempt to kill a player. You may not target anyone in your group. Be sure to choose a killer, as well. I will take the last kill order, if there is a conflict.

- You know there is a traitor aligned with your faction out there somewhere. You know that he or she knows at least
of your members. Please be aware should you target them for a kill, they will die.

- One night in the game you may call the Kingsmoot. What this means is that you may PM me the name of four players, you may not pick yourself. The next Day a public vote will be called -- with the player who receives the most in thread votes being crowned "King/Queen of the Iron islands". The winner will receive NK immunity which cannot be penetrated by any means the Night following their election. (I.e. if you use it on Night 3, they will be elected Day 4 and Immune Night 4). Please note should any candidates die over night they will not be replaced.

- You are a zealot. All attempts to protect you will fail, and any role which attempts to protect you will receive a message stating "THE DROWNED GOD IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND I NEED NO PROTECTION BUT HIS".

Win Condition:
You win when your factions makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Zdenek

Come. Come kill me, if you can.


You have chosen to be
Victarion Greyjoy
. You are aligned with

You are literally the worst Victarion ever. Okay, so the shop didn't have a convincing battle axe. That doesn't mean you're supposed to bring a sword and tell us to "pretend"? Just...dress up as someone else. Oh, and for fuck sake your "Godhand" is...cardboard. And you didn't even colour it in. Well, on the plus side you tend to shout VICTARION at everyone you meet and tell them to come kill you if they can. Which is pretty funny. Just uh, stop doing it outside of convention. Someone might take you seriously.

You have the following abilities:

Chaos is a ladder
- You may talk to your fellow Chaos Aligned Players here at all times.

- Each night you may choose to have one of your members attempt to kill a player. You may not target anyone in your group. Be sure to choose a killer, as well. I will take the last kill order, if there is a conflict.

- You know there is a traitor aligned with your faction out there somewhere. You know that he or she knows at least
of your members. Please be aware should you target them for a kill, they will die.

A Sacrifice to both Gods!
- The Drowned God and the God of Fire. Both offer you their protection, or so you think. Once during the game you may post the phrase "
Come. Come kill me if you can
" in bold in the game thread. The next night phase all roles in the game will be re-directed to you. Instead of investigative roles recieving their regular results they will receive "VICTARION" as their result, for this night phase. You will be unable to be killed the night you use this. All x-shot abilities used up during this, will be retained.

Blood feud.
- You hate your brother Euron Greyjoy. This ability does nothing, but you may privately think about how much you hate Euron, should you wish.

Single Minded
- Should you not switch your vote during a Day phase (after initially placing a vote) any actions you take during the night will be unable to be re-directed, or roleblocked. This includes any factional abilities. Please note this ability is negated by "A Sacrifice to both Gods"

Win Condition:
You win when your factions makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.

Welcome to A uPick of
, Messiah Complex

There are no men like me. There's only me

You have chosen to be
"The Kingslayer", Jaime Lannister
. You are a Traitor aligned with

Stop it! How many times do I have to tell you. No pushing little children to the ground. Can't you channel "I lost my hand, aww" Jaime a bit more? I don't know, just keep reciting a list of the people Cersei was fucking to stay in character. No, don't look at me like that. It was pretty creative for one of you guys to literally dress up as a golden hand. It suits you very well. I'm impressed.

You have the following abilities:

Chaos reigns supreme
- You know that Zdenek, quadz08, Alfred Borden, Cephrir and PeaceBringer are aligned with
, and as such are on your team. Should they be completely eliminated you will continue the game, but be unable to use the nightkill.

- Should they target you with a kill, you will die as normal.

Known traitor
- You will flip as a "Traitor Aligned with Chaos".

- You know your reputation precedes you. You hate it. But no one truly trusts you. Because of this all attempts to "neighbourise" you, will fail.

The things I do for love
- One night during the game you may choose to self watch. You will learn all those that target you. You will receive your results in the form "X/Y/Z targeted you", "No one targeted you" or "No result", should something interfere. Should your ability be interfered with it is used up. Should it be successful, before the end of the next Day phase you
PM me the names of anyone who targeted you, to push them from a window. They will be roleblocked that night.

Win Condition:
You win when your faction makes up more than 50% of the votes, and nothing can prevent this from changing.

Spoiler: Town Roles 1/2

Welcome to A uPick of
, Shadoweh

We all must choose. Man or woman, young or old, lord or peasant, our choices are the same. We choose light or we choose darkness.


You have chosen to be
Melisandre of Asshai
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Shadoweh that glamour ruby around your neck really suits you. It really brings out your eyes .I'm...uh, just, well concerned? Someone told me you had leeches with you, and're not allowed to go around leeching dudes okay? It's just not allowed. Also if you keep muttering under your breath about how everyone must be cleansed with fire, then people ARE going to mistake you for a pyromaniac and arrest you.

You have the following abilities:

Shadow Baby
- One Day Phase you may PM me the name of a player you wish to conceive a "Shadow Baby" with. At the end of that Day phase you will gain a quicktopic with them and be able to speak to them for the rest of the game
as long as they are explicitly male and human and nothing is known to impair them from reproducing.
. Any characters which are female, non human, are an enuch or any other scenario where you cannot use them will not join you - however you will be able to try again to find a suitable partner, the next Day. During that Night phase you will make a "Shadow Baby" with that player. This Shadow Baby is a joint vig, so you and your partner must both be alive to use it. Both you, and the person you use to create the shadow baby must both agree on a target and PM the name of the target during any night phase from this point on. This vig shot will be unblockable, and cannot be re-directed. (So, say for instance you successfully target me Day 2 - You will gain a quicktopic with me at the end of Day 2 and create the Shadow Baby Night 2 and be able to use it from Night 3 on, including Night 3).

The flames guide me
- You may see into the flames, but the flames are not always clear. Each night if you are not using another ability you may PM me the name of a target. You will be able to tell if they were targeted for an action each night, although not by whom or what type of action. Your results will be in the form "Was Targeted" "Was not targeted" or "No result" if something should interfere.

Glamour Ruby
- Your necklace prevents you from being poisoned.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Garruk Relentless

Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.


You have chosen to be
Tyrion Lannister
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Okay. I know you're enjoying yourself Nat and SSk - but we're in a public place. You'll have to put the wine away. Oh, also. Stop asking random women where do whores go. Most of them think you're calling them a whore! You can't keep acting shocked when they slap you. If you really want to know where whores go, check out the red light district for fuck sake. Oh, and stop trying to get out of tipping by telling the bar staff a Lannister always pays his debts. They don't accept it as a form of currency, here.

You have the following abilities:

- Cursed is the kinslayer. And cursed is you, Tyrion. You are hated by everyone - for your stature, your "vicious" nature and your deeds in Kings Landing. You take 2 less than majority to lynch. However eventually people forgive and forget in Westeros, and you have prayed to the seven for Mercy. After 4 phases you will gain some forgiveness, taking one less vote to lynch instead of two, after 7 (7 gods!) you will take the regular amount of votes required. (So Day 1 is one phase, Night 1 is another).

All the gold in Casterly Rock
- You may not
inspiring, but between your charm, good lucks, wit...oh and bags full of money you tend to inspire people to loyalty. And great things, at times. Twice during the game you may target a player of your choosing. If applicable they will be able to use their role twice the following night, or at least have the option to do so. Please note you can only affect active abilities and not factional ones. Even if a player has no ability they will be informed that they have been "motivated". Please note some abilities may not be able to be motivated

Where do whores go?
- Well, it's a fair question...I guess. Each night you may PM me that question, and which of these 4 people you would like to answer it. Faraday, Nexus, hitogoroshi or Mina. You may gain the answers you seek.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, SafetyDance

Some people will always need help. That doesn't mean they're not worth helping.


You have chosen to be
Meera Reed
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Can you stop looking at everyone suspicious? I feel that we're probably safe enough in Starbucks, and you're freaking people out with the glares you're giving them. And it had nothing to do with you carrying a net (which by the way, is definitely from a basketball hoop and isn't convincingly scary/effective) and using your other hand as a "trident".

You have the following abilities:

Useful to have around!
- You are a skilled hunter, this tends to come in useful. You have the following four 1-shot abilities:
  • Snare
    - Laying traps is something you're good at! You may target a player once during the game. Should they have an active ability they will be prevented from using it that night.
  • Track
    - You're sneaky! You may track a player during the night. You will see which player in the game they visit. Your results will be in the form "Visited X, "Did not visit anyone" or "No result", should something interfere.
  • Protection
    - You are capable of protecting your friends! Once during the game you may PM me the name of the player you wish to protect. Should they be targeted for a kill during the night, and should nothing interfere with your role you will stop it.
  • Hunter Gatherer
    - You can catch food! One night in the game you may PM me the name of a player you wish to give a rabbit to. This will have no effect - the player will not be told who it is from.
My Brother
- You may speak to your brother, Jojen Reed, here at all times.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Andrius

Grey Wind stalked beside, eyes burning, and man and wolf alike bled from half a hundred savage wounds.


You have chosen to be
Grey Wind
. You are aligned with
The Realm

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Um. You know you're not an actual wolf, right? And, seriously what a shitty costume. I can understand why the guy thought you were trying to be Twilight Sparkle. Okay, I mean sure, it's hard to look like an actual direwolf. But...
. Anyway, sit back and have a drink and enjoy the convention. And, please, stop growling at people. And wolf whistling at "prospective mates". Yes, I am aware it's a clever pun. And it only "almost" makes it okay.

You have the following abilities:

- Upon Robb Stark's death, you will gain an additonal ability. You will be able to PM me the name of a player you wish to kill, during the day. Should nothing else interfere they will die. The use of this ability will reset the votecount.

- Each night you may PM me the name of a player you wish to target. Your presence will intimidate them -- they will be prevented from using their actions this night. You may not target the same player on consecutive nights, though.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Tierce

All men are fools, if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than the ones with crowns.


You have chosen to be
Olenna Redwyne
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Okay. One, drop the cane. Or
at least
stop hitting people over the head with it. Oh, and if you call the event security "Left" or "Right" one more time, I think they might just kick you out - you really can't talk to people like that and expect them to help you, you're not actually an old woman. Also, if you could stop telling people I remind you of your oaf of a son. I mean, really?

You have the following abilities:

What a pleasant child!
- You know that if King Joffrey Baratheon is in this game he is
aligned with the Realm. You also know the King may have taken steps to hide his own identity and that the first kill attempt - be it lynch or otherwise - will fail on him.

What lovely Amethysts
- You know there is a player in the game with an ability called "A Beautiful Hairnet". Should you target this player you will receive the following notifcation - "Oh! Look what a beautiful hairnet. Maybe I'll just take this amethysts from it". You will receive no notification if you target incorrectly, or if something prevents your ability from working. Should you successfully target the correct person you will be able to use "The King is dead".

The King is dead
- You may not use this ability at the beginning of the game. Each night you may PM me the name of a player. If they are "Joffrey Baratheon", you will slip poison into their drink - killing them. This will bypass all active or passive protective roles -- although it may be prevented by other means.

Right! Left!
- Your trusty bodyguards are always at your side -- you will survive the first night kill attempt on your life (not including a lynch). You will not be informed when this occurs.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Tammy

I cannot return to Coldmoat empty-handed. They will say the Red Widow has lost her bite, that she was too weak to do justice, that she could not protect her smallfolk. You do not understand, ser.


You have chosen to be
Rohanne Webber
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Well. Uh, guess you didn't need to dress up a lot? Red hair? Check. Already a girl? Check? Some freckles? (I don't remember!) Check. Great. What a great person to pick. What an inspired choice. Was it "Hey, I won't have to do anything but wear a dress", to this. And you're the Red Widow, not spiderman so you don't even get to say "With great power, comes great responsibility".

You have the following abilities:

- You've had quite a few husbands. And you've outlived them all. Suspicious, some would say. Before the end of Day 2 you must choose another person (must be male/human) to marry. Should you choose an ineligible "husband", you will lose this ability. The ceremony will be announced in thread upon your PM -"Tammy and X have been married" . You will become lovers and you will gain a quicktopic with your new husband, should either of you die the other will die also. The catch is your husband will *always* die first. (I.e. should you be targeted for a kill, he will die and you will die 2 phases later). So if you are lynched Day 3, he will die and you will die at the end of Day 4, should he be killed Night 3 you will die at the end of Night 4).

A Dangerous Reputation!
- You have a reputation as being...dangerous. For this reason people will keep their distance from you, all non-killing abilities will fail on you.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Nautilius

Careful with those, you don't want to get blood all over those pretty white cloaks.


You have chosen to be
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Nice...costume. A sword from a dollar shop and "walking like a boss", does ...actually I guess it's pretty close to Bronn. Just uh, stop threatening those who are wearing white cloaks. It's warm outside, white is good in this weather. They're not all "Scared cowards from the Kingsguard" as you so eloquently told some of them. And please don't ask anyone for trial by combat. We look weird enough with out a "mock" trial by combat happening. Shoo. Just...go have some wine, or something.

You have the following abilities:

Sellsword boons!
- You've been killing all your life, and it's not changed now. Should you ever be placed at L-3(or more) you have the option of PM'ing me the name of a single other player in the game. The votecount will reset and votes on you and your target are the only ones that will count. Obviously if you get lynched between the time you PM me and I see the ability your lynch will still count. The official time sent of a PM is the time of it's latest edit.

Sellsword knows when to fight
- But you're smart, and know when to run. (Goodbye, Mountain!) One night in the game you may make yourself immune to all actions. Should you do this, you will not be able to take any other action.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Goat on a Raft

Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens.


You have chosen to be
Tywin Lannister
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Woah. Stop, that. CDB - you're not allowed to kick...short people, and say they're a disgrace to your family name. Also, it'd be really helpful if AV stopped trying to convince the waitress to "Break guest right" and murder everyone who's not you two when we go out for dinner. I mean, I'm sure your "gold" (come on, it was just that chocolate money with the golden foil) made it tempting but I really think she thought we were all very weird by the end of it and I don't want to be arrested - you're not an ACTUAL Hand of the

You have the following abilities:

I know the realm!
- You are acutely aware of the happenings in the realm. One night you may PM me and you will learn the number of alive players in the game who do not possess your win condition.

Hand of the King
- A Hand must have influence, and you've been the Hand of the King for two different Kings. You may vote for 2 separate people - use bolded blue
Vote: Faraday
for the second vote (And unvote in bolded blue, if neccessary).

Shit gold
- You DO NOT shit gold. This ability does nothing.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Thor665

There are no true knights, no more than there are gods. If you can't protect yourself, die and get out of the way of those who can. Sharp steel and strong arms rule this world, don't ever believe any different.


You have chosen to be
"The Hound" Sandor Clegane
. You are aligned with
The Realm

God damn it, Thor. Put down your sword. Also if you're going to be Sandor telling people you'll shove your sword "up their smurfing smurf", really does kind of break character. I mean, you should have just went for a guy who doesn't swear like a smurfing....mercenary. Although I have to say, you did go to a lot of effort on your makeup, your burned face looks legit. Just, uh, stop telling people the story of how you got burned -- it's creepy and I think some people think your burns are real!

You have the following abilities:

The Hound's Helm
- An object which strikes fear into the heart of men. While you wear the Helm you will take be "slow dying". What this means is that if an ability should target you for a kill, you will not die immediately. Instead you will die at the end of the next phase. You will be informed if this happens. (E.g. If you were to be killed Night 1, you'd die at the end of Day 2). Please note this ability does not stop you being lynched as normal.
you will also show up as "Guilty" (or the game's equivalent) to cop investigations, while wearing the Helm. You will automatically discard your Helm at the end of Night 3.

The Gravedigger
- You may not use this ability while "wearing" The Hound's Helm. The Hound is dead, only Sandor remains. How is life as a gravedigger? Ah, at least you can learn things by being quiet. Once during the game you may target a dead player, you will gain access to a full list of abilities they had -- excluding any factional abilities they may possess.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, PrideandJoy

The first sword of Braavos does not run.


You have chosen to be
Syrio Forel
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Just so. You are the first sword. But. How do I put this? This isn't Bravoos. You can't start smacking little girls across the hands with a wooden stick, and expect to get away with it. You'll get arrested! And no, you won't escape and turn into Jaqen H'ghar. That's a stupid fan theory. Seriously.

You have the following abilities:

Water Dance
- It is graceful, no? But you are the first sword. It is expected. One night during the game you may choose to activate this ability. You will also choose a second person, any actions that target you during this night phase will be re-directed to your target. Just so.

Schroedinger's Character
- Is Syrio alive? Is Syrio dead? Well actually, it's pretty obvious -- but not everyone can realise that. Should you die (via lynch, or kill), you will be able to remain around for an extra Day in a limited capacity. Your vote will not count, and you will be limited to 20 posts that can only be made during the
Day phase.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.

Spoiler: Town roles 2/2
Welcome to A uPick of
, Amrun

Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her father’s head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them


You have chosen to be
Sansa Stark
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Right. You totally had to pick Sansa, didn't you? Now look it, we're getting lots of dirty looks and people throwing stuff at us. Didn't you expect everyone to hate us? Haven't you READ anything by the fandom? Don't you know Sansa is in fact the Great Other and the root of all evil. Jesus. .___. Now, if anyone asks just say you took a wrong turn and we're actually going to a period drama party. Or something.

You have the following abilities:

A true Stark
- You are a romantic at heart. You loved Joffrey, think Littlefinger may have your best interests at heart, believe life is full of fairy tales. You are learning, but is it fast enough? Each night you may choose a player to investigate. You will recieve your results in the form "Guilty", "Not Guilty" and "No results". However since you are such a romantic you are actually a Naive cop, that is to say everyone will show up as "Not Guilty".

Finding Family
- You miss your family, all of them. Each night you may PM me the name of a player. Should they be a Stark you will gain a quicktopic with them. Each additional Stark you target will be added to the same quicktopic. You may not use this and "Asking 'Father' for help" in the same night.

Asking 'Father' for help
- One night in the game you may ask Littlefinger (Who you know is not in the game!) for information. You may PM me the name of a character name from A Song of Ice and Fire. I will tell you if they are in the game or not, and if they are which player has that character. You may not use this and "Finding Family" in the same night.

A beautiful hairnet
- You are wearing a beautiful hairnet adorned with purple amethysts. You do not know what this ability does as of yet.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, kanyeknowsbest

The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother’s milk. Darkness will make you strong


You have chosen to be
The Three Eyed Crow
. You are aligned with
The Realm

kanye you look dope as hell dressed up as a crow. Where did you get the costume, mate? I'd suggest you stop trying to find little kids who look like Bran, though. Some of their mothers have already complained about you telling children in wheelchairs they'll never walk, but you can help them fly. It's kinda dickish. Anyway, glad you're here, plz enjoy.

You have the following abilities:

Help him fly
- Each night you may PM me a message. This message may contain a maximum of 500 characters. Should Bran Stark be in the game, he will receive this message in the morning.

Delving in to Dreams
- Each night during the game you may PM me the name of a player who's dreams you wish to access. You can learn a lot from dreams. In this you can learn if they killed someone. You will be told if your target has killed a player, with an ability of theirs, at any point previous (and including) this night phase.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Syryana

“Speak the name, and death will come. On the morrow, at the turn of the moon, a year from this day, it will come. A man does not fly like a bird, but one foot moves and then another and one day a man is there, and a king dies


You have chosen to be
Jaqen H'ghar
. You are aligned with
The Realm

A Syryana has dressed up well. Could a Syryana do a Faraday a favour though? And stop using the phrase "A Syryana" at the start of
every fucking sentence
. It was funny, like, the first four times, at most. After that it's just gotten kind of weird. Especially when we're trying to discuss our plans for dinner.

You have the following abilities:

A man can take a life
- All tracking and watching type roles will be unable to detect your presence, or the effects of your presence on someone.

Valar Morghulis
- You may give a coin to someone once during the game. They will receive a message "You have been gifted a coin. Valar Morghulis my friend. Simply speak the name of a character (not player, character) and if they are in the game then I who give you this gift shall attempt to give them the gift of death as soon as I can. You have only one chance at this". They will from that moment on be able to PM me
character name. Once they have chosen, you will be informed of the character name they chose on the Night you are carrying out the kill. Should that character name be in the game you will kill them if you are both still alive on the next available Night phase should no roles prevent
from comitting it. Should they send a character name not in the game, then their opportunity will be wasted.

Change your face
- One day during the game you may tell me you wish to change your face. At the end of that Day Phase I will announce that you have "Syraya has disappeared. He may not be voted, or targeted until he reappears". You will be removed from the alive player list and be unable to be killed or targeted that night phase. I will then PM you the password to the alt "The Alchemist". You will be able to post from this for the rest of the game. You will be re-added to the playerlist as "The Alchemist" at the start of the Day.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, ooba

Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature.


You have chosen to be
Lyanna Stark
. You are aligned with
The Realm

ooba, your costume looks really good. One thing, though. I don't think Lyanna ever wore a t-shirt saying "Is that a rebellion you're planning, or are you just happy to see me". It's kind of tacky. I mean, at least you've not let the whole Queen of Love and Beauty thing go to your head. And why do you keep asking me to Promise you something, without any further elaboration. Promise you what? What is it?

You have the following abilities:

The root cause of rebellion!
- Should you be lynched, people will be so outaged that Day will continue and the town may lynch again. 7 real life days will be added to the deadline, should this occur.

- If you don't know what this means, I suggest you google it. Anyway, this does nothing. However it does need to be re-iterated at every opportunity!

Promise me, Ned?
- Any time during the game, while you are alive, you may PM me at any time saying "Promise me, you'll vote X". Upon your death, that player will gain a vote for the next Day phase (Or should it be from your lynch, the extended Day phase post your lynch). The vote will not affect the required majority -- and will show up in the votecount as being from "Eddard Stark". You may switch your "Promise" at any time, and your last PM post death shall be the one that shall be used.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, macmollie

Fear cuts deeper than swords


You have chosen to be
Arya Stark
. You are aligned with
The Realm

I know you guys are trying to roleplay Arya. But, you can't go around "stabbing people" with your toy swords. That's sharp plastic, so try
to stab them with the pointy end. And stop muttering a list of the people you've met under your breath. It's....unsettling.

You have the following abilities:

The list
- You believe in revenge. It motivates you, it drives you. You may only target those who have voted you during the Day. This extends to any factional abilities you may possess.

Lessons from The Waif
- As part of your training you have learned to lie better! If any of your posts are targeted by a lie detector, they will be unable to detect any lies you tell.

Blind Beggar Girl
- You do not need your eyes to see. Each night you may PM me the name of a player. You will be able to follow them with the help of warging, they won't notice you -- no one cares about a blind beggar girl. You will be able to tell if they used an Active/Factional ability. Your results will be in the form "Used an ability", "Did not use an ability" or "No result" should something interfere.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, StupendousMan

A hall to die in, and men to bury me. I thank you, my lords...but I spit on your pity...I am a knight...I shall die a knight


You have chosen to be
Ser Barristan Selmy
. You are aligned with
The Realm

Man, you're costume looks great. Maybe if you're going to go for realism we can have you fail in your duties and let a king or queen die? Uh, guess that struck a nerve, put your sword down, Whitebeard.

You have the following abilities:

A true Knight
- You are willing to die for the cause. A true Kingsguard, you are. You are a 3-shot (A shot each for Aerys, Robert and Dany -- we'll ignore Joffrey) Bodyguard. Three times during the game you may PM me the name of a player you wish to protect. Should they be targeted for a kill, you will die in their place, and your death unpreventable in this manner. However you may not target the same player more than once. Please note you will only prevent one kill, should someone be targeted by multiple kills you AND they will die.

The White Book
- Everything you've ever done is recorded in this book. Each day phase you may PM me a 123 character message. Upon your death all of your messages will be revealed. Should you go over your haracter limit the message will be cut off from where it should have ended.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, elleheathen

Mine, as I'm yours. And if we die, we die. All men must die, Jon Snow. But first we'll live

You have chosen to be
. You are aligned with
The Realm

You know nothing, elleheathen! Ha. How does it feel to have that said to you? Bet you didn't realise how annoying it was. Yeah, okay. I get it, you're Ygritte. But every time someone says something you
just tell them "you know nothing". It's actually rude. You're not an ACTUAL wilding like Ygritte, and I'm fairly sure she didn't say it every time someone spoke either!

You have the following abilities:

You know nothing!
- Well, this is what you truly believe. That those south of the Wall are ignorant. Children. Once during the game you may target a player. From then on, they will literally know nothing. They will be treated as a Vanilla version of their alignment. (I.e. any factional abilities will be retained, so they could still perform their nightkill if Mafia/SK, still recruit if Cult) This will last until you die, at which point they will regain their ablities.

Kissed by fire
- You are kissed by fire! That makes you lucky. It takes one extra vote to lynch you for the first three game Days. (It stops working then, as you did kind of die in Storm of Swords).

- You are one of the Free people. You don't follow the damn rules of those silly southern lords. Or my game. Should you wish to, you may use dice tags. (See: Rule D4 for why this is an "ability".)

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.
Welcome to A uPick of
, Benmage

Lord Rossart had been the last. His sigil had been a burning torch; an unfortunate choice, given the fate of his predecessor, but the alchemist had been elevated largely because he shared the king’s passion for fire.


You have chosen to be
. You are aligned with
The Realm

So, you didn't last as Hand of the King very long. That's pretty typical of you Benmage. Getting a position of power, then not doing as well as you should. Now, I'm glad to see you decided to be lazy and not dress up that much. But I guess, Rossart wasn't particular remarkable anyway. Was that why you picked him? /zing.

You have the following abilities:

Let the whole city burn!
- If you're going down, then the whole town goes down with you. Should you ever be lynched, the person who places the hammer vote on you will also die, unless that player is Jaime Lannister. You have 24 hours once the thread is locked to decide if you wish to activate your ability.

Left over wildfire
-You are paranoid. Three nights during the game you may PM me the name of a player. Your assistants will rig it so Wildfire will consume them should you die that night. If you are not killed then your assistants will remove the Wildfire the next morning. You may not target the same player more than once, with this ability.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to
The Realm
have been eliminated and at least one Realm Aligned player remains alive.

Scum QT
Unspoiled Dead QT
Spoiled Dead QT
Nacho/Marble Neighbour "Dragon Rider" Qt
Alfred/Tierce QT
Shadoweh/Garruk "Shadow Baby" QT
Marriage QT - Syryana/Tammy
Action QT er may not be fully filled in. I forgot to note stuff down at times but I don't think I made an errors this game - Garruk thought they should have been notified their vig with Shadoweh was one shot, Shadoweh knew which was the intention.


Mod thoughts: No idea why people assumed multi scum, 24 player single scum game isn't completely ridiculous (even if I said it was before?) + I do like mafia vs town more, in general, a lot will just depend on my theme for what I choose to go for.

So let's look at the setup/mod thoughts in a few areas:
  • Setup: Okay, first of all I feel like the game was maybe slightly scum sided - but it's hard to tell given how things played out. It's true there's a lot of "numbers" in scum but a) the traitor was unrecruitable and b) there were a lot of blocking roles/roles that could stop scum killing who they wanted on the town side. (Tammy, thor, tierce, agar, katsuki was a bodyguard) + titus if she ever claimed had to use the ability to cost scum their NK. In hindsight another vig type role - or making shadoweh two shot was a much better idea. But I made shadoweh's role pre randomising, so if I'd made it two shot I think it's "obviously town", which maybe isn't actually a big deal in such a large game.
  • How things turned out: Quicklynching before your claimed roleblocker can offer a result, then two fake guilities in a row? Town were in a really strong position with kanye flying under the radar and about to investigate scum when everything just imploded. Seriously, going into Day 5 I fully expected town to win - despite ignoring the roleblock on Titus. Alfred had been blocked, and he looked scum to most people anyway, but it's like from there town just did their best to sabotage their own chances.
  • Generaly thoughts on play, I think Cephrir played pretty well on the scum side - and Titus managed to look really town to a bunch of people, too. Messiah also played the traitor role fairly well, I thought. On the town side it's slightly harder. Shadoweh had decent enough reads - she probably could have pushed them a bit harder, kanye was playing pretty welll...then he got fake guiltied. ooba and Benmage's fake claims though pretty much sealed town's faith - not only is it just straight up bad play, if you're wrong it costs town so much morale it's probably going to end up in a town loss.
  • Things I'd change, maybe go down to 20 players - that'd make this a little more playable. I like *weird* upicks, so I'm not going to say I'd go for a different type of game, but designing a game that fast in 10 days is extremely difficult, so less players would definitely make it easier. I thought it went out fairly well, I was pretty prompt with deadlines, votecounts and all that except for a brief period on Day 2 I think where I was busy/rl stuff.
I hope you all enjoyed the game - or at least certain aspects of it. Not all of the roles were as "powerful" as you may have wanted, but it's a mafia game first and foremost. A fair amount of effort went into them, even if not all of them were as awesome as I liked. Also it's hard to come up with roles for certain people that's not just "vig" :P (Arya in particular was difficult, as was Sansa and I think Jaime - who's power was probably a little underpowered/should have actually been 2-3 shot, sorry about that Messiah Complex!)

inb4 benmage blames me!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:38 am
by Eddard Stark
Uh, I think that's all.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:40 am
by Cephrir


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:41 am
by Titus
In post 1616, Eddard Stark wrote:
"You tell him this, m'lord. You tell him he's bound on marching the wrong way. It's north he should be taking his swords. North, not south. You hear me?"
- Osha

Day 1, Vc 46

PrideandJoy (1) -
ooba (4) -
PrideandJoy, AGar, StupendousMan, Goat on a Raft
Thor665 (5) -
elleheathen, kanyeknowsbest, Benmage, SafetyDance, Zdenek
Amrun (1) -
SafetyDance (12) -
Alfred Borden, Syryana, Garruk Relentless, Cephrir, Tammy, Shadoweh, displaced, Tierce, Nautilius, ooba, Messiah Complex, quadz08

Not voting (1)-

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to lynch
  • Deadline Date: 1st of October at 17:05 EDT
  • Deadline Countdown: (expired on 2013-10-01 17:05:01)
  • Thor665 is V/la.
In post 1640, Eddard Stark wrote:

Day 1, Vc 47

PrideandJoy (1) -
ooba (4) -
PrideandJoy, AGar, StupendousMan, Goat on a Raft
Thor665 (5) -
elleheathen, kanyeknowsbest, Benmage, SafetyDance, Zdenek
Amrun (1) -
SafetyDance (12) -
Alfred Borden, Syryana, Garruk Relentless, Cephrir, Tammy, Shadoweh, displaced, Tierce, Nautilius, ooba, Messiah Complex, quadz08

Not voting (1)-

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to lynch
  • Deadline Date: 1st of October at 17:05 EDT
  • Deadline Countdown: (expired on 2013-10-01 17:05:01)
  • Thor665 is V/la.
In post 1810, Eddard Stark wrote:

Day 1, Vc 54

ooba (3) -
AGar, StupendousMan, Syryana
Thor665 (13) -
elleheathen, Benmage, SafetyDance, Zdenek, Alfred Borden, Garruk Relentless, Tierce, Shadoweh, Goat on a Raft, quadz08, Nautilius, Cephrir, PrideandJoy
SafetyDance (1) -
Garruk Relentless (6) -
kanyeknowsbest, Amrun, Thor665, ooba, macmollie, Messiah Complex

Not voting (1)-

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to lynch
  • Deadline Date: 1st of October at 17:05 EDT
  • Deadline Countdown: (expired on 2013-10-01 17:05:01)
  • Thor665 is V/la.

I'll double check VC. I believe that is a lynch.


For the record, I hate the "player took notes on lined paper = obvtown". I was going to dismantle that no matter what.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:42 am
by Faraday
Oh! uPick choices. Hold on.

Instead of formating with bbcode: here they are, afaik that's all correct.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:42 am
by Cephrir
Nacho you can be honorary scum if you want ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:43 am
by Titus
Oh crap I forgot I was working on my fake VC. Oh well.


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:44 am
by Faraday
Thanks to all my replacements in particular! It was a long game for most of you to replace in. Very glad Magua didn't read before replacing in, might have had to look elsewhere!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:48 am
by Titus
Faraday, can you just plain text the roles?

I want to see if the dead QTs had it right.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:51 am
by Faraday
Uh, I am not gonna retypoe out the roles <_< Sorry. I'll explain if anything is unclear though!

Some of the dead qt were spoiled when posting later on, no one really pinned down the whole scum team - although AGar blocked scum every night except 1, I think? (He blocked titus killing, blocked alfred, blocked cephrir one night) - pity he was never allowed to out his result.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:55 am
by Faraday
Oh, I can say this now since he was no longer around - Peacebringer replacing out because he wasn't "feeling the site" or whatever pissed me off, since it was pretty clear he was just replacing out of scum games across the site.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:57 am
by Titus
Such a pity. We had the role that outed what dead guys did too. Turns out, we didn't need it.

Fyi, I tried to hard not to move my vote because I was a strongman if I never moved my vote.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:58 am
by quadz08
the final blow to the town was dealt by benmage

this is fitting, I feel

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:00 am
by Eddard Stark
In post 6517, Titus wrote:Such a pity. We had the role that outed what dead guys did too. Turns out, we didn't need it.
Eh, the cephrir role was super useless, basically.

And yeah, the not moving your vote thing was figured to be basically not gonna happen until late game, you succeeded a few times - but the times you did it never actually mattered.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:01 am
by Tierce
Never again playing with Benmage.

That's what I am getting out of this game, seems pretty fitting and about time!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:13 am
by Titus
Nacho helped much more in the end than Benmage which was a shock until Nacho started figuring me out as scum. We almost shot Nacho because I was paranoid Nacho was faking his belief that I was town. Benmage had the fake claim, but Benmage was saved by his meta. If we left him alive without the fake claim, Benmage's meta might have damned him.

Nacho on the other hand basically did most of the pushing on the wagons we wanted. So my big question to you Nacho, were you faking believing I was town, or did my hesitation make you believe I was town?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:14 am
by Titus
I had thought Nacho was our traitor and lynching Messiah was removing the town leader. Messiah didn't know us either, which basically really helped in the endgame I think.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:20 am
by Nexus
In post 6516, Faraday wrote:Oh, I can say this now since he was no longer around - Peacebringer replacing out because he wasn't "feeling the site" or whatever pissed me off, since it was pretty clear he was just replacing out of scum games across the site.
This shit is why we need a public blacklist or something. People need to know about this behaviour.

Oh well.

GJ scum! Faking guilties is such a good tactic.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:22 am
by Magua
From my personal thoughts QT:

So first things first, is that I really never want to play in a game with Benmage again. I think he's town, but even if he's scum just taking abuse of his town proclivity to do stupid shit, the point remains the same -- he'll happily do stupid shit that'll ruin a game and then completely abdicate responsibility for it and do it again.

It's like a running thing with Faraday's games, but Benmage has a goddamn history of doing this; it's not a one-shot deal like it was with Ludi. Nah.

I don't need that shit.

I had a big ol' response typed up when I saw there was a quickhammer on Alfred a few hours after the Day opened in lylo, and I was all set up to lambast people about the stupidity of instant voting in lylo.

Then Alfred flipped scum and in my QT I'm all, "Welp, now I get to be the mislynch that ends the game." So the game being ended before that happens is actually preferable.

Honestly equally surprised with Nautilus being town and Titus being scum. I don't think I ever would've switched positions on either of those. So better to be short and sweet and wrong than long and drawn out and wrong.