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Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:12 am
by Tammy
vijay2vasandani wrote:
Normally, I'd want to do that (be an awesome scumhunter etc) but the fact that I'm out of my depth makes that rather hard don't you think?

By that reasoning Yates probably isn't scum?

And if the vig didn't die, I still would have tried to push the vig claim around. From my POV, why would mafia claim vig? They can't make an extra kill. So what if it makes people think I'm the SK we can deal with it later.

Nope! Because you can always be useful by provoking interactions that make those who aren't "out of their depth" catch scum.

Nope! I have a town read on Yates but it doesn't have anything to do with you not being dead right now. I'm saying you claimed vig, and you thought scum would be threatened by that claim, but you're still alive. You need to think about why? Perhaps they didn't feel threatened by you. Why not? Could be you were going after the wrong person. Maybe not. Maybe Yates is scum, and you are right. But, you're not thinking about these things and you should be.

Why would mafia claim vig? To draw out the real vig. It's usually why mafia fake claim any power role.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:15 am
by Tammy
Korlash wrote:
Tammy wrote:Fate's death doesn't look good for Korlash either.

I can't go through all of that right now, since I have to go to work. rain-check, I promise. But I'll point out this ^

Bullshit... I've been 'on site' for Five years, do you actually think I'm going to kill the one guy leading the charge against me? When it's Fate?
Having him alive would have made it less likely I was lynched.
This is a very lazy excuse for your vote so I'm hoping the rest is better.

Korlash wrote:No no no, Fate wouldn't vig me, he's actually (i know, I find it hard to believe too) smart...

He thought both me and Ben were scum, and I was obviously easier to lynch.
Wasting the vig on me could let his 'second scum' get away. Plus, from his perspective, if I was scum who fell for MoI's trap, it's possible I had some Bulletproof ability anyway given that nature.

Naw, Fate vigged Ben, flavor of death even seems to suggest it. (he was found across from Fate)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:15 am
by Tammy
Korlash wrote:
Tammy wrote:If you are town, the fact that you're alive should probably make you think twice about jumping on Yates again today. If you are town, the fact that Fate is dead instead should let you know that either scum didn't buy your claim or they didn't think you were a threat to them.

I could comment on all your V2V stuff but I'll leave it to him. I do like this bit though, why are you threatening him to stay away from Yates? And did you have a point to the second part? I'm never against stating the obvious, but combined with the first half it just seems like you're trying to put him down for some reason...

Not putting him down at all. It was a stupid thing to do. When someone does something stupid, I'm going to point it out. It has no bearing on what I think of the person overall; I do stupid things to from time to time. Meh.

But, I love this little gem. I'm
him? Boy, that's not even hyperbole; I don't even know what you call that. I told him he should think twice about jumping back on the target he was stuck on yesterday in light of the evidence. Doesn't mean he has to stay away from Yates
even though I'm sitting here with a bat in my hands
. It just means he should be reconsidering things. If he comes to the same conclusion, fine, but he should still be thinking things through, which he doesn't appear to be doing.

Korlash wrote:
Tammy wrote:I need to do some ISO's as it's been really hard to get reads for some reason.

Tammy wrote:Your statement that you did it because you feel out of your depth feel really false in light of some of the players here.

O.o These two just don't seem to add up to me... Couldn't it be possible that the same reson you find it hard to get reads is the same reason another player might feel 'out of their depth'? And what did you mean by 'in light of some of the players here'?

You totally fail at the "which of these statements are like each other" game. The second one is easy. Don't know how he could feel out of his depth when there are players like Pizzadudes and Drmysthotgun in the game. Since he seems to be comfortable playing with you, I don't understand it either as it should make up for any intimidation he feels playing with any other stronger players. It was a statement that seemed weird. If he was being heavily prodded by a strong player I guess I could understand it, but he wasn't. He said it early on too, and something about it doesn't feel genuine. Even if you feel like you're a weaker player and not great at scumhunting, one thing you can do is demonstrate your innocence so that you're taken out of the equation for who the scum is. That's an asset to the innocent team in and of itself, and you don't have to be in any depth or league to do it.

As for the first question. Nope! I don't feel out of my depth. There are several reasons I'm having trouble getting reads. The first and biggest one is that I have trouble getting reads when reading through a game as I get my reads more through interaction. I can still usually get a better feel for people than I have so far reading through this game though; I can usually at least get more town reads. Other reasons are people who are barely playing the game and are probably nearly unreadable anyway like pizza and dr. Some haven't provided enough content to judge them by, and a good portion of the game was quote stripe discussions. I'm a waller and a big fan of them in general, but since I read the entire game in one sitting, my eyes began to gloss over some of the quote stripe walls. *shrug* It's why I need to ISO people.

Korlash wrote:
Tammy wrote:There was something that I think I remember reading that made it less likely, so eh.

Very interested in what this was. V2V aside, Rat is still the only real scum suspect I have so anything connecting or not connecting with Ben would be important.

Anything pointing to them being partners would be awesome for you to point out as well. I won't have a chance to ISO him before tomorrow or the next day, and it may turn out to be nothing.[/quote]

Korlash wrote:
Tammy wrote:Korlash is my best guess for scum though. His interaction with Ben didn't look good. There were lots of quote stripe discussions but a lot of it felt very staged and none of it felt as though they were evaluating each other in order to find scum. The buddying of MoI struck me as off as did the turn around at the end of the day, the "I wish you had been lynched earlier" statement aside. MoI's case on him at the end of the day was strong and Korlash's rebuttal was lacking. Fate's death doesn't look good for Korlash either. I need to double ISO Ben and Korlash to look over their interactions again.

Obviously I would like an expansion on this, I understand first post and all that so I know there is more to come but have to say it and all that...

Specifically what about my interaction with Ben. The 'buddying' of MoI is the only thing I've actaully evaluated as a legitimate point against me but since the majority of it came from me having a town read on him all day there shouldn't exist any strong 'buddying' towards him that doesn't also exist elsewhere. (V2V and Ben both would net the same 'buddying' MoI since I know and like them from other games. Your predecessor, The Jester would have gotten equal treatment in that regards had he posted more.) I'm friendly to people I like, keeps game tension down but I suppose causes trouble for me in some cases.

My turnaround on MoI certainly sounds bad in a general sense but if you take the actual reasons behind the switch it becomes a hell of a lot more understandable. If you think player A is town for 90% of a day and then see them commit a foul scummy action, do you neglect voting them simply because of your prior read? No, you evalute your prior read while analysing the new action and come to a new, unbiased, conclusion. Although, you apparently get called at for 'overjustification' when you do this so I don't know what to think anymore... It's a madhouse! A MADHOUSE!

The part with you and Ben will have to come later. I need to ISO you together again, but obviously I knew the flips before I read the thread and was reading with that in mind. The impression that I got from your interaction was one that dealt with issues that didn't have intent in evaluating each other for scum, but dealt with superficial things concerning the arguments etc, that make it look like you're evaluating one another and interacting as two innocents but really aren't. <-------Totally makes sense in my head. That impression started to fade a little as I saw the way you interacted with others, but every time I saw you interact with him my suspicion rose again. Obviously, I'll point it out when I get a chance to ISO and re-read.

I've been accused of having a too friendly or too helpful meta in games at times, so the 'buddying' of MoI actually didn't strike me as too off until you turned around at the end of the day. I did wonder what was up with it, but there were consistencies in which you approached similar arguments with other people that made it just seem a part of your play style. Although the wishing that he had been lynched earlier struck me as off - I don't need it explained again, I got it, I just still think it's weird. The 180 on him at the end of the day struck me as off. It has nothing to do with your "over justification" or whatever. I don't even find that a definitive scum tell. It can be in some people, just the same way that overexplanations typically come from scum though not always because some people tend to go into detail about why they do things. *shrug* I didn't like your reasoning for your turn around.

Tammy wrote:MoI's case on him at the end of the day was strong and Korlash's rebuttal was lacking.

I'd like to see your explination for this. MoI's case was "he fell into my trap" and my rebuttle was "your trap was flawed", it's impossible MoI's case was stronger than my rebuttle since his plan had zero chance to legitimately find scum and my vote on him was based on something we all know to be true. You can think whatever you want about my reasons for voting or my rebuttle to his 'case' but if you actually think his case was 'strong' AND my rebuttle was 'lacking' you're either scum pushing my mislynch or misguided due to MoI's stature(Meaning you didn't bother to actually read either). Unless... You mean to say his case was more than just his 'ploy' in which case I'll need to hear you out before coming to a conclusion.

Final conclusion: You did happen to mention the one legitimate point that could be used against me but the rest of it seems weak and without just cause. I recognize it's just an early replacement read but you choose to add a vote with it so I'm holding you to the standards expected of voteing so I'm eagerly awaiting your explinations for some of these 'conclusions' you've arrived at. You also managed to hit one of my cardinal scum tells in the process so that obviously makes me doubt your intentions as well. Really looking forward to your explinations for some of this stuff.

What does MoI's stature have to do with anything? Like I wouldn't bother reading what he wrote because I'm afraid to go against his opinion? Or that I for some reason just think he's always right? :rofl: Am I going to give his thoughts a little more weight because he was town and was in the game interacting with you from the start? Sure. It's the same with Fate's last thoughts. Does it mean that I'm going to follow it like it's biblical or something, no. But, it's a good starting point for me.

I mean to say his case was more than just his ploy. His trap was flawed and your rebuttal for why the trap was flawed was fine. The only part of the "trap" and your response that was lacking was the point about you saying you could possibly hit two scum if you lynch MoI because you would be killed as well. You've explained it as being from an outside perspective, which
good, but it's something I need to think about.

I'm not trying to push through your lynch. I voted you and said you were my best guess for scum. Trust me, when I decide I want to push through a lynch, it definitely doesn't look like me going "well, he's my best guess and stuff, but I need to re-read his iso." I don't even know if I truly want you lynched today. I wanted to interact with you and see how you responded to me as you were someone I kept thinking was scum on and off while reading the thread. As I said earlier, I get my reads more from interaction than through reading, so...

I'll respond to your cardinal "scum tell" in the next post as you address it.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:17 am
by Tammy
@mod - can you fix my quote tag in 677? Sorry, I forgot to preview. Thanks!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 7:59 am
by Tammy
Korlash wrote:I should probably delve a little into this scum tell while I'm here..

Tammy wrote:Fate's death doesn't look good for Korlash either.

Whenever there is a night kill, the first person to say "Player A died, so Player B must be scum" in any form always nets scum points from me. There are always some exceptions, like in a recent game a townie 'sorta' did it so I, as scum, played it off as him pulling the tell and kinda bastardized it sadly. And of course Rat's prior statement about Fate being town kinda pinged it for me, hence my comment, but it certainly falls outside the peramiters of the actual tell.

What you said though, perfectly lines up with it and while you are a replacement, and thus couldn't have been part of making the kill, you still should have access to the scum QT so I can't outright give you a pass on it.

Still, as long as you can accurately explain your stuff on me without it being apparent you're scum pushing for the easy mislynch and provided you have legitimate reason for what I see as a threat on V2V then I think I can overlook it as town compilation and not as scum directing the day.

-For those of you wondering why this is a scum tell, scum often times kill players in an attempt to make other's look bad(Or, they speculate on who to frame for a kill made for other reasons, same situation). When the day begins, these scum are looking for the game to move in that direction so are 'more likely' to mention it. Townies are also capable of mentioning it (Even spot on in some cases. I hold to the fact no scum tell is ever perfect) but due to the wifomness of it, any semi-experienced person would tend not to make that a selling point for their suspicions or vote.(without at least menitoning said wifomness)

Town would also feel less informed about it, so when menitoning it 'should' explain WHY it makes sense for player B to have killed player A. Scum on the other hand, have spent all night discussing it, so the reasons player B killed player A are more obvious and they are less likely to mention it. Thus, I feel scum would 'more likely' say "Player A is dead so Player B is scum" while town would be 'more likely' to say "Player A is dead so Player B is scum because of blank, blank, and blank."

I have very few scum tells I ever put faith in, in fact aside from this one I think I have three others and none of them ever get as much face time as this one does. This one always nets a mention from me when I see it, although this is the first time I can ever remember being on the recieving end of it.

*sigh* It seems my lot here at MS is to replace into a game and commit someone's "cardinal scum tell" all while being an innocent.

Regardless, I never said "Fate's dead, Korlash must be scum." I said Fate's death doesn't look good for you, which it doesn't for good reason. The kill doesn't look good for Pizza either for that matter, but for lesser reasons than for you.

Looking at the night kill and reviewing who it could look bad or good for is something I almost always do. I may not always mention it on thread, but I almost always ISO the night kill and review who their suspects were or what kind of information they put out there. I always try to determine what type of kill the night kill was. I sometimes drive people nuts with this as some people think looking at the dead is a waste of time, but I think that people don't pay attention to the night kills enough. Sure, it's not an exact science...just like vote count analysis and interaction analysis when searching for partners, but it can still be helpful. Making mention of the night kill and who it does or does not look good for isn't a scum tell for's a Tammy tell. *shrug*

Sure scum can kill people for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes they kill to get rid of a power role, which could apply in this case as Fate did claim a power role during the end of the day discussion with Magna. He retracted it, but still it's out there. Now scum decided to kill Fate, who claimed an unknown power role, over V2V who claimed vig. If they killed Fate for unknown PR over V2V then he should think about his scum read on Yates because they obviously didn't feel like he was a threat
and because I have a gun to his head
. But, they would have had to believe he had a power role which I'm not sure that they did or could have. Because I read the thread knowing that, it's hard for me to decide whether it looked like something that was faked in the interaction between him and MoI when MoI was gambitting about the vengeful thing. So, it's a distinct possibility that they killed Fate because of the possible PR, but with V2V being alive I'm not putting a whole lot of faith in it.

Fate doesn't really fit the "low information" kill type as there would have been others who would be better in this instance, so we come to the killing people who are threats. So, who Fate was the biggest threat to from yesterday are Pizza and you. The only reason why this looks worse for you than for Pizza is because of the knowledge each of you seem to have about the other. Fate wasn't really that much of a presence yesterday. He had his lynches he wanted to happen, but it's not like he was very influential in making them happen. Sure the wagon for Pizza rose at some point yesterday but that was hardly because Fate made that happen, although one could argue that MoI's discussion about how he was Vi and hard to read and unlikely scum was a deterrent for the lynch. I'd have to go back and look at why he wasn't lynched yesterday to make sure because I suppose with MoI gone Fate might have seemed a bigger threat to Pizza now that i think about it again.

However, you made it clear that you knew Fate well, so even the fact that he hadn't made much of an impression in the game doesn't mean that much if you knew that he would be able to read you, so you could view him as a bigger threat than the activity in the thread would lead one to believe. The problem is that he apparently killed Benmage, whom he not once in the thread said was suspicious, so I want to discount that Ben was the driving force behind the nightkill. Therefore, I have to look at who his suspects were, which are you and Pizza, though there is still the possibility Ben wanted Fate out of the way if he thought he could read him in the coming days.

I mean sure scum can kill someone as part of a frame job. I've been able to argue to clear someone before when it looked pretty clear that someone was killed as part of a frame. It sucks that this was the first night's kill because usually it's in conjunction with the previous night's kill that you can come to some type of determination for that. But, I've also known killers to kill their biggest threat then complain the next day that they'd been framed, so...

Town doesn't have to or should explain the wifom behind anything. They don't have to give reasons that are obvious. I often don't when I want to see people's reactions or enter into a conversation with someone. If it's part of a case, sure, then you do that. I gave my impression of what I had read going through the thread for the first time and what I thought about Fate's death. I'm not going to explain it all and have people jump on it and say "that sounds good". If someone agrees with me and votes you for it, then they get to explain why without having all my thoughts to back it up, and if they disagree they get to say why, and then I get to make a determination of them and their motives. I'm not going to do the work for everyone especially when I'm trying to evaluate people and don't have any really solid reads.

Don't really know why you thought it was a selling point. It was part of my reasoning for why you look suspicious, but again not
for your lynch. I voted you as being my biggest suspect and because I wanted to interact with you to evaluate you. At this moment, your still my most likely candidate for scum though, but I've actually liked your responses so far. "Being able to talk yourself out of anything" aside, I get a sense of genuineness from your responses.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:32 pm
by vijay2vasandani
Wall wall wall.

Anyway Korlash, I've already admitted I fakeclaimed vig. I did it because I thought it would draw the NK. I'm doing it elsewhere but that's all I'm saying.

Who are you Tammy? (I'm convinced you're an alt for some reason)

Anyway, my reasoning for voting Yates was because I believe he was deliberately misinterpreting MoI's words to construct a scumslip. Like he pretended to misunderstand the wording of the post in a way that allowed him to call it a slip. Am I making sense here?

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 2:21 pm
by The Mini-Librarian
Have a town read on Tammy for having very similar thoughts as me, especially that reads list. This worked really well for me in Divided Germany, so we'll try it here also.

I'll get to Korlash in a bit, that's gonna take a lot concentration. I'll get to it tomorrow OK?

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:06 pm
by Korlash
I like this Tammy fella... I should stop beating the Jester for replacing out like he did... But that makes me sad seeing as how I just got this brand new stick... *looks forlorn*

@676: I'm going to need you to commit to an explanation of this. While I think I know what you're getting at and my response would be "I don't think you understand the meaning behind my 672 and my 662 was made 'from Fates point of view and not my own'" I will need to know your exact feelings on them before I know if it's a simple misunderstanding or not. =D thanks...

Tammy wrote:But, I love this little gem. I'm threatening him? ...I told him he should think twice about jumping back on the target he was stuck on yesterday in light of the evidence. Doesn't mean he has to stay away from Yates... It just means he should be reconsidering things. If he comes to the same conclusion, fine, but he should still be thinking things through, which he doesn't appear to be doing.

Which is fine, but you didn't actually say any of this the first time around and combined with the 'if you're town' portion it easily reads as a type of threat.

Unfortunately, this bit about Yates means nothing. I could explain a possibility of V2V being alive even if Yates is scum with two simple letters, so this whole "reevaluate and think twice about everything before you vote him again!!!!"* just seems out of place and ungrounded.

Tammy wrote:Don't know how he could feel out of his depth when there are players like Pizzadudes and Drmysthotgun in the game. Since he seems to be comfortable playing with you, I don't understand it either as it should make up for any intimidation he feels playing with any other stronger players... He said it early on too, and something about it doesn't feel genuine. Even if you feel like you're a weaker player and not great at scumhunting, one thing you can do is demonstrate your innocence so that you're taken out of the equation for who the scum is...

The presence of other 'weak' (and I use this non-insultingly people...) players does not excuse the presence of strong players. You cannot play the game with only half the player pool, so that point is irrelevant. Being comfortable with me is only natural, I'm cool and exciting and throw sexy parties that V2V is invited to, doesn't change the fact that this game quickly fills up with content. Now I love it personally, that's what I'm here for... But, and this is hard to believe, some people just can't handle it (I know right, I don't know what's wrong with them, maybe they are from the moon... or like, lived under a rock for a period in their teens...). I'm not saying that makes them town, I've already explained to V2V how this same feeling could come from scum, but I feel it's a bit far to actually dismiss the statement "I feel out of my depth" in a game like this. That being said...

If he has said it multiple times and you feel it is disgenuine due to overusage, timing, etc, etc, etc... Then cool, run with that. That at least has some basis and merit. But don't project your own feelings toward the game onto others and hold them to that, i.e. just because you don't feel out of your depth, you can't immediately dismiss others who don't share your feelings. Savy?

On a side note: You can't really demonstrate your innocence if you feel the game is passing you by... it's barely possible to do that while keeping up, hell look at me, I'm proof enough of that... What you say sounds great in a perfect world... but put to practice... Impossible...

Tammy wrote:...I didn't like your reasoning for your turn around.

You didn't like that I thought he was fakeclaiming and didn't see any pro-town action in posting in thread what he should have PMed to the mod? Hmmm... Well, I guess that's your prerogative but... Put in the same situation I can't really see too many other people making a different choice then I did... I mean short of knowing the way it turned out, 99% of people given an approaching deadline and an 'obv' fakeclaim from the guy with the biggest wagon would vote him... (And don't take this the wrong way, I don't remember deadline having anything to do with my vote switch, just putting it in perspective.)

Tammy wrote:I mean to say his case was more than just his ploy... The only part of the "trap" and your response that was lacking was the point about you saying you could possibly hit two scum if you lynch MoI because you would be killed as well. You've explained it as being from an outside perspective, which sounds good, but it's something I need to think about.

Sorry mate, if that's the case then you've misunderstood. (I blame MoI, he completely f**ked up everything and should feel bad...)The part about lynching me or MoI from an outside perspective dealt with the resulting 1v1 situation FROM the trap, it was not a part of the trap itself. Trap was MoI threatening to kill Fate, then I vote him for other reasons, then he calls me scum. Trap over. Day becomes a 1v1 between me and MoI and I argue logic.

I argued I could have two chances to catch scum if I voted MoI and was wrong and he Veng killed Fate. I argued the town had the best chance of catching scum (whoever it was) by lynching MoI and him Venging me. I... believe... I even added the addendum of both me and him being town and lynching him saved us a mislynch and the resulting Scum nightkill (which would be a benefit to two mislynches and two scum kills obviously).

I think of this situation as the 1v1 and not the trap... So I just want to make sure you haven't confused the two.

Tammy wrote:I'm not trying to push through your lynch. I voted you and said you were my best guess for scum... I wanted to interact with you and see how you responded to me as you were someone I kept thinking was scum on and off while reading the thread. As I said earlier, I get my reads more from interaction than through reading, so...

eh, I've been playing this game for a long time. Voting someone and 'pushing their lynch' mean essentially the exact same thing until you get to specific scenarios. I tend to use them interchangeably but I mean no implications by it. Point is, when you vote someone (especially later on the wagon) you are 'forwarding their lynch' even if that isn't your intention. As the voter, you need to recognize this and be aware of it regardless of if you want the lynch to go through at the moment or not. But this is all game theory and irrelevant so I'll move on...

I'm all for reading through interactions, that's my preferred style as well (although sometimes you have to make due...) and it even works out with the attention on me because I get my reads best when people are attacking me and I can rebuttal their attacks without people lobbing the dumb 'chainsaw defense' accusations my way and wasting all my time. And I'll be honest, very pleasant talking with you... Looking forward to more of this... =DD

*- Exaggeration for emphasis, please take no offense
**- Disclaimer: I shortened some of your quotes to save space, I attempted to respond to the full quote not just what I posted so if you feel I missed something you deem vitally important I respond to, don't hesitate to kick me.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:53 pm
by Korlash
Tammy wrote:*sigh* It seems my lot here at MS is to replace into a game and commit someone's "cardinal scum tell" all while being an innocent.

My motto is you can't be an active townie without committing a few scum tells... But I'm sure you'll agree, better to call them on a townie then to miss them on a scum. I let the resulting discussion determine which is which and hope I can keep smiling when the game is over.

Tammy wrote:Regardless, I never said "Fate's dead, Korlash must be scum." I said Fate's death doesn't look good for you, which it doesn't for good reason. The kill doesn't look good for Pizza either for that matter, but for lesser reasons than for you.

Looking at the night kill and reviewing who it could look bad or good for is something I almost always do... I sometimes drive people nuts with this as some people think looking at the dead is a waste of time, but I think that people don't pay attention to the night kills enough. Sure, it's not an exact science...just like vote count analysis and interaction analysis when searching for partners, but it can still be helpful. Making mention of the night kill and who it does or does not look good for isn't a scum tell for's a Tammy tell. *shrug*

As the guy who practices VCA and Setup Speculation religiously I can understand you, but it doesn't change my feelings on the matter either. Like I said before, I can see it coming from town in this situation so I'm going to be focusing on the rest of your stuff a lot more than I'm focusing on this.

The whole 'Korlash is scum' vs. 'doesn't look good for you'... perhaps I may have over exaggerated, but not very far. From both the game perspective and the tell perspective I find both statements to be nearly equal. I apologize if you feel I was taking you out of context or misconstruing your words, was not my intention.

Tammy wrote:Sure scum can kill people for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes they kill to get rid of a power role, which could apply in this case as Fate did claim a power role during the end of the day discussion with Magna... If they killed Fate for unknown PR over V2V then he should think about his scum read on Yates because they obviously didn't feel like he was a threat... But, they would have had to believe he had a power role which I'm not sure that they did or could have. Because I read the thread knowing that, it's hard for me to decide whether it looked like something that was faked in the interaction between him and MoI when MoI was gambitting about the vengeful thing. So, it's a distinct possibility that they killed Fate because of the possible PR, but with V2V being alive I'm not putting a whole lot of faith in it.

No, Fate tried to play it off as stupid as he could but you combine his claim with the implications it would throw on me and it's fairly certain why the scum choose to kill him. (You even had V2V drawing the doc protect regardless of his alignment so no fear of that on Fate) Those three reasons alone would be enough, but combine that with getting rid of Fate (annoying as hell AND sure to give Benmage a hard time) and his being killed seems fairly obvious.

Yes... You can think about who might have wanted him dead, but there is to much 'proper play' involved with his death. The scum could be everyone Fate called town, they still 'should and would' have killed him given everything I've listed. I'm all for looking at the dead, I sure as hell do it... But you have to remember to look at this type of stuff first. Too much 'proper play' involved, and who might have killed him... sadly... becomes rather moot.

Tammy wrote:Fate doesn't really fit the "low information" kill type as there would have been others who would be better in this instance, so we come to the killing people who are threats...

Eh, that's too short term for me. You also have to account for the three person variable, i.e three scum team most likely so assuming the night kill was made to simply protect ONE person is unlikely. I still hold Ben would have found Fate to be a potential threat (although I bet he would disagree with me) so you could argue two of the three might have found him threatening sure. The idea a nightkill is made to 'protect' anyone or 'get rid of a threat (due to their personal interactions)" is very unlikely while a large scum team is still alive. Once you narrow it down to two or one person, sure... this becomes more likely. As it stands though, with three voices shouting out kill candidates, more likely the kill is made for 'proper play' reasons over 'He suspected me' reasons.

Tammy wrote:However, you made it clear that you knew Fate well, so even the fact that he hadn't made much of an impression in the game doesn't mean that much if you knew that he would be able to read you, so you could view him as a bigger threat than the activity in the thread would lead one to believe. The problem is that he apparently killed Benmage, whom he not once in the thread said was suspicious, so I want to discount that Ben was the driving force behind the nightkill. Therefore, I have to look at who his suspects were, which are you and Pizza, though there is still the possibility Ben wanted Fate out of the way if he thought he could read him in the coming days.

You seem to have a different opinion of Ben on this situation then I do... Fair enough. One of us has to be right I suppose. But I think the fact that Fate KILLED Ben (Yes Yates, I'll argue this with you all day if I have to...) proves he was a threat to Ben. But like I've been saying, you can't really stick to this line of thinking right now given other factors.

Tammy wrote:...But, I've also known killers to kill their biggest threat then complain the next day that they'd been framed, so...

Yeah... you've never met me then. My style of Scum play is to literally no kill all game... I will always choose the less violent path, so killing my biggest threat is almost always out of the question. (Not here though, as I said, proper play would dictate the Fate kill regardless.) In a three person team I would just hand the kill choice off to the others to decide...

I do hope I'm not coming across as complaining though... being able to use one of my scum tells is a joyous occasion and I would hate for it to be ruined by my whining...

Tammy wrote:Town doesn't have to or should explain the wifom behind anything. They don't have to give reasons that are obvious. I often don't when I want to see people's reactions or enter into a conversation with someone. If it's part of a case, sure, then you do that. I gave my impression of what I had read going through the thread for the first time and what I thought about Fate's death. I'm not going to explain it all and have people jump on it and say "that sounds good". If someone agrees with me and votes you for it, then they get to explain why without having all my thoughts to back it up, and if they disagree they get to say why, and then I get to make a determination of them and their motives. I'm not going to do the work for everyone especially when I'm trying to evaluate people and don't have any really solid reads.

I... understand all this... But again, put to practice... doesn't always work. Not saying stuff can make others do their own work... sure... but then again, not saying stuff... means
you aren't saying stuff
... I mean, there has to be a balance I think if you choose to play this way. You still need to accurately explain your own stuff regardless of how much info that might give to others who would otherwise not work themselves.

The whole idea of putting forth the vote, and then following it up with the case throughout the next couple of posts(only way I see this style of yours ultimately playing out), also wouldn't work. That just wastes time and ends up accomplishing the same thing if you just posted the whole case during the vote. The earlier you give your justifications, reasons, and explanations, the earlier you get a response, and the more you squeeze into a single day. Neglecting to mention something for fear others would use it as their own work... Just isn't how this game should be played.

In fact, it denies you a scum hunting opportunity. If you fail to post your entire case, then the scum cannot say "I agree with it, vote: whoever" and you can't go "Ah ha! Parroting without your own content, /iso you scumbag"... See what I'm getting at?

I'm not one to crap over someone's play style, but yours just seems to be against how the town needs discussion to work... which isn't all that great... Just my two cents...

*Ignore all of this if you meant this as a situational thing (i.e. this is how I did it this one time) vs. a standard way of playing/replacing in. I can understand a one time deal thingy as long as you don't make it a norm...

Tammy wrote:Don't really know why you thought it was a selling point. It was part of my reasoning for why you look suspicious, but again not pushing for your lynch...

Don't take my explanation for the scum tell as my own personal views on you. The term 'selling point' was not directed at you, but used as a general statement to define someone committing the tell.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:56 pm
by Korlash
V2V wrote:Wall wall wall.

Anyway Korlash, I've already admitted I fakeclaimed vig. I did it because I thought it would draw the NK. I'm doing it elsewhere but that's all I'm saying.

Mushroom mushroom! wall, wall, wall, wall... =D

Can you tell me... what made you think to do this type of play? Why was THIS what you decided to do exactly?

Tom Mason wrote:I'll get to Korlash in a bit, that's gonna take a lot concentration. I'll get to it tomorrow OK?

Take your time mate. I'm literally waiting for something that I have no idea how long it will take... Until them I'm not going anywhere...

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:05 pm
by vijay2vasandani
@ Korlash: because if I'm out of my depth. You guys (MoI and you mostly) post a fair amount, and there was a lot of meta referenced that I could not be bothered to read. From my POV, if I drew the night kill it wouldn't be a waste because a VT dying is better than a PR, and a blocked kill is even better.

Who are you voting for and why? You say you like Tammy, so I assume you think he(she?) is town here, so I don't get why you guys are still arguing.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:20 am
by Tammy
vijay2vasandani wrote:

Who are you Tammy? (I'm convinced you're an alt for some reason)

I'm just Tammy, and a she (I saw you question it later), but I'm interested in who's alt you thought I was.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:30 am
by PeregrineV
Will catch up later, but good shooting Fate.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:40 am
by Tammy
Oh Korlash I have a bit of a hangover so I'll respond to you when my head stops being all poundy.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:36 am
by drmyshotgun
Urgh, such big posts
Vijay wanted to die at Night by claiming Vigilante?? Does that mean you don't mind getting lynched as well?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:55 am
by Scott Brosius
The first day is complete AIDS reading so I skimmed heavily. There isn't too much to glean from Benmage as he pretty much tunneled MOI heavily for the entire day.

Librarian appears town, replaced in and did not jump on the easiest wagon, instead pushing novel ideas and not just going with the flow.

MattP looks suspicious, claiming MOI is scum, voting elsewhere, then coming back to MOI based on him being annoying. Jester did absolutely nothing, so I'm keeping my eye on this player slot.

The V2V fake softclaim is odd, it's definitely a lame excuse to do it "because I cannot keep up with the game" but there does not seem like a huge scum reason to do this. Vig is stupid to claim as scum, especially since there was no heat on V2V (at least none I saw in my skimming) there is no reason to put a target on your back. Obviously he didn't know there was a vig in this game and that flip would occur N1, but I'm not seeing motivation outside of bored town. There are minor reasons for it as Korlash lists in 649, but I think it's more much likely bored town.

Yates follows a scum-reads vote in 647 which is highly suspicious. He agrees with what Librarian says about "heavily believing Korlash is scum", yet quotes Korlash's vote on V2V by the end of the post. Does not jive.

I haven't even seen pizza in this game until I replaced in, and as someone commented immediately, he does not appear to be playing the game. Also goes for Pergerine. Definitely players to watch.

What exactly is the case on Korlash? As I said, I skimmed very briefly over the awful D1 (and massive walls) and I guess I glossed over any potential reasons.

Vote: Yates

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:24 am
by Tammy
Scott Brosius wrote:

MattP looks suspicious, claiming MOI is scum, voting elsewhere, then coming back to MOI based on him being annoying. Jester did absolutely nothing, so I'm keeping my eye on this player slot.

So how good an eye are you going to keep on that slot? A good enough eye to know who replaced into that slot? Or that that slot had already made some contribution? :?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:40 am
by Scott Brosius
As I said I'll keep an eye on it. Don't knock yourself over patting yourself on the back for contributing :P

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:44 am
by Tammy
Scott Brosius wrote:As I said I'll keep an eye on it. Don't knock yourself over patting yourself on the back for contributing :P

I'm not patting myself on the back. I find it odd that you make sure to mention what you didn't like about my predecessor and say you're going to keep an eye on my slot, but don't bother to even mention that it's been filled or that there's been contribution. You should be able to have some kind of an opinion, but you don't.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 10:04 am
by Tammy
As an addendum to the above. The reason why it looks odd to me that you say you're keeping an eye on my slot but don't give an opinion when you should have
to say is because it looks like you're not sure what opinion you're supposed to have on my slot yet. Do you not want to lock yourself into an opinion before others on the thread weigh in so you know what the right one is?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:25 pm
by vijay2vasandani
Tammy wrote:
vijay2vasandani wrote:

Who are you Tammy? (I'm convinced you're an alt for some reason)

I'm just Tammy, and a she (I saw you question it later), but I'm interested in who's alt you thought I was.

Hahaha yeah I noticed you were a she, sorry if I called you a he. And i don't have anybody in particular, you just felt like an alt to me. But whatever.
drmyshotgun wrote:Urgh, such big posts
Vijay wanted to die at Night by claiming Vigilante?? Does that mean you don't mind getting lynched as well?

Poor form shotgun, especially from you. This comment from you does not sit well with me, considering our past games together.

FoS: Shotgun

I'd vote you but Yates is scum so yeah.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:32 pm
by jasonT1981
Day 2 VC 1

Korlash 3 - pappums rat, The Mini-Librarian,Tammy
vijay2vansandani 3 - Korlash,drmyshotgun, Yates
Yates 2 - vijay2vansandani, Scott Brosius

Not voting


With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch

(expired on 2012-06-08 15:16:47)

till Day 2 Deadline

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:02 pm
by pappums rat
oh gob the walls...

I've said everything there is to say about V2V's town gambit, the motivation to do what he did is obvious and Korlash pushing his shitwagon for shitreasons that are contrived and full of WIFOM should tell you where to put your votes.

Scott Brosius wrote:What exactly is the case on Korlash? As I said, I skimmed very briefly over the awful D1 (and massive walls) and I guess I glossed over any potential reasons.

MoI (who flipped town) set a trap, Korlash sprung that trap, and MoI and Fate (who also flipped town) called Korlash out on the trap. I am emphasizing the fact that both of them flipped town because their motivation is known to be true and as far as Im concerned this is the best we have to go on at this point. Korlash pushing a terrible wagon on V2V adds to why Korlash is scum.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:23 pm
by The Mini-Librarian

Re: Rat meta - Yes, you don't mention how the rat - moi scum thing in that sentence. But it reads like a reason in that post. You may say that it wasn't one, but I can't look at that post in any other way.

Re: vengekill - It's the simple fact that a contingency plan was taken that rings bells for me, not the length of time. (sorry for that impression) Correct me if I'm wrong, but a scum vengeful in a mini seems really unbalanced. With that in mind, if he's scum there is no shot. Which means from your POV there should have been no shot happening reagardless. And for whether lynching a vengeful that nets you an extra kill if your wrong is better than lynching a vt or something, I can see why someone might think that (I personally think it doesn't matter early in the game) so I won't count that particular thing as scummy.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:38 pm
by Korlash
Rat wrote:I've said everything there is to say about V2V's town gambit, the motivation to do what he did is obvious and Korlash pushing his shitwagon for shitreasons that are contrived and full of WIFOM should tell you where to put your votes.

This whole 'instead of reading the thread I'll pointlessly slander Korlash as a bad guy doing shit he isn't doing so nobody notices my own lack of useful input' is getting kinda pathetic mate.

I'm going to ask you to tell me what my 'shit reasons' are that I'm 'pushing V2V's wagon' with. Then I'm going to ask you to explain how they are 'contrived' and 'full of WIFOM'. I predict you'll ignore this request like usual and continue to pointlessly shout about shit I'm not actually doing, which would actually serve to undermine the case on me and reduce the chance others would jump on it so please, for your own sake, put a little effort into this game because at this point, whatever your fucking alignment is, you're becoming a detriment to it.

If you're town, stop throwing around this God awful spit and back it up before you hurt the chance to lynch the guy you 'think is scum'. And if you're scum, fucking shape up before you cost your team the mislynch MoI handed you on a platter... God I never expected to have to IC in a fucking mini theme...

Scotty wrote:What exactly is the case on Korlash? As I said, I skimmed very briefly over the awful D1 (and massive walls) and I guess I glossed over any potential reasons.

As Rat so eloquently put it, the main 'case' appears to be "Two townies called Korlash Scum for reasons that didn't make sense but they are town so fuck him". The other two have at least managed legitimate points but sadly Tammy's case seems to be 'She has a bad feeling' and Librarian is ' He is bothered'. (They should be able to make it clearer themselves. I'm a bit biased understandably)

Librarian wrote:Re: Rat meta - Yes, you don't mention how the rat - moi scum thing in that sentence. But it reads like a reason in that post. You may say that it wasn't one, but I can't look at that post in any other way.

Well, that sentence was the tl;dr for my reasons for voting, if you can't buy that then I have nothing else to sell you. The Rat-MoI shit was simple analysis that had nothing to do with my vote. In retrospect I should have made it a separate post but from my point of view it didn't matter. I just had to double check my funny feeling about the wagons while trying to rationalize out whether my town read on MoI could possibly be mistaken (Standalone from the new evidence, obviously).

Librarian wrote:Re: vengekill - It's the simple fact that a contingency plan was taken that rings bells for me, not the length of time. (sorry for that impression) Correct me if I'm wrong, but a scum vengeful in a mini seems really unbalanced. With that in mind, if he's scum there is no shot. Which means from your POV there should have been no shot happening reagardless. And for whether lynching a vengeful that nets you an extra kill if your wrong is better than lynching a vt or something, I can see why someone might think that (I personally think it doesn't matter early in the game) so I won't count that particular thing as scummy.

I can't follow you... I'll try my best here but none of this is making sense to me...

Short of warning V2V to stay off the wagon, where did I ever speculate on a scum vengeful?

If he is scum, there is no shot... Yeah... Hence my vote and call to lynch him... Following so far...

No shot happening? Before I voted him, the possibility I was wrong and he WAS town NOT LYING existed, so from my point of view there is certainly a scenario in which a shot goes off. (A scenario in which i would be WRONG and thus a CONTINGENCY PLAN would make sense to have, no?)

We can discuss the rest post game I think so that's about all I need out of this.

Sorry for this play by play, but as I said, wasn't understanding you... Still don't actually. What is your point in all of this exactly? A scenario existed in which i could be wrong, since the way I play is very analytical and mathematical, examining that scenario (The WCS) is very important. If there is some factor that lessens the impact of the WCS, I will mention it and it will have some influence on my actions. I don't really see how I'm scum for this... And this is coming from a guy who is very capable of looking at things from other people's perspectives...