Timmy, Al_Ko, and I all get extremely bored and decided that this game is officially
So, we all revealed roles to each other. My apologies to those who tried to save the game, but we didn't see it happening within reason, and we decided that even if we got a back-up Mod, the players were uninterested enough that the game would die anyways, and frankly, we didn't want to waste our time on a game we all knew would die in the end.
I feel pretty bad for posting this, but this game either has to die, or all three of Timmy, Alko, and myself need to be modkilled or replaced, as well as finding a back-up Mod who would work without LP's notes.
Here's my role:
For the record, I was going to Vig Lloyd on Night Four, because evenThe Mod wrote:You are24, that action-packed, non-stop, always-ticking time bomb of a show that airs on Mondays at 9 on FOX. Your protagonist, a one Jack Bauer, is quite adept at kicking butt and taking names, so it's no surprise that you’re something of a vigilante. But with a sickening twist: You will only be able to use your vigging abilities on the 2nd and 4th nights, cause that’s when those episodes air, whether you shoot friend or foe. Choose wisely, Jack. Bip, boop, bip, boop.
Luckily, since you wouldn’t want a show to end before somebody died at Jack’s hand, you are immune to being killed Night 1 only.
You win when the shows working to cancel you are all cancelled.
Once again, my apologies to the players. I hope to play with all of you in a game where the game is actually going to be played and modded. This was simply not going to be one of those games.