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Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:58 am
by Hectic
Korina, this better not be tactics to stall because you want to get culted. How can you not see Jangle as CL after that sh0s claim? Especislly considering there's a lot more risk associated with Poyzin's claim if he's scum, since he Rolestopper claim could've been proven to be false if he got unlucky as scum and we were in B2?

Pedit: Ah, I see. Goddamit.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:59 am
by Not A Korina Alt
No matter what I do today, I get culted. We can lynch shos, and I'll track Bingle for all I care.
But one of {shos, Poyzin} gets culted.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:59 am
by Blatant Scum
Can we please don't lynch in the next few minutes?

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:59 am
by Not A Korina Alt
In post 676, Not A Korina Alt wrote:No matter what I do today, I get culted. We can lynch shos, and I'll track Bingle for all I care.
But one of {shos, Poyzin} gets lynched.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:01 am
by Hectic
UNVOTE: sh0s

Don't do something stupid and lynch someone who's a lot more likely to be regular cultist (sh0s/Poyzin) over massive CL-equity now (Bungle).

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:02 am
by Not A Korina Alt
We have a confirmed scum in {shos, poyzin}. We also have a confirmed town in that.
I am confirmed tracker, and it's impossible for me to not be tracker. Shos CC'd Poyzin, not me. Everyone has more or less posted since I've claimed Tracker. The chance to CC that has passed; therefore, I am confirmed tracker.

The setup is either B1 or B3.

Pedit: Hectic, let's do this: Lynch shos, I check Bingle.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:02 am
by Blatant Scum

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:04 am
by Not A Korina Alt
Also, sure, lynching CL today is cool because we're guaranteed to win at that point, but we have a confirmed cultist between two people. I'd rather shoot one of them, and try to make the CL play ball with me tonight.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:04 am
by Poyzin
In post 660, Hectic wrote:If Poyzin is scum and in column B, I have no idea why he'd claim town rolestopper over town tracker. If the actual setup is B2 - Town Jailkeeper + Town Friendly Neighbour, the Rolestopper claim is CONFIRMED to be false, since there is no Rolestopper + Jailkeeper, and and Rolestopper + Friendly Neighbour setups.

sh0s a LOT more likely to be lying here, unless Poyzin didn't understand the potential consequences of hiw fakeclaim as scum, and got lucky.
Alright. I was labeled on early by sh0s as newbtown. And for the most part, that was the goal. I am definitely town, but I was making surface level reads that piggybacked off others, or I was going off the WIFOM deep end. However, I’ve played forum mafia for a good year now. I DO know what I’m doing. The only potential consequence to claiming right now would be to get culted. In any other game, a D1 town Power Role claim is heavily dangerous, as you no longer have the chance to use it after you’re dead. While I won’t be able to rolestop anybody tonight, I will switch factions and get the cultist wincon. So, I should have claimed off the bat if I wanted to be a cultist, but I wasn’t sure who was going to win, so I wanted to wait until later. Sh0s is 100% the normal cultist for counterclaiming, and Korina will be cult tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:07 am
by Blatant Scum
shos - Neighbor x poy - Rolestopper ~ they are very likely not CL
Not Korina - Tracker

Shos didn't hammer Bingle while in L-1 and CCed with Bingle being L-1.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:09 am
by Hectic
In post 680, Not A Korina Alt wrote:Pedit: Hectic, let's do this: Lynch shos, I check Bingle.
In post 680, Not A Korina Alt wrote:Pedit: Hectic, let's do this: Lynch shos, I check Bingle.
What's the point though? If we're lynching sh0s, we think he's cultist. But the only reason he CCs here as cultist is if Bangle is his CL.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:10 am
by Blatant Scum
In post 589, Bingle wrote:I'm going to assume everyone's posted since claims, but if you have a CC do so now.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:11 am
by Poyzin
However, the good news for town is that tomorrow it’s guaranteed that the normal cultists are figured out. It’s going to naturally be me and sh0s. That leaves it up to you all to figure out who the CL is, and I’m very sure that it is Bingle, and maybe Kanna. But I’m thinking Bingle due to sh0s’s haphazard defense of their slot. And even if sh0s thinks I’m cult, he obviously would know I’m not the cult leader for claiming role stopper, so it would be anti-town to vote for the normal cultist right now. To everybody else: regardless if you believe me or sh0s, we are 90% going to be the cultists tomorrow, which would max us out. Think carefully today.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:14 am
by Poyzin
In post 673, Not A Korina Alt wrote:If he flips rolestopper, I get culted
Why? I’m literally going to rolestop you so you WON’T be cultist tomorrow. I am the one who is getting culted, and then we are maxed with Sh0s, Poyzin, and the Cult Leader who is probably Bingle.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:14 am
by Blatant Scum
Actually, poyzin has high CL credits too. Don't lynch him today, though.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:18 am
by Poyzin
Blatant Scum wrote:Actually, poyzin has high CL credits too. Don't lynch him today, though.
I’m only saying what I know. If for some god forsaken reason I’m the cult leader, then claiming to be the rolestopper when I’m not will get me instantly lynched on D2. But whatever you want to believe, I don’t really care.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:18 am
by shos
In post 639, Poyzin wrote:
In post 559, Poyzin wrote:I’m more sure that Blatant is a cultist than I am sure that Bingle is a CL. Bingle is my closest guess for CL, but my read there is weak. Blatant I’m much more sure is a cultist, but lynching a cultist isn’t as beneficial as lynching the CL. Better than nothing though.
Just to make sure I don’t forget during my spotty activity.

VOTE: Bingle
I'm just gona lol at this

annnnnd I'm done catching up (also showering ^_^)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:21 am
by shos
In post 656, Hectic wrote:sh0s, why would you vote Poyzin?
Cult etc
off chance it is CL, I know, but still it keeps the cult leader alone and with both PR claims out we will have much easier day tomorrow. It is likely Korina will be culted, so I sincerely hope we get the CL tomorrow

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:23 am
by Poyzin
In post 682, Not A Korina Alt wrote:Also, sure, lynching CL today is cool because we're guaranteed to win at that point, but we have a confirmed cultist between two people. I'd rather shoot one of them, and try to make the CL play ball with me tonight.
There is no “play ball” with you. You get instantly culted, and this mindset goes against your current wincon. I mean it’s clear that you want to win with cult and not win with town, but you’re the tracker, not the rolestopper. To be blunt, sucks to suck if you wanted to go the cultist route. Your only chance of doing so is to kill the only claimed PR that could actually protect you, when you’re in a game where the two people who are normal cultists are already outed and there is only one CL between Kanna and Bingle, maybe BS or OS too if they are pulling a pro gamer move, I’m feeling null about them at the moment.

Hectic, Farkran, and Korina are town and will 99% be like that for tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:23 am
by Poyzin
In post 692, shos wrote:It is likely Korina will be culted
Oh go off some more why don’t you.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:24 am
by Blatant Scum
Why would Bingle - shos pair vote Kanna (kinda universal townread) instead of me (Not Korina is guaranteed to join on me, Farkran/ Poyzin are OK with my lynch)? I am much easier mislynch.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:33 am
by Hectic
In post 695, Blatant Scum wrote:Why would Bingle - shos pair vote Kanna (kinda universal townread) instead of me (Not Korina is guaranteed to join on me, Farkran/ Poyzin are OK with my lynch)? I am much easier mislynch.
I mean, I guess something else I should also consider is Bongle is town, and sh0s is CCing here knowing we're gonna assume he's trying to "save" Bangle, to get the lynch through on him. Obum is a sleeper CL here in that case.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:43 am
by Poyzin
In post 696, Hectic wrote:
In post 695, Blatant Scum wrote:Why would Bingle - shos pair vote Kanna (kinda universal townread) instead of me (Not Korina is guaranteed to join on me, Farkran/ Poyzin are OK with my lynch)? I am much easier mislynch.
I mean, I guess something else I should also consider is Bongle is town, and sh0s is CCing here knowing we're gonna assume he's trying to "save" Bangle, to get the lynch through on him. Obum is a sleeper CL here in that case.
I considered that, but with Kanna as the real CL. Unless sh0s is the absolute big-brain playmaker and was the CL all along, and CC’ed knowing that we’d think that sh0s was a cultist instead of the leader.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:43 am
by Blatant Scum
In post 696, Hectic wrote:sh0s is CCing here knowing we're gonna assume he's trying to "save" Bangle, to get the lynch through on him.
He could hammer. Bingle was L-1.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:47 am
by Hectic
In post 630, Kanna wrote:P.S; if only this was Hectic/Kanna, that’s a dream team
Lul, one day. (Or just recruit me tonight)
In post 631, Kanna wrote:Also @Hectic, I’m sorry I broke our pact :c for the reasoning, maybe it’s paranoia but the town!you in my mind has a bigger presence (hence the less solvy) and is also more jokey (carefree)? Idk, but I’m kinda into my solve rn so l’m putting that to the side. Do you think I’m justified?
You're right in that I've been less jokey this game since the CAPSLOCK stuff at the start; that kinda just depends on my mood. I'm alive in 8 games right now, so that might explain the presence thing.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these recent developments.