Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn…
Tell us the lesson that we should learn:
Wheel of Morality wrote:People in glass houses should get dressed with the lights out.
Food for thought.
A hulking, green monster lurches across the street. It bends lampposts to its will... it uproots trees, fire hydrants, and blue mailboxes... it flings aside cars, and fruit stands, and hapless people. A timid family, wearing pots, pans, and bike pads follows it at a distance, only too accustomed to this type of behavior.
"We need to go home!" says the smallest. The monster snarls and grabs a pigeon in the sky, devouring it. A construction worker dives into a manhole after witnessing the spectacle, and people scream running in all directions away from the menace. "Sis, we really need to go home. You left your cell phone on the table."
The monster stops... and thinks. Suddenly, it shrinks into a petite 16-year-old, who is smiling and acting as if nothing has happened. "Oh! That's where it is. Silly me – I had thought somebody had stolen it." She giggles innocently.
"You know sis, you really overreact to stuff like that."
Her face suddenly scrunches up and her eyes narrow. "I am
over-reacting! I'm a
At that precise moment, a shadow from the darkness approaches and bludgeons her in the side of the head. And so ends her unforunate, moody life.
Thesp, Katie Ka-Boom, Post Restricted Townie, has been beaten over the head!
Her brother pokes her in the eye with a stick. "Ewwwww...."
It is now
Day Five
. With
alive, it takes
to lynch!