(Fulfiller / Doctor Strange)
, you have access to one or more night actions. Don't have to use in any specific order but you must cycle through them to use one again. You may not holster.
You also disable spoilers in the DVC until the game ends.
And if you die, flips in the world of the living will only reveal alignment, not the role.
You are from the Marvel Multiverse and you guard the Time Stone.
At night, target a player to delay their action one cycle.
During the day or the night, you may self target to travel between dimensions. The dimensions in this game are the world of the living, the Limbo (Graveyard) and Abaddon (a second graveyard with no interaction, even with other players). When you travel to another dimension you stay there for the cycle (Day/Night). However you are limited to what you can do.
If you are in the world of the living, you can post to the thread, vote and submit any of your actions.
If you are in the Limbo, you can interact with the players there but can only use "Dimension Traveler" ability, cannot post in the thread and cannot vote.
If you are in Abaddon, you can only witness (read) what's in that dimension, can only use "Dimension Traveler", cannot post in the thread and cannot vote.
At night you may target a player to protect them from one kill. You cannot self target and you cannot target the same player twice in the game.
These are your post mortem actions if you die having used Dimension Traveler at least once. You can use multiple different actions and you don't have to cycle through them BUT you may not holster them.
You may split the Limbo (graveyard) in up to FOUR separate Limbo rooms, with players equally distributed in them. This is a night action.
If there is more than one limbo room, you may swap players between any of the limbo rooms.
To do so, submit a detailed list of players names to swap places. This can happen at any time, you may not self target.
During the day, you can summon to the limbo room you are in, the information of one of the abilities of a dead player, regardless of the limbo room they are in.
To do so, post in the chatroom Summon PLAYER NAME unflipped ability action.