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Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:50 am
by Guillotina
(Town / ZigZag)
You are part of the Marvel Multiverse and You know the identity of the Reality Stone Holder (if any)
If you die, flips will only reveal alignment the rest of the game.
, you have access to one or more night actions. Don't have to start in any specific order but you must cycle through them to use one again. You may not holster.
Activate at night. You are immune to attacks from Mafia this night.
Activate at night. You are immune to attacks from Town this night.
Activate at night. You are immune to attacks from Anti-town non-groupscum factions this night.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:53 am
by TemporalLich
Cyanbright: Anything referring to you, such as your Role PM, your flip, your name in the votecount, your name in the playerlist, and even moderator messages about you and moderator replies to you are written in cyan text.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:55 am
by Jake The Wolfie
(Shadow Cult/Vanilla)
You are the only member of the Shadow Cult, and win when all threats to your cult have been eradicated.
You are the Shadow Cult Leader, and have access to the Factional Convert. During the night, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will be converted into the Shadow Cult. This ability has a 1 cycle cooldown upon a successful use.
You have an additional power as the Shadow Cult Leader. During the night, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, you will learn what page their faction card came from, and what page their role card came from.
If you should die at any point, the eldest living Shadow Cultist will become the new Shadow Cult Leader.
You have no other special abilities.
Mod notes: Only one player should be given this role card. If multiple players would receive it, randomly choose one player to keep it, and reroll the other players until they don't receive this card.
This should be the only Shadow Cultist in the Deck.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:04 am
by TemporalLich
/ Night 1 Bloodhound)
During Night 1, you may learn if a player is
Not Town
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:09 am
by Guillotina
Serial Killer Captain America
(Serial Killer / Captain America)
You are Captain America: Mjolnir User and Vibranium Shield holder.
You are part of the Marvel Multiverse
Your abilities work only as long as you keep possession of your
shield. The first time you are targeted with an attack or negative ability while you are holding the shield, their action will fail but you will also lose the shield to them. If you die, flips will only reveal alignment the rest of the game.
You have access to one or more actions. Don't have to use in any specific order and you don't have to cycle through every action before using one again. You may not holster actions.
x3 JOAT Cop
At night, you may target a player to find out the names and descriptions of their abilities, including post-mortem ones.
x2 Threaten
Works without the shield
. During the day, you may activate this action if you lost your shield. The following day whoever has your shield will get the message “Return the Shield or something very bad will happen”. The player will get the option to return the shield at the cost of sacrificing one of his ability shots or keep the shield regardless, if the player keeps the shield they get perma vanillaized at the end of the day.
If you need to complete the cycle using this ability even though you have the shield, you may waste one shot on purpose to complete it.
x3 Ascetic
Activate at night. The Ascetic is immune to all night actions (meaning the actions will not work), except for kills.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:18 am
by Guillotina
. You hold the Power Stone.
Mad Titan
: The moderator will tandomly assign five infinity stones to 5 players. You win by having five infinity stones at the same time and snapping your finger during the day to kill all original infinity stone holders (if any), leaving the game.
You can collect the infinity stones in three ways:
1) Being the first or the last voter on a wagon of a yeeted stone holder.
2) By visiting a stone holder or someone also visiting who you visit (they will be informed of the theft but not your identity).
3) By guessing the name of a stone holder during twilight.
Every night you may target a player (dead or alive) to visit them. This action is immune to reflexive killers.
You start with one bulletproof vest, you will be informed when it's used.
Stones cannot be stolen from you.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:54 am
by Not Known 15
(Even-Night Macho)Combined(Doctor/Vanillaizer)
Role:(Even-Night Macho)Combined(Doctor/Vanillaizer)
Every night you may target a player. You will prevent a kill towards them and change their role into Vanilla.
You cannot be protected from death on even-numbered nights.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:08 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
(Free Space)
For ambiguous reasons, you cannot choose this card.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:31 pm
by MegAzumarill
(Mod chooses before picks/ spirit channeler)
Spirit Channeler: each night you may target a dead player (you may only target each dead player once) That player will be able to talk and vote during the next day phase. (They are considered alive for vote count/hammer purposes but cannot use or be affected by abilities)
Note: do not add players to a dead thread if this role exists in game
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:32 pm
by MegAzumarill
(Mod chooses after picks /Day Reanimator)
Day Reanimator: once During each day you may select a dead player via pming the mod (you may not select the same player twice) During the next night phase, that player will compulsively do their action (not factional actions) as if they were alive. you will know who they target, what action they do and whatever night messages they would receive. If the target does not submit a night action, the target is random (although you will still know who it went to) This fails if used on a target with no active ability, or on a target who’s active ability has no more uses.
Note: do not add players to a dead thread if this role exists in game
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:33 pm
by MegAzumarill
(town/ delayed death)
Delayed Death: whenever this player would die by any means, they instead die at the twilight of the next day phase (if they die during the day they live to the end of the next cycle’s day phase) They are informed whenever they would have normally died. “You have died, however your death is delayed so you are still alive until twilight of day X”
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:34 pm
by MegAzumarill
(town/Delaying doctor)
Delaying Doctor: may target player at night, they gain the delayed death ability for that night only.
Delayed Death: whenever this player would die by any means, they instead die at the twilight of the next day phase (if they die during the day they live to the end of the next cycle’s day phase) They are informed whenever they would have normally died. “You have died, however your death is delayed so you are still alive until twilight of day X”
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:35 pm
by MegAzumarill
(mod chooses after picks/activated saulus)
Activated Saulus: if you are eliminated you may(or may not) instead become a vanilla townie. You are considered a traitor of your alignment.
If your starting alignment is town you are instead a named townie.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:37 pm
by MegAzumarill
(mod chooses after picks/activated judas)
Activated Judas: if you are eliminated via vote you may(or may not) instead choose to become a vanilla
instead (you win if groupscum wins)
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:38 pm
by MegAzumarill
Vampire Night 1 Universal Janitor
(vampire/Night 1 Universal Janitor )
: you have no win condition as a vampire and are deathproof (until you change alignments). You become aligned with whoever would first kill you (you join the factional PT afterward as well). (i.e. you start as vanilla vampire but would become a mafia goon if attacked by a mafia member) If you are attacked by a 3rd party that can have no allies, you become a survivor instead. If you are eliminated you become the alignment of the hammerer. If multiple alignments attack you at once you will join one at random.
Night 1 Universal Janitor: if you are alive at the end of night 1, all players who die n1 will not have their role or alignment revealed. This ability is untargeted.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:40 pm
by MegAzumarill
Cult Eliminator-Vigilante
(Cult/ eliminator-vigilante)
Cult: if you are selected as the cult leader, the first player you attempt to recruit but the action fails by any means, you will immediately use a strong-willed eliminator-vigilante action on.
Eliminator-Vigilante: Each night you may select a player, you will attempt to shoot that player. If this succeeds the player is dead and considered eliminated via vote (So jesters would win, unjester would lose, vengeful would fire)
Note: for supersaints and similar roles, the eliminator-vigilante is considered the only vote on the wagon and the hammerer.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:07 pm
by TemporalLich
Town Strong-Willed Serendipitous Mage
/ Strong-Willed Serendipitous Mage)
Your actions can't be blocked, redirected or interfered with in any way.
Each night, you may target a player and create a random effect (1d10000):
1 - The game ends with your faction winning. If you are a neutral third party, Town wins.
2-99 - You will attempt to kill your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will grant a layer of Bulletproof to your target if they are aligned with you. You will also gain a layer of Bulletproof and a random invention.
100-499 - You will attempt to kill your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will grant a layer of Bulletproof to your target if they are aligned with you.
500-1999 - You will roleblock your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will protect your target if they are aligned with you.
2000-7999 - You will neighborize your target.
8000-9999 - Nothing happens. You aren't even considered to be visiting your target.
10000 - The moderator says "Pineapple is a viable topping on pizza."
In post 740, MegAzumarill wrote:Cult: if you are selected as the cult leader, the first player you attempt to recruit but the action fails by any means, you will immediately use a strong-willed eliminator-vigilante action on.
uhh, is the strong-willed elim-vig only applicable to a
Cult Eliminator-Vigilante
? If so you should say so.
Also I'd rather have dead-affecting roles only prevent the Dead PT from having spoilers (still lets them be powerful, but not broken and also lets the Dead PT exist)
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:27 pm
by TemporalLich
Dark Creature Alter Beholder
/ Alter Beholder)
Dark Creature: You are a
are a scum team with a factional "Plunge in Darkness" ability to roleblock someone that Night and also cause them to die the next Night.
Alter Beholder: You are Multitasking. You may perform more than one action each night.
Each night, you may target a player. You will receive all messages that player received as a result of special abilities.
Twice in the game during night, you may send a fake investigation result to a player by specifying an investigative role that exists in the Deck of Astral Roles, a fake target, and a possible result. This will override a real investigation result if it is of the same role.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:28 pm
by TemporalLich
/ Beholder)
Beholder: Each night, you may target a player. You will receive all messages that player received as a result of special abilities.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:09 am
by MegAzumarill
In post 741, TemporalLich wrote:Town Strong-Willed Serendipitous Mage
/ Strong-Willed Serendipitous Mage)
Your actions can't be blocked, redirected or interfered with in any way.
Each night, you may target a player and create a random effect (1d10000):
1 - The game ends with your faction winning. If you are a neutral third party, Town wins.
2-99 - You will attempt to kill your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will grant a layer of Bulletproof to your target if they are aligned with you. You will also gain a layer of Bulletproof and a random invention.
100-499 - You will attempt to kill your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will grant a layer of Bulletproof to your target if they are aligned with you.
500-1999 - You will roleblock your target if they aren't aligned with you, or will protect your target if they are aligned with you.
2000-7999 - You will neighborize your target.
8000-9999 - Nothing happens. You aren't even considered to be visiting your target.
10000 - The moderator says "Pineapple is a viable topping on pizza."
In post 740, MegAzumarill wrote:Cult: if you are selected as the cult leader, the first player you attempt to recruit but the action fails by any means, you will immediately use a strong-willed eliminator-vigilante action on.
uhh, is the strong-willed elim-vig only applicable to a
Cult Eliminator-Vigilante
? If so you should say so.
Also I'd rather have dead-affecting roles only prevent the Dead PT from having spoilers (still lets them be powerful, but not broken and also lets the Dead PT exist)
1. It deals with the cult section so it is intended to go with the alignment part of the card. (Otherwise it almost never applies)
2. The dead pt thing is mainly to avoid the situation where a scum player may out their own scumteam in spoilers not expecting dead interaction. I suppose adding a line in the OP of the dead thread telling players to not do so
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:49 am
by Cook
Werewolf Reincarnation Theorist
(Werewolf / Reincarnation Theorist)
Target someone at night to learn how many times they have died.
No Dead PT exists in this game. Instead, all discarded cards will be shuffled into a Reincarnation deck.
Whenever someone dies their role flips and they are immediately dealt a pick of three cards to decide a role/alignment combo from. That player rejoins the game at the start of the Day.
Once a player has been responsible for an opposing faction member's death three lives in a row, they will achieve Release and die at the end of the day phase, victorious.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:52 am
by TemporalLich
/ Vanilla)
You have no special abilities.
In post 744, MegAzumarill wrote:2. The dead pt thing is mainly to avoid the situation where a scum player may out their own scumteam in spoilers not expecting dead interaction. I suppose adding a line in the OP of the dead thread telling players to not do so
yeah - it is kinda a spoiler though so idk
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:53 am
by Cook
Mod Discretion 3P Late-Game Astral Remixer
(Mod Discretion 3P / Late-Game Astral Remixer)
Mod-Discretion 3P: This role's alignment is the mod's choice, but it must be a third party.
Late-Game Astral Remixer: Your ability cannot be used until at least 50% of all players are dead.
At any point you may post in the main thread
If you survive to the start of the next day, all players will be revived and one of their picks will be swapped with their discard to give them a new role PM.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:05 am
by Cook
Jester Early-Game Lategameizer
(Jester / Early-Game Lategameizer)
You may only activate your ability when more than 75% of the playerlist is alive.
If you are eliminated, three nights happen in a row. You control the eliminations in between.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:14 am
by TemporalLich
/ 1-shot Ouija)
1-shot Ouija: Once in the game during night, you may target a dead player. You will be added to a PT with that dead player, and that dead player may talk in that PT despite being dead.
Mod Note: Requires mod to state that a dead interacting role exists in the setup in the Dead PT and not to reveal any other spoilers.
For roles that interact with the dead - I think it would be fine to spoil that a role that interacts with the dead (or Dead PT) exists but nothing else to state why spoilers are not allowed - even more power since the Dead thread will know but it will keep the Dead PT and avoid having scum out the scumteam or spoilers making it into the game thread except for the dead interaction spoiler.
194 is an example of a role interacting with the dead PT, having the Dead PT nonexistent would cause that role to continually get negative results. (though it is fairly self-evident as it created Dead VCs and it did actually make it to the
first Deck of Astral Roles game - and that role somehow got a negative result).
fyi: the first DoAR game is why double groupscum got nerfed
also we are 3/4ths of the way to filling the DoAR