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Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 12:35 am
by BuJaber
In post 73, Garuga wrote:Good observation on Sho/Brawl/Screen. Do you think the jokes about a scum PT are a hint of some sort?
It might be. The whole thing just seems off, y'know?
Just seems like a weird progression of RVS.
Like it is clear that screen is going for some shock value with his opener. Is it a townie just making a joke for laughs, or a reaction test of some sort or is it scum doing something rediculous so that we all think "must be townie; scum wouldn't expose themselves like that".

So without additional info about screen we can only say it's NAI. Sho townreading him for it is also NAI because town can be wrong. Just because she's townreading something NAI doesn't automatically make her scum. Byron then scumreads her for 'buddying'. Sho responds back with a countercase on Byron. It just all seems forced and escalating too quickly for it to be a genuine TvTvT convo. Hence my suspicion that it is TvTvS. It might be TvSvS but scum tend to think twice about joining their buddy in the spotlight so I think the average scum instinct would be to take a step back. So 1 scum seems more likely than 2.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 12:39 am
by BuJaber
Sorry knuflanto just noticed you're a "She".

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:32 am
by Hopkirk
In post 53, Shoshin wrote:
In post 50, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Huh, I thought Byron made a good point, but that Sho's comment on Screen was fine, so I didn't put too much stock in it. The OMGUS vote is really weird, though. I can get on this wagon. VOTE: Shoshin
Let me explain. Byron's voting me for townreading Screen. His explanation: Screen's town, I'm buddying Screen, so therefore I'm scum. My read on that: Byron's scum under his own criteria for what's scum and what's town, because (a) Byron assumes that Screen's town without any basis (he needs to do that to claim that I'm buddying Screen), (b) Byron buddies Screen by sheeping him (i.e. voting me), and (c) Byron claims that buddying is scummy (which he's doing) is scummy. This is precisely the type of hypocrisy that comes from scum because it's an example of someone's scumhunting criteria corresponding to their own behavior.
You sound very confident in saying that Byron's read on Screen is a hard read. That's very doubtful at this stage. Conclusions built on that are going to be weak.
Light town on Shoshin for unrelated reasons.
In post 61, knuflanto wrote:
In post 52, BuJaber wrote:Sup

Garuga seems to be making excuses for not posting but in a way that comes of as LAMIST. VOTE: Garuga

I think the screenplay's joke vote is NAI, the reaction to it is NAI, and shoshin getting involved with it is NAI. That said, the 3 things together feel forced and odds are a chain of posts like that in RVS contains 1 spy at least. So I am fairly confident there's 1 spy among {shoshin, brawl, screenplay}. So FOS on you 3 while I try to sort you.
check this out y'all. Bujaber says he's "fairly confident" that there's a red within three players, yet votes someone outside those three. not only that but he doesn't even expand on his push on those three players at all. a green who has such confidence in a scumpool is most likely gonna focus on narrowing down that scumpool, but Bujaber doesn't push them, he doesn't ask any questions. the way I see it, I don't think Bujaber is trying to gamesolve here, I think he's trying to vote park on Garuga until he can figure out which way the wind is gonna blow

VOTE: Bujaber
When asking why a townplayer won't do something it's also useful to ask why
a scumplayer going to do that?
Don't really think it's AI. Scum seem more consistent in general too.
I don't think anyone's trying to gamesolve right now. You're virtue signaling/a bit LAMIST.
In post 70, Saudade wrote:Wait there's already 3 votes on you god you're popular
VOTE: unvote
Why don't you want a fourth? It's 7 to lynch.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:34 am
by Hopkirk
VOTE: TehBrawlGuy

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:38 am
by BuJaber
In post 78, Hopkirk wrote:VOTE: TehBrawlGuy
Do we have to pay to access the full post?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:46 am
by ByronVilla
In post 64, TehBrawlGuy wrote:
In post 62, Shoshin wrote:No, what Byron did is several steps removed from scumhunting. I directly read a post as town. That's direct scumhunting.
Byron didn't say my post was directly scummy.
He said it was scummy because Screen was town. Byron's scumhunting only makes sense as an associative tell, and yes, associations are uncommon among townies at the beginning of a game. But scum do them all the time, because scum operate from an informed perspective, which means they're always seeing these sorts of associations, regardless of whether they want to.
I guess he'll have to clarify, but I read his as exactly that. Byron, which way did your reads flow? Was it ScreenTown -> ShoScum, or ShoScum -> ScreenTown?
My read was ShoScum -> ScreenTown. I felt like his reaction was very unnatural, and buddying seemed like the explanation that made the most sense in my mind. There is a problem where I have to assume that Screen is town in order for this to work (and I don't have enough of a read on him to make me feel any sort of confidence towards this), as scum wouldn't traditionally make this move onto another scum, so I'm willing to suspend disbelief considering the odds.
Shoshin wrote:
In post 56, TehBrawlGuy wrote:I think it's a pretty false equivalence, what you did vs what Byron did. You called Screen's post Town without any other motivator, whereas he's scumhunting and his best lead assumes Screen is Town, so he's going with it, but his primary motivation isn't to establish Screen as Town.
I called post #20 town because it's a town-tell. The motivation was to get people talking about reads, to move away from RVS, to figure out who the scum are, and to eventually lynch them. And figuring out who the scum are involves figuring out who the town are. My motivation wasn't to buddy Screen. If anything, I did the opposite because I dislike his personality.

Byron's scum because his internal logic doesn't square. He said buddying Screen is scummy,
yet he's buddying up to Screen
. let me put this in more abstract terms. You can't say player X is buddying player Y unless you already know (or believe) that player Y is town. And if you think player Y is town, then you can't fault player X for also thinking player Y is town. But that's what Byron is doing. He's assuming Screen is town for the sake of scumreading me. In a way, he's scumhunting through associative tells, which is scummy at this stage in the game because the scum already know everyone's alignments while the town don't.
Also how am I buddying with Screen? I'll admit I'm assuming he's town for the sake of the theory, but that's all there is to it. I'm not town reading him, I'm just making an assumption that could very well be wrong for the sake of scumreading you. This, more than anything else you've said, has come off super desperate to me, however weirdly enough I'm starting to think you're desperate town more than scum. I'll have to think more into this to decide if I'm actually confident in this read or not, although I'm still learning a bit more towards scum.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:06 am
by Hopkirk
In post 79, BuJaber wrote:
In post 78, Hopkirk wrote:VOTE: TehBrawlGuy
Do we have to pay to access the full post?
I'm hoping we can find some town in the smart sheepers.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:44 am
by Garuga
While we're all accusing each other of buddying, I might as well point a finger at Knuflanto for trying to defend me from someone scumreading me.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:45 am
by Saudade
In post 74, Garuga wrote:
In post 69, Saudade wrote:VOTE: Shoshin
to be honest you might as well give up because I'm on to you scumbum
What makes you think Shoshin might be scum?
read my posts again and check my vote and if you decide to ask that question again ill give you something

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:48 am
by ByronVilla
Also for those that are interested, I have some thoughts on a few others:

Garuga - I feel like he's looking for excuses to not be active in the game, and that's really not the kind of attitude I expect from a town player (See BuJaber's point). However whilst he has tried to find excuses to not be active, he's actually being active and asking people questions, which is something I really like (in fact, 6 of his 9 posts ask a question, 2 in a row make excuses as to not be as active as he was being, and 1 was just RVS). So it kind of balances things out, and leaves me with a neutral read.

TehBrawlGuy - Whilst he has the 2nd highest amount of posts right now, I find it really hard to comment on him. To me it seems like even though he's posting a lot, he's still managing to stay weirdly neutral and I feel like he's not playing that risky, however he has made some good points, so neutral again with him.

BuJaber - I'm really liking the points he's making, and he's doing something other than grabbing some popcorn and watching me and Shoshin go at it, which is much better than I can say about a certain few people in the game. Slight town read onto him.

Mumble, Gustavo, Voyc (Saudude too?) - These have all been very quiet. If they continue to not contribute, I'm going to become very suspect of them. Of course activity isn't necessarily AI, but I personally feel it's super anti-town, so a slight-sus lead on these, and if they still aren't active I'm going to get quite concerned. However I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, as timezones do exist, so they may have not seen this thread since RVS.

Srceenplay - Whilst I really liked him calling out Shoshin, he's done nothing since, and as I stated before I'm not a fan of inactivity. Neutral read, could fall into the above group if he continues inactivity, or could fall into a town read if he plays a lot more active.

I will say, these reads (especially the inactivity ones) are very premature due to how early in the game we are, but I wanted to get my thoughts out. Also if your name wasn't mentioned, I've got nothing more to add to the discussion around you at this time off the top of my head.

A new post: Oh hey Garuga made another post that's looking quite promising, however the excuses earlier on in the day still mean this post doesn't instantly warrant a town read.

Another new post: Oh nice Saudude is posting, I'll have to look into his small posts and see if I can find anything. The name 'scumbum' seems like the only lead as to what he's saying, but idk what that could mean other than scum. Also the fact that he's posting here probably moves him a bit further away from the inactivity camp, but I'm not getting many vibes at all off of him right now.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:49 am
by TwoInAMillion
In post 40, Srceenplay wrote:
In post 25, Shoshin wrote:Screen's probably town because of post #20. Feels town.
VOTE: Shoshin
This doesn't feel fake to me.

VOTE: Srceenplay

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:50 am
by Saudade
In post 84, ByronVilla wrote:
Another new post: Oh nice Saudude is posting, I'll have to look into his small posts and see if I can find anything. The name 'scumbum' seems like the only lead as to what he's saying, but idk what that could mean other than scum. Also the fact that he's posting here probably moves him a bit further away from the inactivity camp, but I'm not getting many vibes at all off of him right now.
are you telling me that the term "scumbum" is alignment indicative mate?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:52 am
by TwoInAMillion
I feel like a read list like Byron's is a little early to have any real meaningful value. I applaud the effort, but I don't think it means much.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:57 am
by ByronVilla
Wait I completely forgot about TwoInAMillion. Big oops, pretend you were with the inactivity lads on that list (however I like seeing you and Saudade post so you're distancing yourself away from them as you speak)

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:07 am
by TwoInAMillion
I don't think not posting the first four pages is the same as being inactive.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:08 am
by Srceenplay
In post 85, TwoInAMillion wrote:
In post 40, Srceenplay wrote:
In post 25, Shoshin wrote:Screen's probably town because of post #20. Feels town.
VOTE: Shoshin
This doesn't feel fake to me.

VOTE: Srceenplay
im going to assume if you were scum buddies you wouldn't have voted me.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:09 am
by Srceenplay
In post 84, ByronVilla wrote:Also for those that are interested, I have some thoughts on a few others:
A paragraph of reads in just 4 pages. Nice. Anyone help you with that?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 am
by Gustavo
Dude the game hasn’t even been open for 24 hours plus a bunch of people decided to post like it’s going out of style. Easy on the inactive comments until 2/3 days have passed.

VOTE: byron

Appears Over eager. Doesn’t feel natural to me. Plus he has an unrealistic expectation of activity

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:11 am
by Srceenplay
i quickly read this morning and defiantly had some 'hmm,thinking" moments ill need to come back to tonight.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:15 am
by ByronVilla
TwoInAMillion wrote:I don't think not posting the first four pages is the same as being inactive.
I mean yeah I wouldn't call you inactive as in 'you're an inactive player', it's more a case of I'm basing my reads on 4 pages worth of mafia, so I had to throw a bunch of people in that group because naturally the game hasn't even been going for a day yet.
Srceenplay wrote:
In post 84, ByronVilla wrote:Also for those that are interested, I have some thoughts on a few others:
A paragraph of reads in just 4 pages. Nice. Anyone help you with that?
Well yeah a lot of this is me agreeing with some people, but I wanted to get my stance out there and this seemed like the easiest way to do it.
Gustavo wrote:Dude the game hasn’t even been open for 24 hours plus a bunch of people decided to post like it’s going out of style. Easy on the inactive comments until 2/3 days have passed.

VOTE: byron

Appears Over eager. Doesn’t feel natural to me. Plus he has an unrealistic expectation of activity
See what I stated above, I'm not expecting you to have posted until now, but it's more of a warning to say that if you continue to not say anything for another few days I'm gonna be super sus.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:16 am
by TwoInAMillion
In post 90, Srceenplay wrote:
In post 85, TwoInAMillion wrote:
In post 40, Srceenplay wrote:
In post 25, Shoshin wrote:Screen's probably town because of post #20. Feels town.
VOTE: Shoshin
This doesn't feel fake to me.

VOTE: Srceenplay
im going to assume if you were scum buddies you wouldn't have voted me.
Who do you think is scum?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:19 am
by Gustavo
In post 94, ByronVilla wrote:See what I stated above, I'm not expecting you to have posted until now, but it's more of a warning to say that if you continue to not say anything for another few days I'm gonna be super sus.
Challenge accepted.

See ya Monday.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:28 am
by Srceenplay
In post 95, TwoInAMillion wrote:Who do you think is scum?
Check my vote.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:29 am
by Garuga
In post 92, Gustavo wrote:Dude the game hasn’t even been open for 24 hours plus a bunch of people decided to post like it’s going out of style. Easy on the inactive comments until 2/3 days have passed.

VOTE: byron

Appears Over eager. Doesn’t feel natural to me. Plus he has an unrealistic expectation of activity
But what if posting is actually going out of style?

I think Byron's readlist, at the very least, shows effort in trying to form reads on people. I do think that people are hypersensitive at the prospect of letting me become a lurker, but the criticism levelled against me has some merit IMO.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:36 am
by ByronVilla
In post 96, Gustavo wrote:
In post 94, ByronVilla wrote:See what I stated above, I'm not expecting you to have posted until now, but it's more of a warning to say that if you continue to not say anything for another few days I'm gonna be super sus.
Challenge accepted.

See ya Monday.
Ok if you're actually just gonna avoid participating in the game for 4 days for no good reason other than to spite some guy who thinks not posting for that length of time is inactive, then that's just either plain scummy or plain childish. Idk if you're gonna go through with it but if you're going to just act like that, which is going to help the town in absolutely no way at all, then you're a lot more deserving of my vote than anyone else.

VOTE: Gustavo