Page 4 of 15

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:57 pm
by Cheetory6

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:07 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
hey you can't just take the pagetop like that

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:18 pm
by Cheetory6

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:26 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
i have been played by my own avatar

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:28 pm
by GeorgeBailey
You've been jumbled by your own numbers

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:29 pm
by Cheetory6

- My friend Alicia
Cheery Dog
- DeathRowKitty
- Adam Savage
- Tom Scott
- Your mum
- Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
- My parents.
- I don't know
- Myself, as someone who to not be

- Tim McIlrath.
- Shadoweh
- My best friend
- GeorgeBailey
- Zitkála-Šá
- Jon Stewart

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:42 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
Hey I wonder if GeorgeBailey chose himself

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:33 pm
by Nexus
The Elvis Cole novels are decent!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:30 pm
by GeorgeBailey
In post 81, NotAJumbleOfNumbers wrote:Hey I wonder if GeorgeBailey chose himself
I would never

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:45 pm
by Nahdia
i'm being framed.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:30 pm
by Cheery Dog

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:44 pm
by Errantparabola
i simply precogged that someone would submit george bailey as their answer thus making my own answer redundant

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:08 am
by Cheetory6
this is me bumping the thread you can't stop me don't even try to

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:13 am
by SleepyKrew
knew I was forgetting something keely-related

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:55 pm
by Cheetory6

Nahdia's Results
Spoiler: Nahdia's Guesses
Ariel - My best friend
Cheery Dog - Tim McIlrath
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - My parents
Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be
lilith2013 - My friend Alicia
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Shadoweh
Nahdia - Zitkála-Šá

Equinox - Adam Savage
GeorgeBailey - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Your mum
Menalque - Tom Scott
McMenno - I don't know

Nexus - Jon Stewart

lalaladucks, McMenno

N's Results
Spoiler: N's Guesses
Not_Mafia - Your mum

Nexus - Tom Scott
Ariel - Shadoweh

McMenno - My parents
Cheery Dog - I don't know
Cheetory6 - GeorgeBailey
GeorgeBailey - Tim McIlrath
Nahdia - DeathRowKitty
lalaladucks - My friend Alicia
Menalque - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais

Equinox - Myself, as someone who to not be

SleepyKrew - Jon Stewart

NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Adam Savage
VashtaNeurotic - Zitkála-Šá
lilith2013 - My best friend

Not_Mafia, Ariel, Equinox, SleepyKrew, Menalque, lilith2013

VashtaNeurotic's Results
Spoiler: VashtaNeurotic's Guesses
Ariel - I don't know
Cheery Dog- GeorgeBailey
lalaladucks - My friend Alicia
Not_Mafia - DeathRowKitty
Cheetory6 - Jon Stewart
lilith2013 - My parents.
SleepyKrew - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
VashtaNeurotic - Adam Savage
Nahdia - Shadoweh
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
GeorgeBailey - Tom Scott
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Myself, as someone who to not be
Menalque - Tim McIlrath.
McMenno - Your mum
Nexus - My best friend


Cheery Dog's Results
Spoiler: Cheery Dog's Guesses
Ariel - DeathRowKitty
Cheery Dog - My parents.

lalaladucks - Shadoweh
Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be
lilith2013 - Zitkála-Šá
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Jon Stewart
Nahdia - My friend Alicia
Equinox - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
GeorgeBailey - Adam Savage
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My best friend
Menalque - Tom Scott
McMenno - I don't know

Nexus - Tim McIlrath.

Not_Mafia, McMenno, Nexus

lilith2013's Results
Spoiler: lilith2013 Guesses
Ariel - My friend Alicia
Cheery Dog - Shadoweh
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be
lilith2013 - My best friend
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Adam Savage

Nahdia - Jon Stewart
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
GeorgeBailey - I don't know
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
Menalque - Tom Scott
McMenno - Tim McIlrath.
Nexus - My parents.

lalaladucks, Not_Mafia, VashtaNeurotic

Ariel's Results
Spoiler: Ariel's Guesses
Ariel - Shadoweh

Cheery Dog - I don't know
Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be :'D
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
GeorgeBailey - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

lilith2013 - My friend Alicia
Menalque - My best friend
McMenno - Tom Scott
Nahdia- Tim McIlrath.
Nexus - Jon Stewart
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My parents.
Not_Mafia - Your mum

SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Adam Savage

lalaladucks, Not_Mafia, VashtaNeurotic

Nexus's Results
Spoiler: Nexus's Guesses
Ariel - DeathRowKitty
Cheery Dog - Your mum
lalaladucks - My friend Alicia
Not_Mafia - Tom Scott
Cheetory6 - Adam Savage
lilith2013 - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey.
VashtaNeurotic - I don't know
Nahdia - Myself, as someone who to not be
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
GeorgeBailey - My parents
NotAJumbleOfNumbers -
Menalque - My best friend
McMenno - Shadoweh
Nexus - Tim McIlrath.
Jon Stewart


Not_Mafia's Results
Spoiler: Not_Mafia's Guesses
Ariel Myself, as someone who to not be
Cheery Dog I don't know
lalaladucks Adam Savage
Not_Mafia Your mum

Cheetory6 My parents.
lilith2013 My friend Alicia
SleepyKrew DeathRowKitty
VashtaNeurotic Zitkála-Šá
Nahdia My best friend
Equinox Tim McIlrath.
GeorgeBailey GeorgeBailey

NotAJumbleOfNumbers Jon Stewart
Menalque Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais

McMenno Shadoweh
Nexus Tom Scott

GeorgeBailey, Menalque

lalaladucks' Results
Spoiler: lalaladucks' Guesses
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be :'D
GeorgeBailey - GeorgeBailey

SleepyKrew - Shadoweh
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
Cheery Dog - I don't know
Nahdia - Tim McIlrath.
Nexus - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
Ariel - My friend Alicia
lilith2013 - My best friend

McMenno - Tom Scott
VashtaNeurotic - Jon Stewart
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My parents.
Menalque - Adam Savage

Not_Mafia, GeorgeBailey, lilith2013

Equinox's Results
Spoiler: Equinox's Guesses
Ariel - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
Cheery Dog - Tom Scott
Cheetory6 - Adam Savage
Equinox - Myself, as someone who to not be :'D

GeorgeBailey - Zitkála-Šá
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

lilith2013 - Tim McIlrath.
McMenno - I don't know

Menalque - My best friend
Nahdia - My friend Alicia
Nexus - Jon Stewart
Not_Mafia - Your mum

NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My parents.
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Shadoweh

lalaladucks, McMenno, Not_Mafia

McMenno's Results
Spoiler: McMenno's Guesses
Ariel - Shadoweh

Cheery Dog - Adam Savage.
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Tom Scott
lilith2013 - Jon Stewart
SleepyKrew - GeorgeBailey
VashtaNeurotic - Tim McIlrath.
Nahdia - Zitkála-Šá

Equinox - Myself, as someone who to not be

GeorgeBailey - My friend Alicia
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My best friend
Menalque - My parents
McMenno - I don't know

Nexus - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais

Ariel, lalaladucks, Not_Mafia, Nahdia, Equinox

GeorgeBailey's Results
Spoiler: GeorgeBailey's Guesses
Ariel - My parents.
Cheery Dog - Tim McIlrath.
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
lilith2013 - Jon Stewart
SleepyKrew - I don't know
VashtaNeurotic - Shadoweh
Nahdia - My friend Alicia
Equinox - Zitkála-Šá
GeorgeBailey -
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Myself, as someone who to not be
Menalque - Adam Savage
McMenno - My best friend
Nexus - Tom Scott

lalaladucks, Not_Mafia

SleepyKrew's Results
Spoiler: SleepyKrew's Guesses
Ariel - My friend Alicia
Cheery Dog - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty

Not_Mafia - Your mum

Cheetory6 - Myself, as someone who to not be
lilith2013 - GeorgeBailey
SleepyKrew - Jon Stewart

VashtaNeurotic - Shadoweh
Nahdia - Zitkála-Šá

Equinox - My best friend
GeorgeBailey - Adam Savage
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - My parents.
Menalque - Tim McIlrath.
McMenno - I don't know

Nexus - Tom Scott

lalaladucks, Not_mafia, Nahdia, McMenno

FUN FACTS-N wins with an impressive six correct guesses! Followed closely by McMenno with 5
-GeorgeBailey is audacious in a way I did not think was humanly possible and the results speak for themselves folks
-I managed to hardcurveball this round, thanks to Equinox submitting something that seemed plausibly sent in by me! Yay!

I probably got everything wrong again so just let me know all of the things I got wrong and I'll fix em ASAP!

Spoiler: Original Submissions
Nexus - Tim McIlrath.
Cheetory6 - My friend Alicia
Nahdia - Zitkála-Šá
SleepyKrew - Jon Stewart
Menalque - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
lilith2013 - My best friend
VashtaNeurotic - Adam Savage
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Tom Scott
Cheery Dog - My parents.
Equinox - Myself, as someone who to not be
Not_Mafia - Your mum
McMenno - I don't know
lalaladucks - DeathRowKitty
GeorgeBailey - GeorgeBailey
Ariel - Shadoweh

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:58 pm
by Cheetory6
Round 20: Odorable

What are up to three of your favourite smells?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:59 pm
by Cheetory6
Also if anyone wants PM notifications for when answers are up, lmk and I can add you to a list!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:00 pm
by Nahdia
guess i framed Equinox, lmao

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:21 pm
by lalaladucks
i had skrew with jon stewart initially then later figured he's probably the most likely to pick shadoweh
googled adam savage.....shit's fucking cursed. jesus eff
:'D is big keely vibes. hope i'm correct
nahdia - straightedge peta musician. veganism. yeah that checks out
feel like the tom scott choice for menno doesn't fit but ueguu4regurhguhg already done it now whatevzszz

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:22 pm
by lalaladucks
i'm assuming vashta didn't know about the allegations

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:27 pm
by lalaladucks
In post 89, Cheetory6 wrote:
N's Results
Spoiler: N's Guesses
Not_Mafia - Your mum

Nexus - Tom Scott
Ariel - Shadoweh

McMenno - My parents
Cheery Dog - I don't know
Cheetory6 - GeorgeBailey
GeorgeBailey - Tim McIlrath
Nahdia - DeathRowKitty
lalaladucks - My friend Alicia
Menalque - Elvis Cole from the Elvis Cole series written by Robert Crais
Equinox - Myself, as someone who to not be

SleepyKrew - Jon Stewart

NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Adam Savage

VashtaNeurotic - Zitkála-Šá
lilith2013 - My best friend

Not_Mafia, Ariel, Equinox, SleepyKrew, NotAJumbleOfNumbers, lilith2013
N got a point for matching jumble to adam savage which is not correct
however the menalque match is correct and not counted

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:30 pm
by lalaladucks
i was almost the most easily guessed (7/13), if it weren't for notmaf's obvious answer (9/13)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:30 pm
by lilith2013
In post 93, lalaladucks wrote:notes:
i had skrew with jon stewart initially then later figured he's probably the most likely to pick shadoweh
I also had skrew with jon stewart but thought he was also the most likely person to send in GeorgeBailey so switched it at the last second:(

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:31 pm
by SleepyKrew
I am no memer >:(

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:33 pm
by Cheetory6
In post 95, lalaladucks wrote:N got a point for matching jumble to adam savage which is not correct
however the menalque match is correct and not counted
hell yeah I did it by accident!!!!!