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Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:14 pm
by Mist7676

this really couldn't have been 7.676...?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:18 pm
by Noraa
its ok you just need to unscramble the numbers

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:35 pm
by Cheery Dog
I think I'm going to be very distracted by Frog=Dog

I suppose they also equal Margot Tenenbaum, but it doesn't quite work the same.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:45 am
by Malkon05
Chapter 10: Why Couldn’t I Have Had This OP Character Three Chapters Ago?!

CaptainMeme: And welcome back everyone! We are getting close to the end of this game, I can feel it. I’m getting the “we only have a couple chapters left” vibes. I’ve max leveled the units I actually give a crap about and there’s only one or two more units I’ll try to get. The unit last chapter I’m just going to have to scrap, I don’t have time for their weak sauce levels.

Malkon: …weak sauce. Really?

CaptainMeme: It’s true though, why not use a term if it’s true?

Malkon: Right. Anyways yes, you only have a couple chapters left in this game. So let’s get to them. In this chapter, you have to take out as many enemies as possible. Shouldn’t be too hard for a master like you right?

CaptainMeme: You bet. I’ll just attack a few of these guys and…err…

*all units die within a few turns*

Malkon: Impressive.

CaptainMeme: Shut up.

Malkon: Perhaps instead of attacking the clearly OP units in front of you, you make a diversion for that little place over there. *points to a small fort in the corner*

CaptainMeme: Why would I do that? Like what actually and instinctively makes me want to go there?

Malkon: Well I mean other than it being an obvious giant building that looks like it might have treasure in it?

CaptainMeme: But I want to mess things up for these mean blokes!

Malkon: Just…trust me on this one. It’s very much worth your time.

CaptainMeme: I swear to god if you are punking me…

Malkon: Guess you’ll have to find out.

CaptainMeme: *grumbles a bit and then goes to the place* Okay I’m here now what? I-

*a cutscene plays and at the end a small female with dragon wings is recruited*

CaptainMeme: Who is this? She looks like a every anime non human trope.

Malkon: I’m going to just ignore that and say, give her a spin.

CaptainMeme: Who her?! Against actual fucking tanks of units? You’re crazy.

Malkon: I mean I didn’t lead you astray earlier. Might as well keep trusting me if you want to. Or not, it seems to work out for you very well. *rolls eyes*

CaptainMeme: *Grumbles and does what Malkon says* I still think this is a ba-

*girl transforms into a fucking dragon and begins to just slay unit after unit*

CaptainMeme: *eyes bulge* what in the world is this?! You didn’t tell me she was a god damn dragon that is OP! Why would a game wait this long to give me a character like this?!

Malkon: Well you know since you couldn’t do it on your own, the game decided to throw you a little bone.

CaptainMeme: This is awesome! I only want to use this. Though I could have used her like 3 chapters ago!

*uses the new character to literally wipe the map of all enemies in a matter of turns*

CaptainMeme: Hahaha! I am all powerful! Fear me I’m a god damn dragon lady!

Malkon: If I had a nickel for every time you said that.

CaptainMeme: You’d only have one nickel.

Malkon: Are you sure about that?

*both of them glare at each other as the next chapter boots up*

Malkon: Let’s cut to commercial.

CaptainMeme: Yes. Let’s.

Spoiler: #10-#4







Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:14 am
by BipolarChemist

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:58 am
by Shadoweh
i don't uNDERSTAND

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:44 am
by Noraa
my standard deviation always crazy high @_@

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:12 pm
by DeasVail
Madame D went unexpectedly deep

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:00 am
by CaptainMeme
Chapter 11: In Other News We Met Satan

CaptainMeme: This is it folks! The final chapter. Everything I have done up until this point determines whether I win this chapter or fail hardcore.

Malkon: *shrugs* It really could go either way with this one. I have no idea whether you’ve done enough to survive or not. But whether or not you are, it’s time to face, the demon king!

CaptainMeme: El Diablo.

Malkon: Satan.

CaptainMeme: Hades.

Malkon: …No. That’s…not…whatever. In any case, the game has dubbed this dude the Demon King. He’s the one you have been trying to thwart, and once we beat him, we can activate the Fire Emblem to seal him away and save the world.

CaptainMeme: Okay so like if there are demons in this world, aren’t there supposed to be like I don’t know angels or some biblical shit?

Malkon: Well think of the dragons as sort of a revered race and the girl you recruited is the last of her kind. So she’s sort of the angel for the party?

CaptainMeme: Well…I guess they do both have wings. Good enough I suppose. Let’s get on with it.

*A few units die trying to defeat old demon versions of bosses they’ve killed along the way*

CaptainMeme: This is some depressing shit. Like who reanimates dead people and makes them fight you again?

Malkon: I mean you are fighting the Demon King after all, anything is possible.

CaptainMeme: That’s such a Jeff Probst thing to say.

Malkon: Who the fuck is Jeff Probst?

CaptainMeme: That Survivor guy in the states?

Malkon: You still watch Survivor? Pffffft.

CaptainMeme: You still play weeb games? Pfffft.

Malkon: And what is it exactly that you think you are doing right now?

CaptainMeme: Getting viewers and making money.

Malkon: Well, based on our traffic one of those things is definitely happening.

CaptainMeme: You bet! Okay back to the game, so I’ve loaded up all the units with the best weapons and items, a few have gone but I’ve managed to keep the majority alive and-

*The Demon King appears and wipes out several units as if it were nothing*

CaptainMeme: Oh…oh shit.

Malkon: The hardest boss in the game. There’s an attack pattern cycle that you have to figure out how to navigate. But you seem to be doing so well so far that you can just figure it out. *smirks*

CaptainMeme: Oh gee, thanks, you good for nothing yankee. *plays a bit losing a few more units until finally he seems to get a hold of things, but only has 3 units remaining* Okay I’ve got this, however I have to pray one of these three units gets a critical hit, or triple damage-

Malkon: You’ve played this long and haven’t bothered to tell everyone what the hell a critical hit is?

CaptainMeme: Busy with other things. It’s your job to deal with the public.

Malkon: Okay well, CaptainMeme is in a precarious situation. He only has 3 units left and seems to have figured out the pattern, however…

CaptainMeme: *scowls as one of the units has perished*

Malkon: It’s getting dicey folks. He needs to land both of the next two hits and only if one is critical will he win the game. If he doesn’t…well the worst that can happen is he goes back to playing the chapter over. Either way it’s kind of exciting I guess.

CaptainMeme: *Gets a hit with the first character, but the die from the blowback*

Malkon: One…last…hit…

CaptainMeme: *closes eyes and forces the power of love and anime into this attack and sends the final unit in to deal the deathblow*

*the unit takes their blade and draws it back as the screen then begins to wig out a bit as their critical animation begins*


*the critical damage is enough to kill the boss as it cries out and fades. The Fire Emblem appears and seals away the Demon King as all the downed units come back to life and leave as a final cut scene and then credits play*

Malkon: Nicely done. Thanks to the power of RNG, you did it!

CaptainMeme: Thank god, now I can get back to real games like Minecraft… *tries and sighs* except once again the bloody queues are backed up.

Malkon: So what next then?

CaptainMeme: *glares* …okay fine we can do more weeb game shit.

Malkon: *grins* that’s what I like to hear. This game has a sequel. Let’s boot er up next time. Until then, I’m The_Marvelous_Mr_Malkon.

CaptainMeme: And I’m xX_n00bs1ay3r_Xx.

*A loud crash is heard*


All: And to all of the viewers we appreciate you taking the time to watch and pay attention to this Let’s Play. We hope you enjoy yourselves on our channel for many years to come!

Spoiler: #3-#1



Spoiler: Final Note From Malkon
This was written by Malkon, so it’s going to sound awkward, but congratulations to all of the characters this year, this was a lot of fun. Congratulations to Eagle for becoming the highest rated character of all time on Mish Mash by quite a margin! I doubt this record gets topped any time soon because it was such an epic character and you were incredible. To Edelgard and Lorenz, congrats, I had a lot of fun playing this game alongside you and it’s so easy to see why you two made the top 3. I had so much fun writing this and so much fun being a part of Mish Mash this year to experience all of this <3 Thanks for the memories and here’s to 2022. You all have some large character shoes to fill this year!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:42 am
by CaptainMeme
Full list is updated over on the Character Poll Placings tab of the Anonymous Character Database! ... WM9iezps0/

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:06 pm
by Noraa
Congrats meme!!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 5:14 pm
by flow trap
In post 69, ambic wrote:Pixelated Dimitri! Have a mango my friend.
Thanks :D