Page 31 of 81

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:15 pm
by Mariyta
Mist is either scum, or puts shotty to shame as VI.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:16 pm
by ribwich
And now mist isn't even viewing this forum. Time's up.

Vote: mist

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:17 pm
by Mist7676
I get to pick a member but not who so I cant get mafia.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:18 pm
by DemonHybrid
Mist7676 wrote:I get to pick a member but not who so I cant get mafia.
This isn't even a coherent sentence.

If you are town, so help me god.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:20 pm
by ribwich
Nobody would give a cop the ability to confirm an innocent each night in addition to their investigative power. Learn to fakeclaim better next time.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:24 pm
by CallMeLiam
Vote Count 19

DarlaBlueEyes - 1 -
hiraki - 5 -
Benmage, Wraith, Mist7676, Deer, diddin
KageLord - 2 -
Tragedy, Steven Hacking
Mist7676 - 13 -
hiraki, SensFan, jasonT1981, The Fonz, sottyrulez, DarlaBlueEyes, LlamaFluff, KageLord, DemonHybrid, Nero Cain, Mariyta, boberz, ribwich
Tragedy -1 -
Sleepless Assassin
tvellalott - 1 -
Wraith - 1 -

Not Voting - 0 -

You all decide to hang up Mist7676. After she squirms for the last time, you check her pockets only to find a Duff Beer and some donut crumbs.


Mist7676, Homer Simpson (Springfieldian Cop/Family Man) was lynched Day One

It is now Night One. Do Not Post.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:24 pm
by Mist7676
See I told you (learn to fakeclaim better) BAH!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:25 pm
by CallMeLiam
I can't lock the thread right now, until I do please don't do posting.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:24 am
by Scott Brosius
Night 1 will end in 24 hours from this post.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:30 am
by Tragedy
Minor alteration to day's endpost limited flavor.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:29 am
by Scott Brosius
Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such educational films as "Two Minus Three Equals Negative Fun" and "Firecrackers: The Silent Killer". In this educational film, we will talk about the dangers of drinking! Some individuals take it too far! Let's kick this fat gentleman who is sleeping in the gutter. Sir, why do you drink so much. Sir can you hear me? Oh dear, he's got a bullet through his head! Well I'm sure he didn't feel anything thanks to the alcohol. Maybe too much drinking is a good thing after all!

Deer, Barney Gumble (Springfield Townie) shot Night 1!


Day 2 Begins!

Vote Count 2-1

Nero Cain(0)-
Sleepless Assassin(0)-
Steven Hacking(0)-
The Fonz(0)-

Not Voting(22)-Benmage, boberz, DarlaBlueEyes, DemonHybrid, diddin, hiraki, jasonT1981, KageLord, LlamaFluff, Lowell, Mariyta, Nachomamma8, Nero Cain, ribwich, SensFan, Sleepless Assassin, sottyrulez, Steven Hacking, The Fonz, Tragedy, tvellalott, Wraith,

With 22 alive, it's 12 to lynch. Deadline is February 19th at 1pm (EST)

tvellalot has 24 hours to respond or he will be replaced.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:53 am
by Hiraki
Well. That confirms one thing.

We're all idiots.

Vote: Diddin

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:56 am
by Mariyta
How are we idiots? Her play was absolute shite.

VOTE: Hiraki This should have been done yesterday.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:07 am
by Nachomamma8
Vote: Benmage

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:07 am
by SensFan
Hiraki wrote:Well. That confirms one thing.

We're all idiots.

Vote: Diddin
Two things:

First of all, why does it make us all idiots?
Secondly, why the vote on diddin out of the blue? I don't think he ever had two or more votes at any point yesterday; what makes him stick out to you now?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:14 am
by Steven Hacking
Vote: Jason

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:15 am
by Hiraki
Mariyta wrote:How are we idiots? Her play was absolute shite.

VOTE: Hiraki This should have been done yesterday.
The Homer Simpson and Cop thing. I mean it wasn't a convincing factor to vote, but it certainly wasn't a horrible idea to vote.
SensFan wrote:Secondly, why the vote on diddin out of the blue? I don't think he ever had two or more votes at any point yesterday; what makes him stick out to you now?
He was next on the list to die.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:20 am
by SensFan
So the Day is less than two hours old, and we already have two people posting nothing but a vote? Not helpful, guys.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:29 am
by Hiraki
For assuming it's not helpful, I'm annoyed.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:43 am
by Wraith
Fucking Cassandra, right here folks. I would spell out my exact reasoning why I knew Mist was town, but that would be beating a dead horse.

So let's move on, and lynch the scum.

Vote: Hiraki

At this point it should be INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS that this guy is scum. And I guarantee a lot of scum were among those who started and pushed the immensely retarded Mist lynch.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:47 am
by SensFan
Vote: Wraith

I think you're being pretty opportunistic here.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:47 am
by Mariyta
Hiraki wrote:For assuming it's not helpful, I'm annoyed.
For your complete lack of any sort of effort this entire freaking game, I'm annoyed.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:52 am
by LlamaFluff
I would be happy with quite a few lynches at this point... kage, tvell, SA... then another half dozen that arent great but I would love to see get some rope.

Vote SA

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:01 am
by Wraith
SensFan wrote:
Vote: Wraith

I think you're being pretty opportunistic here.

Opportunistic? Let's look at your play during the latter half of D1.
Are there 12 other people willing to just wagon mist in the next 6 dayss?
This will come in handy later.
I just checked the Queue thread, and I'm not buying this dumb act. The Mod told him he couldn't replace in unless he was an alt.
We now know that it was indeed a dumb act (which I totally called after MIST OUTRIGHT TOLD US SHE WAS TROLLING)
Unvote; Vote: Mist. May as well put my money where my mouth is.

As we get closer to deadline, I will be moving my vote onto to any wagon to ensure a lynch.
First of all, the Mist lynch was stupid anyways. The first quote I put here is you setting up a mislynch wagon, and only when you got support from a lot of people THEN did you put up your vote. Then let's look at the second line of this post. "Any wagon goes as long as we lynch someone." Really? And you call me opportunistic?
SensFan wrote:
Wraith wrote:Get a fucking grip people. Mist is a trolling VI, and she's attracting your votes on purpose. So fucking ignore her.
Sounds like a wonderful fucking strategy to end up with Mist alive in LyLo.
There's yours truly, the great Prophet of Impending Stupidity. I was pushing for Hiraki's lynch pretty much ALL OF DAY ONE and didn't believe the shit about Mist for a minute (maybe a second). And my vote on Hiraki D2 is
? Also, this will come in handy later.
Speaking of relations, if Mist was Town, Scum would be bending over backwards to do everything in their power to fire off a nice mislynch. That's not happening.
Only, it was happening, and it did happen. "Oh how 'was it happening' oh great Prophet Wraith?" Good question, non-existent person. Let's recall three quotes from SensFan: the "Can we get 12 people to lynch Mist within the week?" quote, the "Mist is totally not a troll even though she said she was a troll" quote, and the "Logic that we should kill obvtown player D1 instead of obvscum player instead of just vigging the dangerous VI, which is standard procedure in most games" quote.

Also this:
Are you implying you know that the VI isn't Scum?
And this:
Yeah, no. Not going to unvote a few days before the D1 deadline because of a "Homer, Cop" claim.
On the plus side, if the Scum aren't already bussing Mist, they're going to be pushing each other out of the way to throw her way under the bus now.
This too
rib, stop stalling the hammer.
More of this
Stop. Stalling. Now.
Lastly, let's look at who was opportunistic Day One:
hiraki - 5 - Benmage, Wraith, Mist7676, Deer, diddin
Look where I am! Not on the stupid wagon that kill an obvtown VI cop. Also on the guy I just voted, a vote which was called "opportunistic."
Mist7676 - 13 -
hiraki, SensFan
, jasonT1981, The Fonz, sottyrulez, DarlaBlueEyes, LlamaFluff, KageLord, DemonHybrid, Nero Cain, Mariyta, boberz, ribwich
Look who's here! Hiraki, who was the top wagon until Mist came along, and my personal top suspect since forever. Also SensFan, who said MY vote on Hiraki today was "opportunistic."

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the second scumbuddy!

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:08 am
by SensFan
Congrats, buddy. You managed to catch not one, but
scum out of the blue by the first two hours or so of Day Two. You must really be in the top two percent of players on this site to have such amazing scumcatching skills!

In your defense, you're absolutely right. There's no possible other motive for me to lead a lynch on Mist other than to protect my scumbuddy Hiraki. It couldn't have been that Mist was one of the two biggest VIs I've ever seen. It couldn't have been that she was admitting to not playing the game. It couldn't have been that her claim was the most unbelievable claim I've ever seen, claiming two very strong abilities.