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Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:08 pm
by Feysal
Oh my. I did not see that claim coming. I'm naturally inclined to believe it, and others appear to believe it too, so we need to settle on a different lynch. There is less than a day left until deadline.

I can see Lord Hur's argument that so many people being willing to lynch Reya is troubling, and could indicate a mislynch about to happen. I'm not entirely convinced by it though, since until his claim Lord Hur was clearly the default lynch today, and mafia could have used the opportunity to distance to Reya, believing it would not develop into an actual lynch.

At this stage Reya is a definite detriment to the town. He said he would make up his mind about Lord Hur today, and despite checking in he has not posted. At this rate I worry if we're even going to get a claim from him before deadline is upon us. If being the main wagon with deadline around the corner can't get him to play, I don't know what will. I'm willing to vote him for this reason, since he refuses to replace out and does not participate in the game, and the prospects of the situation improving should we leave him alive look remote.

That said, I do have more confidence in my vote on imaginality. If others do not agree, I will switch to avoid a no lynch.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:14 pm
by jilynne1991
So, I take it that you will switch to Reya Cookiebringer?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:20 pm
by inHimshallibe
Come, gents. Let us rid ourselves of this burden and carry on the game in a fresher state of mind on the morrow.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:05 pm
by AurorusVox
Cast my ballot upon that most unfavourable rogue (Vote): Reya

*grumble mumble grumble*

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:09 pm
by jilynne1991
Applauds at the above post.

Sorry, but right now, I honestly don't care whether Reya's scum or not. She's done absolutely nothing helpful. Lord_hur, I'm having doubts about, so I'd rather not have him dead just yet.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:40 pm
by lord_hur
For the record : AurorusVox is scum with imaginality, because of his asking why I would be giving special treatment to Reya Cookiebringer, while avoiding to speak about the other heavy lurker, who is none other than imaginality.

My bet is on inHimshallibe as 3rd scum.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:21 pm
by Feysal
jilynne1991 [url=]#751[/url] wrote:So, I take it that you will switch to Reya Cookiebringer?

Yes. Not yet though, the odds of Reya showing up in the few remaining hours are low, but it is still a chance. Post #729 was frustratingly vague about when exactly the night begins, but there should be at least four hours left. If we've heard neither from Reya or the moderator by then, I intend to hammer when those four hours are up.

@Moderator: Might I request for a more accurate estimate as to how many hours remain of this day phase?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:59 pm
by Hoppster

Believable claim. Good breadcrumb.

Feysal's scooting around the Reya hammer is worrying me. He is lending his moral support yet I get the impression he is also distancing himself from the wagon by not hammering immediately to instead push a wagon at L-4.

Not willing to go for an imaginality lynch today. Although his prescence today has been... rather absent, I do distinctly remember having a town-read on him Day 1. I rather doubt we have time for claims and post-claim shenanigans as well.

As such:

VOTE: Reya

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:33 am
by AurorusVox
lord_hur; investigate me if you wish. If you should survive the night, you will either have to clear me as a gentleman or reveal yourself as a most contemptible liar.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:12 am
by vezokpiraka
I wanted to hammer. :(

vote reya

Why did the deadline make us lynch someone we didn't want?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:34 am
by Feysal
@Hoppster: I realize it is too late for an alternative wagon by now, and there is not enough time to discuss anything Reya might say, but anything he did say could be useful tomorrow. What I hoped to gain from delaying the hammer was get him to talk.

Not that it matters now. Reya either gets here before the moderator and posts, or not.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:12 am
by AurorusVox
Also, lord_hur. Your most recent post makes little sense. How could I ask you why you were giving Imaginality a free-pass for lurking, when you
giving him a free pass for lurking?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:31 am
by Wraith
Votecount 2.6

Reya Cookiebringer
Sir Hoppster
, imaginality, jilynne1991, ToastyToast, AurorusVox, PhD, Sir Hoppster, vezokpiraka

Sir Hoppster
Aurorus Vox, PhD
Sir Hoppster
Sir Hoppster

Sir Hoppster


lord_hur, Feysal

Not Voting
Reya Cookiebringer

With 10 alive it takes
to lynch the knave.

Ah, it appears that you all have singled out your good fellow Reya, who has been lurking, mute, in the corner throughout the day, plotting your gruesome deaths, no doubt. Guards, please 'eject' Miss Cookiebringer from the property.

Oh dear. I have just received a rather angry correspondence from Sir Reyus Cookiebringer. It appears we were, erm, mistaken - his daughter was no villain, but a patsy of murderers most cunning. Alas, the sun sets. It appears that we must all turn in and wait for morning. I hope I shall she all of your faces alive and well come daybreak.

Reya Cookiebringer,
Most Proper But Unspectacular Man of Class,
was lynched Day 2

Night 2
has commensed. Please forward appropriate night actions by
May 10, 2011

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:35 am
by Wraith
Day Three

It is now morning, fair and righteous guests! Arise and see the sunrise together in the main hall, in order for the staff and myself to account for every guest quickly and efficiently.

Oh dear. I see only eight faces here today. Sir Hoppster...ToastyToast...Feysal...who
we missing?

Oh I expected after his announcement late yesterday evening,
will not be joining us today. He has been smothered in his sleep! Such villainy can no longer be tolerated at this establishment!

Gentlemen Skilled in the Application of the Scientific Investigative Method Additionally Enthralled by the Writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Murdered Most Foully Night 2

In the vernacular, I do believe this occupation is referred as
Flavor Cop
. Alas, we grieve for our fallen friend, but remember, we must maintain that stiff upper lip and strength of will! Find the rapscallions this day!

With 8 alive it takes
to lynch. Deadline is in three weeks on
July 1, 2011

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:01 am
by vezokpiraka

vote imaginality

If even this guy is not scum I am lost.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:16 am
by AurorusVox
._." Goodness gracious...

lord_hur...if you did indeed investigate me last night, you should know how awful I'm feeling right now. At least you have maintained your town-lynch record

Time to analyse your carriage. Surely there were scum encouraging me to pursue your death fully, whilst maintaining a quiet attitude themselves. These rapscallions will be weeded out!

Farmer Vezok

Cleared of all wrongdoing a'la lord_hur's lack of incrimination.

Baron Feysal

Labouring under the False Pretence of a Holy Gentleman at Arms or Truly Concerned and Gentlemanly Citizen? I am finding Feysal hard to read, because he appears so clearly gentlemanly that I am harbouring suspicions. Point of reference is Wickedestjr in SAIII, whom I protected from death two nights in a row, despite him being a terrible knave - and I slowly began to doubt his credentials as the match of wits continued until my own untimely demise. I am gaining similar feelings here. Okay, scratch that, Feysal gives off major gentleman tells for voting Imaginality here; as scum, he could simply attach himself to the Reya wagon.

Sir Hoppster

I still read this slot as heavily town. His attention shift to Vezok when lord_hur is at L-1 is a towntell. His attempt to divert the wagon onto Reya yesterday prior to a claim from lord_hur also scores him a plethora of gentlemanly accolades. Having a history of voting lord_hur would have allowed him to leave his vote in place and secure a claim, in my humble opinion.

The Right and Honourable ToastyToast

He maintains support for the carriage during the walled battle of wits; seems to ride it as an easy carriage, I do not see much from him that sticks out greatly over the course of the day. He does ask for a claim early (i.e. before a gentleman had declared an intention of taking up a labourers tool and applying it to lord_hur), and does so in a half-hearted fashion; still harps on about the TS stuff from there not anything better to discuss about Hoppster by this point? Thing is I liked his points against lord_hur wrt to me; though he then goes on to say he'll look at me more today, despite contributing on my side throughout mine and lord_hur's war of words. He also fails to mention looking closer at imaginality, despite imaginality being the focus of lord_hur's vote. Now he tries to get
claims for the price of one. I mentioned this yesterday and said I did not like it, and I'll mention it again.

Colonel Imaginality

Despite his military achievements, I find Imaginality to be extremely yellow-bellied, not joining the carriage due to true feelings of rougishness on lord_hur's part but because it is the leading wagon. He continues to display his cowardice here by striking his ballot clean - knowing it was a mislynch and wishing to gain a safe distance, as from a soon-to-detonate grenade? Then again, as a rapscallion, why not leave his vote and demand documents of identity? Wow, this was a long absence, and he returns just in time to contribute to a lurker's wagon when he himself has been lurking. He also completely avoids answering questions asked of him earlier in the thread, when he does return to post.


Similar to Feysal, he maintains distance from the popular carriage despite appearances of not being caught up. He seems to develop that read later at least. Odd that both Feysal and inOne found me decidedly gentlemanly despite both disagreeing with my attack on lord_hur (imaginality goes as far as to call my posts ":good:" whilst presumably believing them to be entirely misguided). I doubt that these two gentleman are knaves-in-arms; one or the other, at the very least, and after re-reading yesterday's interactions, I would lean inOne as the rogue of the pair if there is indeed one. Doesn't like Reya but never really mentions Imaginality, not to mention most of inOne's posts are "catching up, brb", one after another after another...Now, look here. There is clearly support for a Reya wagon, and lord_hur is at L-1, saying he will only claim should someone indicate a willingness to do away with him; in rides inOne, claiming he will hammer. Since lord_hur was a townread of his, with the support for the Reya lynch rather clear, I would have expected something different - it now looks as though he was fishing for the claim!

Dame Jily

She seems to be very much in a tizzy. She has bad gut feelings about me but reads me as town; I demonstrated later in the day her potential fence-sitting wrt: lord_hur's scumminess. I could see her as a newly ordained knave trying to give nothing away by being evasive; or I could read her as a newly ordained gentleman struggling to cement her reads. I understand the irony of this Janus-faced assessment, but as in poker, newer players tend to be harder to read because they do not respect convention! Surprisingly, here she claims that she relies a lot on gut...but why then did she not follow her gut suspicions of me?


Assessment of rapscallions:

::KNAVE:: Imaginality - InOneshallonebe --- ToastyToast --------- Jily ---- Feysal ------------------ Hoppster --- Vezok ::GENTLEMAN::

Corresponding casting of a ballot:
Vote: Imaginality

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:23 am
by imaginality
lord_hur's alignment being confirmed, we now have strong reason to believe Mr. Vezok Piraka is also no villain. 'tis possible, I admit, that he may be a godfather, or that the noble lord was not of sane mind, but I regard that as a small chance and prefer to reason on the basis that Mr Piraka is indeed town.

We ought to consider with care the fact that, with eight of us remaining, if we have three villains amongst us, a mislynch here would likely see them victorious. I caution against hasty votes.

On the other hand, we have cause to hope. Perhaps, aside from our ability to locate the villains through reason, we may improve our odds through elimination. I am thinking of how, given the second death during the first night, but not last night, we appear more likely to have a vigilante amongst us than a serial killer. So perhaps we should consider whether he or she should claim to narrow our suspects from eight to six. Indeed, might a mass claim be advisable?

If I were casting a vote at present, it would be on inHimshallibe or ToastyToast.

Preview edit: vezokpiraka, you expressed no suspicion of me previously that I can see. Why such a sudden change of tune? Also, this is probably mylo - why so hasty with your vote?

If anyone else suspects me enough to see me lynched, please announce it without voting, so that I may have the opportunity to claim rather than allow the villains to quick-hammer me.

Preview preview edit: Oh, geez. One of you two, unvote NOW.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:24 am
by AurorusVox

LYLO herp, I missed Vezok's vote >_>

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:25 am
by inHimshallibe
Most suspicious:

Sir Imaginality
Sir Jilynne

Slightly less suspicious:

Sir Toast
Sir Feysal

Gentleman reads:

AurorusVox, PhD
Sir Hoppster

Will not vote:

Sir V. Piraka
Sir Him

The above is how I would break the game down.

I called forth my intent to hammer as a matter of gameplay. I saw no other way to convince those on Lord Hur to abandon their balloting, and I will always acquiesce to the majority when it comes to choosing between an Lynch or No Lynch.

It is with remorse that I apologize for not keeping up amid the daunting conversations occurring, but I do intend to make things right going forward.

With two quick ballots from men I consider Gentlemanly, I will properly review my suspicion of Sir Imaginality. If there are three Rogues remaining, this is an important decision.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:37 am
by ToastyToast
I think we have a vig, not an SK.

@AV: I was still waiting for lord_hur to make a case on imaginality, he focussed more on you b4 the end of the day. However, I will be reviewing his slot, given that most of the positives I saw in him have disappeared.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:48 am
by AurorusVox
I make that 3 pseudovotes on Imaginality now.

'tis entirely possible for the vig claim to come from an odd-night SK, let us not forget. Do not yet clamour to heap confirmed town status upon whomever should make that claim - after all, were TheLonging or StrangerCoug what one might consider "good" vigilante shots? I cannot say with any certainty.

But I agree that the additional shooter should make themselves known. T'would help immensely in narrowing our suspect pool.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:19 pm
by jilynne1991
I'd advise you guys to calm you're votes on imaginality. I need to check with the mod about some stuff, but do not be too quick to lynch him.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:30 pm
by jilynne1991
I just had my suspicions confirmed.

If there's not a bastard mod or anything, and the information I've given have been correct, imaginality is a townie.

I hope this information helps. I revealed it, because I think it will be helpful to town.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:44 pm
by imaginality
Hmm. Well, I was going to have to claim anyhow by the looks of it, but I'd have preferred you'd waited slightly longer, as we could potentially have gotten more information from noticing who came on my wagon when.

Yes, I am a Friendly Member of High Society Possessing an Indubitable Reputation. Basically I had a one-shot chance to confirm my alignment to my chosen target. I targeted jilynne1991 to confirm my alignment to last night, because (a) it looked likely we might be in mislych-and-lose territory today so I wanted to get the information out there, and (b) I thought she was someone who'd be unlikely to be nightkilled.

So, unless you believe jilynne1991 and I to be scumbuddies doing this as a gambit, I'm cleared, vezokpiraka is (tentatively) cleared, and we may be able to narrow our suspects down further if we have other confirmable claims.

Also, although I didn't do specific scummy things just to avoid being nightkilled, I did slack off more than I would have if I were a VT, and hope to make up for that today.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:57 pm
by jilynne1991
It kind of makes me laugh it also kind of makes me frustrated, because now I understand why you chose me.

Since I'm newbie-ish, but it's obvious I want town to win, I'd definitely share the information, if the mod allowed me to. It makes me laugh how it was so utterly obvious and how well you thought it out, but it also looks like I can be manipulated way too easily. =_=