The group of survivors went to their prison in silence, pondering on their actions from the day before. It was a bad day, they brought on the death of an innocent survivor who wanted to help, but instead they killed him. When Rick heard what they have done, he flipped out as usual, storming out and having one of his meltdowns, again. When he returned, the group stayed out of his way. After that, the night seemed dormant and silent, but they were horribly mistaken.
Outside, where nobody was, Oscars body stirred, slowly turning onto its side and rising to its feet. The cracked skull seemed to crack more with each movement, but the brain seemed to survive the blow, the brain stem intact, which is all the virus needs. Slowly, Oscars body lumbered towards the prison, inside the courtyard, unwatched, sneaking in.
While the undead corpse was making it's way into the prison, a shadow moved through the cells of the sleeping survivors, moving unseen, going for a particular cell. Andrea was sound asleep when the shadow slipped into her cell block, a pillow in hand. When her eyes slowly fluttered open to see the shadow, she tried to gasp but the pillow seemed to crush her face as it came down. Trying to resist, she thrashed her arms around in despair, but the grip was too strong. Slowly, she lost consciousness, and died with it.
Trust Fund was suffocated in her sleep, she was
Andrea ( Vanilla Townie )
The rest of the survivors were soundly asleep, safe behind the walls of their prison, Andreas sudden death unnoticed. The walking corpse of Oscar meanwhile barged in, still unnoticed. Who the walker would try to kill was a mystery, but unless they woke up right there, Oscar would probably kill someone. Of course, the group did put some of them on watch duty, and Jim seemed to struggle to stay awake, looking over the inside of the prison. When sleep deprivation seemed to strong, Jim almost fell off of his chair and fell over the railing.
Slowly, Oscar's corpse made it to Jim. So tired and sleepy, Jim hesitated, and that was all that the walker needed to take a bite out of Jims arm, ripping out flesh and skin. Quickly pushing into Jims face with it's hand, the walker ripped into his throat, ripping out his windpipe wit it. Now screaming in pain, Jim managed to finally club the dead Oscar across the face with the back of his hand and then pushed it over the railing. By then, others arrived on the scene and gasped at the scene, unsure of what just happened. As they moved to surround the walker, Tyreese lost consciousness and flipped over the railing as well, and crushed to the ground, long dead. When the group searched his coat, they found out his name wasn't actually Jim, and was actually Shumpert, a name they knew far too well as one of the conspirators against the group.
Chesskid3 had his throat ripped out by a Walker Night 1, he was
Shumpert ( Mafia Goon )
In the commotion, however, nobody knew who was where, and some brief panic ensued as the walker was surrounded. Scratching for more victims, Oscar tried to lunge for someone but took a crowbar to the teeth instead. As crowbars, baseball bats and axes fell and rose on the rotting corpse, Rick emptied a round into Shumperts head, something they should have done with Oscars body as well. Rick turned around and barked an angry command, telling everyone to stop their nonsense.
Obediently, the two dead corpses were dragged out of the prison by Rick and a small handful of survivors. At the fences, the rows of walkers gnawed, trying to get in. Rick was instantly hinged, staring at their blank faces of thirst. When tugged to return to the Prison, Rick harshly told them to leave them, probably getting another case of the crazies. When Rick was alone, he approached a female walker who was at the fence, trying to go for Rick. He was seeing things again, he was seeing dead people.
Rick sighed and stared at the ground for a second, pondering and thinking. When he looked up, the walker was still there, tongue sticking through the chain link fence trying to reach him. As Rick tried to open his mouth to speak, a large spray of blood bursted onto the fence, splattering the walkers face with delicious liquid it relished. Confused, Rick tried to grab for the fence to hold on, but his hands lost all strength and fell limp, his legs buckling under him. The walker seemed enthusiastic, rubbing its face as Rick dropped fully, a hollow hole in his head.
Majiffy was sniped in the head Night 1, he was
Rick Grimes ( Town Redirector )