You are a SK with a credit card. You can use your card to buy unlimited amounts of extra abilities, whatever you think of, you can get it. In addition, you get to kill one person each night, you win when everyone else is dead.
mod notes: for every n number of abilities the SK buys, the loan sharks will come and kill him on night (5-n)
You are a SK with a stolen credit card. It looks really hi-tech, you should be able to scam a whole truckload of extra abilities, whatever you think of, you can buy it on the stolen card. In addition, you get to kill one person each night, you win when everyone else is dead.
You are a townie. Unfortunately, you've recently discovered your credit card is missing. At any point, you can choose to call the cops to report it missing. You win with the town.
mod notes: If the SK uses the stolen card anytime after it is reported missing, the cops will track him down and arrest him for fraud
. You have a Big Red Button which you can press once during the game. You have no idea what it does.
(Can you think of
for the button to do which wouldn't be bastard modding?)
Pressing the button activates the hatch. At this point, every 108 minutes, one player must post the sequence of numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. Failure to do so will result in a plane crash that causes 12 new players to join the game.
No-one (not even the character themself, or the mod) knows what side they're on until observed (i.e. if they're killed or investigated by a cop), at which point the mod flips a (not necessarily balanced) coin to find out. Until then, the person lumped with this character can only play the odds (which would usually be weighted towards them being a villager). They can communicate (anonymously, via God) with the mafia, but they or the mafia might not want to. The cop/villagers are only ever told that the player is/was a mafioso/villager, not that they were the special character. Note that if the cop investigates the character and the cop gets killed in the same night, then only the character (and the mod) will know what side he's on.
You may pick any of the following powers at the beginning of the game: cop, doc, roleblocker, and tracker; you can pick one, or none, or any number of these powers. You will be able to use one power per night. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Mod Note: Each of these powers is held by someone else in the town, and there are no other power roles. By picking one of these powers, that player will become part of an additional scum group where they will have that power, as well as a group kill.
You are xyzzy's opening joke in the jokes thread. You must write a 20,000 character post which ends in a pun. The remainder of the post cannot be game related. You win if 1/4 of the players post "LOL". If they don't you are mod-killed.
, master Assassin... Sort of. Once a night, you may use your counter-attack skills to kill a person. This only works, however, if your target is a killing role or in a group that gets a kill. Otherwise, you're killed (but see below) by a horde of guards. (You're not
good at counter-kills) If you elect not to send in a counter-kill, you will spend the night walking around praying. In this case, all actions directed will fail as no-one can find you, despire your... Unique taste in clothing, particularly in a modern setting. You also miraculously regenerate, and must be killed twice in a single night for it to actually count.
Once in the game, during the day, you may kill any person by PMing me the name of your victim (They know Altair assassinated him, but promptly forget what you look like), provided nobody has directed anything at you in either the past 20 posts, or that day. Anyone killed by you may put as much game-relevant information in their "bah" post as they want. You win when every power role (Defined as any role with a night or daychoice, and including Mafia groups) aside from you is dead.
You are
. If you survive to day 5, the game immediately ends on a humongous cliffhanger. This is as close as you ever get to winning.
Mod Note: if Desmond dies, so does Altair.
The entire time I was trying to get my voodoo doll to work. The closest I got was slapping someone with it. -Snix, Haunted Mansion 5
How is that a "worst role idea"? It's just a Janitor variant.
Congratulations! You are
. You must always say the exact opposite of what you actually think/feel in pathetic repeated attempts at reverse psychology. You must also constantly insult the other players and talk about how you are going to kill them. If anybody asks about your core components, you must blatantly lie about them. Also, you know a great recipe for cake. Unfortunately, THE CAKE IS A LIE. You win when you have succesfully flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin.
Glork wrote:How is that a "worst role idea"? It's just a Janitor variant.
Congratulations! You are
. You must always say the exact opposite of what you actually think/feel in pathetic repeated attempts at reverse psychology. You must also constantly insult the other players and talk about how you are going to kill them. If anybody asks about your core components, you must blatantly lie about them. Also, you know a great recipe for cake. Unfortunately, THE CAKE IS A LIE. You win when you have succesfully flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin.
That role needs to be a nk-imune sk or survivor type. That way, when the game is over, it can be "Still Alive".
When I joined this site I was a software tester for mobile applications and the song PokerFace was not yet written by Lady Gaga
Now I test lottery and gambling software. Its funny how my life has turned out. Somewhere a Time Traveler is laughing madly
In your first post you must claim full knowledge of the setup; you must then go on to list 3 power roles and the players who have them and 2 scum + 1 SK, or 3 scum. You win if none of your predictions are correct.
You are the
grammar nazi.
You lose if you make any grammatical errors.
You are the
You win if any post besides your own contains 20 or more non-quoted grammatical errors.
In your first post you must claim full knowledge of the setup; you must then go on to list 3 power roles and the players who have them and 2 scum + 1 SK, or 3 scum. You win if none of your predictions are correct.
Can we say BASTARD-modding?
(avvy courtesy of Diseased Productions, sig courtesy of orcam07 from ASN)
You don't care what your role as long as you're not lynched/NK'd! You win with whoever wins in the end!
Survivors are a well-known role.
You don't have a title. You must complain about Thok in each post. You win when you gather enough people to pester Thok into approving a one time scumchat conversation (that you'd typically forget about after a week in normal circumstances) as a title.
Mod Note: For purposes of the win condition, people without titles aren't people; also scumchatters aren't people except for Glork and PJ. Thesp, MeMe, and Mr. Flay count double. Fiasco counts triple. Quagmire counts -5.
You are the Title Fairy. You win if somebody suggests a title that doesn't suck.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
As everyone knows, psychics are just fakers. You got fed up waiting for people to pay you money and decided to kill them and take all their money instead. You are mafia together with X [Palm Reader] and X [Tarot Card Reader].
You can send a note to someone to tell them not to stay home that night. If they heed your warning and don't stay at home, any attempt made on their life during that time will fail. (Unless you make the kill attempt personally.) The town will find out who is targetting for a night kill due to their house being broken into.
The note you send someone must be less than 150 characters and should be anonymous. Pm it to me and I will pm it to them.
You also get one kill between your group per night.
You are a palm reader.
As everyone knows, palm readers are just fakers. You got fed up waiting for people to pay you money and decided to kill them and take all their money instead. You are mafia together with X [Psychic] and X [Tarot Card Reader].
Each night you may predict how long someone will live. The result will be posted at the beginning of the day.
The prediction should be less than 150 characters pm me and I will post the note.
You also get one kill between your group per night.
You are a Tarot Card Reader.
As everyone knows, Tarot Card Readers are just fakers. You got fed up waiting for people to pay you money and decided to kill them and take all their money instead. You are mafia together with X [Psychic] and X [Palm Reader].
Each night you may send a prediction to someone else, the predition should be less than 150 characters. Pm it to me and I will pm it on. You can say whatever you want.
You also get one kill between your group per night.
You are a postman. You deliver all the letters, sometimes when you are bored you read some of the letters too. You have no night choices and win with the town.
(Mod note: Postman reads all notes/letters given from one person to another, including mason letters. He cannot tell who wrote them though.)
You are the sceptic
You don't believe in supernatural powers and believe everyone is being duped. Each day you can search someone's house looking for supernatural props. Unfortunately you are so busy searching people's houses you don't have much time to join the lynchmobs.
Once per game day you may pm me the name of someone you wish to investigate. You are unable to post while investigating and as a result look pretty suspicious. The tools you use to break into people homes to go through them would definately make you look suspicious. So you have decided to hide them on your person.
To avoid suspicion you have decided not to admit breaking into all those houses. If you should suddenly rethink your decision the town will lynch you in place of anyone else that day. In addition, all investigation results posted will result in the scum reinforcing their homes and all night actions targetting them will fail.
(Mod note: appears guilty if investigated and once dead)
You are an amature hypnotist
You are fresh out of hypotism school and as a result have a number of friends you trust. They are X and X. You know they arn't involved in any of the killings as you were with them last night.
(Mod Note: All 3 of the masons are un-nightkillable n0.)
You are an amatur hypnotist
You are fresh out of hypnotism school and didn't get good grades. In fact, your grades were so bad you have been trying to find out who the killers are so you can join them.
You will join them on the 5th night if you are still alive. Until that time you win with the town.
Fortunately for you, your friends trust you completely. They are X and X. Betraying their trust may prove too much for you if one of them dies after you join the killing group. You will confess you betrayed them and kill yourself.
You are an amature hypnotist
Lately you've been a bit distant from your friends. You were going to try and make up for this but the recent killings have made you wonder whether they are involved. You all graduated hypnotism school together but things have been off lately. Your friends are X and X. They trust you completely. If you find them both innocent you will feel terrible for suspecting them, in spite of this you may investigate one per night.
Although if you do this and find them both to be innocent, you will feel so awful that you will confess to spying on them. They will take this badly and stop talking to you. If they stop talking to you, you will be unable to investigate them further.
You are a healer
You don't believe in modern medicine. Each night you can send someone herbs to use. These will save them from any possible damage for the rest of the night. The problem with this is, some people don't believe in herbal remedies and won't use the herbs.
(Mod note: There is a 1/2 chance the herb will protect the person, 1/4 chance the herb will kill the person, there is a 1/8 chance the herb will roleblock the person and a 1/8 chance the herb will do nothing. The person who is sent the herb will have a choice whether or not to use them. But won't be told what the herbs do or who is sending them. They will just get a pm "you reccieved some herbs, do you wish to use them?" Also, the sceptic automatically chooses never to use them.)
You are a Ghostbuster
You were retired but all these killings have been causing ghosts to appear with vengance on their minds. You are solely responsible for stopping the dead from causing a random death. If you die, each night anyone who died the previous day will randomly kill someone from beyond the grave.
(Mod note: Ghosts don't exist. None of that will actually happen.)
You are a pixie
You arn't sure why you are here or why you havn't flown away, but you have decided to help the town anyway. You must roleclaim in your first post. If anyone says they don't believe it, you will die.
You are a fully fledged hypnotist
You can convince people to quit the cult and become a townie again.
(Mod note: There is no cult.)
You are Morpheous from the Maxtrix
Since many of your friends have died you have given up on being a captain, instead you retired to a quiet village. You understand some rules can be bent, others can be broken. Therefore the rules don't apply to you. In addition, you don't trust the system, so you will be performing kills each night to try and rid the town of the killers. Each night you may pm me the name of someone you want to kill. You win with the town.
You are an old lady with a crystal ball
Each night you may ask me one question, you will get a true answer. (It may only be a yes/no question.)
The most bastard modish game I'll ever think of. The mafia should win this 90% of the time.
. Choose words or phrases that fit the following, and I'll send you a new role based on your selections.
(1) Noun
(2) Time of day
(3) Noun
(4) Verb
(5) Noun
(6) Verb phrase
(7) Adjective
(8) Verb
(9) Verb
(10) Noun
Thread readers: Choose words as above, then fill in the madlib below to get your
very own
worst role ever. And then post it so we can see what you got.
You are
. Each
(time of day)
you can choose a
. If your choice is a
you will
(verb phrase)
. However, if it is
, you will
instead. You
with the
"Xyl was completely berserk" -dramonic
"Xyl's ruthless policy lynching won the game." -Vi
(1) Cheeto
(2) Twighlight
(3) Pie
(4) Reason
(5) Reason
(6) Reason with it
(7) Dark
(8) Dance
(9) Jump
(10) Darkness
You are a Cheeto. Each twighlight you can choose a pie to reason. If your choice is a reason you will reason with it. However, if it is dark, you will dance instead. You jump with the darkness.
. You are allowed one daykill, but you must earn it. In order to earn it, you must post a random vote against a player, another player must criticize you for that random vote. A third player must jump to your defense. You criticize the player defending you and vote against them. Another player questions the connection between you and this player. You must then OMGUS vote whoever is voting you, with little to no explanation. You must attempt to push a bandwagon on them, jumping off at the last minute, continuing to behave this way until someone calls you scum. Once someone calls you scum, you must claim to be a cop. Someone must then counter-claim, and you vote against them since you are obviously telling the truth. Convince three other people to vote against the counter-claimed cop, and then unexpectedly jump off the bandwagon, and vote against someone who has no votes for them. Convince another player to join you on this bandwagon, and PM me the choice of the person you wish to daykill. You must do all of these steps every day that you wish to daykill.
. Choose words or phrases that fit the following, and I'll send you a new role based on your selections.
(1) Sneakers
(2) Lunchtime
(3) Lipitor
(4) Instigate
(5) Cheeseburger
(6) Dance around them
(7) Pretty
(8) Copulate
(9) Dance
(10) Pants
You are
a sneakers
. Each lunchtime you can choose a Lipitor to instigate. If your choice is a cheeseburger you will dace with them. However, if it is pretty, you will copulate instead. You dance with the pants..
You may only post angry rants in swedish. Anything that is not Swedish, including gibberish, is a modkillable offense. You are also lynch immune, but if you recieve one more than the majority vote, you will be modkilled. If three people target you at night you will be modkilled.
You must post once every 48 hours or you will be modkilled.
If you contact me in anything but swedish, you will be modkilled.
You win if you don't get modkilled.
Untrod Tripod (7:27:18 PM): you enjoy whoring
xcaykex (7:27:24 PM): yes
xcaykex (7:27:26 PM): i know that