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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:57 pm
by Super
In post 747, orctin wrote:Welcome Super and unwnd

The whole hammer thing came up multiple times so i felt i needed to reply to it - Did i push Dum or micc at the time, no - I wanted to see how they responded - We all know the game here so i dont feel the need to put additional push on people, i had made the position known, and left it open for response.

And yes, A lot of the Dum read did come from that play, i felt it was a poor attempt to take a situation and turn it against someone who i thought i had made my position clear. Dum had been on my scumread since then.

hi :3 what are your current reads? I'm guessing you haven't fully read the game

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:58 pm
by Super
I was ISOing James and found something interesting but don't really want to bring it up for *reasons*, if I'm alive D3 I might enlighten you all with my magic finding

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:00 pm
by orctin
In post 745, Super wrote:
why are you upset that the Jackson attacks are gone now? did you scumread Jackson or are you mad cos you're mafia and people replacing out kinda fucks with getting town elimmed? sorry if that is mean-ish but it feels like you're upset about the game and I'm unsure if it's coming from a scum-perspective or not
I'm not upset - i'm just point it out as something odd. I had clearly noted JV as town most the game. I back JV in the game we both played before, I avoided the whole conflict here this time cause really didn't want to get into a pissing match again with people like that game.

And there are two scum in the game - to only make single reads is only playing half the game - they are playing off each other - so why should we not look for those possible pairings? It will only help later when we do eliminate a scum to help identify the other.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:01 pm
by Super
In post 54, NinjaStore wrote:Looks like I'll be going V/LA from now until sometime on Sunday the 23rd. A camping trip that was supposedly canceled got un-canceled.

I'm not going to leave a vote on anyone in the meantime. So far, Micc looks the scummiest to me for reasons I've already mentioned. dsjstr is going to look scummier the longer they go without posting. Hopefully they start being active soon. I don't have reads on anyone else yet.

See you guys in a few days, assuming I'm still alive.
hey Ninja as I'm ISOing you I forgot I had noted this post down and asked about it

if you can, can you tell me why dsjstr was scummy to you for not having posted yet?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:03 pm
by Super
In post 752, orctin wrote:
In post 745, Super wrote:
why are you upset that the Jackson attacks are gone now? did you scumread Jackson or are you mad cos you're mafia and people replacing out kinda fucks with getting town elimmed? sorry if that is mean-ish but it feels like you're upset about the game and I'm unsure if it's coming from a scum-perspective or not
I'm not upset - i'm just point it out as something odd. I had clearly noted JV as town most the game. I back JV in the game we both played before, I avoided the whole conflict here this time cause really didn't want to get into a pissing match again with people like that game.

And there are two scum in the game - to only make single reads is only playing half the game - they are playing off each other - so why should we not look for those possible pairings? It will only help later when we do eliminate a scum to help identify the other.
I tend to just find town first and vote based on my PoE (I find it hard looking for scumtells but that's just me). I guess by doing that it's harder for to look for "partners" until we actually get a mafia flip - then I can go back and ISO that flip and look for their partner.

sorry if I'm being bossy and telling you how to play!

who do you want to vote today?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:07 pm
by Super
I kinda respect the fact Ninja was voting Micc all up until the end - and then him dying just doesn't make much sense to me from a Ninja scum perspective

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:10 pm
by Super
ISOing Ninja makes me lean town on their slot

I think me assuming he wouldn't kill Micc is silly cos he may have PR read him and pushed him for that reason

BUT I like Ninja's instance reaction after the N1 flip and his push on players in general

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:14 pm
by orctin
In post 714, catboi wrote:No, those literally mean the exact opposite, ninjastore - orctin in his reads list was reading James as town and said "I haven't seen a pairing yet with him", which seemingly implied he had no viable partners. The explanation he gave after being questioned on this is the exact opposite of that. How are you pretending not to see this?
What Ninja said was exactly what i meant and stated - I didn't say James was town, i was noting that a partner to him would not have to be Monkey, but could be multiple people because of how playstyle and voting goes.
In post 755, Super wrote:I kinda respect the fact Ninja was voting Micc all up until the end - and then him dying just doesn't make much sense to me from a Ninja scum perspective
This i agree with as well - and something i hadn't brought up - Micc was scum read by a couple people - for him to die, as Johnny, flipping town seemed odd as "Why kill him?" He was clearly going to be a player drawing interest and attention, so why eliminate a player that basically helped a scum player

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:29 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 751, Super wrote:I was ISOing James and found something interesting but don't really want to bring it up for *reasons*, if I'm alive D3 I might enlighten you all with my magic finding
This is a bluff. If it were a magic finding regarding a simple town read, you'd explain it. If it were a magic finding regarding a power role, you wouldn't even bring it up. If it were a magic finding regarding a scum slip, you wouldn't wait a day. I don't see the point in this.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:33 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 758, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 751, Super wrote:I was ISOing James and found something interesting but don't really want to bring it up for *reasons*, if I'm alive D3 I might enlighten you all with my magic finding
This is a bluff. If it were a magic finding regarding a simple town read, you'd explain it. If it were a magic finding regarding a power role, you wouldn't even bring it up. If it were a magic finding regarding a scum slip, you wouldn't wait a day. I don't see the point in this.
What you did doesn't resonate with me as something that aids town.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:35 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 759, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 758, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 751, Super wrote:I was ISOing James and found something interesting but don't really want to bring it up for *reasons*, if I'm alive D3 I might enlighten you all with my magic finding
This is a bluff. If it were a magic finding regarding a simple town read, you'd explain it. If it were a magic finding regarding a power role, you wouldn't even bring it up. If it were a magic finding regarding a scum slip, you wouldn't wait a day. I don't see the point in this.
What you did doesn't resonate with me as something that aids town.
Not to mention, you doing this sets you up to be killed Night 2 then for somebody to chuck the blaim on me. Why would town do this?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:37 pm
by Super
James I can't hold secrets in :(

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:38 pm
by Super
do you know what I'm referring to?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:38 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 761, Super wrote:James I can't hold secrets in :(
Then don't.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:39 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 762, Super wrote:do you know what I'm referring to?
You can feel free to enlighten me, town benefits nigh nothing from people keeping secrets.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:01 pm
by unwnd
Alright let's get back to this before I forget. I initially stopped because I realized that I was starting to skim way more. This slightly plays into wanting to revert back to my old ways, because my recent games I've just been exhausting myself. Leadfoot for no good reason. It's not a race and I want any newbie who is reading this small detour in my process to understand that. Pace yourself and let the thread progress naturally instead of trying to force an outcome.

Spoiler: Part 2
P8 - P11

I just realized my last comment was basically summation of P8. James had a catch-up post there but it was pretty standard. All of these pages can be condensed into one because they follow the same progression. It tips off with Jackson accusing James of ignoring their vote and then just boils over. There's a lot of little ingredients but I can't say that I see what it's supposed to come to. Navigator just continues to be really townie and it just looks like any potential scum would either be caught in all this or not want anything to do with it.

#201 - Alright so this is just a bit strange to me. James seemed more apologetic to the offense in the past page and has come around to voting them; loaded questions. Side note: There has been a lot of 1v1ing in this game for a newbie it's actually a bit entertaining.
#216 - To be so sure of yourself gives me pause. I think calling the duo like that is very bold, but it all seems too present. Meaning, your point feels like it somehow was made even though not much has changed. You were scumreading the two and then basically said 'well this just proves it!' Personally I don't feel it's proved.
#272 - Back to Micc? Didn't you already try this Ninja? Correct me if I'm wrong.

The bickering carries on regardless. It's a decently big event. The main factors being Monkey (Me)/Jackson/James and maybe a bit of Navigator. The fact of the matter here is that Jackson is dead while James is still alive. James if you're reading this, how have you felt about being wrong about Jackson there?

P12 - P14
#284 -I agree with you James at a fundamental level even if Monkey (my slot) did not. I've been worried about Dum for a good while.

Finding myself skimming despite taking a break. Going to see through to rest of this however as a self-imposed challenge.

#310 - So James -- If I'm reading this right you thought it was Dum/Jackson. I'm not going to trudge further about this but I just feel like in some areas you're trying to pair the two in ostentatious ways. Maybe that's a bit wounding given where we're at but I call it as I see it. I admit-- I like your decisiveness but I think it more comes from what you've been given.
#321 - Ninja seems very lost to me. He's declared a lot of his own reasoning being differences in the last time he played and whatnot but I don't know if it's puppy-like. Everytime I see his posts I just think to myself that his opinions are reaching expiration date or he hasn't bothered to check the label.
#326 - Orctin please stop being so scummy this is going to turn into a tunnel at this rate. I can't see where you went A to B and instead of you just decided to talk about A B C D E F G all in order like jotting of a to-do list. None of it feels earned or genuine!


So I'm reading along and I'm just seeing a lot of the same players. James, Monkey, Jackson. Johnny came and repped in so his posts trying to catch-up are fine. I think right now one or two things is happening

1) Aforementioned, but scum are in a situation they must commit to
2) Scum wants absolutely nothing to do with anything going on and are ducking their heads

Right now I favor 2) but this could end being a 1) instance. I favor 2) merely because Jackson has flipped and I know I'm town. With 1), that would leave James in a forced situation but right I don't want to entertain it. I only bring this up because it felt like the most relevant thing out of my catch-up. If I follow through on the idea of 2) I would place Ninja/Dum/Orctin in the pile. I don't want to put this into a black or white situation where 1) or 2) must absolutely be what is happening, but it helps me stay focused and goal-oriented. That's all.

Stopping here again. I urge the people I've talked about to look at these posts because while they are for me, I break through my own catch-up to ask things and inquire about topics that I'd like to see others inquire about.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:14 pm
by NinjaStore
In post 718, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 717, NinjaStore wrote:catboi's actions look scummy for reasons completely unrelated to anything JacksonVirgo did. Any player entering the game when catboi did and making that push against orctin would be making what looks to me like a scum play.
What do you make of Super then?
Super is acting towny so far. We didn't have a whole lot of info on Dum, so a Dum scumread could have easily been inaccurate. I doubt I'd want to elim Super today.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:19 pm
by JamesTheNames
Regarding the above post:
"The fact of the matter here is that Jackson is dead while James is still alive. James if you're reading this, how have you felt about being wrong about Jackson there?"
I take it you mean inactive as Jackson's slot isn't dead? If you could clarify this I'll address it I'm not entirely sure which thing you're referring to as wrong.

"You were scumreading the two and then basically said 'well this just proves it!' Personally I don't feel it's proved."
Admittedly a lot of what I did was more a self-assurance or trying to make myself sure I was right, instead of trying to prove it. I thought I had a case against JacksonVirgo and Dum, I still think there's something there, and I don't quite see the lapse in logic, but I do realise it isn't as strong as I thought at the time. I was a bit too focused on a one on one type scenario with Jackson and should've spent more time trying to persuade others that they were scum. I should've been less stubborn but I've already admitted that that was my bad.

Do you not think it could be a mix of 1 and 2?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:19 pm
by JamesTheNames
EBWOP I forgot to change the above post bit after NinjaStore posted before me. Its referring to [post[765[/post]

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:24 pm
by unwnd
Oh Jackson isn't dead. That's Johnny lol

I've been literally skipping Jackson thinking he wasn't alive, woops. I guess that makes your point about Dum/Jackson(?) all the more relevant then? You believe they're both still scum together? Re: Mix of 1 and 2, I think it's possible but trying to overwhelm myself and everyone else trying to thread all these answers without a single redflip is dangerous territory. I believe in prioritizing reads and this is basically my way of doing so.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:26 pm
by unwnd
They* weren't alive, when referring to Jackson

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:28 pm
by JamesTheNames
In post 769, unwnd wrote:Oh Jackson isn't dead. That's Johnny lol

I've been literally skipping Jackson thinking he wasn't alive, woops. I guess that makes your point about Dum/Jackson(?) all the more relevant then? You believe they're both still scum together? Re: Mix of 1 and 2, I think it's possible but trying to overwhelm myself and everyone else trying to thread all these answers without a single redflip is dangerous territory. I believe in prioritizing reads and this is basically my way of doing so.
It isn't a read anymore, its still a lean, odds are I'm just being really stubborn, but I don't see a lapse in my logic. Currently Orctin is my strongest scum read, but its hard to have the JacksonVirgo/Dum idea in the back of my head when both of them have been replaced out also.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:31 pm
by NinjaStore
In post 723, Super wrote:@Ninja

"Orctin: Scum-leaning. I read him as vaguely towny in day 1 but found myself wondering if he's just fooling me into thinking that. A lot of "helpful" posts providing general info about players or the game, devoid of real scumhunting. Which is funny in retrospect because that was my original reason for joke-voting him D1. Catboi and James make a good case against him.

Catboi: Scum. I had already read JacksonVirgo as scum, and I have a stronger scum-read after seeing how catboi has talked about orctin."

I don't understand how you can say Catboi and James have made good cases against Orc and you're leaning scum on Orc, but then say Catboi is bussing and his push on Orc was bad? It seems very contradictory lmao
Catboi makes their case in and .

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:31 pm
by unwnd
Seems like mostly everyone agrees that Orctin is scum

That's fine with me given it's ego at this rate

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 5:00 pm
by catboi
In post 757, orctin wrote:
In post 714, catboi wrote:No, those literally mean the exact opposite, ninjastore - orctin in his reads list was reading James as town and said "I haven't seen a pairing yet with him", which seemingly implied he had no viable partners. The explanation he gave after being questioned on this is the exact opposite of that. How are you pretending not to see this?
What Ninja said was exactly what i meant and stated -
I didn't say James was town
, i was noting that a partner to him would not have to be Monkey, but
could be multiple people
because of how playstyle and voting goes.
In post 596, orctin wrote:
James - for the most part i read as town
, I like his questioning nature to look at things first to form an opinion.
I haven't seen a pairing yet with him
but that would basically make him a good pairing with myself if i were looking at scum read pair from outside the looking glass.
No, that is literally not what you said in the slightest, you're just blatantly lying now.

And if you're going to claim you weren't saying james is town, that puts you town reads, apparently.