They went through the day with both Vijay's and Malthusis's deaths fresh on their minds, unsure of who killed the former (maybe a midnight stalking gone wrong?) or why they killed the latter.
Their day was about to get a little better, though, as Amrun and Om of the Nom both soon claimed to be cops with a good innocent on Korlash. The investigatee, while batting his eyelashes gratefully for such a good omen, still questioned the choice of both of them targeting him.
"That's just how it happened," Om of the NOm said somewhat defensively. "Can't exactly control that."
"Well, I was the one who suggested that," IceGuy says, adopting a somewhat superior tone. While it WAS true, that didn't mean it irked everyone else.
"So says the one who shot a good guy yesterday," Amrun hurls back.
"He was doing a piss-poor job, anyways," IceGuy retorts, though Korlash quickly steps in to keep them from coming to blows.
"Jeez..." IceGuy mutters, going away for a bit.
That "bit" stretched for a couple hours, which began to make the others worried--and suspicious. When he eventually returned, 10 pairs of hard eyes greeted him and made him halt on the steps.
"Whoa..." he holds up his hands. "What's with the faces?"
"What were you doing?" Rainbowdash counters. "Took your sweet time coming back."
"I was in the bathroom, alright?" IceGuy bristles. "That, and I wanted to think on some things."
"Like...?" RD presses.
"Like your claim of being mistrusted," he spits out. "It doesn't make sense."
"nonsense, it makes perfect sense."
"You completely mangled how you said it!"
"No I didn't, you're just trying to make it look that way! I told you exactly what I knew!"
"And I'm pretty damn sure what you said was wrong or just completely fabricated!"
"And you know that for sure, huh?!" Rainbowdash gets almost right into his face as she hisses that line. "You're just angry because you can't get your way."
"Besides," Korlash interjects. "What do you have that makes you right?"
"Oh, something," IceGuy says evasively. But, whatever that was meant to do, it didn't do squat. Suddenly he's grabbed by his arms and held tight as Korlash, Rainbowdash, and Om of the Nom stare him down.
"Might as well say it, as our tempers are getting really short right now," Om says warningly.
"Wait a sec!" IceGuy says quickly. "You're taking what I said wrong!"
"How were we wrong?" Rainbowdash scoffs. "You're trying to counter what I said, but aren't saying why. Now spill it."
"I'm not really lying, you're just--!" whatever he was going to say was stolen as Korlash punches him hard in the gut, knocking the wind right out of him as his captors release him and he falls to the ground. Now fearing for his life, he backs up until he hits a pillar as the rest of the officers glare down at him.
And in those moments, he realizes he just screwed himself.
And when they checked his badge for those tell-tale initials, those two letters signified to the rest that they screwed themselves over.
Vanilla Townie
, was lynched Day 2.
Night 2 begins. All actions must be in in [coundown]3 days[/countdown], or by 1:30AM on April 19th, 2012