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Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:18 pm
by Frogsterking
Eyes on this page is reminding me of something I've seen scum!Norwe do before. Eyes here:
In post 7809, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 7808, DeasVail wrote:Eyes, it’s interesting to me that you haven’t responded to people clearly doubting your claim. You’ve had a lot to say about a lot of things, and based on your play here I would have expected you to be more outraged that your claim isn’t believed
Would it make the game status better if I went berserk? Is there anything I can say or do that would make my claim more believable to you/anyone else? I guess we both know the answer to these two questions so what's the point?

Now if you have some specific questions I'd be happy to answer them, but outraged I am not going to act.
In post 7818, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 7816, MathBlade wrote:
In post 7807, Eyes without a face wrote:@Math: You do realize that you have been shielding Frog for as long as you have been playing in this game, right? May I request you remind us of HEM's read on Frog in the masons thread?
I don’t remember I am too lazy and feeling sick and you’re probably scum so??
What does this have to do with my question? And then people complain I am not participating enough! Sheesh!
Trying to present as more calm by temperament than they clearly are. I think it's because scum are trying to appear higher status so they don't get limmed, and/or to pocket, because we perceive people who are less emotionally reactive as being higher status. I remember scum!Norwe saying a similar line to me in this game:

In the context here Norwe was put at (fake) e-1 intentionally by a townie (theworst) as a reaction test, and I reacted to it way more than Norwe did.
In , NorwegianboyEE wrote:Um ok, don't see why vibing with reads would be important.
@Frog I find your reaction a bit odd, why did you act like Worst was suicidal scum or something.
In, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I'm trying to be more relaxed while playing mafia games so if i start screaming and being unpleasant i will take breaks.
In this case it actually worked, I got pocketed by scum!Norwe shortly after we interacted here.

Eyes doesn't seem to be either warm or emotionally unreactive naturally by temperament, more examples: , ,

A part of this theory is that you would expect scum!Eyes to have a preferred style of scum play (lurking, low effort) because of the Withdrawal aspect of neuroticism, which does seem to be how Eyes behaves. Eyes' iso lines up with the way you would expect a lurking low effort scum player to approach the game.

To play Devil's Advocate I did spot this in Eye's iso:
In post 7133, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 7127, MathBlade wrote:Interesting why the immediate claim Eyes?
Because I was
and I couldn't believe I lived long enough to use all my shots and without even having to claim earlier. I am happy to get it all off my chest and besides you said we only have one mislim at hand so I wanted you to have all possible resources/info before you
I think some players put more pressure on themselves when they roll TPR and it ends up making their play worse (I do this.) I remember in another game too with Dragons here, they got mislimmed really quickly on D1 as like a Tracker or something, and Dragons was agitated moreso by the early BW than I saw them get as both town OR scum. I can relate to wanting to get the reports out before you die and feeling pressure to choose between whether towntelling/not towntelling will cause you to have to out/die sooner. So I don't think it makes sense to say Eyes is scum because they seem defensive or easily annoyed and claim that they aren't, in fact I think anything unusual about Eyes' behavior here could be explained by receiving a TPR and adjusting the expectations they put on their play based on that.

I'm only arguing that I think it's in does it become a scum tell.

My theory is that town!Eyes feels pressure to execute their townplay better because of the status that comes with their role, and I think Eyes in isn't like calibrated to that at all, this Eyes is more concerned with appearing to be able to regulate their emotions well.

If my theory here is correct then this is also a non-associative tell with Dease, because Eyes is trying to appear skilled at regulating their emotions in an attempt to pocket Dease. Town!Eyes would write a different version of where they appear more stressed because they're in their head about whether they played their role correctly and let the town down or something.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:10 pm
by the worst
Eyes without a face
is being replaced due to their ban.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:11 pm
by April Ludgate
Oh wow, that was A50. I have to go back and read the game now.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:42 pm
by DeasVail
Hmmm… I kind of want to vote for Scorpious

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:30 am
by Mizzytastic
is replacing
Eyes without a face

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:35 am
by MegAzumarill

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:36 am
by MegAzumarill
Lots of game to read

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:24 am
by MegAzumarill
Reading Backwards, hearing lots of talk of a Traitor, is one confirmed to exist?
By dead list there has been 1 KPN with a vigi, what happened to the missing kills.
What are everyone's claims, I see my Follower results were already public knowledge.

Give me a quick recap of everyone's stances, I get a feel for some but want it to be clear

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:34 am
by MegAzumarill
Day 6-
Math coming off really awkward today
Frogster seems to be the preferred lim for people today, slot doesn't look good.
Scorpius is looking towny compared to when I played against them as scum.
April looks townie so far
Other slots look meh, lots of talk from my predecessor.
I'm not willing to vote for StD today because of my result. I'll look for context but we can do better.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:46 am
by MegAzumarill
I'm taking a break from reading this monster odf a game for now but if anyone wants to converse then go ahead.

We have 2 lims before game so I'd appreciate having conversation before further votes in any direction.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:45 am
by MathBlade
In post 7833, MegAzumarill wrote:Day 6-
Math coming off really awkward today
Frogster seems to be the preferred lim for people today, slot doesn't look good.
Scorpius is looking towny compared to when I played against them as scum.
April looks townie so far
Other slots look meh, lots of talk from my predecessor.
I'm not willing to vote for StD today because of my result. I'll look for context but we can do better.
I’d appreciate you fixing your impressions as I am literally conf town unless you want to argue I am fake claiming mason.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:46 am
by MathBlade
My stances are I am sicker than a dog and you’re very likely scum due to power creep and your opening is bad and seems coached

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:55 am
by tenebrousluminary
Sorry that you have to be scum mate

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:46 am
by Scorpious
In post 7828, DeasVail wrote:Hmmm… I kind of want to vote for Scorpious

Do it and stop talking about it….

You’ve said this like 10 times now….

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:07 am
by Scorpious
Seriously, stop talking about me being scum and vote me..

I know who scum is, and I know why you won’t.. but c’mon let’s put down some actual votes.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:20 am
by Scorpious
How do you stop a game of 8k posts?

Ask for accountability…

My solve has changed none btw

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:53 am
by tenebrousluminary
Imagine demanding accountability when you've done nothing at any point. How about you be accountable to your win condition and try to do something town, explain your solve, or literally anything?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:05 am
by MegAzumarill
In post 7836, MathBlade wrote:My stances are I am sicker than a dog and you’re very likely scum due to power creep and your opening is bad and seems coached
If my opening is coached why would I be pushing the Mason?

Coaching Is an odd accusation but If you're confirmed town then your play makes considerably more sense

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:06 am
by Scorpious
In post 7841, tenebrousluminary wrote:Imagine demanding accountability when you've done nothing at any point. How about you be accountable to your win condition and try to do something town, explain your solve, or literally anything?

Stop with this..

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:10 am
by Scorpious
In post 7841, tenebrousluminary wrote:Imagine demanding accountability when you've done nothing at any point. How about you be accountable to your win condition and try to do something town, explain your solve, or literally anything?
Why would town react like this? Smh

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:11 am
by Scorpious
VOTE: tene

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:28 am
by MathBlade
In post 7842, MegAzumarill wrote:
In post 7836, MathBlade wrote:My stances are I am sicker than a dog and you’re very likely scum due to power creep and your opening is bad and seems coached
If my opening is coached why would I be pushing the Mason?

Coaching Is an odd accusation but If you're confirmed town then your play makes considerably more sense
It’s because you can’t know if my play is good or bad unless you’ve read
If you’ve read you’d know I am a mason

If you haven’t read why say I am bad?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:36 am
by MegAzumarill
I've read some of today (i said im reading backwards). Your play looked like pushing an agenda without much thought of your own slot which makes more sense if your alignment is known. I guess a good word for it is forceful

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:04 am
by Mizzytastic
Before Lee Sedol (from the first Alphago matches) the greatest player of his age was Lee Changho. He was known for a peaceful calculating style, letting people get what they want and still winning anyway. It wasn't until the advent of hyperaggressive players like Lee Sedol that he could be defeated.


Official Votecount 6.3Frogsterking (1): tenebrousluminary

MegAzumarill (1): Frogsterking

tenebrousluminary (1): Scorpious

Not Voting (6): Save The Dragons, DeasVail, Galron, MegAzumarill, MathBlade, April Ludgate

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 6 will end in (expired on 2022-04-09 23:35:00).

click here for joined mod iso.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:20 am
by tenebrousluminary