I need to have a long think about things and now is not the time.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:07 am
by Breakfast With Sandy
In post 7850, Titan wrote:I will catch up tonight, hopefully, but I'll be interested if anyone claims to have been blocked last night. >_>
I got No Result/Action Failed on CF; could be due to an invalid target as easily as a block, but my role PM doesn't explicitly mention any age/citizenship requirements for my targets, so I don't know.
I'm still leaning towards RG or F/H for the optimal lynch for today, but after Nacho's flip, I have to have a pretty hard think about whether magenta is as obvtown as I originally thought.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:38 am
by Just Sheep Us
FoxHound you're claiming today.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:47 am
by AngryPidgeon
That order sounds good.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:18 am
by Titan
I'd like when they claim for them to say if they took an action last night and if it worked.
Also, I lied yesterday when I said I wouldn't have to go v/la. I found out this morning that more of my family is coming and sooner than I had originally planned.
mod - Tammy head will be v/la until next Wednesday (6/11)
I should still be able to post, but probably not too much.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:52 am
by CarbonFiber
Tammy, I went through Yoloville (lol at the good old days where Nacho did giant quotestripes, they make me nostalgic).
In post 64, DeasVail wrote:Basically, I'd expect confusion from my post and a desire for clarification rather than "DV is scum!", which I think would be more likely from scum.
I don't really like this. DV's opening was easily explainable and this practically sets up people to townread him.
In post 161, DeasVail wrote:My other scumread is probably Johhog for saying that I'm basically concocting new reasoning for my first post (which means I'm scum or just really strange town and although I'm a little strange, I don't think I'm that much!), which I think is kind of bad, but
And of course his two main scumreads are a wagon that Empire sold him on, and someone who called him scum because of his gambit.
This is strange and the only townread he decides to attack while calling him town.
In post 935, DeasVail wrote:but I'm kind of resorting to what I'd do as scum with them and trying to actively look for anything I can attack, and I can't think of anything then either.
What can you find to attack in my ISO now, DV?
In post 857, DeasVail wrote:Llamarble: I remember liking something about his reaction to the wagon and the stuff about trying to play in a new way felt genuine to me. Other than that, his most recent posts seem a lot more like him trying to work out the game than trying to look town. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but it does feel like more than gut to me.
CES: I think the way he attacks Vi is really town. Not much apart from that, but just generally feels town I guess? I think he may be less involved as scum too actually (from what I remember of Mafia and the Kitties anyway).
OGML- Mainly N's play not matching what I'd expect, and I thought his attack on Empire was very town-like.
Shadoweh- Not much apart from her just saying stuff that I think she'd say as town (I mean just general entertaining Shadoweh-type things). I've never played with her as scum though, so I'm not really sure if I'm able to distinguish that well.
Benmage- I'm worried this may be naive, but I actually think his recent lack of involvement could indicate not-scum. I guess I'm kind of sheeping on him mainly though, as I've heard he has a good scum game. He's another 'generally feels town' person as well.
I know DV can do better than "feels town, feels town, feels town".
In post 1347, DeasVail wrote:Overall though, I still think N's play is not how he'd approach the game as scum (I think there would be more effort put into looking town) and his attack on Empire is another thing that I think is townish.
rereads N, doesn't change reasoning even a little bit
In post 1474, DeasVail wrote:Actually, to those on the CES wagon, why him over Nacho?
DeasVail wrote:Ok everyone, I think it's time for a...
Here's how it will work:
You each get a... certain period of time to convince DeasVail that you have the best scumread! The winner gets the fabulous prize of...
DeasVail's absolutely amazing persuasive skills, as well as his vote, on their side!
Your time starts...
Note: This IS a legitimately fun contest, despite what any of you may think.
(Deas loves having people give him excuses to jump on wagons as scum.)
Some things I was thinking about:
1) Nacho's DV case came close to deadline. I don't think he wanted DV lynched in any way and I think he was playing at the general suspicion on DV and thinking that pushing in a new direction would help him avoid the noose as well as distance from DV. I agree with Llamarble that Nacho is a good enough scum player that he knows that the best way to avoid a lynch is to push in a different direction.
2) Another interesting thing: CES and Nacho were both scum that were crosswagoned. Instead of pushing CES, he pushed in a whole new direction (at his last remaining scumbuddy) which after both lynches might have given the feeling that since Nacho/CES were scum/scum, Nacho's new push must be onto town so that he and CES can avoid getting lynched. I didn't read the whole game but how certain was everyone else at that point regarding CES? Do you think it was inevitable that both Nacho/CES would have winded up dead pretty soon?
So, compared to here, he didn't make a show of going after DV. Mostly, he had DV as a scumread that he never pushed. I really don't understand his motivation in D1 to come out saying that he isn't townreading DV and I have no idea if that suggests Nacho-DV scumteam or scum Nacho trying a different tack with town-DV. If Fox were town, I think Nacho as scum would have expected blowback D1 because he should be well aware that DV's natural response is to suspect people that attack him. I wouldn't discount it being a distancing tactic early D1 though. Nacho enjoys being scum with DV as he said in the endgame of Yoloville and might try the distancing thing if they both wound up drawing scum.
The other player I wanted to investigate his interactions more in depth with is Notscience.
I'd like your thoughts on Nacho-Notscience interactions and how you feel about them in this game. I played a game before where Nacho (in a hydra with Bert) was scum with NotScience (it was a Mentor-Mentee game though (see the ruleset if you haven't played one before) where if the Mentor (NotScience) is lynched, the game ends, but if Nacho was lynched, it wouldn't). Here's the scumQT and here's a link to the game.
Some quotes in the scum QT from Nacho to Notscience:
i'm gonna clog the fuck out of F-16's metadar by actually being batshit insane; the more that I can focus attention of everyone on me, the less attention they will pay to you. meanwhile, i want you to bus the living fuck out of me. it won't be hard because I will be being erratic as fuck, and I'll try to avoid the lynch for as long as possible with as much charisma as possible and as little logic as possible, which means that i might last longer than I should
but I want you screaming at me, I want you going "no way in hell town nacho would act like this, he's scum as fuck", make cases on me every 5 pages, threaten to replace out, pull literally every tool out of your arsenal to make this the WIFOM-carnival of lunacy this game deserves to be
But if you read the game, NotScience didn't actually bus him much at all. Brian was in the game too btw, he was town with me.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:14 am
by CarbonFiber
So, I don't think it looks similar at all here. He kinda avoided giving comments on Fox Hound and sort of brushed his suspicion of them under the rug which would be more consistent with them being town who Nacho wanted to make look like his scumbuddy.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:02 pm
by Titan
I'll try to read that game tomorrow.
But, real quick, CES was a pretty decent suspect from day one that game. CES probably would have gotten lynched day two if the lynch didn't shift to UT *whistles innocently*. CES would have gotten lynched the day Nacho did I think, but I had an epiphany that day and started pushing Nacho, which helped to divert the lynch there. Then he made that case and I thought that it was a case on town as a last ditched effort to save himself. But I remember saying that I thought CES and Nacho were laughing in their scum qt because we were trying to decide between them when they were both scum. So, they were pretty certain lynches at that point. The final scum was the one we were in disagreement on.
I'm not sure if I answered everything but I'm about to crash so I'll get to whatever I missed tomorrow.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:03 pm
by CarbonFiber
Magenta The Great, please clear this stuff up:
1) What is a "pedophilic" /roleblock/rolestop? What does the pedophilic mean?
2) Do you both roleblock and rolestop your target or do you get to choose one?
3) Who did you target each night of the game?
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:36 pm
by CarbonFiber
Beli, during N3, were you told that your action failed? Can you go over the messages you received from the mod each night and any differences there might have been.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:01 am
by Breakfast With Sandy
I got night action result messages nights one, two, and four. Nothing night 3 at all other than Ffery saying she'd been spoilered in our hydra QT.
Our role must have failed though, otherwise JSU would have got a result as well.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:52 am
by penguin_alien
More or less back, catching up, on page 315 for a couple of things.
JSU, I went nowhere last night, as I had no action to take. If it helps, the only person I targeted all game was Titan.
I thought his drive-by posting sounded more like his antagonistic stuff from when we hydraed in the last Cabd game than the Wicked stuff where he was more 'lull into complacency' in his attitude. Also didn't think he'd pull the 'tell us your feeeeeelings' crap on me twice in a row as scum. Supreme irony being that I'm currently in my 'spill guts' state and he's in his scummy afterlife unable to enjoy it, poor dear. Didn't hurt that I agreed with him on things like mastin being scummy, etc.
So I lack further depth. Continuing to catch up eventually, maybe tonight, maybe very late tonight, just don't know. Sorry for being such a flake...
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:12 am
by AngryPidgeon
Imma try and figure out where I want to vote hopefully soon ish.
Im extremely exhausted right from a combo of factors, hopefully can take a nap and get to this tonight.
We're Tenebrae, a shitty flavor (well, rolename, I guess) cop.
N1: Yggdra Union- evolving fonic JOAT (no idea why fonic isn't in their flip)
N2: RG- Artist (no, I have no idea what that is, that's why we're shitty)
N3: CF, we were blocked
N4: PV, guess what? Yeah. Our ability did succeed though since someone asked.
We're pretty bad once we've claimed, since now scum know that those rolename things are important. Now that we're out I may as well admit that we can't be roleblocked by children, so presumably that was targeted at Nacho? It will now be apparent that we don't actually need to be blocked at all so no reason to hide that bit anymore.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:10 pm
by AngryPidgeon
That role seems mostly useless, lol.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:13 pm
by CarbonFiber
Okay, so are you a child/adult/beast? And which game is your character from?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:14 pm
by The Fox and the Hound
Beast. Symphonia.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:20 pm
by CarbonFiber
Okay, I think it is a good idea for everyone to claim child/adult/beast as well so we can keep track of all the info. I am compiling a list of actions and want to make sure.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:21 pm
by CarbonFiber
Oh, and also male/female and whether you are a citizen of something. For instance, mine says I am a citizen of Aldurant.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:31 pm
by The Fox and the Hound
I believe the citizen thing is just a flavorful way of describing your game of origin
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:32 pm
by The Fox and the Hound
I forget if this is even a thing but assuming we have a gender Tenebrae is certainly male
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:33 pm
by CarbonFiber
Your gender should be in your role PM.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:35 pm
by CarbonFiber
Also, AP are you a child/adult/beast? And Male/Female?