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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:07 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7973, Milobird wrote:You're super negative and you're super mean and you're super scum.
Because you're super incurious, super-not solving, super Ateing, super caught in mechanics, super adamant that admitting to error is a cardinal sin, super using appeal to stone like it's going out of style, and worst of all.
Not very creative.

more spam garbage

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:07 pm
by Milobird
You saying you were super sad FB died and you'd never kill them as scum was a lie. Proven by you arguing the opposite position recently.
Also, you said you were super sad ironically.

You also open wolfed after FB and I went over how FB once opened wolfed as scum and everyone just ignored him.

There was that post Dwlee made that was "wtf is this" that was pretty much "why are you bussing our entire team you nutcase"

and a bunch of other posts.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:08 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7923, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:This is my full reply to the "mechcase" in which Notty claims it is suboptimal for them to double-tap TIL because they already used Perish Song on Her.

(1) The missed nightkill did not actually do anything to affect the game state - we ended up on evens and had to no-elim anyway to get back on odds.

(2) Drawing out the roleblocker early with a fake guilty is pretty useful when your team is low on players. A hidden roleblocker versus a solo scum is like equivalent to a cop in power level as every successful kill creates a "cleared" player who did not make the kill. The POE was already tight for you so you need to draw the roleblocker out as your team is in danger of being yeeted.

(3) There is also the added benefit of creating a fake guilty that can be pushed, perhaps saving Imaginality for another day. If the fake guilty had landed on somebody else, I think they probably just die that day and Imaginality escapes death on D3.

(4) If you actually win this game on this fake guilty, then the missed kill will have been well worth it.

These are all fairly important strategic benefits for there to be a missing kill on Night Three. It's actually quite possible you decided just to no kill on that night rather than shoot TIL.

I don't know what you did because I'm not mafia. You are, you have the benefit of knowing what went on. I do not.

You continue to claim it is suboptimal play to shoot TIL on N3, except as I've outlined above - there are significant advantages to a no-kill on that night. So much so that I think maybe you could've just no-killed intentionally.


It's quite clear from when you put out this hitcase on me that you knew Dwlee was a delayed poisoner while I was under the impression he was a delayed nightkiller - meaning you are far more familiar with his role than me. Which makes sense because I'm not on his team and you are. I would know what Dwlee is if I was actually on a team with him.

Also if you actually believed in the validity of your case and think it's a slam dunk, you would not resort to flooding the thread with ate posts to drown out my defense against it. You would simply let the case rest on its own merits. Your very desperation shows that you don't actually believe in your mechcase. You simply repeat it over and over again.


The game state you have been hyping all along. Which is that Pooky, Deepwolf Extraordinaire repped into this game, vigged his backup Godfather, and then tried to bus his actual Godfather, to go hyper deep wolf, directly contradicts your point about Pooky making the nightkill in the first place.

If the gameplan is for Scum!Pooky to vig his teammate for credit and then bus his other teammates, then there is literally no reason for Pooky to be committing the nightkill whatsoever.

At that point in the game I had not yet claimed to be a vig, I was certainly plausible as a block candidate. There is literally no reason for Deepwolf Pooky to make the nightkill. Losing your deepwolf to a tracker/blocker/watcher etc after you invest one dead scum to make him super strong makes basically 0 sense. Esp since Imaginality is not going to go deep since he was barely even playing the game at that point.


If you actually believed this pile of horseshit you call a case, you would've used it on Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8... You would not be waiting until the very last day of the game to pull it out of your ass and try to kill me with it. This is just cobbled together nonsense you have recycled from 6 game days ago because none of the other shit you were flinging at the wall was doing any good. SC moderately kind of thought this was plausible so you've decided to spam it over and over again hoping the more you type it the less it stinks.

The entire approach you have towards trying to case me today is just desperation spam attack in volume. Using shitlogic, AtE, random lies, and garbage. Your strategy is to bury this thread in so much filth and spam that nobody wants to read it and people just throw up their hands and give up because there's just so much shit being thrown.

reposting my response to their "mech-case" for the fourth time tonight because they've yet again buried it under another giant pile of spam posts because they are desperate scum

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:11 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7974, Milobird wrote:Also, I posted a bunch of posts that outted you as scum if you read them the correct way and everybody ignored it or called it wizardry.

A post calling another post spam without adding anything else to it, is actually worse spam.

I refuse to respond to your bullshit spam garbage except by calling it spam garbage

if there's anything Sir Cakes thinks is actually worth responding to in this giant pile of horseshit he can tell me himself and I will debunk it.

I realized after debunking roughly 500 posts from you today that your plan is to just flood this thread with utter trash and wear me out.

because it takes 0 energy to make up bullshit but it actually takes brainpower for me to write a response to your bullshit.

You are literally trying to tire me out by writing so much garbage that I get tired and stop posting and then you can maybe win cakes over or w/e.

It's honestly an absolutely disgusting way to play so from now on every shit post from you gets a "shut the fuck up wolf" or "more garbage spam response"

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:12 pm
by Milobird
In post 7958, Milobird wrote:1. "Alls well that ends well"
2. No, just no. That doesn't make any sense to me, but maybe I'm just terrible at mechanics. Sircakez would be better at this. But I dunno why we would bother when we already have similar role in Gamma to shoot.
3. Alls well that ends well part deux. With soft benefits being weighed equally with hard benefits. Which yeah. I just don't deal in soft benefits.
4. All well that ends well part TREUX. Oh my god. WHy. Just why are you making this terrible argument Pooky. Like it's absurd on its face.

Just because things worked out that way does not in anyway mean scum planned it. Like, you just look bad based on the available evidence. Because you're scum and SCUM LOOK BAD WHEN THEY GET ROLE BLOCKED AND THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS THAT MAKE SENSE.

I have refuted your nonsense. How's it feel?

In post 7961, Milobird wrote:Also in regards to pretending you don't know how your partner's role works. I can think of one reason you might pretend not to know how your partner's role works!
It's a pretty good one.

In post 7968, Milobird wrote:Like, go on Pooky.
Explain how this isn't a failure to apply Okham's razor.
Explain how it isn't the case that you're saying, "It worked out for you didn't it? *Smirk* Look at how bad I look, JUST AS YOU INTENDED YOU CLEVER SCALLYWAG"

Read your own words. Your argument is as silly as the argument you made for us nking Mastina.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:13 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7969, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:if my argument was silly and bad you would not need to spam so many posts to bury it.
In post 7970, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Your desperation reveals your true character bell

no matter how many times you proclaim that you are town, you are still mafia.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:13 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7962, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 7961, Milobird wrote:Also in regards to pretending you don't know how your partner's role works. I can think of one reason you might pretend not to know how your partner's role works!
It's a pretty good one.

It's because I'm town and I have no reason to ask about how a dead player's role works because that player is dead

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:14 pm
by Milobird
...They were scum?
So there's plenty of incentive to understand how it works.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:15 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7982, Milobird wrote:...They were scum?
So there's plenty of incentive to understand how it works.


A dead scum who is unable to do anything.

Literally noone asked about Dwlee's ability until you brought it up on day 10 so the idea town should've asked about it is pretty fucking bad lol

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:16 pm
by Milobird
Saying I'm insecure about your case is like saying that PookyTheMagicalBear complains about spamming and shit posts as town instead of just solving and lolriding their case to a win.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:16 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7984, Milobird wrote:Saying I'm insecure about your case is like saying that PookyTheMagicalBear complains about spamming and shit posts as town instead of just solving and lolriding their case to a win.

more garbage spam

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:25 pm
by Milobird
Didn't Dwlee literally die and kill another town from the grave through their ability.
Also, both confirmed town demonstrated that they *didn't* understand what Notty was saying, which demonstrated that, in fact, the argument had never been resolved to begin with. This also is at complete odds with you simultaneously arguing that we planned to use this case on you now , while arguing it had already been resolved. But if it had already been resolved, why would we have cased you with it at all? and why did 3/4 of the town not understand it. Because we're desperate scum Pooky says, but if we're desperate scum than why have I escaped from bad scum player jail that Pooky has insisted I've escaped even though there's no evidence my scum game has improved *at all* While Pooky has recently broken his meta. Demonstrating a willingness to change that I haven't been able to do yet.

It's all so bad.It makes me sad. You will be glad. To have voted, PookyTheMagicalBear.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:27 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7986, Milobird wrote:Didn't Dwlee literally die and kill another town from the grave through their ability.
so what?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:29 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7986, Milobird wrote:But if it had already been resolved, why would we have cased you with it at all?
I have already explained this at least 100 times today.

Your plan in this game day is to hurl trash argument, ate, and nonsense at Sir Cakes.

You have cycled through a countless litany of bullshit arguments.

All of them were brushed off by SC because they are bullshit and make 0 sense.

This is the first bullshit argument you used today that SC seems to be somewhat convinced by.

So you've decided to make it the centerpiece because he's actually listening to it.

Now it's the star of the show because hey finally something fucking worked.

Now your plan is the spam it over and over and over and over.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:32 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7986, Milobird wrote:Because we're desperate scum Pooky says, but if we're desperate scum than why have I escaped from bad scum player jail that Pooky has insisted I've escaped even though there's no evidence my scum game has improved *at all* While Pooky has recently broken his meta. Demonstrating a willingness to change that I haven't been able to do yet.

I'm not in bad scum jail.

I have a very good scum win rate as you continue to try to scare SirCakes with.

I play scum a certain way because
it fucking works

I have no motivation to change the way I play scum because I'm fine with my win rate being where it is. I'd rather just have fun.

You do have motivation to change.

It is absolutely trivial to make a change such as "post more"

All you have to do is keep recycling the same garbage spam and just keep posting it over and over into the thread.

And it's probably fun for you since you have notty in the hydra with you trolling me too.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:32 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7986, Milobird wrote:It's all so bad.It makes me sad. You will be glad. To have voted, PookyTheMagicalBear.

more garbage shit spam

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:35 pm
by Milobird
Yo. You have demonstrably broken your meta in another game in relation to bussing.
Would you like to say you haven't changed again? I'd be more than happy to cite where you bussed Dunnstrall recently.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:42 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
I didn't bus Dunnstral with the intention of killing him.

You are literally in the discord channel where I explained why I voted for Dunnstral to Cabd postgame so this is just another fucking lie from you.

The reason I voted for Dunnstral in a very scummy way was to relieve pressure and create distance between our slots.

Dunnstral was literally the only power role on the scum team that had any actual ability to disrupt the town nightplay power as he is a roleblocker.

I was a neighborizer which in a cabd setup might as well be a giant walking scumclaim if you ever use it.

I successfully drew attention away from dunnstral onto my slot.

Ideally I could dispel it later onto someone else.

Or I go down that day and give Skitter/Dunn towncred for the days ahead.

This is me sacrificing myself so my stronger teammates with mech advantages get to go ahead and win the game.

I regarded my role as by far the weakest role on the scum team as its use more or less outs my existence.

Sacrificing myself on Day 1 so Dunn lives is literally optimal fucking play. Also making myself the target so people leave Dunn alone makes sense because I am better at dispelling

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:43 pm
by Milobird


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:44 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
Like you keep taking shit out of context and spamming it into the thread

just one after another

because you know nobody fucking has the time to actually check the background behind all the horseshit you are spewing into the thread

it's literally disgusting what you're doing now.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:50 pm
by Milobird
Perspective slip.
It's only disgusting for me to misrepresent people as town.
Since the one of the goals of scum is to misrepresent people as scum, when they're town.

I hope this has been helpful in differentiating between morally outraged scum and morally outraged town.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:54 pm
by Milobird
Also, can we please note that you've moved the goal posts. That's cheating.


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:54 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7995, Milobird wrote:Perspective slip.
It's only disgusting for me to misrepresent people as town.
Since the one of the goals of scum is to misrepresent people as scum, when they're town.

I hope this has been helpful in differentiating between morally outraged scum and morally outraged town.


It's disgusting because you are spamming hundreds of bullshit posts into the thread to try to win by volume.

It's disgusting because it's literally not the way mafia is designed to be played.

It's disgusting because if we were playing in real life everyone in the room would've told you to shut the fuck up 6 days ago and just say your case in one coherent sentence instead of spamming and not letting anyone else fit a word in edgewise.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:55 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 7996, Milobird wrote:Also, can we please note that you've moved the goal posts. That's cheating.

shut the fuck up wolf

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:57 pm
by Milobird
In post 7998, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 7996, Milobird wrote:Also, can we please note that you've moved the goal posts. That's cheating.

shut the fuck up wolf
Town Pooky everyone.
