ZeekLTK wrote: Everyone knows everyone else's role.
You don't know my role. Vampyrus - I've narrowed it down to two people, definitively. Either Off the Mark or someone else. I'm not naming the other person as I doubt they'll be lynched and it would just get me killed. Besides, I'm more reasonably sure on OtM than the other one. In the odd case that OtM is actually human and I do still get night killed, I've breadcrumbed the second name in my posts. Once you see my role name it'll be obvious. So it's a win/win situation.
With OtM and this other person in the game come the Final Four, it'll be a 50/50 chance come the next vote. It may not seem like the best move short term, but in terms of winning the game for the humans OtM needs to be voted out today.