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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:47 am
by StrangeMatter
Feeling like STD is a bit low effort, haven't really pushed their reads outside of voting, but that might just be their playstyle.

As for Pavowski, I really am not too sure anymore, as it is only one scummy post, out of many posts that would point towards being Town.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:49 am
by StrangeMatter
And even then, he better explained what he thought, albeit it feels different from their original post that I noticed.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:51 am
by Haschel Cedricson
In post 819, cyrus62 wrote:lynch me if it helps.
This isn't game-related at all but please stop saying "lynch"; that's not the term we use on this site anymore.

This goes for everybody but it especially goes to you considering you just messaged me to tell me the reason the mods took your avatar away was because it had the Confederate flag in it.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:56 am
by cyrus62
a pice and that wasnt game related.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:00 am
by Lukewarm
In post 814, cyrus62 wrote:so im anti town because i would rather us not lynch then to lynch town ok.
In a 9v2 game, we can make 2 mistakes before we lose. If we do not elim someone today, then we enter into a 8v2 game. In that scenario, we get to make 1 mistake before we lose. Basically, the scum team gets to decide more of the kills before elo that way, and can more easily set themselves up to win.

Another way to look at it, if we elim every day we are able to kill off the the 2 scummiest townies in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 3 other players. If we no elim today, we are able to kill off 1 scummy townie, in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 2 other players

No elim on Day 1 quite simply makes the game easier for the scum team to win.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:03 am
by Azeru
In post 829, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 814, cyrus62 wrote:so im anti town because i would rather us not lynch then to lynch town ok.
In a 9v2 game, we can make 2 mistakes before we lose. If we do not elim someone today, then we enter into a 8v2 game. In that scenario, we get to make 1 mistake before we lose. Basically, the scum team gets to decide more of the kills before elo that way, and can more easily set themselves up to win.

Another way to look at it, if we elim every day we are able to kill off the the 2 scummiest townies in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 3 other players. If we no elim today, we are able to kill off 1 scummy townie, in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 2 other players

No elim on Day 1 quite simply makes the game easier for the scum team to win.
Can't be bothered to check your math at the moment, but the sentiment I agree with. That said, the game is 9 players total, not 11. 7v2.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:04 am
by Lukewarm
I think I am realizing that a lot of people in this lobby don't know how to make a scum case :facepalm: :facepalm:

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:05 am
by fferyllt
In post 827, Haschel Cedricson wrote:please stop saying "lynch"; that's not the term we use on this site anymore.

I endorse this sentiment.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:07 am
by Lukewarm
In post 830, Azeru wrote:
In post 829, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 814, cyrus62 wrote:so im anti town because i would rather us not lynch then to lynch town ok.
In a 9v2 game, we can make 2 mistakes before we lose. If we do not elim someone today, then we enter into a 8v2 game. In that scenario, we get to make 1 mistake before we lose. Basically, the scum team gets to decide more of the kills before elo that way, and can more easily set themselves up to win.

Another way to look at it, if we elim every day we are able to kill off the the 2 scummiest townies in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 3 other players. If we no elim today, we are able to kill off 1 scummy townie, in addition to the 2 scum. So for the scum team to win, they have to be townier then 2 other players

No elim on Day 1 quite simply makes the game easier for the scum team to win.
Can't be bothered to check your math at the moment, but the sentiment I agree with. That said, the game is 9 players total, not 11. 7v2.
Yeah, the way I typed it was misleading. I meant 9 players w/ 2 scum compared to 8 players w/ 2 scum. - but the idea is still the same.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:10 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 831, Lukewarm wrote:I think I am realizing that a lot of people in this lobby don't know how to make a scum case :facepalm: :facepalm:
Pretty much, I probably don't.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:16 am
by HockeyFan
In post 831, Lukewarm wrote:I think I am realizing that a lot of people in this lobby don't know how to make a scum case :facepalm: :facepalm:
Shhh, dont gotta call me out like that :)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:34 am
by cyrus62
regardless my vote blocks strange from dieing at end of day if you guys cant decide

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:45 am
by Lukewarm
In post 836, cyrus62 wrote:regardless my vote blocks strange from dieing at end of day if you guys cant decide
I actually cannot understand this mindset. I would self hammer to avoid a no elim Day 1 in this set up :/

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:04 am
by Pavowski
Math favors a D1 elimination, full stop. We have a chance to take out a mafia before they kill anybody. And since we know who the n1 kill is likely to be (and who our d2 elim should be failing that) we really have the chance to get ahead here.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:07 am
by HockeyFan
Why is this even a convo

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:22 am
by StrangeMatter
Cyrus’ mindset is so weird and backwards at this point I want to believe he’s intentionally doing that.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:08 pm
by Pavowski
In post 840, StrangeMatter wrote:Cyrus’ mindset is so weird and backwards at this point I want to believe he’s intentionally doing that.
He absolutely is intentionally doing it, and has been quite open about the fact

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:45 pm
by Zyla
In post 802, Lukewarm wrote:Zyla, please make a scum case on Hockey if you think that is a better push then Strange. Assume I have no idea why you are suspicious of him, Talk to me like I am 5.
Here goes:
In post 15, HockeyFan wrote:Hey everyone! Glad to be playing some fourm mafia! First time playing and super exicted

With that being said, I will vote Zyla for stealing my question

VOTE: Zyla
Whether or not other people think it's scummy,
I didn't and still don't like the fact that my questions were acknowledged but not answered. (And to clarify, I didn't care about the pineapple part, that was just to spark discussion, but I think that your preference can give some insight to your play)
In post 18, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 13, Save The Dragons wrote:are we doing rqs instead of rvs?

i feel confident town will win, how's that?
Already found a confident town, SVD is town
In post 47, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 45, Save The Dragons wrote:you guys have reads already?
Definitely not conclusive reads, but I think you are town(See post#18). This is the only [semi-]conclusive read I have. The earlier read I did have of Luke maybe pocketing Zyla has now been sent to null, wbu? Do u have any reads
I'm still trying to figure out what about this could give a town read, let along a semi-conclusive one. If anything, it felt not like "I'm town and confident we'll win" but more "Town's gonna win, even if I don't want them to", although I suppose that's a bit subjective
In post 757, Zyla wrote:
In post 738, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 720, Zyla wrote:
In post 21, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 9, StrangeMatter wrote:Here's a random question to everyone.

How confident or nervous are you about winning this game?
I'm very confident winning this game now because you have outed as scum by voting me so the 2 mafia are already outed to me :)
So, going through ISOs I actually found this kind of interesting. I didn't really notice it much the first time, and mostly thought it was a joke, but Hockey is saying "the
mafia are [known] to me". Strange is supposed to be the first of course, but who's the second one?
In post 113, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 105, Azeru wrote:On the topic of HockeyFan, this is actually really interesting to me.

As far as I can tell, it seems like all of your scum leans have been partner reads so far. Is that coincidence or is it just your style to look more specifically for pairs then any individual player?
I tend to go for partnery reads alot more since mafia partners tend to have associative tells
Slightly random question for Hockey from this: if I were scum, who do you think my partner would be?
In post 544, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 542, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 538, HockeyFan wrote: Probably should have worded this better. In post , you TR them in the first line but your final read is a null read on them? Your SR in that post was left blank(presumably because u
SR them)
I think you are not parsing out his comments the same way I am
In post 268, Pavowski wrote:Azeru - in 135 points out, rightly, that we somehow managed to get Hockey to e-1, and calls for us to chill the hell out. Read: town. But also establishes as somebody watching and tracking the game very closely. Read:scum. End result, I dunno. Neutral I guess.
I read that as

"Azeru - in 135 points out, rightly, that we somehow managed to get Hockey to e-1, and calls for us to chill the hell out. Read: town" Pav is giving Azeru townie points for 135

"But also establishes as somebody watching and tracking the game very closely. Read:scum" Pav is giving Azeru scummy points for this

"End result, I dunno. Neutral I guess" Since Pav has things that ping Azeru as scum and things that ping Azeru as town, they ended on neutral

Oh ok Yea I see now, I thought he formatted his comments like I tr Azeru <reasons> SR azeru : <nothing>. and at the very end, he Null read them. Okay well if thats the case azeru/pav probs arent partners but one of them is the 2nd scum
So, around this time, you had Azeru as a hard town read. If you were thinking either Pav or Azeru had to be scum, how come that didn't make you want to vote Pav?
Alright so as for , it was merely a meme.
If you were scum, you could be partners with about anybody tbh(except Strange(maybe))
Yes there is still a possibly of their being
1 scum between them
, but I am more confident in STD flipping scum(and being the 2nd mafia) rn so that is why I am pushing it more
Honestly, I'm not sure that quite answers my question: at
point, when you seemed sure that one of them was scum, and you were sure Azeru was town, why didn't you vote for or question Pav?
And then there's this, he went from thinking Azeru was the most town, to thinking Azeru was scumteam with Pav, then that either Azeru or Pav was scum (but not pushing either of them), to possibly both town. I don't follow how his reads developed there at all

Honestly, there's less there then I was thinking, and I'm going down to scum-leaning null, but to me it doesn't seem to add up

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:57 pm
by Lukewarm
I did the deep dive on Hockey like I promised.

I think that the biggest thing that concerns me is posts 89 and 124

In post 89, HockeyFan wrote:Ok so, I town read STD because of post#13. That post had the aura of being "I am town, I'm confident and I am going to win this game for town". My read switched on him because of posts #52 and #56 where he said "strangematter, i think haschel wants your attention" and "i just think haschel might know give a newbie a little slack when it comes to not answering". These 2 statements feel like very mafia partnery like to relieve some pressure

As of right now, Strangematter is a null read for me(maybe leaning scum), You are my strongest scum read, so does that mean i'm not allowed to see other pairs in partnership because fwiw the strangematter/STD pair seemed very likely. I was suspicious because I have 0 idea why STD Needs to intervene their. Like my SR'S rn are You -> STD -> StrangeMatter. Hope this helps. and btw, My read on u might change back to null soon based on the interactions between strange and STD
In post 124, HockeyFan wrote:Yea sorry about that should have clarified, the arrows in between STD and Strange dont necessarily mean "This person is wayyyyy scummier". I just used that list as "possible 3 scum fmpov". That list is interchangeable especially STD and Strange
They don't seem logically consistent. If (at the time) he thought std was town, except for this one partner interaction with Strange, then they automatically would not be interchangeable. STD would only be a scum read, after determining if Strange is scum... So this does feel a bit

That is not enough for him to suddenly be a scum read, but I do not like that.

Otherwise, there are several places that I did not agree with the logic he was using to give out reads, but did not find anything that he pointed out particularly scummy. - I don't know. It is hard to get my TR of him out of my head. Maybe it is a little weaker of a read after looking it over, but I think I am still leaning town here.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:15 pm
by Lukewarm
I think that I am at






Key take aways, Azeru has seemed a LOT townier recently, and I also think I am against a HC wagon. A lot of my suspicion on him comes from thinking he might have been trying to save Strange, so there is no reason to flip him before a Strange flip from my POV.

If people are against a Strange elim, then I could do an STD flip. I would expect more coming from his slot since he is an SE this game, but then he has also said he has irl stuff going on, so idk. Not planning on pushing here, but am willing to move there if it is the difference between a no-elim or not.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:26 pm
by StrangeMatter
Time to check some other people's ISOs, especially people I haven't heard much about so far.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:30 pm
by Haschel Cedricson
In post 845, StrangeMatter wrote:Time to check some other people's ISOs, especially people I haven't heard much about so far.
Start with Zyla's ISO, since you've only mentioned her once in this entire game.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:42 pm
by cyrus62
at this point if we elim a scum im tracking hockey tonight

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:14 pm
by Pavowski
[quote="In post 844, Lukewarm"]I think that I am at






This list

It's so


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:44 pm
by cyrus62
VOTE: StrangeMatter that is e1