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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:19 pm
by Gamma Emerald
T3 has played many games with me though
He should have enough to have a firsthand meta basis to form a meta tell

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:20 pm
by T3
In post 822, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 820, T3 wrote:
In post 729, Gamma Emerald wrote:okay
kinda curious what T3 is looking for from me, not saying he should have me as town but he started off saying he didn't know how to read what I was doing and hasn't really progressed past that
I just don't townread you.
Why though
You have meta tells for a lot of people; do you have one for me?
not yet
i just haven't really looked
also i don't really have meta tells for a lot of people, there was just that one game where i metad dgb and titus
also i barely pay attention to playstyle

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:22 pm
by Hella Jeff
In post 824, Hella Jeff wrote:{andante, T3, azaariah} are a tier below, but while all three of them are in wagons, honestly can't look at them badly right now, i think all of them have shown genuine conviction in game-specific topics
i'm aware this is super flow-charty! ill get that fixed eventually.................

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:31 pm
by T3
In post 758, Andante wrote:
In post 753, Something_Smart wrote:My point is you're scumreading me for my playstyle.

Please knock it off.

No, see, it's not exactly your playstyle, it's more, I sr one person, T3, think about interactions with people, such as you, and how you've interacted with T3, bam! I think Dwlee could be 3rd. Dwlee hasn't talked much, but T3 seems fascinated with Dwlee, bam!! IM PRO LEGGOOOOO T3/SS/Dwlee 3/3 gg. good game. game over.
In post 774, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 769, Andante wrote:I'll probably have to read into other team options before we flip someone today, but this is essentially how I get my reads, partner interactions. It's just hard when there's not a whole lot of interactions amongst people
Imo using partner interactions between unflipped players is... ambitious. It's not like it can't be made to work, but I usually don't see it accomplishing much especially early on.

But you do you, and I think this is the kind of content everyone wants to see from you. Just don't try to push me for something T3 did unless he's dead and flipped scum.

(And fwiw I agree that his meta read is really weird and eyebrow-raising. It reminds me of this. I would like to hear him elaborate on it if at all possible.)
you kinda seemed more enthusiastic in squid game - there's another layer to that i feel like though.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:36 pm
by Andante
In post 824, Hella Jeff wrote:
In post 816, Andante wrote:It's not jeff and gamma. hahahaha there is no way these 2 are partners, Jeff who are you thinking is town?
i'm still definitely content on townreading a50 and holiday, i think a50's play has felt pure and 'individual', as incredibly vague as those two terms are. i don't think it's something i can articulate without actually sitting down for it
i haven't called out every instance of it (but i can if asked) but i've melded with holiday more than once. lots of agreement, same reactions to specific posts its like god damn!

then i get below and it gets super shaky.
{andante, T3, azaariah} are a tier below, but while
all three of them are in wagons
, honestly can't look at them badly right now, i think all of them have shown genuine conviction in game-specific topics
and uh sure i'll take dwlee's claim at face value
that's my top 7
Ooh I really like this post, it's good, like, I think this single post sends you to the top of my TRs, it's just the way you answered my question, I really do like it, and I think I'm gonna look more into your TRs tomorrow, and if I have questions I'll ask, cause if I can figure out town, the scum pool gets smaller, and ultimately that's gonna make life so much easier. But I really do love how you answered "who's town" it's so much better than "well idk" which is how I feel some others would've answered. I also have this feeling with a handful of Holiday posts, like "Holiday has to be town" but like, it scares me, I'd almost bet it's the same posts as you, but there's certain posts that stand out a lot, I think that list and Something_Smart (ss sounds too much like a snake, and no snakes here! only fish) contains most if not all town, possibly norwee too. Then that leaves April, gamma, gerain, osuka, and in that I get good vibes from Gamma, osuka, I think was maf in the game I played, I need to check, but osuka seems to be almost identical to the last normal game I played, looking that up real quick... yes, osuka maf this game: and I think osuka is playing very similar, if not the same way. YOOOO I think we're on to something here!!!

hahaha sorry I just kept going, letting my brain flow, this is something I'm 100% revisiting tomorrow, but I did link the osuka maf game, however, I think a lot of it is just osuka's personality, so mehhh I don't think I ever SRed osuka that game hahaha ok goodnight yall!! I don't need to start going into Complex Mafia Theory tonight, cause let me tell yall... I could go on forever about some stupid thing. ahhhhh ok, agreeing with jeff, turned into a brain dump, and with that. Goodnight friends!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 3:57 pm
by April Ludgate
I’m all bout those good vibrations

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:02 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 807, Dwlee99 wrote:Wait y'all

I just realized

When people were townreading me why did no one mention I'm Miller

Seriously it was in my first post. Are y'all reading or just posting?
This is why you were in my green

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:03 pm
by April Ludgate
Somebody scum read me, I’ve got a magnetic body, and a bullet’s coming my way

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:06 pm
by April Ludgate
All I got is Hella Jeff, no clue where the other 2 are.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:07 pm
by Almost50
In post 830, April Ludgate wrote:I’m all bout those good vibrations

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:09 pm
by April Ludgate
I don’t think it’s Geraint, i don’t think it’s Dwlee.

If I had to make a bet on two, those would probably be the only ones I would, and even then, I’d be paranoid.

Norwegian feeling like town, Andante feeling like town to me. So does t3.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:10 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 834, Almost50 wrote:
In post 830, April Ludgate wrote:I’m all bout those good vibrations
Yee Yee, where you at, almost? I don’t have strong reads besides Hella Jeff

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:10 pm
by Almost50
In post 833, April Ludgate wrote:All I got is Hella Jeff, no clue where the other 2 are.
You sure have a funny read on that one, but I'm just bypassing for now

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:12 pm
by Almost50
In post 836, April Ludgate wrote:where you at, almost?
Hella Jeff, you, T3 & Andante Green. Everyone else I don't know.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:33 pm
by osuka
10 pages, sick
In post 551, osuka wrote:prepare yourselves

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:33 pm
by osuka
In post 567, Azaariah wrote:
In post 561, osuka wrote:
In post 480, Azaariah wrote:the number of long sentences i've wrote are far more and plentiful. if you really want to do this, address all of my posts on the case.
fuck off with the lamist please

VOTE: azaariah
how is this lamist?
In post 479, Something_Smart wrote:Just the number of short sentences underscoring the point makes it feel less likely genuine based on experience. Could just be stylistic, of course.
In post 480, Azaariah wrote:the number of long sentences i've wrote are far more and plentiful. if you really want to do this, address all of my posts on the case.
how is it not?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:34 pm
by osuka
In post 568, Azaariah wrote:the more i read that post of osukas, the more it doesn't make sense but it looks so scummy that i feel like it could just be town. osuka is basically saying that i openly said in thread that i am scum and pushing my scum buddy which makes no actual sense no matter how you think about it. no matter what my alignment is, it doesn't make sense. it feels like osuka isn't processing anything he himself says. i feel like erratic play like this does typically come from town though so im alright with a TR there.
the fact that you can't make sense of it doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. nice try though

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:35 pm
by osuka
In post 568, Azaariah wrote:the more i read that post of osukas, the more it doesn't make sense but it looks so scummy that i feel like it could just be town. osuka is basically saying that i openly said in thread that i am scum and pushing my scum buddy which makes no actual sense no matter how you think about it. no matter what my alignment is, it doesn't make sense. it feels like osuka isn't processing anything he himself says. i feel like erratic play like this does typically come from town though so im alright with a TR there.
like this is kind of a sad post. "oh this guy doesn't make sense and that's really scummy so obviously he's town right?"

either push me or don't, quit the noncommittal half-assed bullshit and let's all get on with your lives

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:36 pm
by osuka
In post 581, April Ludgate wrote:In my first reads list, I had T3 listed pretty low, because I thought the interactions between Hella Jeff, Spirit, and T3 were odd, and in between my first and second reads list, I highly expected T3 to become the fall wagon, and the wagon that scum was going to let town naturally jump on. There likely is a scum on that wagon, but I dont think there has to be more than 1. There can be, but yeah.

I also believe Hella Jeff to have been playing a highly political game since before I even posted, as he was one of the first players to establish any sort of position in the gamestate.

I also felt the tingles within Spirit/Hella Jeff talks and believed there to be scum in there, but wasn't sure where. I have started to lean town a bit more on Norwegian, which when he is scum, from what I remember, I was able to sniff that out pretty easily, but I don't believe I have enough experience with them, let alone recent experience, and I'm trying to not use meta in the first place.

VOTE: Hella Jeff
im interested in this because i that slot hasn't jumped out to me in that way, but it also hasn't jumped out to me as particularly genuine. i have a townlean there, but it's very weak. in what way is his game political?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:38 pm
by osuka
In post 606, April Ludgate wrote:Didn't expect to come back, tbh, but I was able to catch an NFT rug pull before it happened, and I found myself getting in the mood to catch some scum.
In post 288, osuka wrote:my sides are in orbit

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:39 pm
by osuka
In post 610, Azaariah wrote:andante has been online twice since everything (my cases) unfolded and the conversation is already rapidly shifting away in only a day. unless andante comes in and explains, i am not budging an inch off this wagon. if this flips town, i accept the blame and im sorry but this is just far too scummy to me at this point. i can't shake the feeling that andante is just scum and scum are trying to change the topic. i also think the wagon is mostly pure.
sad fucking angleshoot to top off a sad fucking push

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:41 pm
by osuka
In post 625, Andante wrote:I skimmed what I missed earlier, and the only things that really stood out:

A) Yall did absolutely nothing but call me scum?
B) Aza has ONLY talked about me all game. and is literally death tunneling me, and I'm not sure if there's good intentions behind it, cause at what point would town go "I will tunnel Andante till the end of time, and basically ignore reading anyone else here" like, even for me, there's a point I'll just step back go, ok, maybe this read is wrong, let me look elsewhere. And especially changing the reasoning towards the end to "omg Andante has been on the site!! this is a fake v/la" omg, I was on and didn't post... I wonder how it got announced I went v/la... almost like I had to tell someone... we're so smart over here.

I'm struggling to get a genuine read on Aa, cause I'm really likely to just turn around and tunnel those tunneling me when there's no logic to it... but come on!!! 2 whole days of "Andante not town!!!" dude, so we flip me now, then what? I flip green and you go all "can't be me!!!" cause I hate to break it to you, I'm not scum lmao
this has no substance whatsoever. what the fuck is the point of this post?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:42 pm
by osuka
In post 638, Andante wrote:
In post 533, T3 wrote:I just tried to meta ss and got nothing except general just different vibes between scum and town games. This game he’s got the *town vibe* so that’s good I guess?
lmao, does anyone here have a good iso?
i probably do, seeing as i am the oracle

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:43 pm
by osuka
In post 646, Andante wrote:
In post 641, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 640, Andante wrote:but I have a real strong suspicion the only "content" in 600 posts is "OMG ANDANTE HAS TO BE SCUM!!"
Do you have any other reads to talk about?
No cause there is literally nothing of significance. I still sr T3, like I did at the start, I saw April tried to explain the townyness or something, but I don't see it, and everyone else has been coasting/chilling and kinda joining the push on me for 0 reason.
are you saying you have nothing of significance to say, or that there's nothing of significance to discuss?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:45 pm
by osuka
In post 649, Andante wrote:
In post 645, Holiday wrote:
In post 642, Andante wrote:
In post 505, MegAzumarill wrote:Andante (2) NorwegianboyEE, T3

I demand reasons please Norwee and T3. Reasons said to my face are preferable. Thank you.
I am also voting you currently and have an explanation as to why. After you speak about other slots, you can visit that as well if you want.

Please share why I'm the best lim here. Like I don't mind going if it gets town closer to finding scum tomorrow, but limming me is giving no information lmao
piss poor

you SHOULD mind going regardless of what happens afterwards other than an instawin, because if you're town then you know you're town and you also know that the probability of town eating a -1 for free because you didn't defend yourself is exactly 1, instead than a random exec which is 1/player count