Page 34 of 329

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:07 pm
by skitter30
In post 577, Yeet wrote:Humaneatingmonkey is +town because I have never seen scum ask town to blanketly explain every single one of their 10+ reads off a casual readslist as their first entry into the game. I think it's easy to feel too self conscious as scum in that approach.

I think he has his own "method to his madness" so to speak (as we all do, to an extent).
No, this is a bad reason to townread people ...


Also i wanted to say: i like vpb's readlist, and i'm kinda townreading fire

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:07 pm
by skitter30
In post 581, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 579, fireisredsir wrote:what about the read list made you question it? i feel like that is a simple question that is at the crux of this debate and you still haven't given an answer to it
that she felt confident enough to have reads that early and that didn't seem possible to me because nothing was alignment indicative at that point. that's why i asked her to explain her POV.
How are you readinf yeet?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:08 pm
by Nordom
In post 822, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 819, Nordom wrote:
In post 816, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 809, Nordom wrote:Nah, what? Is this your "gut-read" push here, fire?
nah your reason for townreading monkey was bs, and it looks like you're refusing to commit any more words to it to avoid digging yourself a deeper hole because you know it's bs. and nah the cocky attitude isn't going to stop me from voting you
Then why didn't you just say that from the start? It took you voting me after all those replies to finally say that?
because as i said i wanted to give you a chance to clarify your words to see if I was misinterpreting. or if I wasn't, so that you would spell it out more clearly and commit to your reasoning. your refusal to do so is telling. like i said tho, it's not really that important of a point, i think you're maf for other things as well
What refusal? I've explained myself pretty clear here, I think. If you mean the "Make me" shit, I was just joshing around like the half-assed comedian I am.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:08 pm
by skitter30
Specifically in that they had several reads at that point, and i believe shared a readlist prior to ari iirc

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:10 pm
by skitter30
In post 590, VP Baltar wrote:I don't think that's an unreasonable argument for skitter to make fwiw. Something of that nature is much more likely to happen in pages 2-3 than it is to happen in pages 52-53.
Yeha this is what i was trying to say, but maybe i said it badly: scum-him can be very meticulous and planned and everything in general, but that doesnt mean an off-the-cuff vote from p3 has that same level of planning around it, as he probably didnt think it would get that much scrutiny in thr first place

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:12 pm
by skitter30
In post 607, DeasVail wrote:UNVOTE: Eyes without a face
I'm actually not liking his content through here, ehy'd you remove the vote?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:14 pm
by skitter30
In post 641, Nero Cain wrote:I want Yeet and Fire and Scorpious and Nordom dead
Why yeet and fire?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:14 pm
by Nordom
skitter30 wrote:I mean:
- i have a lot od content in the 20 pages i dont think you read
- yes when i'm catching up i'm going to focus on the people and things that are being talked abt, yes.
- i'm not really sure what you're objecting to or what you're trying to imply exactly
That's not really a satisfying response. I was in the same boat as well, I got ass-blasted with 20 pages in my face when I checked my role pm. But, it's not like I opted to check the popular players that were getting heat on them.

I will say this though. You haven't noted Wu, who has been this game's popular lynch and push of the game. I think that's something to note.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:14 pm
by Nordom
skitter30 wrote:I mean:
- i have a lot od content in the 20 pages i dont think you read
- yes when i'm catching up i'm going to focus on the people and things that are being talked abt, yes.
- i'm not really sure what you're objecting to or what you're trying to imply exactly
That's not really a satisfying response. I was in the same boat as well, I got ass-blasted with 20 pages in my face when I checked my role pm. But, it's not like I opted to check the popular players that were getting heat on them.

I will say this though. You haven't noted Wu, who has been this game's popular lynch and push of the game. I think that's something to note.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:15 pm
by Nordom
Of course I doubled posted.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:18 pm
by skitter30
Again, i'm catching up, and i'm talking abt the things that happened while i wasnt here, yes. To expect me to talk about thw people who arent here when i'm plainly still reading and dont know who they are is p silly

Also, i did talk abt wu, more than once actually ...

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:20 pm
by skitter30
Also i wouldnt call wu the game's populalar push of the game either, but if you think he is kinda doesnt make sense to accuse me of only talking abt popular players but ignoring him at the same time

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:21 pm
by Nordom
In post 835, skitter30 wrote:Again, i'm catching up, and i'm talking abt the things that happened while i wasnt here, yes. To expect me to talk about thw people who arent here when i'm plainly still reading and dont know who they are is p silly

Also, i did talk abt wu, more than once actually ...
I'm a bit confused. You said "To expect me to talk about the people who aren't here". Why would that matter? If they weren't browsing the game, why would it matter when you gave your read about them?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:22 pm
by skitter30
How am i supposed to know who isnt here if i'm still reading myself, and ehy should talking abt them be my priority?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:23 pm
by Nordom
In post 836, skitter30 wrote:Also i wouldnt call wu the game's populalar push of the game either, but if you think he is kinda doesnt make sense to accuse me of only talking abt popular players but ignoring him at the same time
Well, there's always the possibility of you and Wu being partners, but I felt like I had to point it out. If I genuinely thought that was the case, I would have just said so.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:24 pm
by skitter30
Again i talked abt him (i said i thouhht he was town and didnt want to flip him when nero was pushing that) so idk what your point is anyways

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:25 pm
by Nordom
In post 838, skitter30 wrote:How am i supposed to know who isnt here if i'm still reading myself, and ehy should talking abt them be my priority?
No, that wasn't what I was asking. You made the comment about "people who aren't here while you were reading" which just seemed weird to me. My point was, why would it matter to comment about people who weren't in the game to comment about them?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:26 pm
by Cape90
In post 457, DeasVail wrote:
In post 215, Cape90 wrote:
In post 207, DeasVail wrote:Why is that worth discussing? If Frogsterking is town should we not then be discussing other things?
I would assume you are the type of player who wants opinions on scumreads versus building a town circle. I understand this correctly?
Not especially. I was puzzled more because I did not think calling Frogsterking town was a particularly controversial statement.
Okay I am going to be honest, I didn't want to admit this.

But I thought when I joined somehow the thread was still at page 1. I was like "why has nobody posted for an hour?"
In post 486, Eyes without a face wrote:GOOD GOD. Twenty pages already?
Okay? It's not that many posts. Also why has Nordom made the same exact post?
In post 500, DeasVail wrote:VOTE: Eyes without a face

I’ll catch up on other stuff this afternoon
Nordom literally did the same thing that Eyes is doing and you decide to go one over the other? Like, yeah, it is kinda a scummy thing to do, but you aren't going to question it?
In post 504, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 501, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 208, Aristeia wrote:here is my way too early vibe list:

good vibes:

yeet, frogster, fire, skitter, datisi, std


gwu, cape90, deasvail,


tenebro, monkey
OK.. so I take it that I'm the worst player then, because while everyone is discerning reads I have no concrete feelings so far (in page 9) that I don't think I'd vote or defend anyone if my life depended on it.
it's a bullshit readslist that pinged me and it deserves more attention. what deserves even more attention is the way she OMGUSed me when I called her out on it.
So why are you not scum, this isn't convincing me at all.
In post 508, humaneatingmonkey wrote:even the "absence" and "ghosting" that she claims i did was another one of those accusations you make as scum because you have nothing else as ammo.

dude, it's been barely a day.
Hey look another one of those scumtells I like using in my head, look at that. It would be preferrable if like... you actually tried to do something outside of respond to Artesia. Okay if you dont want to that's fine too.
In post 523, VP Baltar wrote:I just finished reading through page 10, so I'm still in catch up. Here is kind of what I have for reads out of that so far:

- early attack on Yeet over game delay is tinfoil I'd expect from town FK
- wild noob read after wild noob read. Somewhat question if Yeet is not an alt though, in which case maybe this means nothing.
- has independent thought, calling out post 116 as bad is good. Also seems to not mind poking people, which I appreciate.
- Kind of like their pressure on Datisi, but think the over defense of tenesbro is unwarranted. This is probably closer to a null read than a townread in terms of confidence, but I like that she is mixing it up.
- probably town for finding frogster town and asking pretty open questions.
- I like her pressure and vote on monkey when he was being kind of ridiculous.

- commenting, but not doing a ton. Maybe lean townish.

- I find the hard scum read of tenesbro a little contrived, and possibly piling on to a popular opinion in thread.
- The whole intereaction with ari looks like monkey got over confident with a poke and couldn't explain the position.
what is a pretty open question? What does that read even mean?
In post 524, fireisredsir wrote:have kind of a hard time believing that monkey really thinks there's no way ari and datisi can be town here. this aggressive posturing feels a bit bluff-y to me
This begs the question of then do you think all 3 are mafia based off of this?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:26 pm
by skitter30
I dont know what you're asking me, i'm sorry

Pedit @Nordom

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:27 pm
by Nordom
In post 843, skitter30 wrote:I dont know what you're asking me, i'm sorry

Pedit @Nordom

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:28 pm
by Nordom
Cape, is there a reason my name was used for a point of reference? You scum-read me or something?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:29 pm
by skitter30
In post 841, Nordom wrote:My point was, why would it matter to comment about people who weren't in the game to comment about them?
I think something got crossed

You seem to have an expectation that i should be focusing on the inactive players

I'm saying: how am i supposed to know who you consider inactive in the time i wasnt here if i havent read the pages yet to see who did or did not post during that time period

I can comment on whoever whether or not they'll see it, that isnt a problem
Does that make more sense? Otherwise i need you to reword your question because i dont understand what you're asking

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:32 pm
by skitter30
In post 732, fua wrote:I want to TR VPB by playstyle but his takes aren't very good.
Which takes dont you like?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:33 pm
by Nordom
In post 846, skitter30 wrote:
In post 841, Nordom wrote:My point was, why would it matter to comment about people who weren't in the game to comment about them?
I think something got crossed

You seem to have an expectation that i should be focusing on the inactive players

I'm saying: how am i supposed to know who you consider inactive in the time i wasnt here if i havent read the pages yet to see who did or did not post during that time period

I can comment on whoever whether or not they'll see it, that isnt a problem
Does that make more sense? Otherwise i need you to reword your question because i dont understand what you're asking
No, no ,no. My point wasn't "Well, why isn't he looking at inactive or players with few posts if he's town?". I just found it interesting that was the 3 you latched onto, considering those were players who are of interest in discussion, Wu withstanding.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:34 pm
by skitter30
I mean yes i'm going to talk abt people who are being talked abt, i dont really know what else to say abt this