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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:46 pm
by osuka
In post 656, Andante wrote:
In post 648, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 642, Andante wrote:
In post 505, MegAzumarill wrote:Andante (2) NorwegianboyEE, T3

I demand reasons please Norwee and T3. Reasons said to my face are preferable. Thank you.

*Moves uncomfortably close to your face and whispers"

"...I think you've been scummy buddy"

Ok what part? the fact I was busy for 2 days? wow real life happened. so scummy. Trying to ask why someone had a different read than me? so scummy.
are you trying to get executed?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:46 pm
by osuka
In post 659, Hella Jeff wrote:
In post 644, MegAzumarill wrote:Azaariah (2) osuka, Gamma Emerald
azaariah wagon giving me the creeps ngl
it's just gamma trying to pocket me, dont worry too much about it

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:47 pm
by osuka
In post 665, Andante wrote:Ok, I'm ignoring these people deadset on tunneling me, whatever, Jeff I'll answer you in a sec, Holiday/Norwee do not seem to have good intentions at all right now

also, I troly appreciate waiting for me to enter to pounce on me and attack me for all the wrong I've done. How I talk? this is me, it's how I play, if you hate it? not my problem
this is dogshit
In post 652, Holiday wrote:I’m also not eliminating for information, but to kill scum. If you’re town, can you please give us something to work with/dialogue more on?
@andante this question needs answering. get your head out of your ass please

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:48 pm
by osuka
In post 675, Andante wrote:"I expect you to come back with perfect reads" yeah right. whatever.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:50 pm
by osuka
In post 679, Andante wrote:oh. my. freaking. goodness.... I HAVE SAID IT LIKE 20 TIMES ALREADY....
no you didn't actually, not in any degree of detail. you just said nothing happened without even elaborating as to what that refers to

fucking elaborate and have a conversation and people will probably consider getting off your ass

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:50 pm
by osuka
In post 694, Andante wrote:Gamma town, I love Gamma so much right now, SS is fairly good too, they're the only ones trying to let me breathe and not death tunnel me... notice how everyone appeared after I entered? yeah waiting to attack... like sharks in this ocean... bye bye sharks

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:51 pm
by osuka
In post 702, geraintm wrote:
In post 664, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 654, Andante wrote:idk, like an actual push on someone for a legit reason...
What makes a reason legit?
its day 1, there ar eno legit reasons
dude are you like the day 1 equivalent of a nihilist? "nothing's legit, everyone's just making shit up anyways who cares"

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:52 pm
by osuka
In post 707, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I think the point about Azaar not having done anything except just talking about Andante is interesting, but i fail to see it really being all that scummy.
Focusing on a single player isn't an inherently scummy trait.
yeah but deathtunneling a player on almost no sort of concrete basis is pretty sketchy, isn't it?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:53 pm
by osuka
In post 713, T3 wrote:i feel like osuka might be ranked higher and i might have overcompensated because funny doesn't necessarily equal town

i just realized this post sounds really rambly so don't try to ask what it means
ranked higher for exec or town?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:57 pm
by osuka
actually im gonna point out here that andante is just straight townposting on page 30

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:57 pm
by osuka
In post 748, Azaariah wrote:
In post 742, Andante wrote:
In post 733, Azaariah wrote:so you just randomly change your mind on reads over time?
What are you trying to get at?? I was referring to, if all I have done is tunnel someone, I'll take a step back and think about if I'm tunneling to tunnel and win an argument, or if I actually think that person is scummy
its not tunneling if the person isn't there....
it's just discussing the read with others
in order: yes it is and no it isn't

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:58 pm
by osuka
In post 749, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 745, Andante wrote:I think SS here is kinda suspicious, like the way he was asking me questions/whatnot, just enough to be like "hey I'm contributing" but honestly, he's always here, yet never seems to have significant thoughts, seems to avoid any major conversation, mostly tried to stay out of aza/I.. idk something seems off about ss
The irony of you whining about people attacking you for playstyle and then posting this.
this ticks me off in a really wrong way. ss knows better than to do this shallow of a misrep, which makes this look like a knee-jerk reaction to a really good point from a player that's in a vulnerable position in such a way that it would probably be overlooked

taking note of this because i havent seen a lot else of weird shit from this slot but this is definitely in that ballpark

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:03 pm
by osuka
In post 759, Azaariah wrote:ok everyone chill. page 27 is painful to read. please guys.
i am absolutely torn right now. i feel like andante's emotions are genuine but i will feel horrible if i let scum slip by me like that. i'm going to take a break and think. can everyone leave andante alone for a little bit? i am really stressed over all of this. i feel like this is my fault. please everyone just shut your laptop and take some deep breaths. let this thread breathe.

it's painful to see these emotions because i genuinely feel the anger and almost, betrayal seep through my desktop but i am also so weak to ate. i need some time.
cheap flop isn't it?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:16 pm
by Something_Smart
In post 861, osuka wrote:this ticks me off in a really wrong way. ss knows better than to do this shallow of a misrep
What's the misrep?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:53 pm
by Azaariah
In post 784, Andante wrote:
In post 775, Azaariah wrote:i actually have to go right now but i thought it was getting tense again so posted that. i'll be back tomorrow. i have a ton of things of do tonight.
I am slightly concerned by aza... Like, I'm here, Aza's entire game has been dedicated to going "Andante scum!!" Asked everyone to be quiet while they caught up, then has to leave again. Like, nothing wrong with leaving, but, I'm here now? did you want me? hello? darkness my old friend.... Also usually when people say they're rereading, they'll say SOMETHING about what they read, like, give some sort of takeaway from it. kinda suspicious if I do say so, now. who would the partners possibly be is the real question
it was pretty clear there was a misunderstanding. no reason to shade that. yeah i did want you but i'm very busy right now. do you happen to think i'd be afraid of you and that's why im avoiding the thread or what is your theory here because no theory here makes any sense except the straight up fact that i am busy. usually when people are reading, they'll take some time and if they didn't finish reading, they will not say anything. i haven't read up from 67 i believe? to the last time i posted. i read a couple pages after i posted but that is the extent to which i've read.
In post 785, Andante wrote:Ok, but here's the issue on that, I don't even strongly believe Aza maf? like, I'm looking at this giant case on me, super early on. is this normal for aza? Like ughhh hang on, need to go meta read Aza for 1 hour 16 minutes, just to see, like, I sensed some genuine towniness like "
oh... Andante is back, maybe they are town
" idk!! this leaving thing, and saying nothing about anything read is odd to me, not gonna lie
i did not say that. please dont make it seem like my posts were contentless.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:11 pm
by osuka
In post 807, Dwlee99 wrote:Wait y'all

I just realized

When people were townreading me why did no one mention I'm Miller

Seriously it was in my first post. Are y'all reading or just posting?
In post 809, Dwlee99 wrote:Is it cause I was just a miller
top tier shitposting

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:15 pm
by Azaariah
im not caught up at this point but what i have to say is that although i do think it's a possibly that andante is town now (unlike previously), i still believe that is the optimal elimination today. there's a couple reasons i have for this but i do think a clear cut andante flip brings clarity to a lot of questions. i think it helps shut down future speculation that is useless noise and i dont think andante staying in the game helps town even if they do happen to be town here (based on this gamestate and other factors). my last point is that andante has posted posts saying "it's ok if i die today if it's good for town" so that just means the slot is vt or scum. i dont see the harm in taking a gamble on a high information flip that cant be a town pr and might even be scum.

to anyone who scum reads andante and myself, that doesn't make sense. all of my posts have been calling andante scum and had i been the one interacting with andante when they just got back, there would be even more posts calling them scum. creating an environment that feels, even if it is not entirely, a 1v1 between myself and a scum buddy is possibly the worst situation to put myself in on day 1 as scum. and lets just say you still believe we're scum together, ok since you believe that so firmly, it doesn't matter which scum dies first right? help me bus my buddy.

to anyone who scum reads me and not andante. andante's green flip brings me a lot of pressure tomorrow and as scum, that's not optimal for day 2. andante's green flip would attract investigative my way tonight as well as put me under a lot of pressure tomorrow. i could be slightly shading andante or simply hopping on t3 here instead. and let's say t3 is my scum buddy. the first person i look to as a "LHF" slot to tunnel, is still not andante.

i am absolutely willing to 1v1 andante here because i believe andante is a valuable flip that brings clarity to the game. i am fully willing to take responsibility and be subject to pages and pages of questioning tomorrow if this flips town. i think an andante flip today is the optimal choice.

from a gamestate perspective, i think andante elim benefits town in every scenario there could possibly be. to anyone that trusts that i am town, let me lead this wagon. even if it is wrong, it is lead by town and finding scum on the wagon is an easier job if you believe it is lead by town. i am not offering myself up as the elim tomorrow if andante flips town but i am willing to be on the cutting board. im willing to be the person that people blame. i know this may not help but i do think that an andante flip is very valuable here especially over someone like t3. what do we gain from a flip like that?

but what do we gain from an andante flip? well we know that if they are scum, a number of people like t3, holiday, april, and myself are somewhat cleared.
if they are town, we reanalyze the wagon and everyone's reasons for joining. we look at the resistance as well and try to find where scum ended up positioning themselves.
we gain more from an andante flip than any other flip today.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:15 pm
by Azaariah
aza out.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:21 pm
by osuka
In post 823, Andante wrote:omg woah Gamma!! You have 59 THOUSAND posts?? wow... That is crazy lol I should definitely be able to go read past games to help figure out your alignment :)
should only take about 1 hour 14 minutes to do it if youre quick

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:27 pm
by osuka
In post 863, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 861, osuka wrote:this ticks me off in a really wrong way. ss knows better than to do this shallow of a misrep
What's the misrep?
she's attacking content, not style. are you saying your style is to not post anything she'd classify as "significant thoughts"?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:32 pm
by osuka
i want to reply to 866 but that post has enough content that it warrants a long-ish response that i truly cannot write in the present moment because ive been putting off eating for two hours so my head hurts and my stomach is a void where no light can escape

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:33 pm
by Something_Smart
In post 869, osuka wrote:she's attacking content, not style. are you saying your style is to not post anything she'd classify as "significant thoughts"?
Very likely, yeah.

Style is a bit of an ambiguous term, but I would say that someone's playstyle is embodied in how they make content. I don't see the two as opposites.

Semantics aside, her description fits the majority of my games as both alignments.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:09 pm
by Gamma Emerald
I was half-tempted to think az and andante could be buddies but az trying to cull that idea apropos of nothing makes it actually feel more likely

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:19 pm
by geraintm
In post 719, T3 wrote:what if andante is just another wiki?
oh no......

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:28 pm
by Gamma Emerald
andante seems less willfully ignorant than wiki