CoheedCambria09 -
tubby216 -
DrippingGoofball -
Not voting: hasdgfas
With 5 alive, it will take 3 to lynch.
Please explain how my wanting your lynch real bad and believing that YOU may be investigation-immune makes me a godfather.CoheedCambria09 wrote: DGB's constant yelling _t m_ makes me think he is the godfather, though. I suppose I must Vote:DGB, then.
Please explain why you are demanding that Nat unvotes me, and then you yourself vote me in the same post.CoheedCambria09 wrote:Nat: Unvote.
Please explain that reason.CoheedCambria09 wrote: I have reason to believe that tubby's role is true. However,
Oh now you also have investigative powers?CoheedCambria09 wrote:.I will investigate him tonight just in case
2. DoomCowMayor wrote:You are themayor.
(A) You can pardon a lynched player to stop their execution, converting it to a no-lynch. You must use this ability during the day or within 24 hours after a lynch. You can't stop a lynch on yourself.
(S) If Korts (the mayor's wife) dies, you commit suicide immediately.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
3. NatirashaJack of All Trades wrote:You are ajack of all trades.
(A) You learn the target player's alignment. You can only use this ability once.
(A) You kill the target player. You can only use this ability once.
(A) You roleblock the target player, preventing their active and passive abilities from working that night. You can only use this ability once.
(A) You protect the target player from a single active or passive ability that would kill them that night. You can only use this ability once.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
Traitor wrote:You are atraitor.
(S) If the mafia would kill you, you instead become a Mafioso aligned with the mafia.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated and you haven't been recruited.
5. ScatteredMafioso wrote:You are amafioso. Your teammate is DrippingGoofball. You may talk with your buddy at night at
(A) You kill the target player, but only if no one else on your team uses this ability.
(W) You win when your team can't be eliminated, even if you're dead.
6. farside22Governor wrote:You are thegovernor.
(A) You can pardon a lynched player to stop their execution, converting it to a no-lynch. You must use this ability during the day or within 24 hours after a lynch. You can't stop a lynch on yourself.
(A) All active and passive actions targeting you this night fail. You can only use this ability once.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
7. CoheedCambria09Role Cop wrote:You are arole cop.
(A) You learn the target player's role name.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
Squashed Banana wrote:You are asquashed banana.
(W) You win whensquashed banana.
9. ViUnrequited Lover wrote:You are anunrequited lover.
(S) If farside22 dies, you commit suicide immediately.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
10. SpyreXTownie wrote:You are atownie.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
11. The InternetSecret Agent wrote:You are asecret agentwith themafia. Your teammate is tubby216. You may talk with your buddy at night at
(A) You kill the target player, but only if no one else on your team uses this ability.
(A) You roleblock the target player, preventing their active and passive abilities from working that night.
(P) The first time you kill a player, you gain all their abilities, but not their win condition.
(W) You win when your team can't be eliminated, even if you're dead.
12. DrippingGoofballCoward wrote:You are acoward.
(A) All active and passive actions targeting you this night fail. You can only use this ability once.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
13. KortsGodfather wrote:You are themafia godfather. Your teammate is Crazy. You may talk with your buddy at night at
(A) You kill the target player, but only if no one else on your team uses this ability.
(S) You can't be day or night killed, although you can be lynched.
(S) You will show up as an innocent Townie to cops.
(W) You win when your team can't be eliminated, even if you're dead.
14. tubby216Mayor's Wife wrote:You are themayor's wife.
(S) If MafiaSSK (the mayor) dies, you commit suicide immediately.
(W) You win when all the scum are eliminated, even if you're dead.
15. ZazieRDirty Cheater wrote:You are adirty cheaterwith themafia. Your teammate is SpyreX. You may talk with your buddy at night at
(A) You kill the target player, but only if no one else on your team uses this ability.
(P) You learn a random role PM from the setup, but not who has it.
(S) You are unaffected by active and passive abilities except for kills.
(W) You win when your team can't be eliminated, even if you're dead.
Ballot Thief wrote:You are aballot thiefallied with themafia.
(A) Choose two target players. The first has one fewer vote than normal the next day, and the second has one more vote than normal.
(W) You win when the mafia wins, even if you're dead.