You are Lucille Bluth, feeling that the SEC is closing in on your family, you make the wise decision to testify against them. With no open bar or plastic surgeons on call in prison, you would rather live your days out without family (especially GOB) than in prison. You have convinced George Sr. (zu_faul) to testify with you along with Barry Zuckerkorn’s (pablito) help You win when the mafia has a majority left in the town. (mafia godfather)
You are Barry Zuckerkorn, the not so good lawyer for the Bluths. Lucille (PBuG) and George Bluth (zu_faul) have decided that they will testify against the rest of their family in exchange for immunity and have enlisted your help. Since you are the lawyer, each night you can choose to have the SEC watch a family member so they cant do anything at night, but because you aren’t smooth at all, you risk exposing yourself. You win when the mafia has a majority left in the town. (mafia roleblocker)
I have given the mafia one safe claim.That being Buster Bluth.
You are George ‘GOB’ Oscar Bluth Jr. As founder of the Magicians Alliance you use your illusions (not tricks, tricks are what hookers do for coke) to entertain. However, you can use your illusions on the SEC officers to prevent them from taking somebody into a back room once a night (doctor). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are Michael Bluth. The only really stable member of the entire family, the family trusts you more than anyone else. You can use this trust to your advantage to by discrediting anybody at night, twice. Use it wisely (two shot vig). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are George Michael Bluth and you are loyal to your family to the end. In fact, you love your family Maeby a little too much. Your thoughts are consumed with your cousin, Maeby Funke and each night you search for her and she searches for you. If either of you find the other, you form a mason group and may talk at night. You are completely certain that she is not an informant. (potential mason). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are Maeby Funke and you are loyal to the family to the end. You have more important things than informing to the SEC, such as obtaining the movie rights to the case. Since you are bored with most of the family, each night you go out and search for your cousin, George Michael, and maybe you will let him go to second base. If either of you finds the other, you form a mason group and can talk at night. You are completely certain that he is not an informant. (potential mason). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are Tobias Funke actor and former analrapist. You know that saving the family is all up to you so you are reverting to your best role, that of blue man. After you blue yourself each night, you can follow someone secretly and see who their actions target for that night (tracker). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are Lindsey Bluth-Funke political activist, whenever you can get the money from the family at least. Each night you can use your ability to flirt with the SEC to find out whether or not someone is indeed a member of the informants. (cop). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated..
You are Annyong Bluth. You were adopted by Lucille and George Sr., but in reality, you are the grandson of the Korean immigrant that the Bluth Company bankrupted years ago. You promised your grandfather that you would get those dirty Bluths back. And now is your chance. Forget discrediting the family, you want old fashioned revenge. Each night, except the first, you have the option of killing someone, making your grandfather proud. (serial killer). You win when all others have been eliminated.
You are Oscar Bluth. You don’t have a care in the world and your long luxurious hair only proves it. You are becoming increasingly agitated because your confinement has cut off your supply of sweet Mary Jane. However, you smuggled in just enough for one last high. One night you can choose to smoke the Afternoon Delight and it will put you in such a high, that you will have to be put in solitary confinement for the night meaning you can’t be dragged away. (vanilla townie – one night of immunity). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.
You are Steve Holt, Super jock and 7th year senior. You just recently found out that you were a part of this crazy family. However, once you see how loaded they are, you are working just as hard as the rest to discredit those informants. (vanilla townie). You win when all anti-town roles have been eliminated.